Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 123: Booby Sergey

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For ordinary people, cursing is simply a "devil's technique."

But for an alchemist with a certain amount of knowledge, any technique can be traced back to the source.

"Curse... is it essentially something similar to a parasite? It should have been infected by breathing or touching the green blood of those crows just now..."

Su Lun automatically had related knowledge in his mind.

He also guessed how he was recruited.

The red-eyed crows just now were used for stalking, and more importantly, the medium used by the "epidemic" Sergey to cast curses. Those crows were shot, and green blood was spilled all over the sky. It was impossible to avoid them. Or if it can't be beaten, the crow itself is the source of the plague.

Su Lun frowned as he looked at his attribute panel.

At this moment, there is an additional negative status reminder: [Curse of Septic Crows], consumes 1% of the essence and blood every minute to give birth to the green-blooded Crows;

A live crow was spit out just now, it was a kind of deformed monster spawned by the curse technique with his flesh and blood.

This curse is under, which is equivalent to a state of continuous blood loss in the game.

The consumption of 1% of essence and blood per minute does not mean that people will die when the consumption reaches 100%. In fact, when it reaches about 30%, people will fall into a state of weakness, and at most 60%, people will be life-threatening.

Well, even the psychological damage is quite big.

Like this kind of mouth suddenly spit out a living creature with fur, if an ordinary person encounters it, no matter how much it hurts, it will be scared to death.

Su Lun felt weird swallowing saliva now, there seemed to be a foreign body in his throat, he couldn't swallow, and couldn't swallow.

Thinking about it, he gave himself a healing potion.

The momentum of blood loss has eased, but it is not cured.

If you continue to inject the recovery medicine, the effect will get worse and the body will not be able to bear it.

To solve it completely, only to find a correct way to lift the curse, otherwise, he will be sucked to death.


And at this time, suddenly a red-eyed crow rushed to the motorcycle's handle, spitting out: "Boy, you have been cursed by me, give you a chance to survive..."

But before the crow had finished speaking, Su Lun seemed to have no interest in listening, and when he drew his gun, it collapsed into a cloud of green blood, and the crow's hair flew around.


I really believe you a ghost.

Only then did the Umbrella Organization kill more than a dozen people in the inner city, and Su Lun didn't report any fluke that he was caught and was still alive.

Even if you want to survive, you definitely don't think about it on your fellow.

You can only rely on yourself.

Don't think about it, the words behind this crow are either to make him surrender or to delay time...

Suren didn't know that this was also the method used by the "epidemic" Sergey. The crow itself didn't have much combat effectiveness. Now that the "curse" is also imposed, it can only be used to fight.

But it also revealed one thing, that is, Sergey's body is still some distance away from here. Otherwise, the body will come, and there is no need to use the crow to spread the word.

Sergey is indeed very strong, but no matter how strong the body is, it is impossible to kill people in the air. How can it be possible to get a bargain with a few crows? !

Su Lun ignored this guy's meaning.

Then, another crow flew over and threatened: "You are looking for death! I am now..."

Before he finished speaking, he was shot again.

This action also completely angered the crows. At this time, these hundreds of crows formed a formation and rushed towards Sulun's motorcycle. The damage was not great, but the line of sight was disturbed, and the riding speed was getting slower and slower.

"Heh... I really want to delay time."

Su Lun watched the crows chasing more and more high in the sky, and didn't escape. The houses on the block became the crows' shelter, and shooting was not convenient, so he simply drove the motorcycle to an empty place.

After going to the open place, the crowd of crows arrived in a blink of an eye, and they wanted to peck Surun's eyes fiercely to block his sight.

Su Lun squeezed the brakes and shook the front of the motorcycle, and suddenly stopped. Then he grabbed the void with his five fingers with both hands, and pulled out two puppets out of thin air, and unceremoniously sprayed phosphorous fire into the sky!

Why can't you be a Tier 2 professional, and why can't you have a few flat-haired beasts?

The flames burned those crows by surprise. The hundreds of crows were instantly burned to death by the fire. The corpses cracked and fell to the ground like rain, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt barbecue.

