As well as King Kong, the patron saint of Skull Island, the King Kong level that was exchanged was directly the ruined city level. Just to exchange one King Kong, it cost He You a full [-] million emotional points to build the whole perfect Skull Island organ.

  A total of [-] million emotional points were spent on He You!


  Looking at the sharply reduced emotional value again, He You couldn't help but sighed helplessly: "I have become poor again, I hope Skull Island and Pretty Boy can bring me good benefits, otherwise, I don't know when I will be able to take my queen. Mothra, or monsters like Jaden, exchange them!"


  He rubbed his chin and muttered: "However, the importance of this time Skull Island is extremely important, and it is related to the huge foreshadowing of the [Earth Inner World]!".

  But don't think about it.

  Creating a geocentric world is obviously a huge project.

  The many mysterious monsters involved, or all kinds of ancient humans, etc., obviously require huge and rigorous ideas.

  But he believed.

  The whole world will be shocked when the mysterious world of the inner world comes into existence!

  "Then next."

  He You smiled lightly and said, "Let's use the Sky Eagle Federation as a tool to brush up on the emotional value."

  Say it.

  He directly dropped Skull Island into the waters of the Sky Eagle Federation.



  ps: Sixth more!

  Click on the lower right corner, there will be a surprise (smile).


  It's the end of the month.

  Tomorrow will be April. For the sake of sending out my wife's private photos for everyone to appreciate, I would like to ask for a wave of precious monthly tickets in everyone's hands!


Chapter 54

  2021 5 Month 1 Day.

  Eight in the morning.

  Eagle Federation.


  In the President's Office, the elegantly and luxuriously decorated room looked extremely depressing and heavy, and O'Lincoln and many other ministers all had extremely low expressions on their faces.


  Orlinn took a deep breath.

  He said: "Don't be so silent, let's talk about what you want to say, such as the weakness of the monster, or what should we do next?".

  A cabinet minister said in a deep voice: "Although the sacrifice of Admiral Esmond is very regrettable, his hiss has brought us great value, that is...that monster, it It's not unkillable!"

  He said: "I must have watched the battle video of the Battle Angel mech and the monster. The monster has a very obvious flaw!"


  He continued: "That's why it's too slow!".

  "go on."

  O'Lincoln said.

  The minister nodded and said: "Therefore, we can develop a mecha specifically for monsters for this point. This mecha needs to have super power, agility and flexibility, as well as weapons that can cut through the flesh of monsters. , such as high-energy laser blades or alloy war knives!"


  O'Lincoln nodded: "This proposal is good. I suggest that the plan to build the mecha should be handed over to Area 91 to build it. Those old guys like to study all kinds of strange things, and tell them what they need, just say it!".

  "Dong dong dong."

  But at this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

  "Please come in."

  O'Lincoln said.

  Door open.

  A blond man in a black suit came in.

  After taking a look at the ministers present, he looked at O'Lincoln and said respectfully, "Mr. President, I think you must be very interested in this image in my hand!".

  " to take a look."

  The blond man nodded, then he connected the notebook in his hand to the big screen in the office, and then he opened the video of the notebook.

  A picture suddenly appeared on the dark big screen.

  But on the boundless ocean, a huge thunder and lightning storm roared one after another. Above the storm, black clouds covered thousands of miles of sea, the sky was gloomy, and there were streaks of golden lightning in the storm, constantly tearing The sky was torn apart, and the wind howled like an angry dragon.

  The thunder and lightning storm is spinning, as if to tear everything around!


  After reading it, O'Lincoln and many other ministers looked at each other in dismay. They could see shock and suspicion on each other's faces, and felt extremely shocked in their hearts.

  "What is this?"

  A minister frowned: "When did such a thunderstorm appear in our territorial waters? Why didn't our radar detect it before?".


  The blond man pondered: "We detected that this thunderstorm exudes some kind of energy. It should be this mysterious energy that shielded our radar detection, which caused us to never discover its existence before!"


  He continued: "And now, the reason why our radar can detect this thunderstorm is because the mysterious energy surrounding the thunderstorm is now on a weakening trend."

  He looked at O'Lincoln and said, "Mr. President, I also want to say that we have seen through satellite radar that there is a mysterious island in the center of this thunderstorm, and the storm is a world of its own!"


  As soon as this statement came out, O'Lincoln and others were shocked, and everyone looked at each other in disbelief. O'Lincoln asked, "Can you see the scene inside?".

  "I'm sorry sir."

  The blond man shook his head and said, "This is the clearest picture we can observe, so sir, what should we do now?".

  "What's your opinion?"

  O'Lincoln looked at the other ministers, and those ministers were chatting with each other, and then nodded at O'Lincoln in unison. O'Lincoln said in a deep voice:

  "Since this mysterious thunder and lightning storm is within the territorial waters of our Sky Eagle Federation, then we naturally have to photograph our powerful fleet to find out!"


  He hummed: "The ancient ruins of the Tianxingdui civilization excavated by the Daxia Kingdom a while ago, they must have obtained some clues from it that we don't know, so of course, our Tianying Federation has no reason to lag behind them!".

  He is not stupid.

  First, monsters appeared, and they defeated their warships one after another, and then the Daxia Kingdom dug up a huge mysterious monster skeleton from the ancient ruins of Tianxingdui.

  After that, the monsters landed in Jinshan City, and then the mysterious superhumans fought monsters in Phoenix Mountain in Wu'an City, Daxia Country. All these signs show that the world today is obviously facing unprecedented changes!

  He didn't have to think about it to know that not only the Great Xia Kingdom, but also the Sand Bear Empire or the Western Sky Alliance, the Peacock Kingdom, etc., other countries must have already begun to take action, searching for major mysterious relics around the world.

  Or a place with a strong legend!

  Their purpose is clear.

  Naturally, it is to prepare for the upcoming world change!


  Of course, the Sky Eagle Federation can't be left behind. If they can get some useful clues or something from the mysterious world in the thunder and lightning storm, this will undoubtedly be of great value to them.

  "Pass my order."

  Orinco stood up.

  He said indifferently: "Order the [-]rd Air Force Mecha Corps and the [-]th Mecha Corps under the Pacific Fleet to immediately set off tomorrow to go to the mysterious island world in the thunderstorm to find out, be sure to bring something back!".


  The ministers said in a deep voice.



  ps: The first update.

  In the new January, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! .

Chapter 55

  There is a mysterious thunderstorm in the Pacific Ocean, and the news that the storm is a mysterious small world can't be concealed. After all, the satellites of the big countries are extremely advanced nowadays, and it was almost not long after Skull Island was discovered in the Sky Eagle Federation.

  The satellite radars of many major countries such as the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sand Bear Empire, and the Western Sky Alliance naturally discovered the existence of the mysterious Skull Island without exception.


  The countries did not say anything. After all, Skull Island appeared in the territorial waters of the Sky Eagle Federation, and foreign countries naturally had no qualifications to point fingers at it.

  But even so.

  Satellites of various countries have long been aimed at the center of the thunderstorm.

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