In He You's view.

  Compared to Destoroyah, the demon monster, Ghidorah is undoubtedly Godzilla's strongest opponent. Even Godzilla dare not say that he can absolutely defeat Ghidorah. After all, Ghidorah is in this universe. predators!


  Thinking of this, He You murmured: "I just don't know how much emotional value is needed to exchange Ghidorah? After all, Ghidorah's strength is so terrifying, the emotional value required to exchange for this terrifying monster must be a lot!"

  Think so.

  He directly opened the system's monster store.

  Search Ghidorah.

  The next moment, a monster model appeared in front of him. This monster had three dragon-like heads, three thick and extremely long necks, and two thick tails with sharp spikes at the ends behind them.

  A pair of huge wings like bat boards spread out.

  It can be said to cover the clouds and the sun, just like the wings of doomsday!

  The whole body of this monster is covered with extremely hard and extremely dazzling golden scales, and the whole monster looks extremely majestic and domineering!

  It's Ghidorah!

  at the same time.

  Below the Ghidorah model are its attributes.

  【Name】: Ghidorah.

  [Level]: Destroy the country level.

  [Skills]: Gravitational Light, Anti-gravity Light, Gravitational Energy Cover.

  [Form]: Evolving...

  [Height]: 158 meters.

  [Wingspan]: 520 meters.

  [Weight]: 152420 tons.

  [Void Energy]: 1000 million/1000 million.

  [Required emotional value]: 25 billion.


  When I saw the series of zeros behind the twenty-five number.

  He You was completely dumbfounded. After he counted it carefully several times, he finally confirmed that it was indeed [-] billion emotional points!

  At this moment.

  He You's heart was like [-] grass and mud horses galloping past.

  Although he had long anticipated that exchanging Ghidorah would definitely require a large amount of emotional value, but in his opinion, it was only [-] to [-] billion emotions in the sky, and he had more than [-] billion emotional value at that time. He also felt that a mere [-]-[-] billion emotional value was for him as a rich man.

  That counts as wool, isn't it?

  Just sprinkle water

  But now.

  How could he have imagined that the exchange of Ghidorah would require [-] billion emotional points, which was five times higher than the [-] million emotional points he expected. How could he not My heart is grass?

  This is a full [-] million more than the [-] billion emotional value he is holding now. That is to say, just exchanging for a country-killing monster Ghidorah will make him gain most of the day. It's all in vain!

  "This motherfucker is too much, isn't it?"

  He You couldn't help but scolded secretly, just to exchange for a Ghidorah that destroys the country requires [-] billion emotional points, and then exchange for the cosmic dinosaurs Hypageton, Ye Rot, or even more powerful monsters. How much emotional value do you need?five billion?Ten billion?Or five billion?

  Or even more terrifying [-] billion! ?

  The more he thinks about it, the more headache he has. Ten billion emotional points are extremely far away for him, not to mention the even more terrifying one hundred billion!


  He You secretly scolded: "I can be sure now that with a population of nearly [-] billion in the earth, it is absolutely impossible to feed so many monsters with such a little emotional value, even if I can give Hypageton to him. If you exchange it, it is absolutely impossible to feed so many monsters!"


  He continued: "It is true that monsters like Godzilla, Destoroyah, or Mothra can absorb nuclear radiation and evolve itself to improve their strength, but how much radiation energy can the earth itself have?".

  The radiation energy possessed by the earth itself is simply not enough for so many monsters to absorb it. So many monsters evolve by absorbing the earth's radiation at the same time. Let's not talk about whether this will destroy the ecology of the earth.

  As a result, the earth is no longer habitable, and this is not enough for Godzilla and the other monsters to absorb. In the long run, the evolution speed of these monsters must be limited by the decreasing radiation.

  After all.

  If you want Godzilla and these monsters to keep evolving at a high speed, you still need He You to have enough emotional value to support.

  Otherwise, it's all talk-free!

  thought here.

  He You couldn't help but feel a headache. The more powerful monsters he came into contact with, the more he felt his emotional value. It was simply a drop in the bucket. He couldn't use it at all, and the earth is so big and there are so many people.

  No matter how much he does it, the total amount of emotions he has gained is already there, that is to say, he can only get so much emotional value at most, and he wants to break through the limit of the total amount of emotional value.

