Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 187: world

When the Tier 5 golden-lacquered giant's head fell, and the gray mist came out, Su Lun was sure that he was dead.

The battle was very thrilling. The second stage of the Red Devil was seriously injured, and the remaining thousands of people also suffered more or less serious injuries.

However, it is not.

Su Lun looked at Mr. Black, who was still calm, and knew that everything was probably under his control.

Su Lun watched the whole battle,

Thinking back now,

Some problems were also found.

He guessed that Mr. He must have seen Tier 5 professionals, or knew Tier 5 combat power.

That's why the calculation is so accurate.

Otherwise, if they kill a completely unknown Tier 5 powerhouse, they will not only come to five people.

It seems that everything is just right, just to the extent that it can be killed without exposing the more power of the "mirror organization".

And Su Lun felt that even if there was no black sickle, Mr. Black should have other ways to kill this guy.

If you really want to talk about prohibited items, there should be no shortage of this group of top masters.

After all, Suren had seen that they had a [Vulcan's Furnace Lamp] in their hands.

The Ruins of Dawn is a treasure, and too many ancient high-level alchemy products are buried.

There must be a lot of good things in the hands of the "Mirror Organization".

It's like the weapons that Qianjo used in their battles before, it's not ordinary at first glance.

The thoughts in the brain flew around, and the "coincidences" were connected together one by one.

Su Lun felt as if he understood something.

Since the "§" symbol of the mirror organization he knew was the symbol of Sir Isaac in Dawn City, he also guessed that the organization's understanding of the ancient history buried in the dust must be far better than the black tower.

He vaguely felt that Mr. Black probably learned about his talent from some channels.

After all, the source of his talent is the altar in Stormwind Manor.


The gray mist was right in front of him, and Su Lun was not in a hurry, and walked over slowly.

It's like going to an elder's house as a guest. Even if the delicious food is no more tempting, you can't help but pick it up if the owner doesn't speak.

After successfully killing the enemy, several cloaked men quickly cleaned up the traces on the scene, and then tore down the seal enchantment.

Several people nodded towards Mr. Hei, and didn't even say a word, just like the last time, they dispersed.

Only Mr. Hei and Su Lun were left on the scene.

Mr. Hei took off his cloak and showed his trademark kind smile.

Sure enough, he looked at Su Lun and said straightforwardly: "Listening to the teacher, you should need this corpse..."


This title...

Su Lun felt a little strange when he heard it.

But to communicate with a [mind reader] like Mr. Hei, there really is no need to circumscribe it. Having said that, he knew that Mr. Black must have known his talent.

Su Lun smiled non-committal and walked over.

Swallowing the gray mist is the most urgent task, and the others can be asked later.

This stripping, like a reservoir that opened the gate, violently flooded into my mind with a large amount of memory fragments.

"Obtain the memory fragment of "Grote Lester"*8"

"You have obtained a piece of information:'The situation in the empire is getting worse and worse, and the group of pirates in the North Sea has become more and more rampant recently. Last month, the caravan's steamship was attacked by the captain of the'King of the North Sea'. Oh, those **** guys...'"

"You got a message:'Miss Teresa is really getting more and more beautiful, but it seems that she doesn't care about Master Evan recently. Lord Duke meant that he wanted to marry the Regardi family, so that the right to speak in the empire ...'"

"You have a lot of knowledge of flesh and blood alchemy, and understand [King Kong]"

"You have acquired the'Muscle Overload Microcontrol Skills', and you have comprehended the body technique [Extremely·Empty Step]"

"You have a lot of '1~5 Alchemy Knowledge'"

"You have comprehended the incomplete fifth-tier gold law."

"You have mastered some fragmented memories: the duke's territorial waters, the black tower mine on the barrier reef, the Lu British Empire, the mechanical sect..."

"You have a lot of information about battle fragments, fighting experience +424"

"Spirit +4.3"

This is the first time that Su Lun has stripped such a "high-strength" soul fragment.

He did not have time to digest the details of the knowledge.

Suddenly the stamina for drinking came up, his head sank, and he felt groggy.

Not only the amount of knowledge, but also the quality!

This directly pushed his comprehension of the law to several levels abruptly, and that kind of impact was not as "gentle" as it had previously absorbed the soul fragments of Tier 1 and Tier 2 professionals.

