"What shall we do?" he asked.

  After Tang Wanmin watched the battle video, he frowned but said nothing.

  After a long time.

  He said, "You are the director of the Monster Abnormality Bureau, and you are in charge of all matters related to monsters. Tell me, what do you want to do?".

  Wu Wenlong pondered for a while.

  He said: "First of all, I think we should have friendly contact with these extraordinary people, first determine their intentions, and see if they have any malicious intent!"


  He continued: "Secondly, if these extraordinary beings are really sleeping, we can look for places with strong mythological colors across the country, and maybe we can get some unexpected gains from these places!"

  Speaking of which, he suddenly stopped.

  His face seemed hesitant to speak.

  "Just say whatever you want."

  Tang Wanmin said.

  "at last......."

  Wu Wenlong took a deep breath.

  He said solemnly: "I think we can use the skeleton of the mysterious monster that we excavated from the ancient site of Tianxingdui a while ago!".

  "go on."

  Tang Wanmin said.

  Wu Wenlong said: "I have tested it, and the hardness of the monster's skeleton is beyond imagination. Even missiles can't blow it up, even our sharpest alloy war knife, or the highest temperature energy weapon, Can't even leave a trace on that skeleton!"


  He looked serious: "So I think we can use the skeleton of this monster as the main body to create a mechanical monster that belongs to our Great Xia Kingdom!".

  As soon as the words came out.

  The atmosphere in the office was a little quiet. Tang Wanmin was pacing back and forth with his hands on his back, showing a thoughtful look on his face. Obviously, he had a hard time deciding.

  after all.

  The skeletons of monsters excavated from the ancient site of Tianxingdui are of great research value, and their importance is self-evident, but this proposal by Wu Wenlong.

  But really attractive.

  Think about it for a minute.

  Tang Wanmin stopped.

  He said, "How sure are you that you can create it?"

  "Ha ha."

  Wu Wenlong smiled lightly: "Your Majesty, although our mecha technology cannot be called the world's top, but the robot manufacturing technology is definitely the world's top!"

  "Therefore, I have absolute certainty that I can turn that mysterious monster skeleton into a [-]-meter giant, invulnerable mechanical monster!"

  Speaking of which.

  He said: "If I fail, I am willing to bear all the losses and consequences for this, but if it succeeds, then I will add another weapon to the Great Xia Kingdom, right?".

  "it is good!"

  Tang Wanmin smiled and said, "Then do what you said. Just tell me what resources you need. All our departments can make way for your plan!"

  He said: "But I only have one condition, that is, the sooner the construction is completed, the better! After all, the world today is undergoing unprecedented changes, and our country is also facing unprecedented changes. If it can be successfully built..."

  Speaking of which.

  He couldn't help laughing and said, "As you said, this so-called mechanical monster will be a great weapon for us. However, have you thought about the name of this mechanical monster? You have to give this plan a name, right?" .

  "I've already thought about it!"

  Wu Wenlong grinned and said: "Since the mural in the bronze hall says that the lizard-like monster is called Godzilla, and the skeleton of this monster is obviously Godzilla's skeleton, then we simply call the plan... ..."

  He said, "Project Mechagodzilla!".



  ps: The fifth update!

  Thanks to the big guy [Ran Zhixing] for his 100vip reward and reminder~~~

  There are also updates.

  Continue to ask for flowers for evaluation tickets~~~.

Chapter 53

  [Shock value +4]

  [Excited value +6]

  [Fear value +5]

  [Anger value +4]


  He You, who had already returned home, had system prompts constantly appearing in front of his eyes.

  [Host]: He You.

  [g cell]: [-].

  [Strength]: Level 5 extraordinary.

  [Skills]: Incandescent light, world shift, global launch.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monster]: Godzilla.

  [Emotional Value]: 5882 million+.

  "Is it more than fifty million..."

  He You couldn't help but slightly twitched the corners of his mouth. It seemed that this time when others appeared before him and killed the violent beast, it did cause a lot of shock in the Great Xia Kingdom.

  by his estimate.

  His mood value can definitely rise again, reaching [-] million should not be a problem.

  thought here.

  He rubbed his chin and muttered: "Since my emotional value is almost sufficient now, then it's time to create a second monster spectacle!".


  It just so happens that you can exchange for the second monster!


  Thinking of this, He You was in a dilemma: "Which is the second monster to exchange for? Pretty King Kong? Or Behemoth or Raton?".

  As for the so-called cosmic dinosaur Hypageton, or the earthly giant python Yemengad, or the black emperor Nidhogg, and Gatanjie, these monsters, he will not think about them for the time being, mainly because of his The emotional value of 's is not that much at all, any of these monsters.

  At least it has hundreds of millions of emotional values!

  Many even cost more than ten billion!

  He can't redeem it.

  Right now, he is pressed for time, and it is impossible to say that in order to exchange for these really terrifying monsters, it is obviously impossible to save emotional points.


  He You frowned and thought about it for a long time. In the end, he decided to build Skull Island first, and then exchange the handsome boy King Kong.

  Wait for him to use Skull Island and King Kong to harvest another wave of emotional values.

  He would then go to exchange for other monsters, such as Raton, the two-fifth boy, or Mothra, the queen of monsters, or to create the wonders of Luluye and Gatanjee.

  After thinking about it.

  He You's thoughts moved, and a chaotic small world appeared in front of him. This was a small space he exchanged from the system to create monster wonders. After the wonders were created, they could be placed directly.

  "Build an island that looks like a skull first."

  He You's thoughts moved, and he followed his words. An island that resembled a skull immediately appeared in the small chaotic space. The island gave people a feeling of being isolated from the world and full of ancient atmosphere, but it was equally beautiful as a paradise.

  "Another ancient race appeared."

  He raised his hand and waved, and a group of indigenous races that seemed to come from the ancient times appeared on Skull Island, with mysterious lines smeared on their faces.


  He You also endowed the indigenous people with extremely strong physical qualities.

  Done with this.

  He thought about it.

  He thinks that this is obviously not enough. He still needs to exchange many monsters, so that the entire Skull Island presents a unique ecosystem.


  He opened the system mall and directly found the monster column.

  Then start spending emotion points to buy various monsters.

  There are many mysterious monsters such as Icarus Wing, Knife-ridged Jackal, Rock Sacred Tiger, Swamp Giant Squid, Horrific Vulture, Lonely Reef Bull Demon, Long-legged Mother Monster, etc. These monsters are ancient monsters native to Skull Island.

  of course.

  In addition to these, it is natural to have something from the inner world...

  Skeleton reptiles!

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