Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 237: 2 stages of reaper ability

"Pablo, Genn, it's time to change the guard! Where did you two go?"

"Hey, stop yelling, those two guys are probably looking for meat tickets in the cabin."


Su Lun listened to the footsteps coming from the stairs, his expression unchanged.

In [Soul Perception], the two groups of human-shaped soul fires are not strong.

Although he didn't see anyone with his own eyes, judging by the proportion of professionals on the pirate ship, they should be two first-tier professionals.

Not long after the footsteps sounded, he watched a pirate dressed in brown linen climb down the stairs of the middle cabin.

As soon as the guy landed, he noticed something was wrong.

There was a strong smell of blood in the bottom bin, and a smell that made people feel uncomfortable.

The pirates are familiar with this taste.

It is the breath of hormonal disorder after a person is frightened to death

Various goods and sundries are piled up in the bottom silo, and the eyesight is very restricted. As soon as his eyes focused, he saw that Su Lun was immersed in the light of the alchemy array.

The guy just wanted to say something, at this moment, a light blue thread appeared on his neck...

The silk thread didn't have any barriers, and it passed everything lightly, cutting off the head smoothly.

On top of this guy's head, another pirate was about to go down the stairs, and suddenly felt that his trouser legs were wet, as if he had been wet by some warm liquid.

After looking down, he looked at the blood of a headless corpse.

The pirate on the stairs was so frightened that he wanted to climb up quickly, but it was already too late. A bunch of hair was wrapped around his leg quietly like a python, and then as soon as it was pulled, the whole person fell into the bottom bin, and there was no movement after a "boom"

Spider Lance controlled Silk Thread to kill two pirates, and Su Lun didn't take another look.

Not surprisingly, the movement here has attracted the attention of the pirates in the upper cabin.

He controlled the dark spiritual power to hit the barriers of the ranks, concentrating on fusing advanced materials. [The three-color mask of the usurper] The extraordinary power in the array was resolved, and it was slowly blending into the body.

It will take some time.

Sure enough, upon hearing the noise, there was a loud shout from the upper level: "Hey! Rodolf, Philhoe, what's going on down there?"

A few breaths of silence.

"Go and see a few people!"

"Yes, Captain!"


Failure to hear a response immediately aroused the vigilance of the pirates, and the sound of dense footsteps was immediately heard from the top of their heads.

Listening to this movement, instead of any panic on Su Lun's face, a dangerous red glow appeared in his eyes, "Hey"

The frantic mood around the corner has a feverish expectation of killing and blood.

For others, advanced can't be disturbed and distracted, but for the multi-tasker, it is not a big problem.

At the same time as he advanced, a knot was printed by the sorcerer in his hand, and a cross appeared immediately above his head.

The sharp enchanting thread cut open the fence of the prison, and dozens of puppet dolls walked out, lying in ambush everywhere, staring at the stairs not far away with a smirk.

As soon as the heavily armed pirates jumped off, without waiting for any temptation from them, the puppets swarmed and hacked.

Suddenly killed a blood spurt.

"Damn it, something happened!"

"If you have an idea, please notify the deputy head!"


The pirates swarmed in, the corpses piled higher and higher.

The cabin space of the pirate ship is limited, and the technique of the [Puppet Theater] can be fully covered, no matter how many people come, they are not close to the prison where Su Lun is.

After all, this is a ship, and the pirates dare not set the ship on fire, nor release any powerful techniques.

For a while, the entire bottom warehouse of the pirate ship was like purgatory on earth, with stumps and broken arms flying around.

A large amount of flowing blood gathered in the bottom of the bilge, and quickly condensed into a thick layer of dark red plasma, and the boots made a sticking sound when they stepped on it.

The whole ship was in a mess.

Su Lun really blushed, and the strong blood rushing in between his breath made him feel a strange joy like a thread.

