Nichols said solemnly.

  The huge fleet was sailing towards the center of the storm. After about half an hour, Irene and the others saw that the front gradually became brighter.

  This means they are about to cross a thunderstorm.


  Nichols said.


  The fleet sailed at full speed.

  Two minutes.

  Everyone just felt that their eyes suddenly lit up, and many people couldn't adapt to the sudden strong light, so they couldn't help but close their eyes, when everyone reacted.

  All of them looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

  But seeing an island world full of mystery and primitive atmosphere suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone, huge islands, tall green primitive ancient trees growing on the islands, and strange birds flying in groups in the air.

  A waterfall like the Milky Way crashed into the sea.

  The whole mysterious island gives people a paradise, like a fairyland on earth. This beautiful scene made everyone present stunned.


  Looking at the beautiful island world ahead, Irene's beautiful face was full of amazement and shock, and she swore that she had never seen such a beautiful sight.


  Rao, because of the nature of the major general Nicholas, couldn't help but sigh with shock at this moment: "It's hard to imagine that there is such a mysterious and beautiful world inside the apocalyptic thunder and lightning storm!"

  He said, "Did God create this?".


  Irene looked at Nichols and said, "Tell your soldiers not to destroy everything on the island at will. This mysterious island is very valuable for research!"

  "I know that."

  Nichols said with a smile: "After all, we are not here for conquest or war, but to explore this mysterious island world, isn't it?".

  "Better so."

  Irene smiled and said, "Hurry up and get to the shore!".

  She can't wait to land on the island. This mysterious island gives her a strong sense of mystery, and there must be a lot of interesting things waiting for her there.

  Nichols said: "Dr. Arryn, don't be fooled by the appearance of this island, don't forget, this island is called Skull Island!".

  "I understand this."

  Irene smiled and said, "I cherish my life very much, so let's get to the shore now!".

  Nichols said: "I don't think it's necessary to go to the shore. At present, we haven't figured out this island yet. If the fleet rashly approaches the island, once it encounters an attack, then... I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable! "


  He continued: "But don't worry, I will do my best to ensure your safety. I will send fifty fifth-level mechas to drive Ares-class mechas to protect your safety, but if there is danger, I can't guarantee them. It will definitely protect your safety, can you think about this?".

  "I know."

  Say so.

  Erin had already picked up her device and walked out.


  Looking at Irene's back, Nichols shook his head and sighed. This woman is really desperate for scientific research. The ghost knows what is on this Skull Island. Wouldn't it be dangerous if a monster appeared again?



  ps: The third update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket~~~.

Chapter 57

  Erin's mecha is named Pink Rose.

  It is a humanoid mecha with a height of about [-] meters. The mecha adopts the most advanced brain control device as the operating system, and the power is naturally the top nuclear power source.

  The matching engine is the world's top tqg-3800s engine independently developed by Tianying Federation, and the speed can easily reach three times the speed of sound.

  Whether it is in the air or in the ocean, it has extremely strong combat performance. The outer armor of the mecha is the nearest star-level alloy armor.

  Possess extremely strong toughness.

  The pink rose is pink as a whole, with delicate and beautiful pink petals on the body, two sharp alloy scimitars at the elbows of the mecha, and a ten-meter-long laser blade on the waist.

  The whole mecha gives people a sense of contradiction that is beautiful and elegant, but not dignified and majestic. Irene stood in the cockpit, and she said to Jarvis, the captain of the God of War team who was responsible for protecting her safety: "After landing on the island All obey my wisdom, and no one shall act without my command!".

  Jarvis nodded and said, "Don't worry, Doctor!".

  So it didn't take long.

  The fifty-one mecha suddenly soared into the sky and flew towards the fairyland-like islands in front. In the cockpit, Irene admired the beautiful scenery below from a high altitude, she couldn't help but sigh: "It's really a fairyland on earth! ".

  Jarvis' voice came from the mecha communication channel: "Now is not the time to enjoy the scenery, Dr. Erin, what do we need to do now?".

  Erin thought about it.

  She said: "Let's find a place to land first. I need to collect the soil here and check the geological conditions. This mysterious island seems to have its own ecology, like a small world isolated from the world!".

  "It's all up to you."

  Jarvis said.


  The radars of all the mechas were turned on at full power, looking for a suitable place for the mechas to land. Suddenly, a shocked voice suddenly sounded in the communication channel:

  "Not good Captain!"

  "My radar has detected a large group of creatures rushing towards us!"


  In the next instant, there was an explosion in the communication channel.

  "Jack? Jack?"

  Jarvis hurriedly called out loudly several times, but he couldn't get any response. He couldn't help scolding: "Fuck! What the hell happened!".

  "Captain, look at nine o'clock!"

  A team member's voice sounded again in the communication channel.

  Jarvis hurriedly controlled the radar, and a clear image of the nine o'clock direction appeared on the screen in front of him. He saw a large group of flying monsters in the image, and those monsters were completely black.

  They have huge bat wings, but their bodies are black-haired vultures, sharp beaks and claws, and shine in the sun.

  Glittering cold light!

  It is a frightening vulture!


  Jarvis was startled.

  Each of these frightening vultures spread out their wings, and they were seven or eight meters or even ten meters in size. What's more, the number of frightening vultures displayed on the radar was as high as one or two hundred, such a large number of monsters.

  How not to be scared?


  Jarvis hurriedly shouted.

  Bang bang bang!

  As a result, the dense number of small missiles flew out from the shoulders of fifty ares-class mechas, dragging smoke, and rumblingly exploded amid the rapidly flying frightened vultures, bursts of flames erupted, about ten The corpses of several frightened vultures fell weakly!

  But I saw Erin wearing a brain controller helmet.

  With a thought, Pink Rose's mechanical right hand was directly transformed into a pink gun barrel, with a pink light condensing in the gun barrel.


  In the next instant, a pink energy laser about the thickness of an arm shot out, instantly piercing the chests of the four or five frightened vultures that flew over.

  The dark green blood splattered immediately, and the five frightened vultures made a shrill scream, and then fell weakly, and the pink rose's right arm turned, and the pink energy laser beam also swept away.

  Seven or eight more frightened vultures were swept by the laser, and were immediately split into two by the pink laser beam from the middle of the body, and the green blood splattered like rain.

  Bang bang bang!

  The sound of the deafening machine gun resounded, and the multi-barreled Gatlings carried by many mechas spit out their tongues of flame, and frantically poured bullets at the frightened vultures.

  The dense rain of bullets hit the frightening vultures, and the frightening vultures fell weakly into the forest below, and dark green blood sprayed on the spot.


  There are too many frightening vultures. Their flying speed is extremely fast, and they are agile and flexible. Even though the firepower of Irene and Jarvis and their mechs are powerful, facing the siege of a huge number of frightening vultures, The crowd began to fall behind, and even many mechas were torn apart by dozens of frightening vultures, and the pilots inside.

  Even in the screams, it was torn to shreds by the frightened vultures.

  The battle was brutal.

  Every few minutes, a Ares-level mecha costing tens of millions was shredded by the densely packed frightening vultures, and exploded in the air like dazzling eyes.

  "team leader!"

  The voice of the team members came from the communication channel: "There are too many monsters that are difficult to give birth. If this continues, our situation will be very dangerous!".


  Jarvis said solemnly: "All members landed! These beasts dare not fight us below! As long as they reach the ground, it will be our home court!".


  The remaining mechas, including Irene, immediately retreated and landed downwards.

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