After thinking for a while, he found a monster he liked more from the system mall.

  That is......


  He clicked on Destoroyah's attribute panel, and what caught his eye was a dark red monster with a pair of bat-like wings and many barbs on its body, which looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

  Below the monster model is the information about the monster.

  [Name]: Destroyia.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Skills]: Oxygen destroys light, variable cutting, infinite cell division.

  【Form】: Complete body.

  [Height]: 112 meters.

  [Wingspan]: m.

  [Required emotional value]: 7720 million.

  "More than seventy million?"

  Looking at the emotional value of more than [-] million, He You couldn't help but look surprised. He knew that Destroyia needed a lot of emotional value, but he didn't expect it to directly reach [-]. Millions!

  He clicked on Destroy's skill details.

  [Oxygen Destruction Light]: After using the skill, Destroyah sprays purple oxygen destruction light from his mouth. The tiny oxygen in the light can quickly decompose and disappear, and has an extremely terrifying decomposition ability.

  [Variable cutting]: After using the skill, Destoroyah will release tiny oxygen from the single horn, and countless tiny oxygen will condense into variable cutting blades, which has the terrifying power to cut all hard objects and creatures!

  [Infinite division of cells]: The powerful cells in Destoroyah have the ability to divide infinitely. Therefore, no matter how many times Destroyia is injured, as long as she has sufficient energy, she can recover indefinitely. As before, Destoroyah's vitality has been greatly improved, and it is difficult to kill it with any weapon.

  After reading Destoroyah's ability, He You's face couldn't help showing surprise, not to mention anything else, just the ability of this cell's infinite division is comparable to the ability of G-cells in Godzilla!

  There is also its ability to decompose all objects with oxygen and destroy light. The power of this skill is terrifying, needless to say.

  If Kong or Mothra were hit...

  I'm afraid it will be decomposed in an instant!

  "No wonder so much emotional value is needed..."

  He You smiled bitterly.

  It's called what you pay for!



  ps: The first update!

  Three thousand words chapter.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 95

  He You is sure.

  At present, with Destoroyah's strength, among the many monsters such as Godzilla, Mothra, King Kong, Batra, or skeleton reptiles that he has exchanged, he can definitely easily rank second!

  Even the current Mothra is absolutely impossible to be Destoroyah's opponent. After all, the current Mothra is still in the growth stage.

  Destoroyah, on the other hand, was already in full form.

  Its three major skills of oxygen destruction light, variable cutting, and infinite cell division, each of which is so powerful that it is absolutely abnormal!

  There is no match for Mothra at all!


  He You is a little suspicious. Whether Godzilla at this stage is an opponent of Destroia is hard to say. After all, Destroyia is indeed very powerful. Of course, as for Godzilla and Destroia, Who will be the final winner, obviously it is not known who will die!


  He directly chose to exchange.

  【Successful exchange! 】

  [Congratulations to the host for getting the monster Destro~ Oia! 】

  At the same time that the system indicated that the exchange was successful, He You's emotional value also plummeted again, directly falling to the emotional-value of less than [-] million remaining.


  He You sighed speechlessly: "Why is this special emotional value always not enough? It seems that no matter how much emotional value I earn - it is not enough!".

  From a month ago, his strength increased to a fifth-level extraordinary.

  His strength has never been improved.

  This led to even though Godzilla unlocked the Helical Hotline, Mothra unlocked Lightning Shock and Pulse Light, and he exchanged for Destoroia, who has many powerful skills such as Oxygen Destruction Light and Variable Cutting, but with his strength, Just can't get more skills.

  This caused He You to now have powerful skills such as spiral hot wire, lightning shock or pulsed light, oxygen destruction light, and variable cutting.

  He must have enough strength.


  In fact, He You's strength is obviously not weak now. After all, he has Godzilla, Mothra, King Kong, Destoroia and many monsters on Skull Island. Or Mothra, or Destoroyah, the three of them.

  As long as He You is willing.

  He can command these three terrifying monsters with destructive power, destroying [-]% of the countries in the world and more than [-]% of the human beings!

  of course.

  He naturally couldn't really say that he would destroy more than half of the human beings in the world in an instant. After all, these human beings were all cute tool people or straws to him, and he counted on these people to provide him with emotional values. Well, the importance of emotional value is obviously self-evident!

  "The remaining [-] million Emotion Points are temporarily useless, but since Destoroia has been exchanged, it is time to think about which city to put Destoroia in? Or put it in the sky? Eagle Federation?"

  He You rubbed his chin and muttered.

  Although the current Sky Eagle Federation is pitiful enough.

  But he had to say it.

  The Eagle Federation is really a good tool man!

  Use him to harvest the emotional value of the world......

  It just couldn't be more appropriate!


  He still decided not to put it into the Sky Eagle Federation.

  There are two reasons.


  Always put monsters into the Eagle Federation.

  It's so boring.


  That is, he wants to give the Eagle Federation a chance. He is very clear that the Eagle Federation will never sit still. Before, the Eagle Federation announced to the outside world that they would use the power of the whole country to build a super large computer that can stand and kill monsters. A?Then he He You will give them a chance!

  After the Eagle Federation developed the mecha, the Eagle Federation will inevitably publicize it all over the world, and at that time, he will let Godzilla defeat the most proud of the Eagle Federation in front of the whole world. Strong armor.


  That's when the effect was undoubtedly the greatest!

  He can also gain more emotional value!


  He suddenly realized a problem, that is, even if the Sky Eagle Federation builds the super mecha with the strength of the whole country, is there enough time for it to be built?


  There are still almost nine months before the alien warships of Hailing Civilization will come to the earth in an all-round way. At that time, the Civilization War will definitely start, and will the Eagle Federation still have the time and energy to build mechas?

  thought here.

  He You rubbed his chin and murmured: "Is it possible that I should help behind the scenes to help the Eagle Federation to speed up the construction of mechas?".

  But he knows shit about mechas.

  If he understands mechas and can become a mecha master, he still uses the system of leading monsters to overthrow the entire mecha world and transform the world into a monster world?

  He was also forced to "rebel"!

  So he asked in his heart: "System, in addition to selling all kinds of monsters in the mall, are there any powerful technologies related to the manufacture of mechas?".

  【No! 】

  The system's answer is still simple and direct.


  He You heard the words and nodded helplessly, but he overestimated the system's capabilities. After all, the system is just a monster cultivation system.

  "never mind."

  He shook his head: "Whether the Eagle Federation can develop a super mecha specifically for monsters in a short period of time depends on their fortune."

  "Of course it's best if you can develop it. If you can't develop it, then continue to put monsters into their cities. You can only harvest emotional points in this way!"


  He rubbed his chin and said, "Then, which city shall I put Destroyia in next? Continue to put it in the kingdom of mud sticks?".


  His eyes lit up, he seemed to remember something, but when he saw his thoughts, a three-dimensional virtual globe was projected directly in front of him.

  But seeing him turn the globe, he found a country directly.

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