"Get out of the way!"

  Irene's voice sounded in the communication channel, but seeing the pink rose mecha rushing out of the aircraft group, in the cockpit, Irene's beautiful white and tender face looked a little crazy at the twenty knife ridges that were rushing towards her. Jackal.

  "Let you taste the power of the old lady!"

  Saying so, she thought, but seeing the pink rose mecha raised her hands, in a burst of deformation, the mecha's hands retracted into the mecha's forearm.

  It was replaced by two pink gun barrels, with a pink light condensing in the barrels. At the same time, the pink rose's shoulders, chest and the machine cover at the waist suddenly opened, revealing six squares. The pink mini-arranged barrels, among the twenty-four small barrels, began to condense pink light, and gradually turned to scarlet.

  "Boom boom boom!"

  In the next instant, the two pink gun barrels protruding from Pink Rose's arms, the gun barrels on her shoulders, chest, and waist, fired scarlet energy laser beams in unison, and the scarlet laser beams burst out with lightning speed. The momentum instantly penetrated the heads of the twenty or so saber-ridged jackals that were besieged, and the blood spattered, and the bodies of the twenty-odd saber-ridged jackals.

  crashed to the ground.


  This scene not only made Jarvis and other members of the God of War team startled, but even the rest of the sword-backed jackals were too frightened to go forward.


  Jarvis sighed with jaw-dropping emotion: "Is this the power of banknotes?".

  Don't look at Pink Rose's body, it seems that there are only alloy scimitars and laser swords at the elbows, but in fact, Pink Rose's interior is equipped with many small laser weapons, and the power of the high-energy laser emitted is enough to easily The hole penetrates the defensive armor of the advanced mech.


  The Pink Rose mecha is a global limited edition, manufactured by the top mecha manufacturing company in the Sky Eagle Federation, and only twenty units have been built so far.

  The price of each one is as high as [-] billion!

  "Don't be stunned!"

  Just as Jarvis and others were stunned, Irene's voice came from the mecha communication channel: "Hurry up and run, my ultimate move can only be fired once!".

  When Jarvis reacted, he found that the pink rose was like a pink meteor, shooting away into the distance, leaving them in a daze.

  "Get out!"

  Jarvis yelled.

  There were less than [-] Ares-level mechas left, and they immediately turned on their maximum power to keep up with the pink roses, and the remaining nearly [-] sword-backed jackals continued to chase and kill them.


  Mechas and monsters are running and chasing in the mountains and forests. Although the speed of the mecha is very fast, the dense forest greatly affects the power and flexibility of the mecha. On the other hand, the sword-backed jackal is not only extremely fast but also full of flexibility. .

  So for a while.

  Irene and others couldn't get rid of these knife-ridged jackals.


  Jarvis scolded angrily: "What a broken place! Why is there still no signal?".

  "Don't waste your time."

  Irene said: "It's better not to land on the island, but after landing on the island, our airborne radar signal is completely blocked, and we can't send information to the outside world at all!".

  "But it's so weird..."

  Jarvis said inexplicably: "Why is this island able to block our radar signals? Moreover, my mecha detected a special fluctuation in the center of this Skull Island. Could it be that? Does this special energy fluctuation block our mecha signal?".

  "do not know."

  Erin said, "So we're going to have a look!".

  "Aren't you afraid of death? The ghost knows what monsters will be in the center of Skull Island, and within half an hour of landing on the island, I already lost [-] team members, they are all young, strong and lovely guys. !"

  Jarvis said in a low voice.

  "If you want to go back then go back, but I hope you can find your way back," Erin said, making Jarviston speechless.

  He was so angry that he stopped talking.

  Not to mention the order given to him by Nicholas, which is to let him protect Irene's safety at all costs, and another, they are now in a huge virgin forest, and the airborne radar has completely lost its function at this time.

  As for liftoff...

  He didn't want to meet those ferocious flying monsters again!

  Otherwise, it will definitely be torn to shreds!


  Right now, they can only follow Irene. After all, Irene's pink rose mecha is not only ferocious, but her airborne radar performance is far from the God of War mecha. After all, this is the power of money.



  ps: The first update.

  Kneeling and begging for a monthly ticket for flowers~~~.

Chapter 60

  Whoosh whoosh!

  In the huge virgin forest, tall mechas are speeding through the woods, but it can be clearly seen that the complex terrain and dense thick trees in the forest obviously block the speed of these mechas.

  behind them.

  On the other hand, there were about a hundred knife-ridged jackals chasing them.

  Compared to Irene and Jarvis and others, these knife-ridged jackals are like fish in the water in the forest, extremely flexible, and their speed is not affected at all.


  Jarvis looked at the knife-backed jackals that were chasing after him on the radar screen, and he couldn't help but said solemnly: "We have to go to the open area, and only when we go to the open area can we use the powerful firepower of the mecha! ".

  "The prawns on my radar show we're coming out of the forest."

  Erin said: "Hold on for another half a minute!".


  The mechas were fully powered, and the engines on their backs spurted blue flames. The strong thrust caused the speed of these mechas to suddenly increase.


  Jarvis Irene and others saw it, and a clear light began to appear in front.


  Jarvis looked happy, and he hurriedly said loudly.


  But at this moment, the earth suddenly trembled, and there was a roar from the right side of the crowd, and a thick tree fell down with a rumble.

  Smoke and dust filled the air.

  It's like some huge creature is approaching quickly!

  "what happened?"

  Jarvis was startled, but before he could understand, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped him, he looked up, and his hair stood on end in fright.

  But seeing a huge tiger claws two or three meters in size like a hill, wrapped in a harsh wind whistling sound, and a terrifying might that seemed to suppress everything, he slapped the mecha fiercely at the mecha he was driving. down.

  "Damn it!"

  Jarvis was startled.

  But after all, he has rich experience in mecha driving and more than ten years of combat experience. Therefore, he quickly reacted and hurriedly thought.

  The armor on the right side of the mecha's waist was opened, and three engines protruded out and suddenly ejected orange-red flames. The strong thrust burst made the mecha shoot to the side immediately. This is the auxiliary power engine of the Ares mecha.


  Almost at the moment when Jarvis' mecha burst out.

  The huge tiger claws slammed on the ground fiercely, and a mecha that failed to dodge in time was directly shot by the tiger claws, like exploding fireworks.

  Followed by.

  The head of a huge tiger opened its bloody mouth full of sharp fangs and bit into a mecha. With a sour tearing sound, the mecha only lasted for a few seconds before it exploded.


  After biting through a mecha, the huge tiger-like monster roared up to the sky, and its low roar spread far and wide in the forest.

  The birds fled in shock.

  Erin looked intently.

  It was a tiger monster about [-] meters high and covered with black and white patterns all over its body. However, the back of this tiger monster was magically covered with pieces of hard rock, like a piece of rock armor.

  Its tail is also covered with rocks.

  Obviously the Rock Holy Tiger!


  Looking at the huge monster in front of him, Jarvis couldn't help but scolded in shock and anger: "What kind of monster is this? Did we break into the monster's nest!".

  Erin also looked heavy.

  There are seventy or eighty knife-ridged jackals behind, and now there is a [-]-meter-high blocker in front of them. Now, they are undoubtedly in a desperate situation!


  The Rock Sacred Tiger roared at the mechas of Irene and others, and the strong sound waves made the screens in the cockpit of everyone squeak.

  "What to do, Doctor!"

  Jarvis asked in a low voice.

  "...don't move everyone!"

  Irene thought for a while, and she suddenly said: "All mechas turn off their engines and all electronic signals, all mecha functions, all immediately turn off!".


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