He can actually improve King Kong's defense, strength, and agility. One day in the future, when King Kong's skin is thick enough to resist Godzilla's atomic breath, or even Spiral Hot Wire or Red Lotus Fire , At that time, there is still a certain possibility that the handsome boy can press his brother to the ground and hammer, as long as my skin is thick enough, you can't help me!

  of course.

  In addition, if there is a chance, he can buy some weapons and equipment from the system mall to improve King Kong's combat effectiveness.

  after all.

  King Kong still has a lot of room for growth!


  If you want to improve King Kong's strength as soon as possible, you must need a huge emotional value. You don't need to think about it. He You knows that without hundreds of millions or billions of emotional values, he doesn't want to improve King Kong's strength to an ideal level.


  He You couldn't help but sighed: "Godzilla, Mothra, and the pretty boy King Kong, these three monsters, all of them are gold-devouring beasts!".

  When he thought that upgrading these three monsters would require an unimaginably huge amount of emotional points, he couldn't help but have a headache, feeling that emotional points were simply not enough. Just to upgrade the monsters would cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions.


  Monsters such as the cosmic dinosaur Hypageton, the earthly python Yemengad, or the North Kraken and Leviathan, even if they were exchanged by him.

  However, just to raise these monsters requires an unimaginable amount of emotional value. He even doubts whether the seven or eight billion humans on the earth can support these powerful monsters?

  thought here.

  He You couldn't help rubbing his chin and muttering: "Is there a chance in the future, I will lead an army of monsters to conquer civilizations on other planets" "?".

  after all.

  Looking at the entire universe, the earth is still too small and weak like a drop in the ocean, which completely restricts his development. If he lives on the earth for a long time and does not go out, he is sure that, like Hypageton and these powerful monsters, he even It can't be exchanged, even if it is exchanged.

  Just by the emotional value provided by these people on earth.

  He can't afford it either!

  Shaking his head, he didn't bother to think about it. Right now, his first task was to exchange some monsters as soon as possible, and make these monsters more or less powerful in order to resist the coming invasion of alien civilization. The most important goal to consider now.

  As for leading the army of monsters to go out to conquer other planets and civilizations in the universe in the future, he felt that it was still too far away from him.


  He You stretched his waist and said, "Then we will see the performance of the Megalithic Temple, Mothra and Batra, and hope to have a good harvest!".


  Tiannan Mountain.

  In Tang Wanmin's office, the ten core elders of the core elders hall of the Great Xia Kingdom have all arrived. Tang Wanmin looked around and said:

  "Everyone must know about Skull Island. The content of the murals is extremely critical. This is especially the clue to the inner world recorded in the murals. The importance of this clue is self-evident!"

  "I'm afraid that after today, countries around the world will inevitably send a large number of people around the world to find a way or an entrance to the inner world!"

  He said solemnly: "Because everyone knows that whoever finds the inner world first will have the initiative, and whoever will be the first to get something!"

  He said: "Everyone understands what I mean, so we must not fall behind in the big Xia country, and we must also find clues to the inner world!"

  Say it.

  He looked at Wu Wenlong: "Elder Wu, you are the chief in charge of the Monster Abnormality Bureau. I will leave this matter to you. Just tell me what you need!".


  Wu Wenlong nodded.

  Tang Wanmin continued: "Oh, by the way, what is recorded in the frescoes of the bronze hall below the Tianxingdui ancient site that we dug up before... What is it called the sleeping place of the Queen of Monsters, have you found it?" .


  Wu Wenlong smiled bitterly and said, "Old Tang, you also know that the clues to the Queen of Monsters recorded in the murals of the bronze hall are extremely incomplete!"

  He shook his head and said: "We can only roughly lock in Yunshan Province in our country, but the exact location is still unknown. Our people are still looking for it, but in a short time... I'm afraid it will be difficult to find that place. A clue to a monster!".


  Tang Wanmin nodded and said, "After finding that monster, remember that you must not rashly attack it. Your primary purpose is to communicate with it!".


  Wu Wenlong nodded.

  "Let's go."

  Tang Wanmin nodded, got up and left with his cane.

  Wu Wenlong and others also followed.


  Yunshan Province.

  Looking at the entire Daxia Kingdom, the number of animal and plant species in Yunshan Province can be regarded as the highest in the country, and it is praised as the kingdom of animals and plants by countless netizens. With a long history and beautiful natural scenery, it is one of the most important birthplaces of Daxia civilization and even human civilization, in the entire Daxia Kingdom.

