Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 117: Suddenly there was a violent murder

"Mechanical Alchemist (!

"Damn it! Smokey Sambu is the inner ghost of the Cross!"

The truth of the whole thing was restored in Su Lun's mind, and the more he thought about it, the clues matched.

If Miller is not a true ghost, then 80% of him is a cadre who can tell him to kill the captives.

Although there were still a few cadres of the Cross Society who did not leave the city at the beginning, others were afraid that they would not be able to suspect that this Cross Society's meritorious elders belonged to them.

But the secret that Kay told him before, let Su Lun immediately determine that the smoker is the inner ghost!

Suren is sure that Kay is absolutely unaware, so... now that he is taken away, it is possible that the smoker really cherishes his talents and intends to keep Kay for his life?

Although I don't know what Kay will encounter when he is taken away, it is not what Sulun wants to think now.

He knows very well that once the [Isaac's alchemy manuscript] is really in this batch, when it is found, it will be the death date of this batch of people in the warehouse!


Maybe the other party is just asking for goods and is not planning to kill?


Su Lun did not report any fluke, because he had already felt the killing intent.

He scanned the layout of the warehouse again, and suddenly felt that the situation was terrible.

Their location is in the middle of the warehouse, and they really want the enemies outside the warehouse to rush in. These will welcome the fire from all directions.

Even if you use the carriage as a shelter, you have to wait to die.

Su Lun, an employee of several other chambers of commerce, felt that there might not be a big problem, but the old butler who was looking for the manuscript must have a problem.

Su Lun originally thought that the sense of disgust was the inherent superiority of the inner city people looking down on the outer city people, but now he discovered that it turned out to be a murderous intent.

Thinking of this, Su Lun also slowly leaned in, and then got into the carriage under the guise of help. Although this car is not a special explosion-proof car, it can withstand bullets to a large extent.

At this time, the old butler was still searching among a pile of ancient books.

Suddenly, he got a thick book with a black bronzing cover, as if he had found some mark, his expression changed slightly.

At this moment, the old butler made a seemingly normal move, and he took off the hat from his head.

Su Lun had been paying attention to this guy's every move, seeing this, his pupils shrank suddenly.

This guy is cryptic!

Seeing this, he didn't wait any longer, and took the initiative to ask: "Butler Jackson, have you found what you want?"

When the old butler heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Su Lun in the carriage with a stunned look.

At this moment, Su Lun's sense of disgust suddenly turned into a needle-like "killing intent".

Even if Su Lun is now able to control his emotions very well, but after being calculated by others, his heart is also furious, "I really made my guess!"

Almost at the moment when he sensed the killing intent, Su Lun didn't give the old butler any chance to make trouble. He drew out the musket from his waist like lightning, and blasted the old butler's head with a single shot.

Killed on the spot.


Su Lun suddenly violently murdered, whether it was the **** gang of the Cross Society or the few Chamber of Commerce employees who followed the old housekeeper.

Seeing the corpse with heads exploding in front of them, everyone thought that Su Lun was crazy. They were just about to speak, when they watched Su Lun throw out a few more smoke bombs and exploded.

"Damn, what are you guys doing!"

"Are you crazy!"


There was a roar of anger, and it stopped abruptly.

Because before the smoke filled the view, the warehouse door was suddenly kicked open.

A group of men in black dressed in plaid suits, vests, gloves and newsboy hats filed in, carrying a "black wheel submachine gun". There was no nonsense at all, and a fire-covered burst shot at the convoy in the center of the warehouse. !

Da da da...

More than a dozen machine guns were fired, and more than a dozen people standing by the truck were beaten into a hornet's nest before they had any time to react.

More than ten seconds later, the bullets of the drum were lit up, and there was a clicking sound in the warehouse.

Those people in black are obviously well-trained, looking at the diffuse smoke, they also guessed that the enemy might seize the opportunity during the change of bombs. One part was changed, the other part directly took out the pistol from the waist and aimed it, very cautiously surrounding the smoky truck.

In the depths of the truck, Su Lun, who was hiding behind a metal sculpture, thought silently: "Three on the front, five on the side, and eight in the direction of the front..."

He heard the position of the enemy's footsteps clearly, and suddenly got into trouble.

The gunfire suddenly exploded from the smoke.

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"

There were three rapid gunshots in a row, and no one was seen yet, and the three men in black who were facing the truck compartment rounded up and were accurately hit.

The group of people in black was caught off guard, but they also used colors, and shot at the mist with a cover shot.

But in the next instant, the mist of an eight-armed monster suddenly rushed out of the vague shadow.

The two men in black who had just gathered around and wanted to block the truck compartment before seeing what it was, were suddenly pierced into their chests by two spider spears, and died suddenly on the spot!

The man in black reacted instantly and wanted to focus on Su Lun in seconds. Sulun, who could run with the eight-armed spider spear, had walking legs, but his hands were not idle, and he also changed the color.

[Malicious perception] Let him accurately capture the position of the enemy gunner, and continuously pull the trigger to kill.

Bang, bang, bang...

The two parties delivered the goods fiercely, and the gunshots echoed in the empty warehouse, completely muffled.

If it were in the outer city, with these dozen or so gunmen, it would be easy for Su Lun to kill the protruding encirclement. After all, the nerve reaction speed and marksmanship of ordinary people are extremely limited to him now.


It was this bullet that was enough to kill ten gangster gunmen in the outer city, but only one person was killed. The other bullets either missed or were avoided by those guys, and only hit non-lethal parts...

