Stomping hard on Destoroia's chest, Guren Godzilla leaned over to get closer to Destroya, and it opened its big mouth and roared at the latter.


  The low roar sounded like a demonstration of a king!

  as if to say:


  "Did you take it!"

  In the face of Guren Godzilla's demonstrative roar, although Destroyia was terrified, she seemed to maintain the dignity in the bottom of her heart.

  He opened his mouth and yelled at Godzilla.

  The roars of two monsters, one strong and one weak, spread far and wide at this moment.

  It also marks the tragic monster battle that has attracted worldwide attention.

  It ends with the victory of Godzilla!

  But right now.

  Countless viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly saw that there was a stream of light in the distance in the distance, like a meteor, tearing the air and whistling towards Red Lotus Godzilla and Destroyia, but in the blink of an eye it was in the red. The sky above Rengozilla and Destroya exploded.

  Rumble boom!

  The next moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to be quiet, the explosion that shook the sky made the heaven and earth shake, and the dazzling light was like the eruption of a small sun.

  Instantly illuminate thousands of miles around the world!

  this moment.

  The world is quiet.

  because they know...

  The Peacock Kingdom to Godzilla and Destoroia  …

  A nuclear bomb was fired!



  ps: Second update.

  There is also an update, the author will write immediately.

  Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for flowers~~~ VII.

Chapter 106

  When Red Lotus Godzilla defeated the mighty Destoroyah with a powerful stance, not only the countless Asams in the suburbs of Xincheng were very surprised, but even the hundreds of millions of viewers who watched this scene through the live broadcast.

  All are ecstatic!

  "God! Godzilla finally defeated the evil monster Destoroyah!"

  "What is Godzilla's trick called? It's so handsome!"

  "Yeah, everything within a [-]-meter radius around Godzilla is rapidly melting and burning, and the temperature is terrifying!"

  "Godzilla hide!"

  "Monster cow b! From now on, I will be the most ardent and loyal fan of monsters!"

  "The people upstairs don't run away! Monsters are destroying our human cities and killing our compatriots. Monsters are the enemies of all human beings and the whole world. We should use all the strength of human beings to destroy these monsters! You bastard, actually Abandon the mecha and go to the wicked monster instead!"

  "Why don't you go to the monsters? The mechas that we humans are proud of are completely vulnerable in front of these giant monsters!"

  "That's right! If I remember correctly, didn't the myth of the King Kong tribe on Skull Island say that in ancient times, humans could acquire some of the abilities of monsters? Doesn't that mean that we can also acquire the abilities of monsters? Since So why don't we believe in monsters?"

  "That's right! Only human beings embark on the path of their own evolution is the ultimate path!"

  "The end of technology is God!"

  "Obviously, Godzilla is a god!"

  "Destroy human tyranny, the world belongs to monsters!"


  Everyone thought that Godzilla was going to be defeated, but who would have thought that Godzilla, who was dying, would suddenly be resurrected with blood, as if he was hanging up, and he could even use an object that could move all objects within a kilometer radius. , including the earth, are given the horror skills of melting and burning.

  Finally defeated Destoroyah!

  this moment.

  The powerful terror displayed by the red lotus Godzilla has obviously conquered many people, and countless people have been frightened by the terrifying power displayed by Godzilla's red lotus form. After all, where have they seen such a scene?

  But at the same time, Godzilla's power has also made many loyal fans of monsters even more frenzied and crazy. They can't wait to get some of Godzilla's abilities immediately. A road of infinite evolution of the human body!

  "Look at what that is!"

  Suddenly, an extremely conspicuous barrage suddenly appeared.

  Everyone couldn't help but look around, and saw that there was a strong light in the sky in the distance, and the streamer illuminating the night sky was heading towards Red Lotus Godzilla and Destoroia, whistling and blasting at an alarming speed. .



