Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 186: The horror of mind reading

There are so many thoughts in his head, and the actual situation of the battle has only passed for a moment.

Mr. Hei's shot directly created a shot opportunity for several other people.

On the 19th, he took out a pair of mechanical gloves thicker than her thigh and attached it to her arm.

Just now, in order to retreat, I didn't dare to wear this kind of heavy glove that affects agility.

Look at that simple shape, it is not a product of modern technology, but more like an ancient alchemy product.

As soon as the energy was charged, the blue energy rune immediately lit up. On those fists, a circle of ripples that distorted the space visibly condensed with the naked eye...

At this time, Qianjo also changed into a red and a black long knife.

Dark spiritual power is poured into it, a sword blade is flowing with weird red light, and the other is pitch black as ink, and black gas is steaming.

What's more terrifying is that the sword energy accumulated in her body makes people look at it with a sharp tingling sensation. And Qianjo seemed to use some secret method, his aura grew higher and higher, and he suddenly overlapped with the phantom of the Rakshasa girl with the flames behind her...

Looking at the assassin who had disappeared, he had quietly appeared behind the giant, and a dark green poisonous dagger slammed into his heart.

The gold element on the giant golden armor changed from solid to fluid, and its defense power was greatly reduced.

It was this thorn that he had already noticed, although he was restricted in his body skills, his reaction was not slow. The fist wrapped in the rich gold element slammed back. The assassin shunned it, and the waist hit by this fist spewed out a mouthful of muddy blood in midair.

Su Lun looked at his eyes slightly, this punch may not die on the super defensive Red Devils, but the assassin's crispy skin...

The crisis thought in his mind hadn't formed yet, just at this moment, the body of the assassin in his eyes suddenly collapsed into a ball of thunder and disappeared.

"Elemental Talent [A-039-Ray]!"

Su Lun looked at the thunder light, and finally determined this person's talent.

Moreover, this is another second-stage awakened professional.

The ordinary [Thunder] talent, that is, the strong affinity of the thunder element, is a natural thunder warlock. The Ke Jing organization here is actually an assassin of the melee system. As soon as the body collapsed, most of the power of his fists were immediately removed.

And even when the assassin collapsed, a thousand knives arrived at the same time.

Because the metal giant had a good punch, and he could kill him with one blow, and he could pull back to his defense. But unexpectedly, he knocked him apart, his strength couldn't be relieved, and his whole body's center of gravity also shifted.

It is this slight mistake that is a huge flaw in the eyes of top experts.

Qianjoyi's red and black knives cut through his neck, and made a sound of "stabbing" metal cutting.

At the same time, the force-charged punch on the 19th also hit the side of the golden lacquer giant, sending him out!

There was a sharp sound of "boom" metal touch, and the flames splashed everywhere.

The golden armor giant fell like a meteor, and the entire library followed.


Su Lun, who was hiding in the distance, took a breath as he watched the three people encircle him.

Any one of those three men could definitely kill himself in seconds.

The three attacking together is inevitable.


Upon identification, the weapons in the hands of the three were all ancient weapons with weird effects!

The assassin's dagger seemed to have some fatal poisoning. Although the dagger was not completely submerged, it meant that it had become more than half of it.

Not to mention on the 19th, this mechanical glove was charged with a punch and flew, fearing that the armored tank could be broken, this guy is absolutely uncomfortable.

And Qianjo's two swords with the momentum of thunder directly cut two two-finger-deep gaps on the neck of the golden lacquered giant.


It seems that there is metal in the wound, no blood?

In the next moment, Su Lun looked at the place where the golden lacquered giant landed, but his pupils shrank.

"No, not dead!"

He didn't see the gray mist rising, he knew that the man hadn't been killed!



With a sneer, the golden lacquer giant slowly stood up, and the wound on his body was healed visibly.

Knife wounds, stab wounds, fist marks... the metal on his body seemed to have memories, and it was restored in a blink of an eye.

Although he was hurt this time, he felt that he had already figured out the strength of the few people in front of him.

The trace of fear before has also disappeared, and a full blow can only reach this level, and he can't kill him.

The golden lacquer giant stood up, not only had his injury recovered, but the golden scales on his body had once again condensed, and a hazy mist appeared like the air of fine and sharp gold.

He looked at Mr. Hei and didn’t rush to do anything. He sarcastically said: “The second talent awakening, ancient curse, extraordinary inheritance... I have to admit that you really surprised me. Jie Jie...'Umbrella' Those idiots are really rubbish. I didn't realize that the rats in the gutter have the ability to bite people."

