Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 36 Twin Civilization?

But at this time.

Steel Fist and his 30,000 Tyrannosaurus rex army became a weak civilization in the eyes of other civilizations.

Gay Protoss!


There was no sign of any weapons being fired.

Suddenly, Steel Fist felt a sense of oppression.

And the mechanical warriors of the 30,000 Tyrannosaurus rex body corps...

Their light screen panels pop out,...

【Warning! Energy fluctuations detected!】

This kind of warning is almost the same as the reminder of Redu civilization launching a speed ball of light.

But this time.

Faintly, Gangquan and his legion felt something was wrong.

The surrounding space seemed to be distorting, a huge pressure came from the space, and suddenly a large number of electric arcs flickered...

Silicon-based life is sensitive to energy instincts, and Steel Fist yelled, "No!"

Boom "207"~!

Immediately afterwards, the dark energy stealth starship seemed to explode automatically.

Not even the enemy knows where it is!

The Thirty Thousand Dragon Sect mechanical warriors, like the dark energy guard-class starship, seemed to be set to an automatic explosion level, and exploded on their own.

The Tyrannosaurus rex army led by the entire steel fist was destroyed!

In the electric arc, under the fluctuation of energy, and the wreckage of the Leidu civilization fleet, it tells that a great war has just been experienced here.

When the news of the destruction of the Army Tyrannosaurus Rex Mechanic Warrior Legion came back, Fang Che was taken aback by it, and sat silently in the cockpit of the base.

This was something he hadn't expected at all.

Now it seems that Redu civilization has been underestimated by him.

"Isn't the other party a second-level civilization?" Fang Che thought angrily.

This time he almost brought most of the second-level civilized mechanical warriors of the Dragon Sect, a total of 123,000 mechanical warriors, and temporarily put aside the mission of the Blue Stars to go home.

It can be said that Fang Che attaches great importance to this battle of civilizations beyond imagination.

The dragon faction brought almost 80% of the fighting power.

"What kind of weapon is it? Stealth attack?" Fang Che was puzzled.

At the same time, he wasn't very worried about the life-threatening danger of the Vanguard Steel Fist.

At the speed of the base's interstellar voyage, one more space jump can reach the Redu galaxy.

Just collect the soul fire of the members of the Tyrannosaurus Rex Legion and revive it.

What's more, in a clash of civilizations, how could there be no deaths?

As a result, Fang Che felt peaceful in his heart.

It’s just that we will continue to bring the remaining Dragon Sect second-level civilized mechanical warriors into the Redu Galaxy? As long as the weapons don’t understand what they are, they will enter the opponent’s weapon range

Wouldn't the end be the same.

"What to do!"

According to Fang Che's optical brain analysis, the best way is undoubtedly to send spies and soldiers to continue the investigation, but the time required often takes hundreds of years.

Far from being as easy as imagined.

And the failure rate is extremely high. After all, the Redu civilization already has the equipment to detect silicon-based life. Sending spy fighters into the Redu galaxy again will undoubtedly increase the risk factor several times.

But at this moment, the "base" control hatch opened.

"Leader!" J01 changed her usual iceberg face, and her face showed panic, "Maybe there is another civilization in the Redu galaxy!"

another civilization?


Fang Che looked up.

He didn't understand what J01 meant at all.

"Twin Civilization!"

j01 said.

Twin civilizations?

Fang Che was confused.

"Twin civilizations are the birth of two civilizations on the same planet, but...

Hearing this made Fang Che even more confused. The Redu planet only has the Redu civilization, which is a civilization that unifies society, resources, and everything.

For a while, Fang Che was more and more confused by J01's words.

"Leader, as a fifth-level academician of space science, you must know more about dimension than I do! Our world is... two-dimensional, three-dimensional, four-dimensional, five-dimensional..."

"Huh?" Fang Che frowned with metal eyebrows, "You mean what we see is the Leidu civilization in the three-dimensional space?"

J01 nods!

"That's right, theoretically speaking, we are still three-dimensional beings. Looking at the four-dimensional, even five-dimensional, and six-dimensional spaces..., these spaces can also give birth to civilization..."


Fang Che stood up, the shock that J01's words brought to him was beyond his control.

The three-dimensional life cannot see the life in the high-dimensional space!

Just like humans see ants, but ants cannot see humans.

Because the ants are the two-dimensional life.

By analogy, the 4-dimensional life can see the 3-dimensional life, but the 3-dimensional cannot see everything in the 4-dimensional space,


And the situation encountered at this time is very similar to what J01 said...

They encountered a high-latitude life, that is to say, the other party was a civilization in a four-dimensional or four-dimensional space, and launched an attack on his Tyrannosaurus rex body army.

Thought of here.

"You mean, there is a high-latitude civilization on Planet Redu!!! We can't see it, but it can see us!"

Fang Che expressed his understanding.

"That's right! Leader! But the universe is indeed like this. I once participated in the Civilization War with the leader of the militant faction, and a similar situation also occurred."

Fang Che nodded, he understood.

After all, the earth is like this, under the same sky, two-dimensional life ants were born...

So it's not that hard to understand.

However, isn't the entire Dragon Sect very dangerous at the moment, Fang Che realized the seriousness of the matter.

But mechanical civilization has equipment modules that can see life in high-dimensional space.

But Fang Che does not have the module to see life in high dimensions.

Because he never thought that the four-dimensional beings live in the same space as them?

But if it is a four-dimensional life, what level of civilization are they? Wouldn't the four-dimensional space civilization be able to understand the four-dimensional theory from birth?

In other words, they were born as Level 4 civilized beings!

"Level 4 Civilization 2.7." Fang Che muttered to himself.

Level 5 civilization?

Level 6 civilization?

This is no longer the level of civilization that the Dragon School can face.

"J01 reported to the mechanical world, requesting support..."

Fang Che didn't hold back, facing the high-dimensional civilization, how could the strength of the Dragon School be right!

If this is the case, everything is justified.

When Steel Fist destroyed the Leidu civilization fleet, this high-dimensional civilization was obviously observing a different civilization.

And after seeing the silicon-based life's fighting methods achieve their goals, they made a move.

Although not reconciled!


Fang Che's optical brain clearly told him what the correct course of action was.

PS: Finish the book tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. .

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