The attention of countless viewers in the live broadcast room is obviously not the razed new city, but Godzilla, so they searched for Godzilla everywhere, but they couldn't find Godzilla after searching for a long time. The figure, as if Godzilla had really been blown to dust and dissipated...  

  "Is Godzilla really dead?"

  "Probably not?"

  "Impossible to die! Godzilla is invincible!"

  "Hahaha! How is it possible not to die? A megaton nuclear bomb is inherently powerful, and it is absolutely impossible for any creature to survive this earth-shattering bombardment, not to mention Godzilla and Destroyer, not the pinnacle. status, they have long been the end of the shot!"

  "That's right! How could Godzilla and Destoroia, who are in a weak state at the center of the nuclear bomb's explosion, still survive?"

  "Anyone with discerning eyes can tell that Godzilla is dead. It must have been blown up to ashes and dissipated. Otherwise, why didn't he find it after searching for a long time?"


  There are countless barrages in the live broadcast room.


  Everyone thought that Godzilla was going to die!

  Command room.

  Looking at the ruins of the new city, which had been razed to the ground and turned into ruins, which looked extremely desolate and dead, Maklov couldn't help but punched the table with excitement, and he laughed like crazy, haha:

  "Did you see it? I said that Godzilla and Destoroia in a weak state are absolutely impossible to survive the bombing of a megaton nuclear bomb! Look, these two monsters were directly blown up. There's no scum left! It's a pity, I wanted to study the corpse!"

  The rest of the people also had expressions of joy on their faces.

  No matter how.

  They blew up the two monsters Godzilla and Destroyia in front of the whole world, which undoubtedly made their Peacock Kingdom a lot of face in the world. After all, their Peacock Kingdom is the first in the world. A country that kills monsters, isn't that enough?

  "General, look at it!!!"

  Suddenly, I don't know who exclaimed, Marklov and others couldn't help looking at the screen, and the next moment, the smiles on their faces froze.

  Instead, he was full of disbelief!

  because they see.

  In the ruined city that was originally quiet and dead on the screen, a huge figure suddenly stood up slowly, and the body of the huge figure suddenly burst into a dazzling red light. The red light shone for thousands of meters in a radius. The shrouded night sky was once again illuminated into a crimson red, but seeing the huge figure suddenly raised his head and roared.


  A low, majestic roar

  Shocked the sky at this moment!


  A crimson-red energy ray about two meters in thickness that appeared to be extremely solid, without a trace of energy overflowing, suddenly shot from Godzilla's mouth to the sky, the moment the red lotus ray left Godzilla's mouth.


  The red lotus rays seemed to rise in the face of the storm, and they suddenly soared from two meters in diameter to ten meters in an instant, like a crimson red pillar with a thickness of ten meters, standing upright, this scene really shocked countless people.

  this moment.

  The dead silence in the command room was terrifying, almost audible for needles falling.

  Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it. In the quiet command room, they could hear their clear thumping heartbeats.

  And Markov...

  It is even more directly petrified, just like a dumb chicken!


  Not even dead! ! !



  ps: The third update.

  [-]-character chapter ~~~~

  Ask for a monthly pass! ! ! .

Chapter 107

  "how can that be!?"

  "God, Godzilla isn't dead yet!"

  "This is too powerful, isn't it? Even a terrifying megaton nuclear bomb can't kill Godzilla in a weak state?"


  "Hahaha! Did I just say that Godzilla is invincible? How could a mere nuclear bomb kill it? Don't forget, Godzilla is a natural balancer!"

  "Godzilla hide!"


  Seeing a huge figure slowly stand up from the ruined city that was razed to the ground, the countless audience members in the live broadcast room were all shocked, their faces were stunned, and they couldn't believe it. .

  Everyone thought that even if Godzilla was strong, in a weak state, it was just the end of the shot and was hit by a million-ton nuclear bomb.

  It is absolutely impossible to survive!

  But who would have thought.

  The result was so unexpected. Not only was Godzilla not killed by the mega-ton nuclear bomb, but, looking at Godzilla's state at this time, it seemed that the mega-ton nuclear bomb was returned to him. Godzilla came with a big supplement, and this result undoubtedly made everyone feel unbelievable.


  at the same time.

  In the command room [-] meters below the ground, everyone looked sluggish, looking at the huge and terrifying figure on the big screen that was full of crimson light and spewing red lotus rays up to the sky.

  There was a terrified uproar.

  "How is this possible...29"

  "It's's not dead?"

  "It's done! We're done! won't let us go!"

  "Don't panic, it doesn't know where we are!"


  They thought that Godzilla would be directly killed by the megaton nuclear bomb they fired, but what they never thought was that.

  Godzilla is not dead!

  This made them feel incredible, but at the same time, they couldn't help feeling fear and fear in their hearts. After all, they had seen the horror of Godzilla.

  Once Godzilla is going to take a shot at them...

  To be honest.

  Even if God came, I'm afraid he couldn't save them!

  "It's impossible..."

  Marklov was also sluggish, staring at the terrifying figure on the big screen like a stupid chicken. Obviously, he didn't expect this result. The joy that was filled in his heart was swept away. .


  It is fear!



  At this moment, Godzilla's body temperature is soaring at a terrifying speed, but in a moment, it has directly broken through from [-] degrees Celsius to [-] degrees, and it is even soaring at an alarming rate!

  The extremely terrifying temperature spread out, causing the space around it to violently distort, and the ground beneath his feet melted even faster.

  Such a terrifying extremely hot temperature is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying and devastating blow to a monster like Destoroyah who is afraid of extreme temperatures!


  At this time, Destroia was already recalled by He You at the moment when the nuclear bomb occurred. After all, Destroia at that time had been beaten to death by Godzilla who had entered the red lotus form. , the state has declined sharply. If it is really hit by the megaton nuclear bomb, it may be directly killed.

  But said this time.

  But I saw a red lotus ray ten meters thick and so solid that there was no trace of energy overflowing, and it was continuously ejected from Godzilla's mouth.

  The sky and the earth in a radius of thousands of meters are reflected in a red color.


  Godzilla closed his mouth and retracted the red lotus ray. Just when everyone thought that Godzilla would stop, but seeing its sharp backstab shining a brighter red light, the red light quickly condensed in his mouth.


  The next moment, the thicker red lotus ray shot out directly from Godzilla's mouth. With a bang, it hit a mountain hundreds of meters high a thousand meters away, and the red lotus ray melted directly. through the mountain.

  Then Godzilla turned his head, and the powerful red lotus rays also turned and swept away. The red lotus rays swept across the halfway of the mountain like a laser, and the entire mountain hundreds of meters high rumbled. It collapsed, and in an instant, smoke and dust billowed, and countless stones collapsed and flew everywhere.

  And the cutting part of the lower half of the mountain was directly melted into magma that continuously dripped down, and the red lotus rays swept across the dense woods beside the mountain.

  The woods immediately burst into flames, and the flames were raging.

  The ten-meter-thick red lotus ray swept across the ground.

  Immediately, the ground was melted and a huge ravine ten meters wide and five or six meters deep was torn apart, and the edge of the gully was also melted into magma by the terrifying high temperature.

  The magma kept dripping drop by drop.


  Next, as Godzilla kept turning his head, the red lotus rays also swept across the ground, and huge ravines appeared on the ground, as if riverbeds appeared out of thin air.

  If you look down at it from a high altitude, you will find that the land of the imperial capital city, which has been turned into a ruin, will leave a very wide and deep ravine on the ground with every swept away by the sturdy red lotus rays. .

  This horrible scene.

  It simply shocked countless people!

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