Su Lun, who was not far away, frowned slightly when he heard this.

Although he is a traverser, listening to this sentence of "mouse" also feels a bit offensive. In the eyes of the Dark Tower people, these people in Old Ling Dun really didn't look at them as human beings.

However, this sounded like it was meant to deliberately stimulate Mr. Black and the others?

Moreover, ridicule is secondary.

Thousands of three-grid melee combat has just tried all the means, but they have failed to cause effective damage to this golden lacquered giant.

Su Lun also felt that the current situation seemed very unfavorable.

But the difference in ranks, the condensed levels of dark spiritual power and elements are not on the same level at all.

The "wood knife" can cut into the "stone", which is already a good martial art of the swordsman, but the gap in density and material cannot be made up!

The black sickle is likely to be able to ignore the golden armor's defense and beheaded, but Su Lun feels that he has no chance of hitting it.

With the reaction speed of the fifth-order powerhouse, Su Lun felt that as long as he swung the knife again, he would immediately be noticed and avoided. When the time comes, the black sickle is completely meaningless as a means of hiding.

But fortunately, Mr. Hei was as calm as ever when he glanced at it.

Su Lun also patiently continued to wait for the opportunity to shoot.


Jin Qi didn't die, Mr. Hei didn't seem to be surprised at all, because Jieyin didn't stop at all in his hand.

He also seemed to have seen through what the golden lacquered giant body's "Golden Qi" was, and when he was still able to seal the seal, he reminded thousands of people: "This guy is practicing the fifth-order muscle alchemy——【King Kong 】. Don’t shoot casually, the physical damage will be equalized. This technique cannot cover the whole body during the action. The bigger the action, the bigger the flaw. Look for the flaw!"

Hearing that the "shortcomings" of the technique were broken, the brawny man in golden armor frowned.

The dignity that had just dissipated on his face appeared again, and the other three were not threatening. Looking at the man in the cloak, he instinctively felt jealous, and he felt as if all the secrets had been spied on.

Just now, "Elemental Stealing" has caused him to suffer from Ge Xiaowan, and he can see the foundation of his fifth-order technique at this glance?

Must be killed first!

The golden-lacquered giant's thoughts came up again, and with a fierce step on his feet, his spiritual action turned into a burst of golden light and went away.


With a loud noise, Jin Guang directly collided with Mr. Hei full of arms.

However, it was not the real person who hit, but a dead tree stump.

Mr. Hei's real body has quietly moved a hundred meters away.

The golden lacquer giant didn't care at all, the sealed space did restrict his actions, but it also restricted everyone in the space!

As soon as he smashed the wooden stake, he suddenly stopped and changed direction, and slammed into the figure that appeared on the left again.

Knowing the characteristics of the enemy's technique, Qianjo and several people did not dare to attack, so they could only watch the golden armored giant rampage in the space.


The second stake was crushed.


The third stake was smashed.

Every time a time is forced to break, it seems that Mr. Black has dodged more and more reluctantly.


"What kind of technique did Mr. Hei start taking so long..."

Su Lun looked at the battle situation in front of him, and watched that Qian Tiao and the trio were accumulating energy and did not intend to help, and he guessed that Mr. Hei might be condensing some very powerful technique.

The golden lacquered giant had obviously guessed it too, and his attack was getting sharper and sharper.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Mr. Hei's technique has already been performed.

In this sealed space, abnormal conditions suddenly arise.

Looking up again, the bright new stars on the starry sky and ground of the previous library suddenly sparkled and turned into eyes strangely. Countless roads stared at everyone in this space indifferently, like gods.

Looking at it again, Mr. Black's momentum in the cloak suddenly became ethereal, giving Su Lun a very strange feeling, as if any secret could not be hidden in those wise eyes.

"Mr. Black's [Mind Reading Technique] has been activated?"

Su Lun guessed something, but this technique was not directed at him, so he didn't feel much.

But the golden lacquered giant in the field found something, his face changed drastically.

He rushed away again, but instead of hitting the stake, he was easily avoided by Mr. Black.

It was another punch, and was avoided again...

Punch again...

Punch again...

No punch hits!

Mr. Hei seemed to have foreseen every move he made, and he could always avoid it precisely.

He was like a matador, even though he was far less strong than a bull, but he easily avoided the deadly horns.

