Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 188: Princess Teresa

Transition chapter, do not like to jump.

When Su Lun returned to the camp, the news that Miss Teresa's team had been attacked had come back.

Although no one knew what was going on, there was obviously an additional guard at the gate of the city. You can even see Tier 2 professionals guarding the city gate personally, investigating suspicious personnel entering the city.

But this had no effect on Su Lun.

Because too many people from the inner city have come to the waste hunting camp recently, the admission fee has skyrocketed, and the hotel accommodation has long been full. Ordinary hunters can't afford to live in the city, and many set up tents near the camp walls.

This is also convenient for Su Lun.

He randomly found a place in the tent area near the city wall to avoid people's vision, and teleported into the city.

The inspections in the city are also extremely strict.

He returned to the Rose Hotel, and not long after staying there, he knocked on the door for inspection.

Because there are almost perfect forged identities, it is easy to get confused.

Su Lun didn't run around, so he stayed in the hotel and meditated to digest the Level 5 knowledge that was stripped off today.


Su Lun harvested his memories, and realized that the people on the ground world were not absorbing dark spiritual power to advance, but normal spiritual power.

He also knew that there were many factions of ancient alchemists, the normal ones were called "light warlocks", and there were also "dark warlocks", "necromancers", "shadow warlocks", "venomous warlocks" with different training systems...

Except for the Light Warlock, the others are niche factions.

In this dungeon, it belongs to the line of "Dark Warlock".

For the next few days, Su Lun was almost completely immersed in digesting knowledge and feeling those super-order laws that exceeded his current position.

It is a pleasant and magical experience, as if every minute and every second has a lot of gains.

Su Lun ate like a whale.

After digesting, he finally understood what those so-called "transcendent level barriers" were.

It turns out that standing on a high place, the scenery you see is really different.

The peaks that were once thought to be difficult to climb are just shorter hills, and you can have a panoramic view at a glance.


This day.

Suren is in the hotel room.

The silk manipulator dangles books full of the room, and the eight-armed spider spear with both hands is quickly flipping through these ancient books in the sky.

This is the set of Heita Academy textbooks that Mr. Hei gave him.

Although I have read it countless times, I have left a lot of unintelligible content.

Now Su Lun glanced at the ten lines, flipped through them at an extremely fast speed, and found out the previously marked jerky and incomprehensible content.

Especially those who needed to perceive and understand alchemy knowledge by themselves before, now they can almost understand it at a glance.

for a long time,

Finally, I scanned the classics again, and the labels were out of ten.

Su Lun exhaled a long breath, "Huh... I used to think that the knowledge of the people in the Black Tower Academy was amazing. Those high-level professionals in the outside world are really eye-opening..."

Even in the ground world, Tier 5 professionals belong to the category of masters.

That "Grote Lester", as the guard captain of Grand Duke Raphael, was still a graduate of the "Russian Imperial War College".

The amount of his knowledge is amazing.

Closing the classics, Su Lun's face was full of radiance, and he murmured in his heart: "The first-order and second-order alchemy knowledge has been almost thoroughly mastered. Now I am almost proficient, and I can directly use the third-order runes and enchantments, runes. The puppet can be strengthened again..."

He now has a deep understanding of the meaning of the phrase "knowledge is really priceless".

Only then also deeply realized [Death Reaper] was designated as the guard against the sky of S talent.

Before this talent harvests professionals of the same level, I still don't think so. Now we have crossed three major positions to harvest, a wave of fatness.

The meaning of knowledge harvesting is definitely not to say that harvesting a few forbidden objects can be compared!

After the third level, the Transcendental Road has a threshold for every advancement. It is not that the dark spiritual power reaches the standard, and you can advance if you find the material. It also needs to have an understanding of the corresponding laws, this is the biggest fetter that really traps countless alchemists.


Su Lun digested the knowledge in his mind. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and suddenly pinched the warlock seal with both hands.

The seven-pointed star mark was slowly lit up, but Su Lun frowned as if he had sensed something. The seal of the warlock changed again, and the seven-pointed star was missing a corner and turned into a six-pointed star.

At the end of the operation, the skin on his body suddenly became like pure gold pouring, and an indestructible metal texture was visible to the naked eye.

This is impressively used flesh and blood alchemy 【King Kong】.

