【Props】: None.

  [Monster]: King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra.

  [Emotional Value]: 2+.

 (Is it okay?) After Mothra's development progress exceeded [-]%.

  He You naturally acquired a skill of Mothra.

  "More than [-] million emotional values..."

  Looking at the soaring emotional value, a smile appeared on He You's face. Looking at the increase, it is estimated that his emotional value could easily exceed [-] million, and there is a high chance of reaching [-] million. Impossible, [-] million emotional points can also be rushed.

  But no matter what.

  With such a huge amount of emotional value, the progress of his plan to fight for the King of Monsters will undoubtedly be much smoother.

  He opened the system's monster store and flipped through it casually.


  He noticed a monster.

  He clicks to view.

  What caught my eye was the appearance of a monster.

  The second is the name pseudo.

  It's amazing...

  The Dark Lord, the evil god Gatanjee!



  ps: Sixth more!

  Sixteen thousand words exploded!

  I feel like I'm really cow, ask for a monthly pass~~~~~

  There are more monthly passes, and tomorrow will continue to be [-] more! ! !

  Click on the bottom right corner to see the picture of the snail. .

Chapter 94

  The monster in front of him has peculiar wool, and its back is a huge threaded shell like a snail shell. The threaded shell has dense black holes, a pair of eyes under its mouth, and its cry is quite similar to that of an elephant. There are plenty of tentacles and huge pincers from the mouth of the shell.


  The monster in front of him is indeed Gatanjee!

  He You is naturally aware of the power of Gatangier. This monster is known as the ruler of darkness or the evil god. Moreover, Gatangier can also release black smoke containing special electric ions, which can cover the entire earth in a short period of time. , The electric ions in the black fog can paralyze all the electronic devices of the earth, causing the whole earth to enter the dark age!


  This black fog cannot be eliminated by physical means!

  The main thing is.

  Black fog can not only paralyze electronic equipment, any creature who inhales a little black fog will be paralyzed, or even die directly in the black fog!

  It can be seen how powerful Gatanjie's ability is!

  But relatively.

  While Gatangie'e possesses various powerful abilities, He You doesn't need to think about it.

  The emotional value required to redeem it must be unimaginable!

  So he looked at the required emotional value of Gatangjee.

  【Required emotional value】: Unable to view.


  He You was a little stunned. He thought that even if the emotional value was too high, at least there must be a specific amount, but he didn't expect that the emotional value required to exchange Gatangie'e was so high that he couldn't check it now?

  Is it because the emotional value of over [-] million to despise him is not enough?


  He shook his head: "It seems that it is impossible to exchange Gatangjee, Hypageton and other monsters without tens of billions of emotional values ​​in their hands!".

  Think so.

  He reluctantly closed the information panel of Gatanjee.

  To be honest.

  If he can exchange Gatangjee, even if all the battleships of the Sea Spirit civilization arrive, perhaps he will not be afraid.

  But a pity.

  His emotional value is still not enough!

  "never mind."

  He You shook his head and said: "I don't want to do this for now, I'll just do the battle for the king of monsters, just to create this world-renowned war, I am afraid that it will take [-] million, or even more than [-] billion emotional points! ".

  He looked at his emotional value and found that his emotional value had reached [-] million in this moment, and it was still skyrocketing at a rocket-like speed.

  He rubbed his chin and muttered: "Although this alien warship was wiped out by Godzilla and Mothra, this undoubtedly shows that the Sea Spirit Civilization is accelerating the pace of invading the earth, and there is no guarantee that there will be something more powerful in the future. The battleship is coming, so I must hurry up!".

  Although Yale and others' warships were destroyed, the scene where everything within a radius of [-] meters was instantly crushed in an invisible instant still shocked He You. These methods are simply weird and And powerful, because you don't even know how you died!

  It can be seen that the technological strength of this Hailing civilization is indeed very strong!

  Think so.

  He You looked at the other monsters in the Monster Mall.

  This time.

  He also didn't plan to make a step-by-step cycle. He chose the most direct and effective method, which was to directly exchange monsters, and then let them destroy them everywhere. As for the creation of monster relics, it is not very effective now.

  This is too waste of emotional value!


  He directly searches for the monsters involved in the battle for the king of monsters.

  First of all.

  There must be two or five sons of Yan Mo Raton, who he had exchanged and placed in the Bromo Volcano in the Thousand Island Kingdom before, only to wake up later.

  Then there are Methuselah and many other monsters.

  And He You also checked the information of these monsters one by one.

  【Name】: Methuselah.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Skill]: Crash.

  【Form】: Normal form.

  [Height]: 89 meters.

  【Weight】: 75862 tons.

  [Skill introduction]: Although Methuselah lacks offensive skills or strength, it is a cumbersome tank with amazing defense in battle. Its hard body can easily withstand a large number of attacks and turn into The granite warships that can fight against the enemy Titans launch a fierce charge towards the enemy, which can easily disrupt the enemy's formation.

  [Required emotional value]: 1800 million.


  He You chooses to exchange.

  In short, Methuselah is obviously a tank with only one collision skill and is responsible for being beaten, and the emotional value required is not much.

  He murmured: "I just don't know if it can resist Godzilla's atomic breath or spiral hot line? Or the terrifying fire of the world-annihilating red lotus?".


  He continued to exchange various monsters.

  The monsters from the Golden King Ghidorah's camp, he exchanged for the two or five sons of Balrog, Methuselah, Behemoth, and the female siren Scylla.


  He also exchanged the Muto couple. After all, the Muto family and the Godzilla family were a feud, and the Muto couple temporarily surrendered and joined Ghidorah to deal with Godzilla. It is not difficult to understand, just exchange these five monster.

  It directly cost him 1 million emotional points!

  It's because he didn't create monster ruins that match the monsters of Skulamuto, otherwise, the consumption of emotional points will only be more.

  After the exchange is complete.

  He You placed Methuselah in a primitive mountain in Mingxing City, a member of the Third Empire of the Western Sky Alliance. Behemoth and Scylla, as well as the Muto couple, etc., were also placed in the corresponding Location.

  Just waiting for recovery!

  "Since the monsters on Ghidorah's side have been exchanged, the next step is Godzilla's side. However, besides King Kong and Mothra, Godzilla's side is still missing four monsters, and the strength disparity is a bit. so big!"

  He You rubbed his chin and muttered:

  "Speaking of the other four monsters in the Godzilla camp, which monster do you want to summon?"

  As a result, he thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't remember which teammate Godzilla had. He frowned and said, "It seems that there are no monster teammates, right?".

  after all.

  Godzilla is the king of monsters, and any other monsters basically have to submit to Godzilla. As the king of monsters, naturally there are no so-called teammates.

  "never mind."

  He You murmured: "Since there are no teammates, then exchange a few monsters, and then be subdued by Godzilla, so that there will be no teammates?".


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