One is like a river flowing into the sea, the other like a mountain torrent flowing into a river;

It's like the Stone Age, and I jumped directly to the Steam Age. Just seeing the sense of hierarchy between the levels, I feel a little confused.


I don't know how long it has been in a trance, digesting the massive memory fragments, it makes Su feel as if a long time has passed.

When his eyes focused again, there seemed to be a glimmer of bright light in his eyes than before.

"Sure enough, too strong soul fragments will impact the main consciousness..."

Su Lun felt that it was fortunate that he could perfectly control and separate some other emotions and ensure that the main consciousness was sober. If an ordinary person has the talent of [Death Reaper], I am afraid that he will not be able to absorb much, and he will mix himself with the consciousness of consciousness harvesting and become a "spiritual fusion monster".

Although this S-level talent is strong, it is not so easy to control.

It's like you go to a movie,

You can treat yourself as an audience and get information;

But you can't bring in as the protagonist and treat yourself as the person in the story.

Look at it this way,

As a patient, his talent for awakening seems to fit well.

As for the harvest,

too much.

Su Lun will be confused for a while.

There are countless more fighting skills, two finished skills.

The most commendable thing is the understanding of the law.

With the vision of a high school student, even if it is "partially scientific", and then look at the knowledge of elementary school students, it instantly feels that it is not difficult.

The alchemy knowledge of the first, second, and third levels feels that they have been thoroughly integrated, even if it is not a "golden system", it can be understood;

As for the knowledge of Tier 4 and Tier 5, there are also some incomplete fragments. Although it is not enough to form a system, at least it is like seeing the North Star in the vast ocean, at least knowing the general direction of the future.

After digesting the content of the memory fragments, Su Lun's eyes trembled, and there was a big shock in his heart, and he muttered in his heart: "The endless sea, the ruins of the dusk, the ruins of the ancient gods, the fragments of the plane...It turns out that the outside world is so big, except Humans have other races..."

This world is more exciting than he had ever expected.


Mr. Hei has already cleaned up the materials on the corpse.

He watched Su Lun's eyes become clear, and smiled gently: "Little friend Su Lun, how do you feel?"

Su Lun said truthfully: "A little dizzy."

Mr. Hei was not surprised, and said: "Your mental power is about to get out of control. If you don't find a suitable mysterious spiritual practice to control that spiritual power, the situation will be very optimistic."


Su Lun nodded, he also clearly felt the problem.

But he also asked: "Mr. Black, did you mention your teacher just now?"

By now, he has determined that Mr. Black does know that his talent is [Death Reaper].

But he was even more curious. In this old Lingdun city, there are people who can teach Mr. Black "All-Knowing Almighty"?


Speaking of "teacher", Mr. Hei's face was full of respect, and he pondered for a moment before he said: "Well... you can call'Mr. Mirror', that is, the leader of our organization."

When Su Lun heard it, it turned out that this is how the name "Mirror Organization" came from.

He immediately thought of his previous speculation.

He felt that Mr. Black had seen a Tier 5 professional, wouldn't it be the "Mr. Mirror" in his mouth?

Mr. Hei didn't say much, he greeted Su Lun and said, "Let's go, and talk as you go. Someone will come."


When Su Lun heard this, he followed Mr. Hei and walked towards the depths of the dark crypt.

Because of the space barrier, the previous battle did not leave too many traces in this grotto.

Two people

Mr. Hei looked at Su Lun and smiled, "Before I was also very curious about your talent, Su Lun, but I couldn’t figure it out. Then the teacher told me that, I knew that you actually awakened. Rare talent."

Su Lun chuckled slightly, which was regarded as a response.

He asked curiously: "Can your teacher see human talent?"

"You don't need to be surprised. After all, the teacher is very knowledgeable and understands the history of Dawn City, which is by no means imaginable."

Mr. Hei said here, as if thinking of something, he hesitated a little: "The teacher's abilities are very special... But it is really necessary to elaborate, and it is very troublesome to explain."

He didn't mean to elaborate, and instead said: "If you are really curious, next time you see the teacher, you can ask yourself. I think the teacher should be happy to answer your doubts..."

Ability is very special?

Su Lun pondered for a moment.

