Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter Fifteen A Genius Thought

"Oh my God!"

Can the mechanical world also have cubs?

"This... how... came out!"

Fang Che couldn't believe it, he could hardly imagine that kind of picture.

There are ignorant little things in the miniature.

I have to say, it's a little cute.

Fang Che squatted down comically, observing.

Can be sure!

This is a miniature version of a wolf-shaped mechanical warrior, let's call it a warrior for now!

"It's not a mutant model, is it?" Fang Che looked again and again.

The little wolf-shaped machine, baring its teeth, suddenly came towards him without fear of death.

Fang Che directly reached out to grab it, not daring to use force.

The body of iron material!

He was afraid that it would be crushed as soon as he exerted force, so he ended this mutant-looking body.


Of course, Fang Che was just talking casually, where could variant models exist?

There is no such thing as mutation in the mechanical world. Mutation is a word spoken by carbon-based life forms.

Silicon-based life can only be transformed, no matter how small, ugly, cute, or strong it can be.

Theoretically, the mechanical transformation can be changed into any shape, as long as it can be imagined, it is not fixed.

It can even transform itself into the appearance of a stone!

The premise is whether the self-reformed body has a reasonable balance, and these beast-shaped bodies that have been selected by nature in the mechanical world exist.

Just like the balance of these organisms has been verified, each has its own advantages!

Fang Che suddenly felt that this was a terrible thing!

Terrible thought!

Like this little wolf-shaped body in front of me, who stipulated that it must be about one meter in size, or bigger or smaller!


Indeed, hunting the aborigines in the mechanical world will explode various body modules.

But there is no rule, all earthlings must transform the body according to the existing modules!

"I'm just a genius idea!"

The flame in Fang Che's head suddenly jumped, and his whole thought seemed to jump.

"You are really my lucky star!"

Fang Che excitedly looked at the little wolf-shaped mechanical warrior in his hand, and couldn't help kissing it.

But the little guy was terrified.

For it, Fang Che is like a giant holding it in its hands.

at this time.

The reason why this little wolf body is so small seems unimportant!

Perhaps this is related to the origin of mechanical warriors in the mechanical world...

There are all kinds of possibilities.

But Fang Che is more inclined towards the mechanical world - the birth of silicon-based life!


The neuron circuit in the hand transmits the struggle and fear of the little wolf-type mechanical warrior.

It was evident that it was afraid of itself.

Fang Che comforted him gently.

But undoubtedly, in the eyes of the wolf-type robot, Fang Che's hands are terrifying.

It is obviously more frightened, struggling crazily.

However, as Fang Che lightly touched its back.

The little guy became more and more quiet, looking over with his white glass-like eyes.

Eyes like white eyes!

Undoubtedly, the flame inside the little guy's head should be white.

This flame seems to have something special in it of different colors...

Fang Che wouldn't hurt such a weak little thing!

Slowly lower your hand to the ground and put down the little wolf.

Maybe the boss-level mechanical warrior with the steel body just now appeared here because of this little wolf-shaped machine!

"Let's go!"

Fang Che spoke, staring at the frail little wolf.

But stay in place,

Take out the i-level battery in the backpack and charge it up.

At the same time, Fang Che thought about the possibility of designing his own body!

Transform the fighter planes, cannons, and cars in the earth according to their appearance, design...

But at this moment,

【Ding! Whether or not to launch a body research project! 】

Sure enough!

This will become Fang Che's biggest secret. Now the entire mechanical world does not have the earth's cars, planes, and ships as mechanical bodies!

That is to say, these organisms can all be researched spontaneously.

Like hot weapons come true...

Thinking of this, Fang Che's thinking became more active. If it wasn't for the little wolf-type machine, he would have gotten into a dead end like everyone else.

Speaking of coyotes!

Fang Che turned around and took a look at the place he let go.

did not see it!

He must have hid in the grass!

I am afraid that there is no possibility of seeing the vast grassland.

But the next second.

Fang Che's footsteps hovered in the air, and he saw the little wolf-shaped machine right under his feet, and he was almost trampled to death by his foot!

Fang Che was so frightened that he hastily stopped his feet, "Little guy, why don't you leave...what are you doing!"

"Let's go... let's go..."


Instead, the little guy found a comfortable position and lay down next to him...


ps: Five more, please collect, support, thank you all.

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