Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 235: Suren's death

Grand Duke Raphael came here, so naturally he must take back the [Super Robot Warrior Drawing].

Suren guessed that there was a spy from the Marfa Empire on a certain ship in the fleet.

Sure enough, when the giant steel ship was in the mist, on the sailing ship "Santa Maria" not far ahead, a person suddenly jumped off the deck and dived into the water.

Act extremely decisive!

It seems that he is still a high-level professional with good strength.

But obviously, Grand Duke Raphael had already prepared. At almost the same time, dozens of professionals in white military uniforms on the steel giant also jumped down. There are winged colonies flying, some diving colonies are loaded into the water, and some are walking on the surface of the water...

Dozens of people chased the Namafa spy and immediately formed an encirclement.

In the mist not far away, there was a movement of fierce fighting.


Seeing that the muzzle was pointed at the fleet, Suren knew that Archduke Raphael was definitely going to kill the entire fleet.

There is that spy that attracts firepower. He originally wanted to teleport into the sea and leave quietly, perhaps there is still a chance to not be noticed.

But now, the few strands on the deck directly locked his gaze and looked over, and Su Lun knew that there was no point in covering up. .

Compared with this giant battleship, the Regardi family is the deadly threat.

"Blood divination, the trouble of the original owner is really not small..."

Su Lun was full of dignity.

The Regardi family is only slightly inferior to the two imperial royal families. If the problem is not completely resolved, this trouble may continue to flow.

But he couldn't figure out why the other party must hunt him down?

The father who is not the original owner has regained power, who will persevere in wanting to kill the original owner?

Su Lun felt that this was probably related to some kind of **** interests, such as inheritance rights.

If possible, he wants to completely solve this hidden danger...

But I didn't even think about it. Now it is how Yao can get rid of this predicament.

In that gaze, the killing intent was dazzling as if looking directly at the sun, which left Su Lun with no luck.

Now there is no Mr. Jing by his side, he has no helper to call, everything depends on himself.

The feeling of walking barefoot on the sharp blade hit my heart. This time, Su Lun experienced a huge crisis that he had never had before. As if the whole person was immersed in ice water, the hormones were stimulated to secrete a large amount, and the thoughts were running at super high speed.

Su Lun did not dare to delay at all. The double surgeon pinched and stretched out his hand, and a spatial passage appeared in front of him. He stepped out without hesitation and appeared on the sea a hundred meters away in a blink of an eye.

Just as his body was falling, Su Lun quickly pinched the seal of the warlock in mid-air, and sighed softly: "Regeneration, release!"

As soon as the six-pointed star alchemy array lit up, an eight-armed spider spear appeared behind him.

The eight-armed spider spear has a super displacement ability that ignores obstacles, and has solved numerous troubles for him.

And now, what is even more surprising is that after Su Lun fell on the surface of the sea, he did not sink!

The eight-armed spider spear stepped on the surface of the water, as if stepping on land, and the spider's legs jumped frequently, ignoring the rolling waves, and Su Lun rushed out quickly.

Because of the extremely fast speed, a burst of white water mist splashed behind him.

This is the water walking ability of his newly developed eight-armed spider spear!

Su Lun thought of the endless ocean on the ground before carefully studying the structure of the "water spider" spider spear, and found that the reason why the spider can move on the water surface is entirely because the numerous cilia on the spider spear contact the water surface and have enough tension. Support, which also gave him a lot of inspiration.

He has now studied the function of [Eight-armed Spider Lance] to the extreme, and it is no problem to control cilia. Although the spider spear structure of the land spider and the water spider are slightly different, this is not a difficult problem for Suren, an alchemist proficient in engineering.

He had already accurately tested the ability of Spider Lance to walk on water in Old Lingtown.

It just came in handy now.

Now is not the time to hide and tuck, Su Lun uses the eight-armed spider spear to move quickly on the surface of the sea, and from time to time he uses space displacement means to move a hundred meters in an instant.

This numb escape combo was used, and when he looked at it again, he was already hundreds of meters away.

This speed is very difficult even for Tier 4 or Tier 5 professionals who want to chase it.

After all, it is at sea, and most displacement methods are restricted. Even the conventional wing-like colony, flying speed in the sky, is not as fast as Su Lun.

