Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 236: grim Reaper

"Hey, look, big guy, there is still someone in the sea!"

"Catch it up and have a look."

"Oh~ He is a rich guy. The storage ring is so big, there are still a few'rune treasure chests' in it!"

"This thing is worth more than a hundred thousand liso just as the box, I am afraid it contains valuable things. It seems that we are going to make a fortune."

"But Captain, this treasure box can't be opened"

"Keep the person first. When he wakes up and ask for the password and identity of the box, he may be able to make a fortune."

"The test shows that it's a Tier 2 professional, don't be careless, lock it in tightly, and remember to put on the Forbidden Magic Lock."

"Yes, Captain Bonn."

In a daze, Su Lun seemed to have a little consciousness.

I remember some things, but very fragmented.

But it's like a nightmare, why can't I open my eyes...

He wanted to concentrate on waking up, but he seemed to be dissipated by some force inexplicably

The whispers reverberating in his head became more and more serious, and he couldn't hear what the words that were like demons were saying. He only felt that his consciousness was getting heavier and heavier, like ghost hands, tearing, trying to drag him into the endless abyss.

It's like a nightmare like a drowning, can't die, but can't get rid of it.

Suddenly, I heard a woman's hysterical scream.

As if stimulating some kind of conditioned reflex from the bottom of his heart, Su Lun suddenly felt the feeling of consciousness returning to his body.

He heard a heavy gasp, and the lustful smile.

"Hey, I said Pablo, you **** don't play too much, it won't be good if you kill a meat ticket. This is a member of the'Tulip Chamber of Commerce'. When the leader comes back, you have to keep it. In exchange for ransom."

"Don't worry, I will just have fun, and there are a lot of pieces of meat. We just promised to keep a living person, and we didn't say that we can't touch it. Besides, the deputy team and the captain are very happy. Let's also try these rich ladies and ladies The taste. Hahaha"


Su Lun couldn't open his eyes.

The thoughts in the brain still didn't restore the ability to think, but passively received this information.

Women's humiliating crying and hissing were heard in the ears, and some other voices were also heard.

"Master pirate, please, let my wife go, I will pay the ransom"

"Please don't hurt my daughter, she is only thirteen years old. I am willing to give you all the property, please don't hurt her anymore!!!"

"Please, stop, please, please"


The pleading didn't work at all, and he responded with a mocking laugh.

But it was this moment.

Su Lun only felt that there was a strong sadness and strong negative emotions around him, like acupuncture, violently plunged into the soft part of his heart, and it was dripping with blood.

The lustful laughter that rebuked the ugliness of human nature, greed and desire echoed in his ears, and it was like a key that opened the lock that trapped the devil's cage in the bottom of my heart.


Su Lun felt the dominance of the body again.

He opened his eyes.

But his eyes are full of violence!

It was a pair of scary eyes with red glow.

As if the will in the body is not a human being, but a demon hidden

Su Lun gasped heavily, and he realized that his eyes seemed to be covered with a thick **** filter, and the whole world he saw was extremely distorted.

This seems to be the dim candlelight in the cabin of a big ship, illuminating the layout of the cabin.

Wooden boxes, iron fences, walls, lights, and figures are all melted and twisted by the high temperature.

The main consciousness cannot control the information received by its own eyes, nor can it think rationally.

The memory is also like a messed up jigsaw, sticking up a little bit, slowly coming to mind.

I seem to be dead, killed by that guy

No i seem to be alive

Weakness is the original sin

Is this hell? Is this hell?

What's wrong with me

I seem to have a powerful force

What i lost

My consciousness, I seem to be going crazy

damn it!

Why am I so upset! ! !

Listening to the miserable sobs in his ears, Su Lun's eyes gradually focused. The thoughts in his mind seemed to be squishy, ​​making him seem to be carrying a mountain on his back. The heavy gasp in the throat sounds like a beast-like roar

Instinct controlled his body and tilted his head.

I was looking at a few people still locked in the two iron fenced rooms next door.

A middle-aged man with fat head and big ears is crying with a headache

In the cabin in the corner, two pirates with their trousers and thick legs exposed are pressing on two women with torn skirts and dashing hard. The obscene smiles on their faces and the "hehe" in their mouths are so harsh.

