

  ps: Fourth update!

  It feels like the data is not going up at all.

  Uncomfortable duck skin.

  Kneel and beg for a wave of monthly tickets and evaluation tickets for flowers~~~

  Click on the bottom right corner to see a picture of the Monster Horror Vulture. .

Chapter 58

  Bang bang bang!

  Sure enough, when Irene, Jarvis and others drove the mecha to the ground, the frightened vultures hovered in the air, but they did not dare to come down.

  So it didn't take long.

  The frightened vultures left one after another.


  After the horrified vulture left, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  Jarvis said: "Count the casualties!".

  Statistics will be completed soon.

  A team member said: "Ten mechas crashed, ten members were killed in the monster attack just now, and another eight mechas were damaged to varying degrees. At present, there are forty-one mechas with combat effectiveness! ".

  Jarvis frowned.

  To be honest.

  The loss is indeed a bit big, and this is the first batch of monsters they encountered when they entered Skull Island. It is difficult for him to guarantee that he will not encounter monsters in the future, if he encounters some more powerful monsters.

  Then the consequences are probably unimaginable!

  So he looked at Irene and asked, "Dr. Irene, I think it's better for us to go back here. If we continue to go deeper into the island, I'm afraid it will be even more dangerous!".


  His proposal was rejected by Irene: "There is no reason to retreat here after all this hard work? If you are afraid, you can leave now!".

  Say so.

  She drove the pink rose to the depths of the island.


  A team member asked in the communication channel: "Captain, what should we do?".

  "Just keep up with her!" Jarvis said.


  They followed in their mechas one after another. The melee mechas held alloy war knives or laser blades and walked at the outermost edge, while the output mechas held multi-barreled gatlings or melee shotguns and were protected in the middle.

  The outermost is the heavy shield mecha.

  Bang bang bang.

  The tall mecha walked in the virgin forest. What surprised Irene, Jarvis and others was that the trees here were unbelievably thick and tall.

  Each tree is one or two meters or even three or four meters thick.

  The trees are even more than a hundred meters tall. The dense trees almost block the sunlight, and rays of light shine on the ground through the gaps in the leaves.

  The pink rose mecha suddenly stopped, the cockpit opened, and Irene walked out from it. She picked it down on the ground, picked up a container and put some soil in it. She was going to take the soil from the mysterious island back for research.

  Maybe something can be researched.

  A mech stopped in front of Irene, and Jarvis' voice came from the cockpit: "Dr. Irene, do we have to continue to go deeper into Skull Island?".

  Erin thought about it.

  She said: "There must be more things worth studying inside Skull Island, and then collect some samples in depth, and then we will leave Skull Island!".

  ".......it is good."

  Jarvis nodded, and as soon as his voice fell, he suddenly shouted:


  Saying this, he had already thought, and the Ares-class mecha he was driving stepped out in one step. The left hand of the mecha grabbed the neck of a monster that suddenly rushed out of the dense forest. This monster originally opened its blood basin. Take a big mouth, want to rush out suddenly, and swallow Irene in one mouthful.

  Fortunately, the mecha driven by Jarvis grabbed it by the neck.

  Followed by.

  The mecha's right hand was transformed into a twelve-barreled Vulcan Gatlin in a click. Jarvis controlled the mecha. , the flames spewed bullets whistling.

  Puff puff!

  The bullet shot out from the back of the monster's head, bringing up bright red blood and brain tissue of various colors, and the monster that was struggling violently stopped struggling.

  The corpse fell weakly to the ground.

  "Get on the mecha!"

  Jarvis threw the monster out of the mecha's hand, he said to the frightened Irene.

  Irene reacted, she picked up the container, and within a few jumps, she sat in the cockpit of the pink rose, and the eyes of the mecha lit up with pink light again.

  "Expand the formation!"

  Jarvis said loudly, and his voice spread to the ears of all the mecha divisions through the communication channel, so the forty God of War mechas immediately took a battle formation.

  Erin looked.

  They found that a group of monsters had quietly surrounded them at some point. These monsters resembled black wolves, but their bodies were incomparably tall, all ten meters high, and their backs were arched high and very tall. It was flat, like a blade covered with black hair.

  But they have a bird-like head, a mouth that protrudes forward and rows of sharp teeth, and a long, thin tail covered in black fur.

  The smelly saliva trickled from their mouths.

  Apparently it's a knife-ridged jackal!

  These monsters that He You exchanged from the system mall have all been upgraded the strongest, whether it is physique, speed or resistance.

  are far beyond the ordinary!


  Jarvis couldn't help scolding: "Why are these monsters all haunted? When did so many monsters surround us? The most important thing is that our airborne radar failed to detect them?".

  Erin said solemnly:

  "Now is not the time to think about this. We must solve the battle and leave here as soon as possible. The longer we delay, the more monsters we will attract!"


  Suddenly, a knife-backed jackal headed by it made a strange and strange roar, and in the next instant, the surrounding sword-backed jackals rushed towards everyone.


  Jarvis yelled.



  ps: Fifth more.

  Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket~~~

  Click on the bottom right corner to see a picture of the knife-ridged jackal. .

Chapter 59


  In the forest full of primitive aura, a sharp and hoarse roar suddenly sounded, and with a bang, a Ares-level mecha was smashed and flew out by a knife-ridged jackal, smashing heavily on the ground like a parabola.

  Before the mecha stood up, seven or eight saber-ridged jackals suddenly rushed out of the woods, opened their bloody mouths, and bit on the mecha's limbs and heads.


  Suddenly, the mecha's head was directly torn apart by the monster, revealing the terrified driver in the cockpit. He looked at the huge monster greedily staring at him with a look of fear, and the stench of saliva dripped on his face. On the top, in his pupils, the terrifying face of the knife-ridged jackal was reflected.


  The next moment, the knife-ridged jackal opened its fangs and bit the driver in the cockpit. The driver screamed in horror.



  But in the next instant, the entire upper half of his body was directly bitten by the knife-ridged jackal, and the hot blood viscera, etc., spurted out in an instant.


  But at this moment, a pink laser suddenly shot out from the woods, and with a puff, it easily penetrated the head of the knife-ridged jackal.

  Dark green blood splattered on the spot, and the knife-ridged jackal fell to the ground with a wailing cry. Then, there was a deafening sound, but there were more than a dozen missiles, dragging the flames and bursting. come.

  Hit a few other Sabreridge Jackals.


  The missile exploded, and the flames engulfed the monsters in an instant, and many Saberback Jackals were instantly smashed to pieces by the missile, and a strong air wave swept away to the surroundings.

  One after another mecha kept rushing out of the woods, and behind them were the knife-backed jackals that were quickly chasing and killing them. Fast and nimble.

  "damn it!"

  In the mecha communication channel, Jarvis scolded: "These monsters are really difficult to deal with, it seems that these beasts will not stop until they eat us!".

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