It was probably because Mr. Hei was unwilling to talk about the secrets of the "teacher" behind his back, he did not continue to ask, but instinctively appeared in his mind the man in the cloak that he had seen in [1911 Hotel].

I don't even know that the person is a man or a woman, and I probably won't know him next time.

But listening to Mr. Hei’s tone, should I have seen it elsewhere?


The two went all the way and talked all the way.

Su Lun also knew that Mr. Hei invited himself to come, really what the leader meant.

The old rules, give a gift, exchange it at the same price, please also ask him for one thing.

Su Lun watched Mr. Black hand out the golden card and a sealed wooden box again, without much surprise, "So... you want me to go to a cursed space and send things in?"

Mr. Hei corrected Su Lun's statement and said with a smile: "No, it's not me. It's the teacher's meaning."

Su Lun became more curious as she listened.

Although he knew that Mr. Black had no reason to let himself go to death, he always felt that something was wrong.

Mr. Hei didn’t wait for Su Lun to guess at random, he directly said the meaning of these things: “The sealed wooden box contains things brought from the Black Tower Laboratory on the 19th. Do not open it outside, otherwise it will I was noticed. After entering the space, I found the Cannian of a lady named'Seleya' and gave her the things."

After taking a breath, he continued: "Did I not mention last time that you are the founder of the Puppeteer profession? Ms. Celea was the most powerful master forging in Dawn City a thousand years ago. With the puppet master. With this card as a token, it will be easier to communicate."

Su Lun listened to this and looked at Mr. Hei, his face became more and more weird: "Mr. Hei, can I ask...why did your teacher choose me?"

If it can, he must get the secret of the spiritual power of the puppet master.

However, no matter how you look at it, Mr. Hei has arranged for him.

It's a token again, and what's it.

Does it look like a "mouse trap with bait"?

Mr. Hei didn't hide it either, and said directly: "Because that "Isaac's Alchemy Manuscript" is in your hands."

Su Lun: "???"

What does this have to do with the notes in my hands?

At this time, Mr. Hei said: "Destiny is an endless chain of cause and effect, and the development of the world itself also follows this principle and causality. That is a note contaminated with destiny. If it does not belong to you, it will naturally not It will be in your hands."


Su Lun heard it very familiarly, isn't this just the original words written in the notes?

Although I know there are some strange mysterious powers in this world,

But this...

It doesn't feel very reliable.

I got the notes by accident, and now it seems that the notes are useless.

And looking at the situation, Mr. Black must know the contents of the notes.

Now if I give you the notes, doesn't it belong to you?

At this time, Mr. Black seemed to see through Su Lun’s heart, and said a meaningful sentence with a smile, “You know, the awakening talent of Sir Isaac, who is known as the'demigod', is [Fate Controls] By】."

After a pause, he looked at Su Lun, who was still full of misty eyes, and made a rare joke: "So, you don't have to ask me why, because I don't know. Hahaha..."

Hearing this, Su Lun couldn't laugh or cry.

Mr. Black continued: "I heard from the teacher that Sir Isaac recorded an ultimate secret about alchemy in the manuscript. But there is a trace of the law of fate involved in the manuscript, which is one of the highest laws in the world, and no one said it. Know what it is. So, all we can do is to wait and see the changes. But for now, it seems to be in your hands, it seems the most appropriate..."


Su Lun felt lonely after hearing this.

At first thought, it seemed to make sense. But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he didn't say anything.

But Mr. Black said he didn't know anymore, and the topic ended.

Skipping the topic of notes, Mr. Hei talked about the commissioned task again, saying: "You should have guessed something, but don't say it. Some supreme beings have some indescribable abilities. When it comes to his existence, He will sense it."


Su Lun nodded.

What is recorded in the manuscript is a refining method of alchemy cloak [Isaac's Heart]. When I think about the things brought out on the 19th, I have to find a master forging master. The purpose is self-evident. Up.

According to legend, deities cannot speak out their names.

He didn't ask this question too much.


As they walked, Su Lun asked some details of the "task", and Mr. Hei also answered them in detail.

He and the mirror organization are getting closer and closer, and now he doesn't need to speak so much.

Su Lun directly asked the most critical question.

"Mr. Black, is that cursed space dangerous?"

