Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 124: [Plague Doctor's Crow's Beak Mask]

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Su Lun tried his best to control his thoughts, and did not think about the fact that the basement was a cursed space.

Because he was afraid that he would be sucked in too much in advance, and he would meet the blue-skinned living corpse. If you are killed by a spike at that time, or if you have to come out in advance, the ambush will be meaningless.

But after coming in, he found that things were pretty good.

The familiar scene all around is impressively the third floor of the inpatient department of "Javier Hospital".

It was also empty, without any people or monsters.

Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time was fortunate that his ambush plan had been mostly successful.


After this cursed space kills people, it can trap people's souls here.

Then the plot after that person's death will be rolled back repeatedly.

Now that there is no blue-skinned corpse on the third floor, Su Lun guessed that the possible plot was back again.

As long as you don't trigger the safe in the dean's office on the second floor, the living corpse shouldn't come up to the third floor.

Without the blue-skinned living corpse, Su Lun would still be curious if "Blind Detective" Bill was still sitting on the second floor. After all, the last time he was "killed", he only stripped a part of his soul. It may be peeled a few times.

But I definitely can't go now.

Then, Su Lun began to implement his "Plan B".

Without any delay, he pinched the seal of the warlock with both hands, untied the cloak, and a cold flame burst into his body.

This time, he didn't just want to keep Sergey the "epidemic doctor" in this cursed space.

Kill him face to face to find a way to remove the curse.

Because generally speaking, people who have poisoned will carry the antidote with them.


Sure enough, it didn't take long for the space not far away to turn around, and Silga suddenly appeared in the corridor.

The guy looked at the changing scenes around him, his eyes were full of doubts, obviously he still didn't understand what was going on. But no longer looking at the hideous Su Lun with the eight-armed spider spear in the distance, he immediately realized that he was being calculated, with a guarded expression on his face.

Su Lun watched the people coming, and the corners of his mouth curled up, as if the host greeted the guests, and greeted him warmly: "Here, Mr. Sergey."

But while speaking, he didn't give the enemy any chance to cast curses at all, and immediately controlled his emotions, and thought of a picture in his mind: a ferocious spider queen just appeared in the middle of the corridor, facing Sergey at close range!

With this thought, a giant suddenly appeared in the corridor. The bloated spider butt, the hideous eight-armed spider spear, and the glamorous upper body, this is the "lord-level" spider queen that Su Lun once encountered in the crypt.


That's right, the method that Su Lun thought of was to use the rules of "terror manifestation" in this space to kill the enemy!

If you just bring people in, you can really kill them.

But there is also a problem: he can't get the enemy's spoils.

Even if the enemy is dead next time, he will also encounter the enemy's "soul manifestation". When the time comes, not only have to face the enemy, but also the monster he imagined, which is even more tricky.

But now in Su Lun's body [Curse of the Plaguecrow Blood Destroy], he must get Sergey's storage ring and memory fragments.

So, this guy must die here.

Must die before him.

And this ambush plan has the most difficult point.

That is, the monsters embodied in this space attack indiscriminately.

It means that Su Lun must imagine a goal that can kill the enemy, but can survive from the monster's hands.

The enemy that allows him to risk introducing people must be a professional of Tier 2 or above.

Monsters can kill Tier 2 and usually can easily kill Tier 1 Su Lun.

But... there is an exception.

That is the super-spirited "Spider Queen"!

Back in the crypt, Su Lun saw that monster easily kill a Tier 2 assassin, which meant that the mind control of the Spider Queen was useful to most Tier 2 professionals.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Su Lun speculates that there is actually a hidden rule in this space, that is, the monsters that "terrorize" emerge. The more real the details, the more controllable the ability. (Fantasy Geck, the most likely to appear is an ordinary octopus head monster, after all, you have no idea what that level of power means)

So it's best to be a monster who has experienced it personally and has a thorough understanding of its abilities.

It just so happens that he almost knows the detailed data of the Spider Queen, even the intensity of the mental shock wave.

Especially now that the eight-armed spider spear was fused, the monster had almost no secrets in Sulun's eyes.

Just like when playing a game, it's easy to fight a new BOSS. If you find a pattern more times, the battle damage will get smaller and smaller.