Watching this magical scene, Su Lun was already shocked and speechless: "This... is still a C-level talent?"

Mr. Hei was stunned that he played a new trick with a mind-reading ability that is usually regarded as a tasteless ability.

He even turned a Tier 5 strong man around.

Even though that guy was capable of punching in the air, he didn't even touch the corner of Mr. Black's clothes at all?

This is no longer a pre-judgment, but a complete understanding of what the other party is going to do.

From the time the opponent thought, he was already defensive again.

This horrible mind-reading technique has no solution at all.

Even if the enemy reacted quickly enough and found that he needed to change his tactics, Mr. Hei also "read his mind" and read it out with his thoughts.

Change and miss.

If you don't change, you won't be hit.

as if...

A person’s left hand hits his right hand, wanting not to be hit,

Mr. Black expected the enemy's every move!


However, Su Lun also saw that Mr. Hei seemed to be better at the development of control capabilities, and his attack methods were obviously shortcomings.

He can dodge the attack of this Tier 5 melee profession a little bit reluctantly, it is difficult to hurt him.

However, Mr. Black is not alone!

At this time, those eyes in the sky seemed to see through something, and Mr. Hei sternly shouted, "The flaw in his technique is on the back of his left thigh!"

Before the words fell, the three of Qianjo, who had found their strength to prepare, had already found the opportunity and rushed forward.

As soon as the three of them cooperated, the golden lacquer giant avoided them, but was also stabbed on the back of his left thigh by the lightning assassin.


This time, the poisoned dagger pierced much more easily than the last one, and it was easy to pierce a blood hole.

The muscles in the other parts of this guy were all forged with pure gold, but his hind legs had only a hard layer of skin. He stabbed it in and shot out blood.

"Broken defense!"

When Su Lun in the distance saw this scene, his eyes flashed.

Seeing blood, it means that this guy's defense is not as invincible as before.

Can kill!

At this time, the situation changed abruptly.

Fear finally appeared on the face of the golden lacquered giant.

The feeling of being calculated step by step made him punch the cotton.

He quickly condensed the elements and covered his wounds. But the poison on that dagger penetrated into the meridians, and he staggered and almost fell.

After the society, Mr. Hei's lingering voice sounded again, "The flaw is in the ninth rib of the right waist!"

As the golden lacquer giant listened, he instinctively shrank his arms to defend his lower ribs.

After being told that the flaws were revealed, he no longer dared to attack unscrupulously as before, but after this flinching, the three of Qianjo were able to let go of their hands and feet even more.

"The flaw is in the right arm!"

"The flaw is in the lower abdomen!"

"The flaw lies in..."

Mr. Hei reported the flaws time and time again, and the golden lacquer giant was frightened again and again, and he didn't even dare to take the initiative, so he could only defend on the spot.


With Mr. Hei's "explanation", Su Lun understood the principle of the fifth-order technique [King Kong].

This guy didn't move, he was basically an iron tortoise, unable to move.

But as long as he moves, the gold element does not have time to cover the whole body, and flaws will be exposed.

There will be no suspense in the next battle.

Mr. Hei completely grasped the enemy's mind, no matter what he wanted to do, he was clearly "reported" by the black first.

Senjo dealt with it more and more easily, leaving a wound on the enemy with a single stab.

Seeing that there was an enemy who hoped to kill, the golden lacquered giant also cheated later, knowing that he could not take advantage of it, so he stayed in place.

Completely stand output.

Anyway, you can’t kill me, so I’ll just stand here and wait for reinforcements to come and see who can consume more energy.

Moreover, this guy also took out a golden orb of cursed object, squeezed it, and his body was covered with heavy armor.

At this time, Qianjo and they really couldn't help Seeing this, Su Lun finally knew the role of Mr. Hei calling him.

The golden lacquer giant gave up the displacement, and Mr. Hei and the others were not polite. The thunder chain directly wound layer after layer, and various comfort spells wrapped layer after layer.

When you move, you have to get a knife.

If it doesn't move, the binding becomes tighter and tighter.

Finally, after the guy gave up struggling, he was locked in place.

Mr. Hei also specially reminded the location

Su Lun controlled the living corpse and slashed it down.

A huge head crashed to the ground.

Even if you are invincible defense, the law level is no higher than the black sickle, and you have to cut it all.

Su Lun looked at the "mist" floating on the corpse not far away, and his eyes brightened.

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