The manic emotions in the sea of ​​knowledge seemed to boil, completely suppressing reason, dominating the body and wanting to pour out the body's instinctive desires.


Crazy killing!

Looking at the pirates again, Su Lun smiled sickly, and suddenly, a coldness suddenly came to the cabin!

The phantom of Death appeared again behind him.

The previous time, Su Lun's consciousness hadn't been sober, and he didn't know what had happened, but now he figured it out. From the reflection in the eyes of the pirates, he saw the scary shadow that emerged from his body.

He had seen this vision in Qianjo's body, and the second awakening [Raksha Girl] had a similar appearance.

Obviously, this is the vision of [Death Reaper]!

It was in the shadow of the **** of death, Su Lun only felt that his aura was getting higher and higher. He looked at the horrified expressions in the eyes of the pirates opposite. Those low-level professionals even went into a coma on the spot.

Scope of "deterrence"?

Seeing this, he also understood why the two pirates before were violently killed after a glance.

The law of death contained in this phantom of death!

"Does this state need to be actively released?"

Su Lun thought of something, and remembered the moment when Death appeared just now.

And even more surprisingly, he saw that the "gray mist" emerging from the corpse was completely different from before!

It used to be an irregular faint mist, but now he clearly saw a wisp of clear and complete humanoid soul with facial features. As time passed, the soul gradually faded.

Su Lun guessed that this was a new ability that [Death Harvester] appeared after the second awakening. But it was too late to prove that those manic instinctive emotions had taken control of the body, and they just wanted to kill everyone in front of them.

Su Lun's reason insisted on the last thought with difficulty, and the hands holding the Warlock's seal trembled violently, and he waited to advance!

At this time, a few Tier 3 pirates who were not weak also rushed down. One arm was equipped with crab claws, and one pliers could easily pinch the steel bars; the other was a crocodile head with amazing bite force that could burst one bite. Baby; there is also a catfish talent who can vomit mucus, and the whole attempt is full of slimy liquid

As soon as the three rushed in, they immediately fought with the puppet army.

Although Su Lun can't dodge in the advanced stage, the [Puppet Theater] is not a mere name for being invincible of the same level. He has an absolute advantage in this cabin!

Numerous silk threads have spread in the cabin. The silk threads have wrapped the whole body, and layers of puppets have protected him tightly. It is difficult for anyone to break it. Moreover, even if the hearing and vision are disturbed, he can now easily capture the enemy's position through his soul perception.

The hull has enchantments and runes blessings, which is very strong, but the internal layers of the hull are very weak. The violent shock waves caused by the battle were higher than the waves, like being hit by artillery, sawdust flying around, and the entire pirate ship was in a mess.

Su Lun has completely killed him!

The silk thread continued to spread, almost wrapping the entire ship into a thick cocoon.

He didn't just want to protect himself, but to kill everyone here.

Finally, the battle is over.

Except for a few pirates who jumped into the sea, the cabin was full of corpses.

The group of pirates could not kill the immortal puppets, they were consumed alive in the puppet theater.

Finally, the battle ceased.

Su Lun also integrated advanced materials and successfully advanced to the third level

After releasing the crazy negative emotions, Su Lun got a respite.

He also found that releasing some pressure appropriately would slow down the mania a lot.

Moreover, successfully advanced to the third level, still controlled by the increased mental power, he finally suppressed the restless negative emotions, allowing reason to regain control of the body.

"It shouldn't explode in a short time, right."

Su Lun exhaled a long breath, his eyes full of dignity.

This is much worse than he used to be.

It used to be just some simple negative emotions, and at this moment, those things in his consciousness were not just his own, but the whispers from the underworld demons. There are countless super-level cognitions that he can't understand at all in it. It's like sealing a very large database, and an influx can instantly make people go crazy.

This is a time bomb that may explode at any time.

The urgent need was temporarily relieved, and Su Lun looked at the "gray fog" on the pirate corpses in the distance.