This Spider Queen is strong, and its mental power control can even make people hit without looking directly; moreover, its skin can resist face alchemy bullets.

But Su Lun is very clear that the gaze of the Spider Queen is similar to the existence of light waves, it can only attack the eyes to see the target.

This is why the monster that Sulun imagined had his **** facing him and his face facing Sergey.

This narrow corridor is quite spacious for humans, but it is difficult for the bloated Spider Queen to turn around.


At the moment this monster appeared, Sergey also felt the death crisis, and instinctively wanted to cast a spell to resist.

But when the Spider Queen met, she looked at the human being in front of her, her eyes were full of red glow, and a powerful mental force washed the entire corridor like a tide.

Even Su Lun, who was behind him, felt a trance.

And Sergey, who was opposite him, was stunned by riding his face, and instantly lost consciousness.

The Spider Queen is not at all polite, raising her hand with the spider spear just as a poke, and slamming the fellow from the beginning to the heart.

A face-to-face kills a Tier 2 professional.

Su Lun in the distance took a look, and he was happy: "Killed!"

If he couldn't control Sergey, he would immediately recite the name of the lord of resentment.

At first glance, the plan went well.

But suddenly Su Lun stared at Sergey's corpse and no gray mist appeared, and his pupils shrank sharply: "No, it's not dead!"

The spider spear penetrated Sergei's skull, and at this time, the corpse turned into a corpse of a crow tall.

The back of the corpse was torn apart like a golden cicada out of its shell, and a pale middle-aged man squeezed out from the back of the shell.

"This is his legendary ability to avoid physical damage?"

Su Lun also understood that this guy seems to have a crow stand-in similar to a "stand-in puppet".

Fortunately, he didn't choose to use a sickle before, otherwise the knife would not be hacked to death, and it would be bad.

At this time, Sergey temporarily regained consciousness because of his rebirth.

Unfortunately, it is still the distance from the monster's face.

The Spider Queen was not surprised, her eyes widened, and once again sent a spiritual shock wave to the human being in front of her.

Then, after controlling it, another spear hit the chest directly.

Seeing the "gray mist" floating on the corpse, this time Su Lun finally determined that the guy was really dead this time.

Faced with this kind of spirit monster, there is nowhere to escape. Even though this [Plague Doctor] had countless strange magic methods, they didn't use them, and they were killed twice in a row.

When Sergey died, the Spider Queen naturally discovered that there was a human behind him.

As soon as the bloated spider's body showed signs of turning around, Sulun's two puppets were suddenly involved, and a mouthful of black oil and a mouthful of phosphorous fire sprayed towards the queen.

The flame instantly ignited the spider body and the corridor.

But Su Lun did not continue to attack, the eight-armed spider spear flipped quickly and rushed towards the Spider Queen.

Just when the monster turned around 180 degrees, Su Lun also happened to be behind it, and as soon as the steel wire in the mechanical gloves of his arms pulled, he pulled over from the burning back of the monster.

This time it was different from the last time in the crypt. He couldn't kill it, and he didn't need to kill this monster at all.

It was just a close leap, allowing Su Lun to avoid the mental shock wave of the Spider Emperor's face.

While in the air, he instantly put away the colony, then rolled to the ground, peeled off the storage ring on the corpse, and swallowed the gray mist, and the syllables in his mouth were completely uttered: "Tirmidor · M. Chekov."

The plan for the whole process is not bad, as if it has been rehearsed countless times.

In the next instant, the surrounding light and shadow changed, and Su Lun had returned to the basement of 88 Green Street.


There was not much in Sergey's storage ring, and Su Lun poured everything out.

Some strange bottles and jars are mostly materials that look dangerous and strange.

[Mummy’s pituitary gland], [The short tail of the plagued mouse], [The lacrimal gland of the rotting giant], [The saliva of the Komodo dragon]...

Then used True Eye to appraise it, he ignored the weird plague materials.

After digging around, I found a way to lift the [Crow Blood Curse] smoothly. A powder for oral administration.

After seeing the effect, he took it without hesitation.

After a while, the curse mark on the attribute panel disappeared.

