In order to exchange the King Ghidorah, the gold swallowing monster!

  "Oh shit......"

  Looking at the ceiling, he couldn't help but scolded: "I can't help but lead the army of monsters to invade other civilizations. The earth has severely restricted my development. Otherwise, I will have to exchange for Hypageton, or add more money. Tanjee, these powerful monsters?".

  He secretly set a goal for himself.

  If there is a chance in the future.

  He must go out of the earth, and let other civilizations experience the fear from monsters. After all, everyone is a member of the big family of the universe.

  He wants both the rain and the dew.



  ps: Second update.

  Three thousand words chapter.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 110

  The news that the imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom was destroyed by monsters.

  On the second day, it quickly swept across major international social platforms such as Twitter and other major international social platforms, as well as the headline reports of the world's mainstream media at a storm-like speed.

  And that made the story go viral all the time.

  When people saw the news at that time, they were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. Many people who saw Godzilla's mighty power for the first time were even more frightened by the terrifying destructive power displayed by the monster. Have you ever seen such a shocking and terrifying scene in your whole life?

  "God, what the hell is this east-west?"

  "Monster? What is this? I just haven't surfed the Internet for more than a month. Why does it feel like I think I've traveled to another world-?"

  "You didn't travel upstairs, but the monster that used to be the king of the earth is recovering rapidly. Soon, the earth will completely enter the era of great monsters!"

  "Monsters are so scary!"

  "Yes, our human mechas are not the opponents of these monsters at all!"

  "If we humans want to defeat monsters, we can only find a way to gain the ability of monsters to defeat them like the ancients of the ancient civilizations on earth!"

  "You're thinking about farting!"

  "That is, humans gain power from monsters, but you still want to defeat monsters? Let me ask you, can you stop Godzilla's terrifying form? You were burned to ashes before you even got close to them. It's gone!"

  "The monster hide is over!"

  "Destroy human tyranny, the world belongs to monsters!"


  In any case, the news that the imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom was destroyed by monsters spread rapidly around the world, and this also caused He You's emotional value to skyrocket rapidly and crazily at an extremely alarming speed.


  [Shock value +2]

  [Excited value +1]

  [Fear value +3]

  [Anger value +2]

  [Hate value +5]


  He You, located in Wu'an City, Daxia Country, couldn't help smiling at the soaring emotional value in front of him. The news that the imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom was destroyed by monsters, after another frantic report from major media.

  This made his mood value surge wildly again!

  The effect of this thing has also been maximized!

  "Open the properties panel."

  Said silently in my heart.

  The next moment, his attribute information panel appeared in front of him.

  [Host]: He You.

  [g cells]: 128 million.

  [Strength]: Level 5 extraordinary.

  [Skills]: Incandescent Light, Shifting Universe, Global Casting, and Shining Barrier.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monsters]: King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra, Destoroyah, Scylla, Muto and his wife, Radon, Methuselah, and Behemoth.

  [Emotional Value]: 38+.

  "[-] billion..."

  Looking at the emotional value of [-] billion, He You couldn't help but smile a little. In one night, his emotional value soared directly from [-] billion to [-] billion. The emotional value of more than [-], one night's effort, has skyrocketed to [-] billion!


  Look at the growth trend of his emotional value...

  It is very likely that it will reach [-] billion, and it is not impossible to even break through to [-] billion. Of course, he thinks [-] billion is still a bit difficult.

  in fact.

  He You clearly felt that although his emotional value continued to exceed one million, even more than [-] billion, the amount of emotional value provided by a single person had decreased, that is to say, at the beginning, a person could He provided an emotional value of more than five points, and now most of them are less than five points, which shows the emotional effect of monsters on the world.

  Obviously not as good as the first time!

  And the reason why his emotional value can still easily break through [-] million units, or even [-] billion units, is because more and more people know about monsters, and the influence caused by monsters is covering the whole world.

  But He You was sure.

  With the increasing number of monsters appearing in the future, the emotional shock effect of monsters on the world will inevitably weaken sharply.

  after all.

  The first time you see it, you will be surprised and frightened, and the second time you may be curious, but what if the world is used to the appearance of monsters?

  Wouldn't it be difficult for people in the world to have mood swings?

  Isn't it difficult for He You to reap emotional values?

  of course.

  He can also drop monsters in human cities, which can certainly harvest a lot of fear points, but this will inevitably lead to a large number of casualties, and millions of people will die under the iron hooves of monsters.

  Tens of millions of people died at one time.

  What if it was two, three, four, and countless times?

  No amount of population is enough to destroy monsters!

  This is not to say that He You sympathizes with these people, but because of the reduction in the population, the most direct impact is that the emotional value that He You can harvest will inevitably decrease, which is self-destructive.

  He You will never do it unless it is absolutely necessary!

  after all.

  Why would he do something against his own interests?

  He is no fool.

  "But overall it works well..."

  He couldn't help rubbing his chin and muttering, Godzilla's battle against Destoroyah alone has allowed him to harvest more than three billion and nearly four billion emotional points. Such gains obviously greatly exceeded his efforts. .


  If he were to create the world-renowned monster battle for the King of Monsters, he would gain a huge amount of emotional value. I am afraid that at that time, his emotional value would definitely easily exceed [-] billion.

  It is not impossible to even reach seven or eight billion!

  Think so.

  He opened the system's monster store and searched directly for Ghidorah.

  next moment.

  Ghidorah's miniature monster model appeared before him.


  He You endured the heartache, and exchanged the [-] billion Emotional Points worth of Ghidorah, the king of the country-killing monsters, and his Emotional Points plummeted instantly.

  at the same time.

  A system prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

  【Successful exchange! 】

  [Congratulations to the host for unlocking the kingdom-destroying king Ghidorah! 】

  next moment.

  Ghidorah's attribute information appeared before his eyes.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  【Name】: Ghidorah.

  [Level]: Destroy the country level.

  [Skills]: Gravitational Light, Anti-gravity Light, Gravitational Energy Cover.

  [Form]: Evolving...

  [Height]: 158 meters.

  [Wingspan]: m.

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