Just now, a human-shaped soul has become an ordinary gray mist again?

He tried to strip off the soul fragments of a Tier 2 pirate casually, no different from before, and obtained some scattered information.

"Could it be the cause of the ghost of death?"

Su Lun thought of something and immediately decided to give it a try.

He closed his eyes and recalled the feeling when the phantom appeared before. After a while, he opened his eyes suddenly.

At this moment, a sense of mystery suddenly descended in the cabin.

This time, Su Lun clearly felt the sense of emptiness. Could you say: "It turns out that this death **** phantom represents the comprehension of the law, the ‘law of death’, one of the legendary supreme laws!”

Although I don't know exactly what this feeling is, I don't know the magical effect of comprehending this law. But he knows that this kind of supreme law is very strong!

Without thinking about the law and understanding that took a lot of time to try, Su Lun looked into the cabin.

And the world in his eyes was covered with blood.

Looking at it again, the gray mist on the corpse showed a complete human form.

He saw "death", saw the whole soul!

"it is as expected."

Su Lun walked over, trying to try this new ability to harvest the difference.

This temptation shocked his heart.

At this moment, the gray mist was not directly swallowed, and at the moment of touching, Su Lun "saw" the countless contents in that memory.

It was like opening the catalog of a book, and he saw a densely categorized memory fragment.

This huge amount of information can't be handled by ordinary people.

But Su Lun glanced over now.

It used to be ten lines at a glance, now it is a hundred lines at a glance!

This is the powerful processing power developed by the brain domain, and the [distraction technique] multi-tasking ability that awakens after the advanced three sessions.

Moreover, the more complete the memory fragments, the higher the ranking.

This is also convenient for him to check.

Most of it is useless daily information.

Su Lun still had some doubts when he looked at these catalogs. With a thought, he just clicked the first one and wanted to see what was going on.

Then a series of pictures came to my mind as if watching a horse and watching flowers:

Su Lun digested the information he had received in an instant. This is what the corpse did today.

This is **** intelligence that is almost useless.

However, Su Lun was overjoyed!


What this peels off is not a piece of glass like slag!

This is the complete information!

As soon as this information was stripped away, the fog of soul on the corpse was obviously dimmed a lot.

Su Lun thought of something, and immediately tried again to strip off a few of the skills that were revealed, and then immediately obtained:

After this stripping, the soul fragment disappeared completely.

"It's so!"

After this attempt, Su Lun finally confirmed what is the use of the Reaper after the second awakening.

If the previous soul stripping is like a blind box random lottery, you can draw a bunch of fragments;

So now is to list all the prizes, one by one, and let you choose by yourself!

This ability is simply against the sky!

Assuming that Su Lun meets the Tier 5 professional who once stripped away the [King Kong] skills, he can completely eliminate the other spam and directly strip off the complete "golden element law comprehension".

At that time, what he has mastered is not any incomplete law, but a complete law comprehension of a Tier 5 professional.

This means that if he intends to take the golden element advancement route in the future, as long as the materials and dark spiritual power are sufficient, he can almost advance to the fifth level without any bottleneck!

There are any other skills.

Another example:

The previous Tier 6 wind professional who killed him, stripped his Feng Yuan law, provided that he could kill

The mechanics of the ship that was in vain on the Black Barrier Reef before can only strip off their mechanical skills, do not need **** debris, and become a master of mechanics on the spot.

In case I met Oleg later, stripped of his Tier 8 ability

Although it is unlikely, the dream must be there. What if it comes true?

"This is really a blessing in disguise"

Suren tested out the new ability of [Death Reaper], and his eyes couldn't hide his joy.

After he died once, he had just taken a life, but he didn't expect to give him such a big surprise.

As far as he knows now, the talent for the second awakening has the ability to increase in four aspects: [Soul Perception], [Reaper Gaze], [Directivity Stripping], and [Death Law].

Even after he felt digested, there was more.

