Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 125: 1 knife for smokers

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Out of the apartment at No. 88 Ginkgo Street, Su Lun walked swiftly and shuttled through various alleys.

He was very familiar with the neighborhoods around Green Street, climbing walls all the way and upstairs, and quickly took a shortcut to the rental house.

The small mechanism set up when the door was left showed no trace of being touched, so he entered the basement with confidence.

There are a lot of instruments and mechanical equipment in the basement. These things can't be taken away, and there is no time to pack them, so they can only stay here temporarily.

Also because he was always ready to run away a long time ago, Su Lun's residence is also always ready to run away.

Replenishing a few storage rings full of ammunition and supplies, he went straight to the dissection table.

Lying on the dissection table was a skin rune living corpse with healing scars everywhere. Su Lun looked at it and murmured: "Old man, it's up to you to escape this time."

Without delay, he went to the corner again and took out the black scythe hidden in the dark, tied it to the hand of the living corpse.

Then he tried to wrap them up with [The Shroud of the Iceman of Oz] so that everything could be taken away.

It was just a try, and I didn't expect this shroud to wrap the black sickle, which is also a forbidden object.

I didn't think about it, but it was actually completely wrapped up.

The sickle and the corpse immediately disappeared.

The invisible killer consisting of two forbidden objects + living corpses is now alive.

"This is a lot more convenient..."

Su Lun had a little surprise in his heart, and when he lifted his five fingers slightly, he manipulated the living corpse out. Although he couldn't see it, he could clearly perceive the location of the living corpse.

After nearly a month of tinkering, he has been able to manipulate the living corpse flexibly and accurately, without any bumps, and smoothly drove the corpse out.

However, the only thing that is a bit imperfect is that although the gong thread is slender, there are still traces.

Thinking about getting [Crying Witch’s Cursed Hair] in the future, this problem can be completely solved.


After all, he used to be a gangster who was active on Green Street, and Su Lun was familiar with everything here, even he was familiar with almost all the vendors and residents.

No one else knows the location of the leased basement. The previous caution has saved him a lot of trouble now.

He came to the street, but he didn't go far, but he still found the problem.

The whole street of Green Street is surrounded!

Some strange faces appeared in the streets and alleys, wearing a plaid suit and waistcoat, wearing a cool tweed trench coat, wearing gloves and a newsboy hat...Although ordinary people can't see anomalies, people who are good at tracking can tell at a glance that those people are free. The eyes are completely different from those of ordinary residents.

"Umbrella organization personnel came so quickly? It seems that they have other ways to track and lock me..."

Although he had never taken a fluke, he was really surrounded, and Su Lun also felt a little troublesome.

But the timing is just right.

He now got the living corpse and the sickle.

Even if there are high-level professionals in the round up team, it is not completely at the mercy of others.

Thinking of this, Su Lun's thread involving the living corpse tightened again.

His complexion remained unchanged, and he walked onto the street like a normal person.


Now that the enemy had appeared on Green Street, Suren would not feel that they could not see through his disguise.

This is the last touch of peace before the battle.

Sure enough, after not taking a few steps, he found that his eyes were suddenly dark.

It's like turning off the lights and seeing nothing.

"Visual deprivation!"

Su Lun realized something in an instant, and his heart shuddered.

This is a very advanced control spell.

Then at the same time, he found that he could not hear any sound in his ears.

"Hearing deprivation!"

Can't see, can't hear, at this moment, it seems that I have fallen into an endless black hole, and a huge sense of horror strikes.

Moreover, what makes Su Lun more solemn is that now that his mental power is so high, he can still be recruited in an instant, which means that the people who do it are crushed by the ranks.

Must be a Tier 2 professional!

"Hehe, three second-tier professionals came to round up me and a little gangster, and they really value me!"

Su Lun sneered in his heart and immediately sensed something.