Even if the artillery is aimed behind him, the [All-Knowing Eye] and the super-high neural response speed can make him avoid it in advance.

However, Su Lun did not have any luck.

With such a large ship, he didn't think that there were few high-level professionals who were good at pursuing it.


On the deck of the giant battleship, Mrs. Portia and William looked at the figure who had fled, without the slightest hint of anxious chase on their faces, instead they sneered again and again.

However, Portia looked at Sulun's speed, narrowed his eyes, and felt a sense of crisis, "Spatial ability? That guy actually found such a rare advanced material underground... luck is not bad."

As the duchess, she has a good vision, and her spatial ability is a very high-end and rare ability.

If you really want to develop this ability to an advanced level, the threat is not small.

William on the side raised his eyebrows, but said disapprovingly: "The use of low-level spatial abilities is far from the understanding of real spatial laws."

Seeing that Su Lun had run a long way, a family guard on the side of Regardi opened his mouth and said: "His Royal Highness, go down and capture the target?"

Hearing this, William shook his head, his eyes flashed sharply: "No! I will go personally."

After being promoted to a higher level, professionals will awaken some perception abilities beyond the five senses.

In the midst of it, he felt that if he committed suicide without kissing that guy, it would be very troublesome in the future.

He didn't want to leave any hidden dangers for himself.

Hearing this, Mrs. Portia on the side also showed an expression of approval to her son: "Yeah. Go ahead, be careful."

This is the attitude of the real superiors.

Looking at Su Lun who had sneaked into the sea in the distance, William showed a teasing smile of cat and mouse on his face. With a pinch of his hands, he quickly changed forty-eight types of warlock seals, and his gaze was dazzling: "Regeneration, untie! "

It was the handprint that was 10%, and the deck suddenly condensed a strong wind elemental power. After another look, a pair of huge light blue wings suddenly appeared behind William.

Take a closer look, this wing is not the substance, but purely the "elemental wings" condensed by wind elements!

The robes of the people on the deck who were just looking at suddenly shook, and a strong wind hit their faces, and William's had disappeared.


Su Lun had been running for a long time, still wondering why there was no chasing soldiers.

No one was chasing him, but the few gazes still locked on him and didn't move away.

The cloud of death has always been shrouded in my heart, instead of dissipating, it has become more and more dignified.

Although Su Lun was puzzled, he didn't slow down a bit.

Running on the sea was a very deadly act.

Anyone who likes fishing knows how dangerous a target moving on the water surface is. Just like lure fishing, this kind of "high-speed target" is most likely to attract the attention of the big guys hidden in the water, and will be swallowed by a mouthful if you don't pay attention.

What's more, in the sea of ​​this world, there are not only big fish, but also various giant sea monsters!

But Suren had no choice.

Seeing no one was chasing him, he teleported into the water again and continued to swim. Thinking of borrowing the barriers of fog and sea water, please ask for those strands of silk thread.

But suddenly, he knew that his worries had turned into reality.

Su Lun has been moving quickly, Yu Guang also keeps an eye on his back.

Suddenly, he blurted out a **** in his heart: "Fuck!"

Just like watching a horror movie, A Piao is still far away, and in the blink of an eye, it has appeared in front of her face.

When Su Lun saw the figure telling Displacement Wings in his eyes, he obviously felt his heart chuckle.

That amazing speed is not spatial displacement, nor is it the special optical displacement method of Mr. Jing, but the stagnation and rapid displacement achieved by purely controlling the wind element.

Guai had to chase him in a hurry. With this method, Su Lun could run forty-nine meters first, and he could catch up at fifty meters!

"This seems to be some young master from the landlord's house?"

Su Lun saw the face of the visitor clearly, and there was a sporadic impression in his mind.

But it doesn't matter who it is. What's important is that, depending on his ability to control the elements, this is a Tier 6 professional!

Once again identifying the light blue wings behind him, Su Lun felt very upset: "A sixth-order legendary-quality flying colony [Aeolus Bird Feather]! The wings of the mythical species'Aeolus Bird'... where are these guys? This kind of sacred bird that has been extinct for countless eras?!"

Even if he was as calm as him, looking at the winged figure that rushed hundreds of meters behind him, an exit was exploded in his heart.

It turned out that he was not the only one who had the opportunity.

This is the first time that Su Lun has seen a "legendary quality" alchemy outfit.