The surviving crows were too far away, quacked in panic and flew away.

But Su Lun was not welcome, and both shot out.

He is a dignified "firearms expert". Professionals may not be killed. Fighting these stupid birds is simply one shot, or even several shots.

It was these few shuttles that went down, and the surviving two to thirty percent of the crows exploded into a cloud of blood in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of crows were scattered and there were only a few left, and they fled in a hurry. Then I heard a certain crow flies, while crying out of anger, "Damn it, boy, I must break your corpse into pieces..."

Su Lun listened to this threat, and there was no fluctuation in his face. Without aiming at all, he raised his hand and pulled the trigger in the direction where the sound came from, and the shot was shot.

It's not that the "epidemic doctor" Sergey broke his defenses and cursed others. It was Su Lun's operation that caused him a lot of loss.

These "green-blooded crows" are not ordinary crows. It takes a lot of money, energy and time to feed and train them to be what they are now.

Every dead one is the same as plucking the hair on the top of the "Mediterranean" head, plucking one, distressed one.

Moreover, the three who can speak are very precious!


Su Lun did this, ignoring the crow hiding far away, and once again rode a motorcycle toward Green Street.

He also knew that now that his whereabouts were exposed, he would be surrounded and suppressed at all times.

Moreover, there is a second-tier professional who is good at tracking, which is the most tricky.

"You must find a way to kill that Sergey first, or you won't be able to escape back to Green Street..."

Su Lun was riding the bike, and a coldness appeared in his eyes.

To kill a Tier 2 professional, he now thinks of the most sure method, which is the living corpse and the sickle in the basement of Green Street.

However, the abilities of the guy "Plague Doctor" Sergey are very strange. Legend has it that he has a special curse technique that can replace himself with a crow to take damage, and is not afraid of physical damage such as swords and guns. There is a legend in the underworld that he "resurrected" after being killed.

Su Lun didn't know what that ability was, but since it came out, it meant that Sergey must have a similar ability, which should not be underestimated.

After all, the sickle is a physical damage, if it can't be killed, then Su Lun feels that his situation will be very bad.

"Chijo is on Norton Street...No, there must be other ghosts in the Cross Society besides Smokey."

Su Lun believed in a thousand rules, but he knew that a thousand rules could not keep him.

A Crow Gang is fearless, but behind this is the Inner City Umbrella Organization.

What's more, if you can't find anyone on Norton Street the first time, but you wait for other smokers or ghosts, that's the worst.

As for the "Communicator", Su Lun dare not use it now.

The communication range of ordinary Bangzhong's communicator is only a few kilometers, and it is received on all channels, and the degree of confidentiality is very low.

Once he speaks, the secret line buried in the outer city by the umbrella organization will receive news for the first time, which will also reveal his general location.

Just shouting "Smoker is the inner ghost" is not meaningful.

One is that there is no evidence.

The second is harmful to his escape route.

At that time, it may not be a helping hand, but a killer.

Then... there seemed to be only one master he knew, Mr. Black.

Even though the top professional who appeared out of nowhere was not afraid of the umbrella organization, he had no obligation to help.

"It seems the only way to use it..."

His thoughts flashed away, Su Lun frowned and muttered in his heart.


The flock of crows was broken up, but Su Lun knew that his whereabouts must have been exposed.

He expected that "epidemic" Sergey must be on the way to chase now.

However, the situation is not too bad.

That is, Nancheng is the territory of the Cross Society, and the Crow Gang cannot cross the border on a large scale. He thinks it is very likely that Sergey will come single-handedly.

Su Lun thought of a plan to kill him.

There was a cloud of crows just now, and those crows had also learned well, and they didn't arrogantly threaten them when they hid in the dark. But he has [malicious perception]. Although those crows hide well, they can't escape his perception.

Su Lun pretended not to notice, and instead of going to Green Street on his motorcycle, he went to Ginkgo Street a few blocks away.

Abandoning the motorcycle, and deliberately circling around, doing enough anti-tracking actions, only then got into the small building on the 88th.