  In the pit that was almost melted by the terrifying high temperature, the Red Lotus Godzilla stepped on Destroia's body and roared at Destroia, as if he was declaring his status as a king. .


  Red Lotus Godzilla seemed to be sensing something. It couldn't help but look up at the distant horizon, but saw a streamer shining brightly in the night sky in the distance, like a shooting star, moving towards it. Come quickly.

  But in an instant.

  That stream of light flew hundreds of meters above the two monsters, Red Lotus Godzilla and Destroyia, and exploded in the next moment.

  The first thing that appeared was a ray of light that was stronger and more dazzling than hundreds of thousands of suns. It was white when viewed from a close distance, and a dazzling golden light when viewed from a distance. The extremely dazzling light instantly illuminated the night sky for thousands of miles around.

  this moment.

  The night sky is as bright as day!

  The countless people who were evacuating from the new city continuously, when they saw this dazzling bright light, a pair of eyes were already blind.

  Followed by.

  It was an earth-shattering loud bang. This loud bang was louder than tens of thousands of thunders. It was deafening, and the strong sound overcame all sounds.

  The world seems to be quiet for it!

  Then there is a huge mushroom cloud, under the gaze of countless horrified eyes, it slowly lifts into the sky and illuminates the sky into golden yellow.

  It's like Ragnarok!


  After that, there was a shock wave that was like a crack in the sky, containing terrifying energy, destroying everything, and swept away in an instant, destroying everything in sight!

  In an instant.

  Like a monstrous storm passing through the country, the thick smoke and dust almost obscured the sky!

  And the countless people who have not yet had time to evacuate from the new city are even more so when the nuclear bomb exploded on the spot, the terrifying high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees produced instantly melted, even people in the extreme distance were like being hit by a car. , was instantly knocked out by the shock wave, and all the bones in the body were shattered.

  This horrible scene.

  It's like the end is coming!


  The live broadcast room was almost dead silent, and hundreds of millions of viewers were even more shocked and stunned. They did not expect that the Peacock Kingdom would drop a nuclear bomb with such a huge power directly at their capital! ?


  at the same time.

  The highest command room of the Peacock Kingdom Defense Forces, located [-] meters below a deep mountain, is already quiet, even if it is thousands of meters away from the new city, even if this huge command room is hundreds of meters underground, even if this The command room is constructed of the hardest alloys.

  But at this moment.

  The violent shock waves and vibrations produced by the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

  It also made this command room shake, and everyone wore goggles to quietly appreciate this shocking scene, perhaps after this shocking explosion.

  Godzilla will cease to exist!


  Marklov's face was full of smiles, because he was sure that under this megaton nuclear bomb, all living things would be turned into ashes and dissipated!

  Including Godzilla and Destoroyah!

  If it is Godzilla in his peak state, or the demon Destroia, Markov really has no confidence to ensure that his megaton nuclear bomb can directly blow up Godzilla and Destroia. die.

  But know.

  The current Godzilla and Destoroia are not at their peak, but at the end of the battle, so he is sure that Godzilla and Destoroia in this state will never be in a million tons. Class nuclear bombs can survive, if they can survive.

  Then he, Marklov, was hit and killed here on the spot!

  of course.

  Godzilla and Destoroyah can't be alive!

  The aftermath of the nuclear bomb explosion lasted for only a few tens of seconds, and the huge mushroom cloud rising into the sky slowly dissipated.

  The bright light has long since dissipated.

  When the scene after the explosion appeared in everyone's eyes, everyone couldn't help but gasp, but seeing that many high-rise buildings could still be seen, and the Peacock Kingdom's Imperial New City could still maintain some of the urban appearance.

  At this moment.

  Straight to the ground!

  With a radius of tens of kilometers, there is not a single building in sight. It was completely razed to the ground by the nuclear bomb. There are ruins everywhere, showing a dilapidated scene!

  There is also black rain in the sky. These black rain is the radioactive material produced after the nuclear bomb explodes, which has great harm to the human body.

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