  What does he need to do?


  He needs a huge population!

  Could it be that he is going to do some kind of family planning, so that all human beings in the world have more children?He doesn't have the time and energy to do this.

  Then there is no way.

  Then there is only one way left.

  That is......

  Lead the monster army out of the earth and invade other civilizations!

  Only he led his powerful army of monsters to invade other planetary civilizations, so that the creatures of those civilizations were afraid of his monsters.

  Only then can he gain greater emotional value!


  This is actually a typical strategy of raising war with war!

  Although this strategy is indeed a bit cruel and bloody for other planetary civilizations, He You never feels that he is a virgin because... This world is originally a world where the weak eat the strong, and the strong are strong. , the weak die, the law of the dark forest in the universe.

  Undoubtedly the most suitable survival rule for civilization!

  Just ask.

  If He Ruoyou did not activate the monster system, what would happen to the earth discovered by the sea spirit civilization?Apparently destroying you what's with you?

  shook his head.

  He You is too lazy to think about these things, leading his army of monsters to conquer the universe or something, this must be the road he will take in the future!

  Unless it is said that he will no longer exchange monsters, he will honestly hide on the earth and wait to be discovered by higher civilizations, and then be destroyed by higher civilizations.

  For example, being reduced from a three-dimensional world to a two-dimensional world?

  Sitting and waiting to die?

  This is obviously not He You's character. Since he has a system and there are countless powerful monster armies behind him, he will naturally lead the monster army.

  Let this universe billions of civilizations......

  Feel the fear and despair that come from him!

  As for now...

  Of course, that is to exchange more monsters as soon as possible, and transform the mecha world into a monster world. He is not worried that he will not be able to successfully transform this world, because of the heart of human beings who yearn for powerful power.

  It will never change!

  Since there is a powerful force in front of humans, and this force is strong enough to destroy any mecha, why do humans not follow?

  Think so.

  He clicked on Ghidorah's skill introduction.

  [Gravitational Light]: The gravitational light ejected from Ghidorah's mouth can change the gravitational force at will, and the target hit by the gravitational light will be directly blasted by the disorderly and violent gravitational force of the gravitational light.

  [Anti-gravity light]: Unlike gravitational light, no matter how huge or heavy an object is, once it is hit by Ghidorah's anti-gravity light, it will be pulled and lifted by Ghidorah's anti-gravity light, just like Like a balloon, the Earth's gravity would not be able to protect it.

  [Gravitational Energy Cover]: The gravitational light released by Ghidorah from all over the body will form an energy cover ten meters around his body, which is formed by the gravitational light changing the gravitational force, and has a strong defense capability.


  After reading the introduction of Ghidorah's three major skills, He You suddenly felt that the [-] billion emotional value, in fact... ahem, there is still a little value for money, nothing else, Just because this skill is too strong and too perverted!

  he feels.

  The power of Ghidorah's three skills is even more terrifying than Destoroyah's Oxygen Destruction Light. At least Destoroyah's Oxygen Destruction Light, and variable cutting, are still within the scope of the four basic forces.

  Ghidorah is fine.

  Its gravitational ray sum directly violates the gravitational force of one of the four fundamental forces, and its anti-gravity light is undoubtedly an extremely perverted control skill, once it is hit by Ghidorah's anti-gravity light.

  I'm afraid it's hard to break free!

  There is also Ghidorah's gravitational energy shield, a special energy shield formed by changing the gravitational field, which undoubtedly has an extremely powerful defensive effect. Any energy light skills hit Ghidorah's gravitational energy shield.

  I am afraid that the power will be greatly weakened!

  King Ghidorah.......

  It really deserves it!

  To be honest.

  In He You's heart, he was indeed a little worried that even Godzilla, who had entered the red lotus form, would be able to beat Ghidorah with these three perverted skills, but at the moment he didn't have any extra emotional value for Godzilla. Pull to upgrade, after all, he didn't even have enough emotional value to exchange Ghidorah. At this moment, he instantly felt that he was poor!

  Is [-] billion emotions worth much?

  Not much at all!


  Thinking like this, He You opened his arms and lay on his back on the soft big bed. Right now, he can only wait for his emotional value to rise to [-] billion.

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