Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 116: Missing manuscript

"Mechanical Alchemist (!

"Boss, the convoy of the Cross Society escorting the goods has entered the city. It should arrive at the'Baifan Warehouse' in ten minutes."

"Has the list of escorts confirmed?"

"It has been confirmed that there are a total of twelve people in the three vehicles. They are all the old crosses on the list, and there are no suspicious persons. The leader is "Blade" Kay, and the others... also have a name named Su on the list. Lun, the marksmanship is pretty good. "

"Well, it's just a gunman, no matter how strong it is, it's not a concern. Follow the plan. Once it is determined that the things are in the cargo, clear everyone in the convoy."


"Oh, that's right. You can get in touch with the kid named'Kay'. Let's examine the external organization first, and if the ability is okay, just absorb it."



The convoy of the Cross Society escorted the supplies slowly into the inner city from the "No. 5 Gate".

After entering the city wall, it is like entering a steel forest, which is a very three-dimensional city. There are many super-high buildings of three to five hundred meters, like towering trees, which form the main body of the city. And relying on these super-high buildings as the skeleton, various steel-framed flyovers, suspended intercity train tracks, high-altitude pedestrian streets, suspended steel-frame a layer of cakes are built densely.

These overhead buildings connect the buildings into one piece, and roughly divide the entire city into upper, middle, and lower floors.

The eye-catching architectural style has obvious layers.

The low buildings look very slender, with exposed brick walls, large blocks of stone, tall minarets with obvious Gothic style, pointed arches, and large windows with stained glass. It looks like a building a thousand years ago. Style; the middle-level steel frame structure, thick pipes, steam boilers, and strong steampunk in the rough industrial style; and the higher it goes, the future technological style of the cyber world, and the sky garden...

The city's designers have increased the number of residents in the inner city that can accommodate several times within a limited space.

There are some vague impressions in the memory of Su Lun's harvesting, and he also knows that there are many people in the inner city.

The higher you live, the more honorable your status.

The ground floor is also the civilian area of ​​the inner city.

The Cross Club's convoy was driving on the ground, and intercity trains whizzed overhead like a light rail. By the side of the street, there is a flower stand with gorgeous flowers, regardless of age, women, young or old, all wear well-fitted gorgeous clothes.

"Wow... a lot of cars! Are these guys in the inner city so rich? It seems that everyone can afford a high-end car..."

Kay had never entered the inner city, he looked at this completely different scene from the outer city, and his mouth was filled with emotion.

Each of these cars has shiny paint and smooth lines, which is not comparable to the old ones made of scrap parts in the outer city.

Seeing the cars on the highway, Kaye suddenly felt that those "cool and explosive locomotives" in the gang were like naughty children covered in mud in front of these cars.

Su Lun rested his chin in his hand and leaned against the window of the car, looking at the busy street, but his eyes drifted a little.

Obviously, the goods have been shipped to the inner city, and it is reasonable to say that he will never encounter robbers again, but he always feels that something is wrong.


The destination of the cargo **** is the "Baifan Warehouse", which is an inconspicuous warehouse on the riverside at the bottom of City No. 5, with a glass roof like a white sail.

The space is large, and the truck drove directly into the warehouse.

Kay greeted Sulun's getting off the car, "Hey, brother, we are here. After the goods are delivered, the task is considered complete."

Su Lun nodded, but got out of the car in no hurry.

He deliberately looked at the people who received the goods in the warehouse. There were seven people in total. These were employees in the Chamber of Commerce under Mrs. Fino, and there seemed to be no problem.

Then he looked at the layout of the warehouse again. It's very spacious, about the size of a football field. But apart from a few cars, there is no place to hide. Only a few thick spray-painted iron pillars supported the glass roof above.

At this moment, Su Lun had instinctively thought of a feasible escape route if he encountered danger.

Kay had gone down and greeted the person who was handing over.

Then after going to the car, the code door was opened, and the people started to unload the goods one by one according to the list.

Su Lun observed this but found nothing unusual, and got out of the car.

"Butler Jackson, this is a list of the goods. We have already ordered it once before we set off, and there is absolutely no problem."

"Sorry, the process still has to go."

"Oh, counting is a very time-consuming job, it will take you hard."

"No. This is exactly what Mrs. Philo hired us for."


When Su Lun got out of the car, the people watching the Cross began to disembark the items one by one, and the old butler named Jackson was in charge of the inventory.