The original [King Kong] was a fifth-order technique, and its complexity, logically speaking, the fourth-order might barely be able to use it, and the third- and second-order professionals simply couldn't understand it.

However, Su Lun could understand it completely.

But this is a little different from the dazzling appearance of the golden paint of the previous Tier 5 professional. The golden paint on Su Lun's body still has a hint of black.

There is a slight difference in the technique used by the dark spiritual force.

However, a complete technique requires a lot of energy, and the current Su Lun can't support it regardless of his body or dark spiritual power.

Because of the thorough understanding of this technique, he also stepped back.

The essence of this technique is to condense the gold elements into layers of highly condensed substances on the body surface, like overlapping pieces of gold foil.

If you post a few more layers, the defense power will decrease, but after all, Su Lun does not need a defense that can withstand Tier 5 attacks.

Retreat is enough.

Su Lun felt his body.

He took out the dagger and jabbed it. It clearly felt like cutting through the metal, and the sharp dagger couldn't make any scratches on the skin.

He didn't think much, he drew out the musket and shot it in his palm.


Gunshots echoed in the room.

If there is a soundproof barrier, you are not afraid of affecting your neighbors.

Su Lun looked at the deformed warhead in his hand, his eyes calm.

Then, he put on the alchemy bomb.

Another shot.

This time, the alchemy bullet made a slight dent on the skin, but it recovered in an instant.

After firing two shots and testing it, Su Lun has roughly measured the defense of this technique, thinking: "The defenses of both objects and demons are very high, and they can at least block the attacks of Tier 3 professionals in a short time. But. The consumption is also great. And the muscles are solidified, which obviously affects agility..."

That Tier 5 "Grote Lester" can be so powerful, not only the technique, but also his profession and alchemy planting.

A puppet master in Suren was very satisfied with this level of flesh and blood alchemy.

At least let him have the ability to truly save his life in front of Tier 3 professionals.

And this time, Su Lun also gained another complete skill [Extreme · Air Step].

It requires high strength, high agility, and high-tech support.

This fits him very well.

This is an advanced version of Kay's ghost body method.

A popular description is "stepping on the air".

Su Lun tried it when he came back a few days ago, and it felt very good to be able to jump into the air for a short time.

In a short distance, it can move several times faster than the eight-armed spider spear.

Agility and skill are only passive attributes. Before, his own physical attributes were very high, and he almost met the minimum requirements for this skill.

But it can't be used.

Because the "muscle overload micro-control technique" is the key.

It takes countless exercises to figure out that subtle sense of control.

It's like learning to ride a bicycle. It looks like you have legs, but you have to find the balance to master this skill.

One stripping allowed Su Lun to easily master this countless melee career that hadn't been seen in ten years of penance.

One defense, one escape, the means of life-saving increased greatly.


Towards the evening, Su Lun was playing his new puppet in the room, but at this moment, suddenly there was a noise outside the window.

"Go and see, Princess Teresa's team is outside the camp!"

"Wow! I heard that the big people in the inner city are also very hard to see the little princess. I didn't expect her to come to hunt wasteland. This is a rare opportunity, let's go and see..."

"Hi, what a big battle. The guards in the Duke's Mansion feel so strong..."


I don't know if it was because the large troops were walking slowly, or because they encountered an ambush and slowed their progress. The lady from the Ducal Palace arrived at the camp a few days late.

Su Lun listened to the movement outside the window, and leaned in front of the window and looked in the direction of the sound.

He chose this room before because his vision was wide enough, so he could just see the camp gate and main street in the room.

Su Lun looked over.

The pomp of the princess was huge, and there were probably hundreds of people in her entourage.

The crowd gathered around a special steam mechanical locomotive shaped like a carriage.

There were also people in the team holding flags with exclusive noble coats of arms embroidered with harp and lion patterns representing the expert tribe of Raphael. The guards were dressed in uniform dark blue uniforms with swords and heavy armors wearing cross helmets. There were dozens of people dressed up as waitresses and servants, as well as housekeepers, tutors, cooks...

"Many strong guys..."

Su Lun squinted and took a look.

This standard configuration for high-class aristocratic travel made him clearly distinguish the priority at a glance.

Except for the close maid of Miss Teresa, the closer to the locomotive, the stronger.