The woman lay on her back, tears of helplessness and humiliation from the corners of her eyes.

The numb gaze happened to meet Su Lun's red eyes.

There was no shock, no accident, only the despair that looked like a corpse.

Red-eyed Su Lun saw that desperate gaze, not only was he not angry, but the corners of his mouth raised a morbid evil arc: "It's really pleasing despair."

The desperate emotion seemed to nourish some evil soil in his heart, and a strange smile of "Jie Jie Jie" came out in his throat.

Suddenly, the vision suddenly came into being!

As if some terrifying will had come to this cabin, a creepy feeling suddenly hit everyone's hearts.

The entire cabin was suddenly silenced.

The fat middle-aged man stopped crying and begging, and turned his head to look over

The two pirates also suddenly felt chills in their backs, like a poisonous snake rushing on their backs, suddenly stopped moving, and turned their heads to look over.

Then, they all looked at that behind the young man who was chained, there appeared a ghostly figure of death holding a black sickle!

Under the cloak, there is endless pitch black.

The phantom appeared, as if opening the passage of hell, in the huge cabin, life was awe-inspiring. That unspeakable horrible will came, as if the suffocation of thousands of poisonous snakes crawling up from the back instantly hit everyone's hearts.

Su Lun stared at the two pirates with a pair of red eyes, and the two pirates also looked at him.

As if seeing some "great horror", their eyes instantly froze there, and their eyes were full of horror.

In an instant, their bodies seemed to be drawn with color, and their faces turned pale.

A strong smell of **** and urine came to life and left instantly.

It was a look, two pirates, frightened to death on the spot by that fear!

Killing the two pirates, as if the manic mood had been vented, the red light in Su Lun's eyes faded a little.

Sanity was also able to breathe, and began to think about problems.

He instantly understood his current situation.

It feels very familiar to him.

Like several times before, negative emotions dominate the body.

However, this time it was even worse.

Su Lun has the ability to control emotions.

In the past, he used this method to imprison ninety shares of the negative emotions with about ten shares of reason.

Later, after learning the mysterious method, these ninety negative emotions were turned into nourishment that impacted the brain.

but now

He estimated that reason still had ten shares, and the "unknown emotions" that came out of his mind had ten thousand shares!

Every negative emotion is like an instinctive desire, killing, hatred, violence, licentiousness, anxiety, depression, fear

Once these emotions were like "negative personalities", which were held in the bottom of my heart by Su Lun.

And now, each of them is as strong as a giant, and each of them can easily tear through the fence of the cage and rush out!

Reason is like a dam that has blocked the flood of extinction, and it is as weak as paper, always on the verge of collapse.

"I'm resurrected?"

Only then did Su Lun clearly realize what.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but there were countless violent things in his mind at this moment.

As soon as his thoughts turned, he thought that it was a sequelae of [Tanatos' Death Puppet].

Those superfluous things in the mind are the whispers of the devil, the powerful magic of the devil, or the inducement that induces the degeneration of human beings into slaves of power.

Those are some of his brains, which can't handle so much at present, which is beyond the scope of cognition.

"It turns out that the cost of using the forbidden object is so high"

Su Lun didn't feel much fortunate to escape.

His current condition is also on the verge of death.

Fortunately, I know how to control emotions, and there is still time to think for myself in this moment.

Otherwise, if you change to another person, you may have become a "slave" of desire when you die.

I seemed to stare two pirates to death just now

What power is that?

[Death Reaper] The talent seems to have awakened for the second time

Su Lun didn't have time to think about farewell. He felt that violent emotions were about to come back at that moment, and he quickly checked his attribute panel to see what happened.

But nothing else, but immediately saw a state of [mental power distortion]!

"My mental power is distorted?"

Su Lun finally understood what was going on with that completely uncontrolled thought just now.

No way, his sanity will be washed away by the negative emotions.

Su Lun's sanity "can't shut down" those negative emotions!

However, this mental power distortion is not all disadvantages.

On the panel, Su Lun found that the value of his mental power had directly changed from 200+ to 700+, which had more than tripled!

Under normal circumstances, even if it is the top secret technique of [Starry Sky Visualization], it will take him several years to reach this exaggerated value.

This is mental distortion!