The guys in the inner city behaved indifferently, and it seemed that they didn't want to communicate much with the outer cities of the Cross, even if Kay was the transportation captain.

Kay looked very boring.

Seeing Su Lun come down, he walked over, "Su Lun, we will deliver the goods in a while, shall we go around the city?"

Su Lun nodded when he saw that he was in good spirits, "Yeah."

But at this moment, a beard-looking man in a suit suddenly came from outside the warehouse. He opened his mouth and asked a group of people: "Who is Kaye?"

Kay frowned at the arrogant tone. I didn't want to talk about it, but as if thinking of something, he still said, "I am."

The man didn't talk nonsense, and said coldly: "Follow me, someone wants to see you."

As he said, he left in the direction where he came in without looking back.

When Kay heard this, instead of doubting, he was filled with excitement. He winked at Su Lun, "Brother, I'll leave for a while, and you can watch it for me."


Su Lun nodded and said nothing.

He knew that this beard was probably the person Kaye said, the smoker arranged for him to contact.

He didn't have much to say.

After all, Smokey is Kay's old captain and the one who promoted him in the gang. Su Lun can often hear the worship of the smoker Sambu from Kaye's mouth, like a child admiring his father.


Su Lun finds it weird that this moustache has just found the warehouse to beg someone?

This is the warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce of Mrs. Philo. If the sponsor introduced by Smokey to Kay is an acquaintance of Mrs. Philo, why is it so mysterious?

Also, the observing gaze at the far door of the warehouse, is it a sentry or something?


A lot of the items on the truck have been removed, and those large sculptures, metal utensils and other antiques have been piled up on the ground.

Then there are some small pieces such as ancient books, scrolls, cursing materials.

Su Lun was suspicious and watched quietly from the side. Gradually, he discovered a problem, that is, the old steward of the eight-character Hu seems to have read the classics very carefully.

Even on the list, it is written "a hundred ancient classics" without detailed names.

There are hundreds of books in that pile, and it would definitely waste a lot of time to read them all.

But the butler took the trouble to look through each book carefully, as if he was looking for something.

It was this abnormal behavior that made Su Lun suddenly alert.

What is this old man looking for?

He is not so careful about other antiquities, he seems to be looking for a special book?

At this moment, Su Lun flashed a few key words in his mind, goods, classics...Gang warehouse?


has a problem!

Suddenly, he searched for a related memory in his memory through keywords.

That was the first day he joined the Cross Society and participated in the attack on the headquarters warehouse!

At that time, Qianjo captured an intruder alive, but was killed by the inner ghost of the Cross Society halfway through.

Su Lun connected these series of clues together, suddenly frowned, and guessed a possibility that would make him sweat instantly: "This guy is looking for [Isaac's alchemy manuscript]!"


This thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and a huge sense of crisis that made Su Lun's scalp numb instantly hit his mind.

I thought it was a simple **** handover task, but I didn't expect it to hide a murderous intention!

Su Lun had learned through various channels that what the Cross Society had lost was a volume of [Isaac's Alchemy Manuscript].

I originally thought that if I lost it, I lost it, that kind of precious thing has nothing to do with his small group of people.

Now I don't want to be involved by accident.

He instantly thought: "The Captain Miller who sniped the prisoners back then was definitely not a ghost, at least...not the mastermind. It means that there is still a'key figure' inside the Cross Society who was not found in the original robbery. At that time. President Chuck and the cadres suddenly returned to the headquarters. The ghost knew how and it was impossible for them to seat the manuscript, but it was safest to hide it..."

Moreover, this is not just a guess, but a real hammer!

Su Lun immediately recalled the key piece of information that he had also stripped off the soul of the second-order attacker at that time: "They would never think that the manuscript would be hidden there."

"So that's what happened..."

Su Lun connected all the clues in his brain together, and a huge conspiracy with profound layout instantly surfaced.

Since it is impossible to take the manuscript away in that, where can the manuscript be hidden?

Naturally the warehouse of the Cross!

"The manuscript never left the Hessian building, but moved from the vault of the Cross to the ordinary warehouse outside!"

All kinds of clues were connected end to end, and Su Lun immediately came to the conclusion: "That inner ghost also knows very well that even as a cadre, he will definitely be suspected of going to the warehouse. But he doesn't need to risk taking the manuscript by himself, because After a period of time, the Cross Club will automatically pack and **** the things in the ordinary warehouses to the inner city... Just by intercepting the shipping team, you can find the manuscripts hidden in those classics!"

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