"The teacher said, yes, but it won't be fatal. And if it's you... it's even safer than us."

"Or is it because I have the manuscript?"

"This is one of the reasons."


Hearing that there was no fatal danger, Su Lun also dispelled his concerns.

The more he understands the world, the more he feels that Mr. Black is worthy of trust.

What's more, he also felt from Mr. Hei's words that the "teacher" had an extraordinary understanding of the Dawn Ruins.

Otherwise, others don't know what exactly is in the core area of ​​the ruins, they know where there is a cursed space, and there is a remnant called "Ms. Seleya".

Moreover, Su Lun himself is not a person who is afraid of risks.

This time I got the fifth-order soul fragment, and the reward was actually enough to make people desperate.

This super-level knowledge is of great significance to Su Lun Miku, who is currently a "prisoner"!

What's more, there is the exclusive mysterious method of the "Founder of the Puppet Master" that he needs most in that space, so he naturally needs to go there.

The two were walking in the crypt, no chasing soldiers caught up.

Mr. Black left in no hurry,

Su Lun also seized this rare opportunity and asked some of his questions.

What he is most curious about is naturally Mr. Hei’s omniscience and omnipotence, so he asked: "Mr. Hei, how do I feel that you can do everything? Can your awakened [mind reader] still be used for knowledge learning?"

Mr. Hei smiled. He probably knew that Su Lun would be curious about this question, and said: "The [polymath] I worked for is a very special profession. What I practice is the'law of wisdom'. And my ability to awaken is also The choice is based on professional needs. The first-level awakening ability is "not forgetting", the second-level is "brain development", the third-level is "the heart of general knowledge", the fourth-level is "seeing the truth"... Of course, the most important thing is It is the teaching of the'teacher', and there are some special opportunities. My qualifications are not superb, but fortunately, I'm quite diligent."

"Mr. Black, what is brain development?"

"According to ancient records, the potential of the human brain is actually unlimited. But because of some reasons it is limited and the usage rate is very low, so ancient warlocks have thought about developing the degree of use of the brain...but it is also very dangerous. "


Su Lun listened to Mr. Hei's explanation, and it was a surprise.

But Mr. Black's remarks are obviously humble.

It can be so powerful without opening it,

This qualification is not superb... blame it!

Listening to Mr. Hei's career plan, Su Lun suddenly had some thoughts about his third-level advancement?

Manipulating puppets... brain development?

The fit seems very good.

According to Mr. Hei's description, this ability is a bit like upgrading the computer's processor, allowing the brain to process more information efficiently.

In fact, the concept of "brain domain development" had a similar view in previous lives, but it is still in the theoretical stage.

In the ancient times of this world, it could be done with some extraordinary materials.

Su Lun feels that there are too many secrets hidden in this world...

However, materials that can develop the brain are no easier to find than space materials.

It's hard to come by.

Su Lun felt that this could only be regarded as a future plan.

The two chatted for a long time.

The current Mr. Black probably regards Su Lun as an ally, and doesn't play "middles" anymore.

Asked again, almost must answer.

Can still answer it!

Su Lun benefited a lot from this conversation.

At this time, he thought of another question that he was very curious about, "Also...Mr. Black, I think that the members of your organization can be talented for the second awakening? Is there any shortcut to the talent awakening?"

It can be said that, except for Kay, Sulun has seen everyone who has awakened their secondary talents, and they are all from the "Mirror Organization".

This inevitably made him wonder whether Mr. Black had any special methods for awakening their talents.

The result is not.

But the threshold for recruiting people is "Second In the words of Mr. Hei, there is no "Second Awakening", except for certain special abilities, there is almost no ability to fight in higher ranks.

It can only be used as a "investigation target".

It's like confronting the Tier 5 professional before, and ordinary Tier 3, almost one will die!

Really want to rush to the tower, not very useful.

Mr. Hei: "The second stage of talent awakening can only be realized in the experience of life and death. There is no shortcut. Everything in the world is equal, and so is talent. The lower the rank, the easier it is to awaken, and the higher it is, the harder it is. The second awakening of C-level talent The difficulty is far lower than that of Grade B...The talents of Grade A who can awaken for the second time are all those who have gone through great tempers and are extremely talented..."

Su Lun heard,

What about S grade?

What about the two S-classes?

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