Su Lun found that he knew the "willow tree-like" mental power in the sea. At this moment, he also became very strong. The root system was knotted and grew crazily into a strange tree.

That mental power is powerful and dangerous!

He can't control it at all!

Su Lun temporarily suppressed those negative emotions forcibly, but he knew very well that it wouldn't last long.

If he wants to control this mental power, he must become stronger himself.

He looked at his dark spiritual power value again, and it skyrocketed from 9W+ to the upper limit of body saturation of 13w.

During the time he was in a coma, that volition controlled [Isaac's Alchemy Heart] crazy absorption, probably because of the "X Serum", so there was no distortion.

"However, isn't this the condition for merging [the three-color mask of the usurper]?"

Su Lun immediately decided in his heart that he must advance immediately.

Only with advanced third-order, he can let reason suppress the deformed mental power!

But just about to struggle, he suddenly heard the sound of iron chains, and then he realized that both his hands were bound by the rune iron chains, and he couldn't feel the existence of dark spiritual power in his body.

"Forbidden Magic Chain!"

Su Lun realized something immediately.

This chain is forged from the "Forbidden Magic Stone", specifically for professionals.

His hands were bound by chains, he couldn't break free, and he couldn't make seals. He couldn't do anything at all!

Su Lun looked at his empty fingers. Several storage rings and [Seleya's Blessing] were gone.

For an instant, he immediately guessed what happened in his mind.

He should have been rescued by a group of pirates, and then they didn't kill him and imprisoned him in a cell.

"Probably because of those rune treasure chests"

Su Lun sneered.

He has mastered the space ability, and valuable things are placed in the folding space. But in order to conceal his eyes, he also wore a few storage rings.

Moreover, Su Lun had guessed before that he had also taken some precautions in case he encountered a coma and was "picked up" by someone.

He put some valuables in the storage ring, as well as several "rune chests" that require special passwords to open.

That kind of treasure chest is very sensitive. Opening it violently will instantly destroy the contents of the chest.

Su Lun assumed that he was picked up by someone, and if the other party asked for money and got the storage ring, he would most likely kill him.

But if there are so few treasure chests that seem to be valuable, greed will make people even more curious about the things in the chest.

It's just like in front of you.

The greed of the pirates gave Suren a chance to wake up

"Advancement is of urgency"

Su Lun tried the chain fastened on his wrist, which was very strong.

Without dark spiritual power, his strength has been weakened by 80%, and it is impossible to break free.

Those pirates are cautious enough, probably just to watch out for this.

Advancement requires dark spiritual power, which means that you must get rid of the iron chain.

Two pirates are still dead now, I am afraid there are more on it, but it will change after a while!

The chain can't be broken, so only the wall is broken!

Seeing this, Su Lun passed a fierce look in his eyes.

His current physical strength has reached the level of a Tier 3 meat professional. Although the strength of the two layers is not enough to break the rune chain, it is enough for him to break his own arm.

He made a decision, relaxed the muscles of his left arm, and then pulled hard, listening to the scalp tingling bone dislocation sound!

The intense pain caused Su Lun's face to turn pale in an instant, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead like soybeans.

However, the humerus fell off from the joint cavity, and the sound of tissue tearing was also heard, but it was not broken!

"not enough!"

Su Lun glanced horizontally, his legs slammed into the cage, and his body leaped in the opposite direction.

Just listening to "tear" the terrifying tearing idol, the blood shot out, and the whole left arm was torn apart!

The super-high agility and familiarity allowed him to control his muscles to a very subtle level. The moment his arm was torn, the muscles squeezed the blood vessels and instantly stopped the signs of large bleeding.

After tearing off an arm, Su Lun gasped heavily and eased for two seconds. This allowed his body to adapt to the severely injured stress response.

Then, without hesitation, he used the same method again.

The foot slammed on the ground, this time, the right arm was torn off once!

After getting rid of the "forbidden magic chain", although Su Lun's face was weak, his heart was suddenly happy.

Because, he immediately felt the circulation of dark spiritual power in his body!

The fat steward of the "Tulip Chamber of Commerce" in the cell next door has been overwhelmed.

He hasn't understood what happened to the ghost of death that appeared on this young man just now.