The side effects of the current mental aberration seem to be less unacceptable.

And it was obviously not the time to be stunned. As time passed, the soul on the corpse was still dissipating, and Su Lun hurriedly stripped a few highs.

Before the change, so many dozens of pirates, eliminating repetitive and spam messages, can strip out very few useful things.

But now, it is a bumper harvest!

Su Lun chose the skills he possessed and the content he dared to be interested in.

Even the first-order ones can fill many things he doesn't know.

But when he was stripping away happily, Su Lun suddenly felt a moment of heart palpitations, and he felt like his soul was out of his body. Suddenly, I heard the low-pitched whisper like Sanskrit chanting, making people look dazed.

"When you turn on the second stage of the death state, will you listen to the whispers from the whispers?"

Su Lun's face instantly became ugly, and he quickly meditated cross-legged.

After breathing for a long time, he suppressed the riot.

The problem of mental distortion has not been completely solved, and the use of the second-stage harvester is still a big problem.

"It's a pity that the communication ring was also taken away by the pirates, otherwise you can ask the elder sister how to deal with this problem."

Su Lun murmured in his heart.

He didn't worry much about solving mental distortion.

My senior sister is Isaac's relatives, she has a lot of knowledge. She may not be able to solve it, but 80% of them know the crime.

But the ring is not there, and I can't contact him for the time being.

From the information he had just stripped off, he learned that the leader of the "Red Shark Pirate Group" took a few elites to "Blizzard City" to blackmail the ransom.

Surun's storage ring, communicator, and [Isaac's Blessing] are all on that guy.

"You have to find a way to get the things back."

A thought flashed through Su Lun's mind

Except for the few slippery fish that jumped into the sea, a ship of pirates was killed cleanly, and Su Lun walked to the deck.

The fresh sea breeze blew past, and the strong **** smell from him was also blown away.

Seeing the blue sky and sea, Su Lun felt refreshed.

The land is at the end of the field of view, and it is about half a day's voyage.


Two "bang bang" gunshots came from the cabin.

Su Lun's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes shrank slightly.

When he came out just now, he opened the cell door of the bottom bin easily, but none of the three of them came out.

Su Lun sensed the two groups of soul fires that had suddenly gone out, and knew that the two mothers and daughters who had been insulted by pirates committed suicide.

After a while, the third shot also sounded.

The soul fire of the middle-aged man was also extinguished.


Su Lun's eyes flashed red, as if he couldn't spit out a breath of malice in his heart.

For a moment, he sat cross-legged on the deck.

He didn't rush to set sail, but leaned on the mast and carved a mask.

He plans to make an alchemy similar to the [Three-color Mask of the Usurper] to help suppress the mental power of distortion.

Looking through the storage space, there was no suitable material, so I found a piece of Mithril alloy. This metal can carry mental power and various energies. The key is that if it is thick enough, it can withstand complex rune inscriptions.


The Warlock Suren printed a knot and added a few cursed crystals.

Hongmang That large piece of alloy gradually melted under the high temperature of the alchemy array, and was filled with several auxiliary materials. After a short while, the outline of the mask was formed.

The metal condensed, and Su Lun had a silver mask in his hand.

As soon as the eight-armed spider spear was unfolded and several carving knives were activated at the same time, he began to try to inscribe the "spiritual" rune language on the material.

Before doing it, he estimated that he wanted to suppress the violent power in his body, probably a Tier 5 rune.

But now he is barely proficient in the fourth-order rune language, and it is impossible to inscribe the fifth-order rune. I thought about copying a fourth-order Rune rune from the classics, and try to achieve the same effect.

He is very self-aware, and he has already planned that the success rate should be very low, and he will fail many times.

But he didn't want to, after this cut, the sense of control that was easy to control made him immediately surprised.

After this test, Su Lun discovered that the "multi-tasking and multi-use" ability that he had obtained in the third-level advancement was also a super surprise!

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