  All are of great importance!

  It was early morning.

  The Snow Immortal Mountain, which is like a dragon across the earth, can be described as undulating and continuous. There are green vegetation everywhere on the Snow Immortal Mountain.

  Most of Xuexian Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the golden morning light shines on Xuexian Mountain through the clouds, making Xuexian Mountain more and more beautiful.

  It can be described as beautiful scenery and beautiful mountains and rivers.

  At this moment.

  In the virgin forest in the depths of Snow Immortal Mountain, it is full of highly poisonous miasma and various poisons. Even many powerful mecha masters dare not go deep into Snow Immortal Mountain, because the complex environment and dense woods here, It can almost completely disable the radar signal of the mecha.

  Once lost here, there is basically only a dead end!

  And this time.

  In the white miasma, there are three humanoid mechas carefully walking on the rugged mountain road. In the cockpit of a red mecha in the center, a girl with short shoulders and short hair can't help but say a little scared:

  "¨"Brother Li, do we have to go further? If we go further, we will enter the no-signal area, and our mecha radar will be completely useless!"

  "Once the three of us get lost here, it's almost as difficult to find the way back. In my opinion, why don't we hurry back?"

  In the cockpit of a mecha behind, there was also a man's voice: "That's right, Brother Li, you said that we have searched all over this place, but haven't found any clues about the so-called Queen of Monsters. Trace!"

  He complained: "In my opinion, maybe the monster queen recorded on the fresco in the bronze hall is a fake at all, just to deceive us later generations, who knows if those ancient people were bored and painted them casually. In my opinion, let's go back quickly!".


  Walking in the cockpit of a mecha in front of the most (did Zhao), a young man with glasses and bangs said: "Go forward a hundred meters and look for it. If you can't find it, then We just have to go back here!"

  His name is Li Liang.

  He came to look for clues and traces of the so-called Queen of Monsters on the orders of his superiors, but unfortunately, they searched the most mysterious Xuexian Mountain for several days, but they could not find any clues, and he almost lost hope. Maybe it's really like what my comrade said, the so-called queen of monsters or something.

  But the ancestors just painted it when they were bored...

  However, he still took his two colleagues and continued to go deeper into the mountain range. When they climbed over a dense jungle to the top of a hill again, the scene ahead shocked them.

  But seeing the basin in front, there is a...

  It seems like a megalithic temple from ancient times!


  In the cockpit, the girl with drooping shoulders and short hair was already stunned with her mouth open and her face full of stunned eyes. She was dumbfounded in the cockpit like a chicken.



  ps: Fourth update.

  Three thousand-character chapter, kneeling and begging for the monthly pass in the hands of the bigwigs~~~.

Chapter 79

  Outside a certain mine in Xuexian Mountain, a few kilometers away from the megalithic temple where Mothra is located, there are many mining-type mechas running back and forth dragging carts of ore, surrounded by various large-scale machinery. .

  At this moment.

  As the chairman of Miracle Mining Company, Xu Xueyan was sending off a group of people in black tight-fitting combat suits with a smile on her face, after the group left.

  The smirk and flattery on her face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a gloomy look, her heavily make-up face full of disgust.

  She scolded: "This group of people is really sick, looking for monsters to find me here? My place is a serious mining company!"

  "What so-called monsters are there? This group of people even gave me an ultimatum, telling me to withdraw all the facilities here within five days!"

  Speaking of which.

  She snorted coldly and said, "Don't say there are no monsters here, even if there are monsters, the old lady will not withdraw! I managed up and down, and it took tens of millions to get this mine out of the cave. who are you?".

  Say it.

  She took out a cigarette and smoked it in her mouth.

  With heavy makeup on his face, there was a deep dissatisfaction.


  A middle-aged man beside her said, "This group of people has been here three or four times. I'm afraid it must be a big deal, why don't we leave?"

  "Let's not say that our documents are not complete, and the means by which we took down this mine is not bright. Once it is found out, the consequences will be disastrous!"


  He continued: "Furthermore, if there are monsters on our side as they said, with the terrifying destructive power of those monsters, the fate of us people will definitely not be much better. !".


  Xu Xueyan glanced at the man, and her flaming red lips raised a sarcastic arc: "Are you afraid? If you are afraid, then pack up and get out!"

  She hummed: "My mother just happened to pay one less person's salary!"


  She continued: "It really doesn't work, I can only spend tens of millions more to give gifts to those people. We must mine this mine!"

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