Just watched two pirates get scared to death inexplicably

Then, he watched Su Lun tear off his arms with extremely **** means.

God, is this guy a devil?

Everything in front of him is beyond the steward's cognition, and he has lost the ability to think.

He would rather believe that this was a nightmare scene than that what he saw was true.

Then, when he watched the hideous spider spear emerge from behind the young man who had broken his arms in the cell next door, he was not shocked. He just muttered numbly, "It's really a nightmare."

Unlocking the alchemy plant requires the dark spiritual power in the body to flow in a specific way. The purpose of the Warlock Seal is to shorten this process and allow the body to form a specific conditioned reflex.

Su Lun, who had broken his arms, dipped his own blood with his feet, and quickly drew a six-pointed star alchemy array on the ground. After breathing for a while, the dark spiritual power in the body condensed into a special cycle needed to unlock the colony.

The **** formation under his feet lit up, and the eight-armed spider spear appeared behind Su Lun.

At this moment, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The current eight-armed spider spear is like Suren’s own hand. It can be manipulated freely. The sharp spear tip pierced the rune chain, then took the two broken walls, took out the potion in the storage space, and cleaned it directly. Stitched on the shoulders.

Although Su Lun is not a professional in the medical department, he is proficient in surgery, and neurovascular sutures are not difficult for him.

Moreover, the wound is very fresh, and the activity of "X Serum" will automatically connect a large number of broken tissues.

The cilia on the spider spear controlled the silver silk thread to suture the wound quickly and accurately. At this time, the quick record took out two puppets covered in green runes.

This is the 【Healing Doll】, solidified high-level life alchemy formation puppets, and the cost is very high.

The purpose is to provide first aid when it is inconvenient to arrange the formation.

As soon as the doll was taken out, the green healing light enveloped Su Lun's body, and his wounds healed visibly.

The two broken walls that had lost their blood color, the fingers have already felt.

Su Lun did not dare to delay any time, the eight-armed spider spear was still dealing with the wound, so he had already taken out the materials needed for the advanced third stage, and began to set up the advanced master array.

Because he found that when he smelled the smell of blood, the violent negative mental power was agitated again!

Purple crystals are placed on the feet of the six-pointed star, and the ink mixed with mercury and green ghost copper draws the pattern of balances, ouroboros and thorn flowers.

The materials prepared in advance allowed Su Lun to quickly set up his inaugural formation.

At this moment, the warlock printed a knot, and the purple light of the alchemy array lit up and enveloped Su Lun in the formation.

He took out the [three-color mask of the usurper], put it in the purple light, and lightly recited a mantra in his mouth: "Follow the law of equal exchange of all things, praise the glory of the original creator, and use alchemy Witness the miracle of creation"

In an instant, the light was shining, and the mask slowly melted into the formation

Su Lun's mental condition is like a bucket.

The bucket was previously filled with mild water, but now it is filled with a bucket full of hot lava.

The boiling magma still came out, and the bucket was always on the edge of being burned through.

He couldn't deal with the magma, so he could only strengthen the thickness of the barrel arm to relieve his urgent need.

Advanced Level 3 is the only option.

But transcendent advancement is a process that takes time. While Su Lun's advancement ceremony was still advancing, he suddenly heard footsteps on the airtight bottom warehouse.

Probably because the two dead pirates hadn't gone out for a long time, the people above came down to see the situation.

However, Su Lun was not surprised at all.

He didn't see anyone, but he already felt the "soul fire".

This bottom warehouse

He had discovered before that he had a new ability [Soul Perception]!

Even if he closes his, he clearly can perceive things with souls within a certain range.

Coupled with his own spatial ability, like a perspective instrument, he can instantly see the personnel arrangement of the entire pirate ship clearly.

There are a total of three floors on the ship, a total of more than 80 pirates.

The bottom bin is him and the three prisoners.

There are more than forty people in the middle cabin, and more than 30 on the deck.

Looking at the strength of the soul, Su Lun speculated that the strongest on the ship should also be those Tier 3 professionals.

Not only people, but also a parrot, two monkeys, three snakes, hundreds of mice

As long as it is something with a soul, it's clear.

Su Lun looked at the panel and confirmed that he was talented in [S-004-Death Reaper] and awakened for the second time!

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