Although he was deprived of sight and hearing, he didn't feel a little flustered in his heart. Because the needle-pricked [malicious] is like a blazing flame in the night, allowing him to "see" clearly.

The first direction of hostility came from the guy who controlled the spell.

"Ten o'clock direction!"

With a cold snort in Su Lun's heart, he had already realized the decisive battle.

At the moment when he was deprived of perception, he grabbed with five fingers with one hand, drove the invisible living corpse not far away, and slammed his knife in the direction where the maliciousness came from.


It seemed to hear a rush of breaking wind.

At the moment when the slash continued, Su Lun suddenly found that his eyes could see objects normally again, and his perception was restored!

Yu Guang glanced again, he sensed the malicious ten o'clock direction, the red brick chimney on the top of the building was cut smoothly, and a corpse of a woman was chopped down on the side.


Su Lun's eyes were joyful, and he had already seen the gray mist on the corpse.

And obviously, the other party is not alone!

There are two second order!

He had learned in the city a long time ago, and a well-trained elite group such as the Umbrella Organization often used a combination of tactics that made the target impossible to resist.

After control, there must be other means.

At this moment, even if he didn't need to perceive malice, Su Lun instantly noticed the biting chill coming from under his feet.

The familiar feeling of sticky feet and ice is astonishingly the second-order ice mage who attacked and killed the **** team in the "Alum Warehouse" in the inner city!

A high-ranking warlock who can even damage alchemy projectiles!

The body was frozen and stiff and felt very violent, but when he looked over, Su Lun had already controlled the living corpse without stopping and slashed it down.

With visual capture this time, Su Lun aimed precisely at the neck of the man in black.

With five fingers scratching in the void, he pulled down abruptly, and the face of the man in black who was still casting a spell changed abruptly from a hundred meters away.

His eyes were full of surprise. The target was clearly deprived of perception, so why could he be able to counterattack precisely?

Doubts flashed through his mind.

Because he was caught off guard, the man in black was still casting the spell, and it was too late to avoid it.

When he saw the movement of Su Lun swinging the knife, a black space crack had appeared at the Adam's apple, and death had come without warning.

The silky sense of cutting passed by, the head fell to the ground, and the blood spurted like a fountain.

"[Supnos' Black Scythe of the Night]? But how can he control it so precisely..."

Before he died, the last thought came to the man in black.

He recognized the crack in the space.

But I can’t figure out why that knife is so precise...

No one else would have thought that Su Lun was probably the only person in the world who could precisely control the black sickle's slashing distance and power.

Because of the terrifying curse, it is impossible for ordinary people to practice how to accurately control the sickle again and again with their lives.

But Su Lun can.

Because he has a living corpse that can be used repeatedly!

This is why he would risk going back to his residence to fetch the knife even if he delayed more time.

With the sickle in hand, he really has the confidence to escape!


It was these two knives that slashed two Tier 2 professionals in a row, instantly breaking the three-person combined attack tactic that must kill.

But it's not over yet!

In Su Lun's perception, there is also a very strong [killing intent] hidden in a wine shop not far away, which is a threat that a Tier 1 professional can't give at all.

Just when Su Lun cut it down with the second knife, the window of the wine shop there suddenly burst, and a ball of artillery burst out.

Su Lun had already noticed his existence, so how could he be unprepared?

While controlling the living corpse with his right hand to kill the man in black, his left hand had pulled a puppet and blocked him.

Almost at the same time, the cannonball and the puppet collided.

With a "boom", all the puppets of the defensive runes were blasted to a smashing sound. The power of this artillery can be imagined.

Su Lun was also stunned by the impact, and a mouthful of muddy blood spurted out, "Puff~"

And because the puppet blocked the mortal bombardment, he ignored his own injury, and when he flew out, he raised his hand and slashed in the direction of the bombardment.

Although that person did not see the existence of the "invisible living corpse", he also heard the wind of a sharp blade breaking through the air.