After entering the house, Su Lun was no longer anxious.

He sat on the sofa in the living room, and then he had time to deal with the wounds on his body.

Then they checked the ammunition, firearms and equipment.

After all this, he lay on his back on the sofa to rest. Looking at the ceiling, he said to himself: "I hope that Mr. Black will not mind if I lead people into his trap..."

That's right, this is the enemy plan he had thought of long ago.

Once Sulun thought about it, if he encounters an overwhelming enemy, 88 Green Street is an excellent ambush position.

Because there is also a "T-level cursed space" in the basement.

But Su Lun knew the way out.

Although he might also encounter the terrifying ultra-rank living corpse after entering, in contrast, it is a nightmare for the enemy who is tricked into it.


"But this [Curse of Plague Crows Defeating Blood] is indeed a problem. If you can't find a way to crack it, you might be sucked to death..."

It has been nearly twenty minutes now, even after the injection of healing potions, Su Lun obviously felt dizzy. This was a weak manifestation of lack of essence and blood.

And at this time, the familiar choking sensation of foreign body suddenly appeared in his throat, Su Lun's face was slightly pale, and after a short while, with a "vomit", another furry crow flew out.

The cry of "quack" seemed to mock his irresponsibility.

As soon as he vomited it out, Su Lun felt a lot of weakness in an instant, but a bit of a bitterness flashed across his eyes: "Have you finally waited..."

The crow came out of his mouth. Although Su Lun didn't have the slightest surprise in his heart, he also made a reaction that he was discovered and was about to rush out the door when he turned his head.

But obviously, the enemy would not let him run away like this.

At this moment, the window glass group on the second floor suddenly exploded, and a group of crows flew in and blocked his way. Among the crows, a middle-aged man with **** feather wings and a sharp-billed crow mask flew in.

"The talent that can fly comes really fast."

Seeing the people on his whereabouts, he naturally guessed that this was the deity of Sergey, the "epidemic doctor".

This guy’s talent is a rare beastization talent [B-055-Arakkoa].

As soon as the group of crows entered the room, the majestic coercion of the Tier 2 professionals immediately made Su Lun feel like a needle and piercing and malicious.

Sergey looked at Suren who had become a turtle in the urn, and sneered. He didn't rush to do anything, and sneered: "Boy, do you think you can hide it?"

His response was a burst of "bang bang" two bullets.

Killed two crows, but didn't hurt Sergey's body at all.

Seeing this, Su Lun's face was "horrified", and without any hesitation, he turned his head and rushed into the basement.

Sergey looked at his face with disdain, but he was also slightly confused. He still wanted to escape now?

He also guessed that there might be an ambush or tunnel in the basement, and did not rush to chase it down, but controlled the crow flock to fly down first.

Looking through the shared vision of the crows, it turned out to be an empty, airtight basement.

Then, intensive gunfire came from the basement again.

His crow was suddenly abrupt by Suren again.

"Damn bastard!"

Sergey yelled angrily, feeling that his pet was killed, the corner of his eyes twitched, and his anger came up instantly.

Now that he knew there was no ambush in the basement, he chased him down.


Sergey blocked Suren in the basement.

Originally, this guy wanted to persuade him to surrender as a winner, but he never thought that there was no time at all. At this moment, a strange scene appeared.

The space around Su Lun who was standing in the basement twisted, and then disappeared without warning!

"Teleportation? Or invisibility?"

Sergey looked at the big living person in front of him, his face changed drastically.

Where Su Lun disappeared A piece of paper slowly fell to the ground.

Sergey's eyes widened, trying to find Suren in the basement, but to no avail.

"Without Jieyin, without the alchemy array lit up, how did he escape?"

Sergey was puzzled.

At this time, he also saw the piece of paper and manipulated the crow to grab it back.

Take a look, the piece of paper says: "The basement is a cursed space."

"Cursing space?"

Sergey muttered something instinctively, and suddenly found that the surroundings were distorted.

He realized something instantly, and secretly said "not good"!

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