The two sets of clones on his body are of dark gold quality. Naturally, he knows that the quality of the clones is a big difference, and the effectiveness is very different.

The guy behind him can integrate the legendary quality cloak, which also shows that his body strength will also be very strong.

Definitely a powerful enemy!

"The Regardi family really has a deep heritage..."

Su Lun sighed with emotion.

He also knew before that the royal bloodline inheritance of Leigardi has a high chance of awakening various "wind system" talents.

Seeing this, 80% of this winged man's talent is a certain wind type talent.

This reproductive costume will have a very high degree of cohesion!

"Is it [A-003-Wind Whisperer]?"

Su Lun stared at the wind element condensed like a light blue liquid around that person.

The top four A-level talents are the four basic elements of earth, wind, water, and fire.

Those who can awaken are also one in a billion.

This is a very, very strong top-level scarce talent!

Although under the same level of skill, the talent of [Wind Whisperer] may not be as powerful as [A-039-Thunder], and it is not as weird as the effects of light and dark elements.

But the four-element talents of the same rank, the combat power that can be displayed, the four-element is almost invincible!

Because in the analysis of alchemy, the world is made up of ten chance elements, which are everywhere and endless.

They can easily mobilize thousands of times more elements than others!

Moreover, the four-element talent is the source of all the elemental talents. For some four-element variants, there is also element restraint.

Like [A-036-Yan Girl], it’s actually the variant talent of [A-001-Fire Stealer]. When the two are on the same level, the latter will obviously have the innate advantage of element suppression.


The rank gap is too big, and, whether it is the reproductive costume [Wind God Bird Feather] or the talent of the wind element, they are all extremely exaggerated factors for the displacement bonus.

Even though Su Lun tried his best to run, he was overtaken by that person in a blink of an eye!

Even across the sea, he felt the bitter and murderous intent like ice skates.

But it seems that the winged man flying in the sky is not in a hurry to kill, it seems that he wants to take a good look at the "prey" means.

Su Lun could even clearly see the contempt on the man's face through the light and shadow refracted by the sea water.

"The only chance for the enemy to underestimate the enemy..."

Seeing this, Su Lun did not hesitate to pinch out the seal of the warlock: "Fresh Alchemy·Three-stage Hormone Runaway!"

Hormones flooded into his limbs, giving him a feeling of overwhelming power.

This is enough to kill.

But this time without Serea watching, no one can pull him back at the most critical moment.

But if he doesn't work hard, he will undoubtedly die.

After the hormone burst, Su Lun's speed exploded several times, and he didn't swim in the water anymore. He ran wildly on the surface of the sea, his figure as fast as a white rainbow.

When William flying in the sky saw this scene, he was not surprised, but because he saw the "story" he wanted to see, he let out a contemptuous laugh: "Hey...this secret method is very advanced, and it can actually increase the body. It's so big, there is no record in the intelligence. It seems that this guy has a lot of secrets..."

He also learned from the intelligence that he, "Brother Fick", had a black sickle at the level of a forbidden object, and he didn't dare to care.

But now that he didn't see the black sickle appearing, he was also waiting for Su Lun to take it out.

after all. Space storage is different from storage ring. If the target is really going to die, the storage space will collapse, and the contents may be scattered anywhere.

He wanted to wait.

But at this moment, I didn't wait for Su Lun's black sickle, but watched him take out a pocket watch and pressed it down.

[Watkins's pocket watch], can provide 2-5 times the speed increase in a short time!

Although it will consume life randomly, Su Lun can't care about other things at all now.

If you can't escape now, let alone the future.

He knew that the rank gap was too big and fighting was not an option.

Even if he took out the black sickle, there was no chance of success at all.

Now he saw a bottomless black sea hole on the bottom of the sea, and immediately thought of the prophecy of the Druid of the Darul tribe last night: "Warrior, the prophecy tells me that you will experience a death in the future. But. .. The ocean will protect you."

This is his "death"!

Now that the prophecy has been fulfilled, is the latter half true?


This was the only opportunity he could think of.

At the moment when this pocket watch was pressed down, Su Lun's speed exploded five times!

He bet five times the speed of the limit!

This speed was blessed again, and he plunged into the deep sea, and the whole person disappeared in front of his eyes in the blink of an eye.