As a high-level professional, his instinctive sense of crisis caused him to smash the glass and jump out after firing the cannon.

But even with such a rapid reaction, the roots of his thighs covered by his armor were still cold, and were cut off by the sudden appearance of spatial cracks. Both legs were left in the wine shop, and the **** body jumped out of the window.

The space crack of the sickle blinked, and combined with Su Lun's precise slashing ability, almost where the gaze saw, where the space crack appeared, how could it be possible for people to avoid it easily?

Both legs were severed at the root, and the amount of bleeding was enough to make people shock in an instant, but this guy just bit and pulled the trigger with the last wave of faith.

Su Lun wanted to make up another knife to solve this trouble completely, but at this time, a cloud of blood mist suddenly burst out beside him.

He realized something and quickly dodged.

Fortunately, the guy with the broken leg was hit hard. This gun didn't have any "locking skills". Su Lun rolled on the ground a few times in embarrassment, just to avoid the fatal shelling.

Looking at it again, the man with the broken leg completely passed out after firing the cannon.


Su Lun didn't look at the corpse any more, but looked at the blood mist around him, frowning slightly, "It's the limit..."

Surprisingly, the knife was used too frequently, and the backlash broke out in advance.

Three long incisions cut the living corpse into several sections, and instantly lost his vital signs.

The black sickle also fell out.

Su Lun looked at the "old man" who had helped him a lot, with a slight emotion.

I don't know if it was because of the rush of time, or because the Umbrella Organization felt that it would not take too many high-level professionals to deal with Su Lun.

Fortunately, there seems to be only these three second-tier professionals near Green Street.

The "old man" completed its glorious mission.

Su Lun didn't look much, stretched out his hand to eject the wire from the mechanical glove, and pulled the sickle and bandage back on his back. Another incendiary bomb was dropped on the corpse, completely destroying the corpse.

Then he drew out a pair of guns and fired at the members of the umbrella organization across the street.


The three most difficult Tier 2 professionals were killed by a few face to face, and Su Lun's crisis was instantly relieved by 90%.

For ordinary professionals, the threat to him is really limited.

What's more, there are not so many guys wearing "Frost Giant's Armor" in the inner city in the outer city.

Those in coats and hats are the favorite targets of gunmen!

Even if they are wearing bullet-proof vests, they have too many fatal weaknesses exposed...

Suren untied his cloak and used the buildings on Green Street to fight and retreat, holding down the opponent with his guns.

Because this is his place, he is familiar with every alley here.

After tearing a hole in the circle, Su Lun came to an alley. As long as he climbed over the fence, he could jump out of the circle immediately.

But at this moment, he suddenly found thick smoke filling the streets and alleys.

Su Lun knew who was here immediately.

But in perception, the hostility was a bit erratic, and he didn't rush to move.

He knew very well that it was the ability of the smoker.

Seeing the smoke, Su Lun deliberately lowered the muzzle, pretending to be pleasantly surprised, and said excitedly towards the dense smoke: "Boss Smoker, is that you? Are you here to save me?!"

Hearing this, the smoker's figure slowly emerged from the smoke.

The man with a sullen expression looked at Su Lun, who was making a noise in front of him, and there was a touch of imperceptible complexity in his eyes, but he said: "Well. Leave it to me here, you find a chance to go first. "

He never expected that an inconspicuous "little fish" beside Kaye would cause him such a big trouble!

With that, the smoker was wrapped in thick smoke, and slowly walked towards Su Lun.

The thick "maliciousness" became more and more solid.

"Very good!"

Su Lun seemed completely defenseless, with the ecstasy of the rest of his life on his face, and even inserted the gun into the holster.

But before the smile relaxed, he suddenly shrank. In the next moment, he pulled out the black scythe on his back with his backhand, and slashed it in front of him!

Sambu, the smoker on the opposite side, was stunned in an instant.

PS. This month’s addition is over, ah... brothers are crazy for subscribing! ! ! !

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