[Your leader features have attracted a wolf-type mechanical warrior. 】

【You get the allegiance of a wolf-type mechanical warrior! 】

Suddenly, a hint gradually faded on the light screen panel in front of him.

Fang Che was also taken aback.

He glanced at the little wolf-type mechanical warrior.

He glanced around again to make sure that there were no other wolf-type bodies around.

Then, he turned his gaze back to the little wolf-type mechanical warrior.

All the aborigines in the mechanical world have their own thinking and emotions just like the humans from the earth.

It's just that their relationship is a little weaker.

At this time Fang Che could clearly feel the little guy's affection, the loss and bewilderment.

"You want to be with me!"


The little thing called out in a low voice.

Nod slightly.

As if saying yes.

"Just right, I'm alone too, so I can take you with me."

"From now on, you'll be called Dongdong!"

Fang Che picked up the little wolf with two fingers, put it in the middle of his palm and said.

[The loyalty of your wolf-type wolf-type mechanical warriors has increased. 】

at the same time:

Fang Che found out that after gaining Dongdong's allegiance.

He can already see Dongdong's property panel.

【Name】: Dongdong?

[lv]: Level 0 (0/50)

[Loyalty]: 80

[Energy]: I-class battery (100/100)

[Faction]: Allegiance to Fang Che

[Title]: None

[Identity]: Civilian

[Life]: 100

【Power】: 1

【Movement speed】: 15km/1h

[Reaction Speed]: 30/1 second

[Defense]: 1

[Equipment]: None

[Skills]: None


Action speed and reaction are beyond his attributes!

For the miniature model Dongdong, the animal-type attributes have already surpassed the human-type body.

It's no wonder that those who transform into beast-shaped bodies can improve so quickly.

Fang Che suddenly realized.

After all, beast-type machines are stronger than human-type machines in some aspects...

For example, the wolf type, this kind of body reaction and quickness surpasses Fang Che's body.

But in other aspects, it is the humanoid body that dominates.

[Hint, you can help your subordinates modify the body. 】

"Can you still help Dongdong transform the body?"

Fang Che's eyes lit up.

He transformed it himself and left a few hundred grams of perfect grade steel.

And in his research and development, he has already analyzed the progress of perfect grade steel 100%, it can be said that the steel material is useless.

After all, the alloy material has not been developed, so it can only be placed in a backpack.

Together with the collected iron materials, it is enough to refine about 100 grams of perfect-grade steel.


He ordered Dongdong: "Reform."

[You consumed 800 grams of perfect grade steel. 】

The hint just disappeared, eight hundred grams of perfect grade steel.

Instantly consumed.


Dongdong called out happily.

next second.

The body suddenly became larger, and the size became even larger than ordinary wolf-type fighters.

Eight hundred grams of perfect-grade steel must have been consumed, all of which was spent on body shape.

Fang Che almost watched Dongdong grow several times at an extremely fast speed with his eyes!

Soon the remodel was complete.

Something the size of a fist.

The body shape changes to be more than one meter long and 70 decimeters high.

Lustrous dark gold.

The gears and chains exposed on the legs show that the modification is actually not perfect.

It wasn't completely covered, but the limbs and legs were extremely shiny, just like Fang Che's body, with the unique brilliance of metal hair.

Both strength and defense have been increased.

Especially the speed of action and reaction has doubled again, which is probably the attribute of a wolf-type mechanical warrior.

At the same time, [Your subordinate Dongdong's loyalty has increased. 】


【Name】: Dongdong?

[lv]: Level 0 (0/50)

[Loyalty]: 100 (will not betray)

[Energy]: I-class battery (100/100)

[Faction]: Allegiance to Fang Che

[Title]: None

[Identity]: Civilian

[Life]: 100

【Power】: 10

【Maximum speed of action】: 30km/1h

【Reaction speed】: 60/1 second

【Defense】: 15

[Equipment]: None

The remodeled body, the enlarged Dongdong, has significantly improved attributes.

Let Fang Che feel a little surprise.

There is one more helper.

This attribute has already made many iron body mechanical warriors no match for Dongdong.

But sure enough, the attributes of the body after transforming into a beast will be greatly increased.

Dongdong leaned over, like a child.

After all, it is equivalent to just changing from a mechanical larva to an adult form, and wisdom has not kept up.

"We're here tonight and we're not going anywhere."

Fang Che laughed.

Dongdong nodded in understanding, and lay down.


Night fell.

The night of the mechanical world is far quieter than the daytime, and the solar energy charges very quickly during the day, so the silicon-based life forms in the mechanical world will be fully charged with energy faster.

But most nights are spent waiting to recharge.

Therefore, it is safer at night.

In this way, one man and one wolf stationed in the middle of the grassland, and the two reserve energy batteries were slowly charged.


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