When William saw this scene, his face was relaxed, his brows finally frowned, and he wondered: "Does he have any means of escape?"

This desperately going into the sea without hesitation, this has to be doubted.

Fortunately, I came in person.

Otherwise, just this way of escape, other people really can't catch that guy.


This is only the second level with such an amazing performance, how amazing is it after entering the high level?

William really felt the "threat."

This is also the first time that I have felt threatened in a peer.

He absolutely does not allow a genius better than himself to appear in the Regardi family!

Moreover, this astonishing speed is heading towards the bottomless sea cave, even if he wants to chase, he can't catch up.

Although knowing the secret method of this temporary increase will not last long, but intuition tells William that this "brother Fick" must not be allowed to escape again!

There are a lot of treasures in the royal treasury of Regardi. He is just curious about the black sickle, but he is also dispensable.

Upon seeing this, William stood up in the air, his eyes drenched, his hands condensed the sorcerer's seal, and he sighed softly: "Ning!"

Looking at this technique again, behind him suddenly condensed a dignified blue giant phantom holding an elemental bow and arrow.

This is the royal secret of Leigardi, one of the four patrons of the gods [Void servant] of the wind!


Su Lun's light had already caught a glimpse of this scene.

But he no longer had any surprises in his heart, he just rushed towards the dark sea cave without hesitation.

When William watched him running away, the warlock printed and knotted again, and sternly shouted: "The Song of Wind Whisper·The arrow crosses the mountains and seas!"

When the seven-pointed star mark lighted up behind him, he made a gesture of raising and pulling a bow. At the same time, the cyan phantom behind him also made a simultaneous bow motion. The long bow condensed by the wind elements bends like a full moon, and with a "swish", an elemental arrow is shot out towards the fleeing figure.

The wind arrows condensed by multiple secret arts shot out silently. When he touched the sea, he was not obstructed at all, and hit Su Lun's back in an instant of a thousand meters.

It was like a stone fell into the water, and after a little, suddenly rippled.

In another instant, the ultra-high-pressure wind element engulfed by the arrow of the element burst open. The violent wind squeezed the sea water and pushed it away from both sides, forming a huge whirlpool in an instant.

In the storm, it looked as if countless small blades flew around, piercing the eyes with a sharp eye. Not only Su Lun's body, but even the swimming fish in this large area were instantly twisted into powder, bursting into a cloud of blood.

Suren is dead.

"It's still too weak..."

When his consciousness was dead, Su Lun really felt "death".

This is death...

He felt that he seemed to understand a lot of things.

The quicksand between his fingers, at this moment, he held it.

What Mr. Jing told him before was the kind of unspeakable and unclear thing.

How can I understand the law of death if I have not really felt death.

Now... Suren feels so touchable.


Su Lun wants to escape?


He is betting.

The other party could not find his body.

I don't want to come and look for it.

Because there is still a forbidden object on his body.

[Tanatos' death puppet]

Quality: Legend

Description: Do you dare to use the life borrowed from the **** of death?

Cursing characteristics: After the blood sacrifice, the puppet will replace the host with a mortal attack; but after the resurrection, you will hear the whispers in the next month in the next month, which are demon-induced voices; you may learn something from it High-level demon secrets, but with a high chance of causing insanity.

Detailed explanation: imitate the artifact, exchange souls with death, and get a chance to be reborn;

This was previously found in the Dawn Ruins [1911 Hotel].

Now it's used.

Su Lun didn't know whether this dead puppet could resurrect him, and in what form.

But thinking of the druid's words last night, "The sea will protect you."

This is the best choice combined in Su Lun's mind.

If it is on land, it will probably be resurrected, and it will be chased to death in succession.


It should be understood this way.


William in the sky looked at the target bursting into a cloud of blood, with no color on his face.

If it is on land, he would definitely be interested to see the but now, probably the corpse is hard to find.

The large corpse sank into the sea, and the smell of blood just attracted a school of fish, and the school of fish rushed over, making it muddy.

William took a look, then turned and left.

He was pretty sure that this blow must have killed Fick.


"Do you want power..."

Su Lun didn't know what kind of state he was in, as if he was half asleep and half awake.

But he heard the babble from the dark.

He seemed to understand the meaning of death.

It's too weak...

As his consciousness was dying, he responded: "Yes."

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