Killing Sergey, a Tier 2 professional who is good at the final, lifted the curse, and the pressure in Su Lun's heart also eased, and he exhaled a long breath: "Huh... good luck."

At this time, he had the intention to recall the memory of the harvest just now.

"Get the memory fragment of'Sergey Mari'*4"

"You got some information: ‘The Ruins of Dawn City seems to be an ancient battlefield, and there are many incredible treasures found in the city...’"

"You have mastered some knowledge of ‘curse art’"

"You comprehend the skill [Curse Art·Grassman]"

"You have gained some knowledge on the taming of crows."

"Alchemy Casting Experience +31"

"Spirit +0.8"

After swallowing the gray fog, Su Lun found that there were a lot of things in his mind, mostly about crows and curses.

Moreover, he also directly mastered a new skill.

"Grassman? Use the blood of the target, use the long-range attack method, torturing the opponent's spirit and body... the farther the distance, the worse the effect..."

The detailed information of this skill flashed through Su Lun's mind for a moment.

This curse technique is useful, but it doesn't seem to be very useful.

It hurts people in the air, but the attack method is weird. But if the distance is too far, it can only create the spirit of torturing the target like dreamy feeling, and it is not very useful.'s suitable for certain poisonous women to torture their rivals.

But suddenly, inspiration flashed through his mind.

"Hey, the closer the distance, the greater the damage... If the curse warlock is solidified into a puppet doll, if the enemy's blood is absorbed in the battle, and the opponent wants to attack the doll, wouldn't it hurt yourself? This curse technique seems to be still Nice look?"

Su Lun has only a book about the making of introductory puppets, explaining the basic production methods and theories of various puppets, but there are not many design drawings of the finished products.

But there is a sentence with infinite possibilities: "Creativity and imagination are the most precious potentials of a puppeteer. A qualified puppeteer needs to create a rune puppet that suits him."

Su Lun felt that this "curse + doll" idea was a good idea.

The thought flashed in my mind for a moment, thinking that I could try it out in the future.

After digesting the memories of the harvest, he picked up the crow's mouth mask that he had squeezed from Sergey's corpse before.

Upon identification, it is also a powerful curse.

[Plague Doctor's Crow's Beak Mask]

Quality: Silver

Description: Is the plague doctor the **** of death who spreads the plague, or the doctor who saves people and cures diseases?

Cursing characteristics: Wearing a gas mask with cursing characteristics, you can filter more than 99% of the toxins in the air; wearing the mask for a long time, you will slowly increase toxin resistance, and plague resistance will be greatly improved; but occasionally, you It may be inexplicably poisoned because of the old poison remaining in the mask, or be infected with the plague;

Detailed explanation: One thousand and eight hundred years ago, when the plague in a certain city was inundated, a kind doctor used it to solve the terrible plague; after his death, the reputation of the plague doctor passed down.

The properties of this mask are very good, almost 100% toxin filtering, which is a lot more than the top gas masks on the market.

Moreover, long-term wearing can slowly increase the body's toxin resistance. This is also a very good growth attribute, the later the higher the toxin resistance.

"It's pretty good, it's too recognizable. Wearing this, I'm afraid the entire Old Ling Dun knows that I killed Sergey..."

Su Lun raised his brows slightly, which to him was very tasteless.

He is not a professional doctor, and the curse of occasional poisoning is a "gamble on luck". Taking a sip, the toxin may not be filtered, and it may be infected with ancient old poison.

He can't guarantee that the poisoning will be solved.

Moreover, he dare to say that if you want to wear this mask, those guys in the Crow Gang will definitely live forever.


It's a pity that because of time constraints the inaugural materials and colonies on Sergey's corpse were not available.

But it's not bad.

The purpose of killing is to escape, but the harvest is incidental.

Su Lun also felt quite satisfied.

I thought that the cursed space was triggered, and Mr. Black would appear.

Su Lun also wanted to say sorry to him.

But after waiting for a while, they didn't come, and Su Lun didn't stay in the apartment much.

In order to kill this Sergey, a lot of time was delayed, and the vanguard of the Inner City Umbrella Organization may have already arrived in Nancheng.

All he has to do now is to immediately go back to Green Street and take his belongings out of the city.

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