at this time.

  A sloppy and dirty absentee walked over, and he came to Xu Xueyan.

  "Is something wrong?"

  Xu Xueyan looked at the absentee with disgust, she couldn't help raising her hand to cover her nose, the smell of sweat on the miner's body made her feel sick for a while.

  She looked at the absentee with impatient eyes, as if she was looking at a dirty and smelly beggar: "Why don't you work hard and run to my side? Have you finished the work in your hand? You are responsible for delaying the construction period. Are you to blame?".

  She frowned, a look of displeasure on her face.

  "Boss Xu..."

  For Xu Xueyan's full face of disgust, the absentee's face was not angry, he smiled and said, " old lady fell down the stairs a few days ago and was seriously injured in the hospital. I urgently need money now. Treat my old lady, so Boss Xu, can you owe me five months' wages?"


  Before he finished speaking, Xu Xueyan frowned and said with a gloomy face: "Don't worry about the salary in advance, the company's funds are currently unable to open, and I have no money to pay you wages, you go back and work hard first. , when this project is completed, I will finish it for you at one time!"

  Say it.

  She turned away.

  "Boss Xu, you can't do this!"

  The miner grabbed Xu Xueyan's clothes and said, "My mother is in the intensive care unit now, and now she is waiting for my salary to save my mother!".

  "What does your mother's death have to do with me!"

  Xu Xueyan was already angry, but at this moment, she saw that this stinky miner dared to use his dirty and ugly hands to hold her tens of thousands of dollars of famous brand coat.

  He raised his eyebrows and scolded: "Hurry up and let me go! Do you know how much my clothes cost you? If they break, can you afford to pay for your stinky absenteeism!"

  Say it.

  She shouted at the tall security guards around her:

  "Why are you guys still standing there! Why don't you pull this stinky beggar away from me? Just throw him as far away as you want and get out!"

  The voice fell, and several security guards on the side immediately rushed towards the absent worker who was crying with tears and snot.


  "The big thing is bad, boss!"

  But at this moment, a fat man with a red helmet and a big belly ran over in a panic. He came to Xu Xueyan's front and back. He panted and pointed to the mine behind him, panting in a panic and said:

  "No no no... The big thing is bad, boss!"

  "What's the matter? Tell me slowly!"

  Xu Xueyan frowned.

  "The mine.... the mine cave collapsed!"

  The fat man said: "Our dozen or so miners and seven or eight machines and mining robots were all buried by the collapsed rocks!"


  Xu Xueyan heard the words, her face changed and she said loudly: "What are you doing to eat! Are you all trash! Are my machines and robots okay?".


  The first thing she thought about was her equipment. As for the life and death of the buried miners, it obviously had nothing to do with her aloof boss!

  Saying so, Xu Xueyan took the lead and ran towards the mine.

  The crowd followed closely behind.

  The inside of the mine was illuminated by dim yellow lights.


  Xu Xueyan and the others came to the collapsed passage, and the place was already surrounded by miners on the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and there were many surprises and discussions.

  "You see what that is?"

  "There seems to be some kind of mural there."

  "Strange, why are there murals and some texts we don't know in the mountains?"

  "What's painted on it?"


  Xu Xueyan yelled impatiently: "What are you guys doing! If you don't hurry up to work, do you have nothing to do?".

  Everyone saw that Xu Xueyan was coming, so they quickly and consciously opened a passage to both sides, while Xu Xueyan came to the collapsed passage with a cigarette in her mouth. She looked up, but saw that there was an abnormally smooth piece embedded in the mountain above. The bright stone walls are painted with murals and carved with characters that are not modern at all.

  More like ancient texts!

  "What the hell is this?"

  Xu Xueyan asked, "Do you know what this is?".

  The middle-aged man next to her said, "That mural depicts two giant creatures like butterflies fighting? And then one of them loses?".

  "anything else?"

  Xu Xueyan asked.


  The middle-aged man scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "I can't understand the rest."

  "who cares!"

  Xu Xueyan waved her hand: "Hurry up and dig! Clean up the collapsed passage as quickly as possible, and find all the equipment inside as soon as possible!".


  But at this moment, a sharp roar suddenly came from inside the mountain. The roar was so sharp that it made the eardrums tingle.


  At the same time, the entire passage began to vibrate violently, and pieces of large and small stones kept falling, and cracks appeared on the walls of the passage. The whole passage seemed to collapse at any time.

  "The cave is about to collapse!"


  "What was that roar just now?"


  The next moment, all the people who were gathered around rushed outside with panic-stricken faces. The middle-aged man watched as cracks appeared on the surrounding mountain walls, and his face could not help but show fear. .

  He quickly turned his head towards Xu Xueyan and said:

  "Run, Mr. Xu..."

  But as soon as he said the words, he was stunned in the same place like a chicken, because he saw that there was Xu Xueyan's shadow beside him, he turned his head and saw that Xu Xueyan had no image. The Sayazi ran wild, and the tens of thousands of brand-name coats on her body were not needed.

  She shouted: "Get out of the way for the old lady! Don't be the old lady's way!".


  The middle-aged man looked bewildered, but he didn't dare to hesitate, so he hurriedly rushed out of the cave. Soon, Xu Xueyan and others rushed out of the cave.


  Almost the moment Xu Xueyan rushed out of the passage, the mine caved in with a rumble, and the dozen or so miners who had run out in the future were directly buried.

  The billows of smoke spread out.


  At this time, another sharp roar suddenly came out from the tall mountain, and with a sudden bang, a golden current ray shot out from the mountain and directly penetrated the hard mountain.


  A monster suddenly rushed out from the collapsed mountain.

  It was a huge black monster with a wingspan of more than [-] meters and a height of [-] meters, similar to a moth, but this monster's body was covered with sharp barbs, which looked extremely ferocious, like a regional demon. !


  Demon monster Batra!


  "what is this!?"

  At this moment, everyone, including Xu Xueyan, was stunned in place with their mouths wide open, and they were all stunned like dumb chickens!



  ps: The fifth update!

  Three thousand words chapter.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  The picture of Batra will not be posted. It was posted in Chapter [-] before. .

Chapter 80


  A sharp, ear-piercing roar came from the mouth of the ferocious monster Batra in the air, resounding for thousands of meters. The ferocious wings are like covering the sky and the sun, and a huge shadow shrouds the mine.

  It's like a monster from hell!

  "Fuck! What is that~ something!"

  "This...this is a monster-!"

  "Good guy! Are we digging out a monster?"

  "Don't be a good guy, run away!"


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