Because there were some stripped memories before, Su Lun felt that some people's faces were familiar, but they couldn't recognize them.

A Tier 5 guard captain died, and there were obviously other Tier 5 in the team. The white-faced man in military uniform with the brim of his hat low was obviously.

And near him, the strong elemental fluctuations that lingered around the more than a dozen robe warlocks all the time, others might not understand what it meant, but Su Lun knew that it was an "elemental barrier", a representative defense method for Tier 4 warlocks.

Obviously, this is still the guarding force on the surface, and secretly, I don't know what is there.

This team is outrageously strong.


Before Dawn Camp, it was a war town that existed for hunting wasteland, and there were no too wide streets.

The team drove in through the city gate, and then stopped in front of the narrow street.

The knights knelt on one knee, and the waitress opened the locomotive door. An old mother stretched out her hand and pulled out a veiled girl. She wore a sombrero with a pink bow, a short floral skirt and simple leather boots. She was not dressed up, but as soon as she appeared on the stage, an aura of extravagance came to her face, as if she appeared in a black and white scene. A piece of color, attracting everyone's attention.

Su Lun glanced, narrowed his eyes, and didn't plan to look.

This kind of duke’s eldest lady is more troublesome.

At this moment, the door of the room that was listening suddenly rang.

After opening the door, it turned out to be a thousand that hadn't been seen in a few days.

Su Lun greeted: "Sister Qiantiao."


Qianjo replied feebly, with a tired expression of betting for days and nights, walked in the door, and muttered: "Oh, I'm finally back..."

With that, she went straight into the bathroom, took off the dirty clothes from her body, and threw it out, "Please also hang it up for me."


Su Lun looked at the smooth back and raised his brows helplessly. The young gambling addict was really getting out of sight. Before it was blocked by one gear, now even the action of the chest protector is saved.

The patter of water in the bathroom,

Su Lun is concentrating on making a puppet in the room.

Not long after, Qianjo came out after taking a shower.

She was wiping her hair with a towel, and said, "Are you free tonight?"

Su Lun continued to play with his puppet, "It's okay."

Chijo asked in a questioning tone: "Then you change your clothes and accompany me to a cocktail party?"


Su Lun looked up at her and felt that her tone was slightly different.

Qianjo replied: "Yes. The lady from the Duke's Mansion is here, and the big families in the inner city will naturally have a wind reception party. Moreover, the party will also draw lots to assign the task of hunting the wasteland. The little girl is in a situation. It’s not very good either... well, there is, you pretend to be a new identity, then help me out of trouble..."


Only then did Su Lun understand this explanation.

Although Chijo is a cadre of the Cross Society, she was originally the second young lady of the Evelyn family from the inner city. Although few people from the outer city know her identity at this level, the big inner family knows very well.

The character of this gambling-addicted young woman is also annoying to those upper-class social parties, but she also has to take care of her family.

She can ignore other receptions, but the reception that welcomes the lady of the Duchess, all families and people who can be named must go. No one dares to ignore the authority of the Ducal Palace.

Su Lun listened to what she meant, and wanted to be her...male companion?

He didn't mind doing this small favor, but it was also the first time he heard Qianjo talk about his family affairs, and he felt a little curious.

And while he was talking, he watched this young gambling addict actually take out a set of blue-black court dress from the storage ring?


Su Lun was surprised.

In his impression, Chijo had never seen her wearing other styles of clothes except for the kimono and battle armor.

Oh, there are pajamas, and the appearance without clothes.


This kind of ladies' dresses for high-class ladies? ? ?

Qianjo apparently also noticed the weird and said out of breath: "Hey...Sullen boy, what do you look in your eyes. Do you think I want to wear this?"

A cocktail party in the upper class, wearing a large-flowered kimono with a strong social atmosphere, will probably be more eye-catching than the Princess Teresa.

Su Lun smiled, "Ah...I think it's pretty."

Chijo ignored him, dried his hair, and started to wear the skirt right in front of the full-length mirror. While wearing it, he complained: "It's really troublesome to wear a skirt..."

Su Lun didn't go to stare at her changing clothes.

But after waiting for a while, there was no movement, and when he tilted his head, his eyes lit up.

Not to mention, the gambling-addicted young woman with high hair and a court lady dress looks really good!

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