"All professionals!"

When Su Lun saw this, it was even worse. He didn't have any thoughts of fighting, and retreated while fighting. The eight-armed spider spear trembled at a high frequency, and a phantom appeared during the movement.

He didn't dared to rush out from the warehouse gate, but ran directly to a nearby load-bearing pillar.

At this moment, the eight-armed spider spear colony also played its amazing escape effect, climbing the pole on the wall, as if walking on the ground.


Su Lun took the initiative and caught the group of people in black by surprise.

And after he rushed out of the carriage, he showed the extraordinary spider planting and precise marksmanship, which also caused a soft sound from everyone in black.

I thought I was able to intercept and kill them, but they killed five and wounded three as soon as they met each other?

Doesn’t it mean that there is only one professional in the team?

What's the situation with this spider-man?

Also, when did such a powerful first-tier professional appear in the outer city?

Although there were many doubts, the movement of the leader in black was not slow.

"Hehe, how could I let you escape!"

When the contemptuous gaze flashed in his eyes, the double surgeon's seal had already been pinched out.

In the next instant, a dark blue six-pointed star alchemy array suddenly lit up under his feet. At the moment when the gloss of this formation appeared, the huge warehouse suddenly seemed like a cold wave, and the temperature suddenly dropped by a large amount.

At this moment, Su Lun, who was climbing around the iron pillar, was still trying his best to avoid being hit by bullets, and occasionally shot back a few shots to make the people in black escape.

But at this moment, he caught a glimpse of the guy with the six-pointed star formation illuminated at his feet, and his heart was stunned, and he said that he was not good: "Second-tier professional!"

Such a complicated sorcerer's seal, you can see from the hand that it is a second-order spell.

This means that that guy must be a Tier 2 professional!

Moreover, this second-order ice spell was not easy at first glance. Not only did Su Lun feel that the air temperature dropped sharply, but the feeling of death made him blow up all his hairs.

Without hesitation, Su Lun raised his hand and fired twice at the guy.

He wanted to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

After two shots, he did not continue firing regardless of whether he hit or not. Instead, he turned the muzzle and fired several shots towards the glass top above his head, punching a large hole in a piece of glass next to the load-bearing pillar.

Seeing that the opponent had cast an ice spell, he instinctively thought of the way to deal with it.


However, no one who can advance to the second-tier professional is mediocre, even if it is a legal system, they have enough experience in dealing with guns.

The leader in black looked at Su Lun's muzzle pointed at him, and a sneer overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

His thoughts flashed in his mind: "Multiple shooting upright...the outer city gang actually has such a gun expert. This guy can really surprise people. Hehe, maybe he is still the most wanted criminal in the organization... ."

It was this thought that flashed, and he watched sparks from the muzzle aimed at him, without dodge, almost at the same time, the bullet hit his forehead.



With two crisp sounds, the warhead bounced out, the runes shone brightly, and ice flowers flew up for a moment.

The man in black is safe and sound, this is not real skin, but a layer of frost armor!

At the next moment after being shot, the man in black warlock seal was over, and he groaned softly: "Alchemy·Cold Frost!"

The warlock printed together, and from the alchemy array under his feet, a frosty path like a white snake spread out, rushing towards the weighing steel pillar not far away like lightning.


"So fast casting speed!"

Su Lun didn't expect that these two shots would do anything to that ice warlock, but he didn't even think that this guy would use his head to resist.

Since he couldn't stop the opponent from casting the spell, he could only watch the biting frost instantly spread over the iron pillar he was climbing.

Seeing that there are more than ten meters to go up to the roof, but at this time, he suddenly found that the spider spear climbing on the iron wall was stuck like it had stepped on glue, making it harder and harder to tear apart.

At first glance, the entire iron pillar under his feet was condensed with a layer of frost, and it was getting thicker and thicker.

In almost an instant, the eight spider spears were no longer difficult to lift their legs, but they were completely glued to the iron wall as soon as they touched the iron wall.

Seeing that Su Lun was about to be completely frozen on top, unable to move, the black-clothed head leader underneath seemed to be holding the winning ticket, and shouted: "Catch alive!"


Most of the gunshots were instantly extinguished, but Su Lun also gave him a chance to breathe!

Because at this time, the last sorcerer's seal he had just pinched in his hand was also completed.

Seeing that the frost was about to rush through the spider spear and spread to his body, a layer of blue-violet cold flame suddenly appeared all over Su Lun!

As soon as Leng Yan came out, the frost on the eight-armed spider spear was instantly melted, and he sprinted suddenly, rushing up to the roof, and then disappeared into the sight of the crowd in black.


Upon seeing this, the black leader was taken aback.

Looking at Leng Yan, his face showed solemnity: "The unique alchemy secret of the Williams family's "Profound meaning and no servant"? How could a gang in an outer city be? What's the origin of this guy...Is it the person from that organization?"

Thinking of this he immediately took out the communicator and shouted sharply: "Attention everyone, now issue a Class B emergency order. All the staff searched for a fugitive suspect. The physical characteristics are as follows... For suspicious people in the block, the City Guard strictly verifies the identity of every person who goes out of the city. The suspect has the strength of a quasi-second-tier professional, and all units must be careful and try to get alive!"

Seeing Su Lun fleeing, several people in black also chased out.

The remaining few people seemed to want to find something in the pile of items that had been smashed before.

Someone reported: "Boss, nothing is here!"

Hearing this, the black man's face grew gloomy.

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