Gay protoss.

Live on the same planet as the Redu civilization.

It's just that they live in a four-dimensional space.

While Redu civilization lives in three-dimensional space, the two civilizations are in different spaces.

The Redu civilization cannot see the Gay civilization.

But Gay civilization is very clear about any actions of Redu civilization.

Just like humans observe ants, they observe everything in Redu civilization...

Sometimes, they even intervene in the history of Redu civilization.

It is also on the planet Redu.

in four-dimensional space.

The lives of the Gay civilization are tall and transparent like glass, like the mysterious water element people in magic.

But the population of Gay civilization does not seem to be large, it is only a few hundred thousand......

These Gays communicate in a very mysterious way.

It is a way of communicating consciousness.

It seems that no matter how far apart they are, they can communicate with their minds.

One of the Guys conveyed a message to everyone in the Guy civilization: "These silicon-based life forms are most likely the companions of those silicon-based life forms in the Large Magellan Galaxy."

"I hope it's not exposed!"

The guy with extremely powerful mental power sighed.

Gay civilization is a four-dimensional racial civilization. They master the theory and technology of four-dimensional space, and their civilization level is equivalent to a four-level civilization assessment.

Thousands of years ago.

The Gay civilization discovered the mechanical warriors active in the Dalmajor galaxy. Because they didn't know what stage the mechanical civilization technology was in, the Gay civilization did not clean up the mechanical warriors in the Dmagazur galaxy.

The Redu civilization is just a civilization that they kept in three-dimensional space.

After all, observing the rise and fall of a civilization will help them improve their own civilization and better understand basic technology.

But with such a powerful Gay civilization, there is a sense of worry in the entire civilization at this time.

"Silicon-based life?"

Hundreds of thousands of Gays look at each other, and they are connected with each other, just like a whole, because of a symbiosis.

"That's right, the fourth-level civilization lifeforms we encountered in the Milky Way thousands of years ago also called themselves silicon-based lifeforms!"

"It seems that the second-level civilization fleet we destroyed outside the Redu star galaxy is of the same family as the silicon-based life of the fourth-level civilization we encountered in the Milky Way, and even came from the same civilization!"

"For nearly a thousand years, we have been hiding and have not cleared up the silicon-based life in the Large Major galaxy, isn't it because we are afraid of being discovered?"

"But now, it's obvious that they have discovered that the planet Redu is our home planet, and our war with that mechanical civilization is inevitable.

"Also, in my opinion,... Our Gay civilization misjudged the technological level of the mechanical civilization. The silicon-based life forms that the other party has been sending to the Great Magella galaxy are all life forms at the second and third levels of civilization, and they pose almost no threat to us."

On this point, most Gays agree.

"However, I originally wanted to use the Redu civilization to destroy this fleet, but I didn't expect that the Redu civilization would have no power to fight back in front of the opponent. Now that we have made a move, we will definitely be discovered by the opponent..."

"After a thousand years of observation, we have discovered the characteristics of silicon-based life. After they die, there will be a flame without temperature, and their life technology is more advanced than our civilization, and they seem to be resurrected..."

Hundreds of thousands of Guys gathered together to analyze the information of the mechanical world in their eyes, and everything seemed to be becoming more and more clear.

"That is to say, if we obtain the life technology of mechanical civilization [we are supposed to achieve real immortality in theory? Mechanical civilization seems to have mastered the technology of immortality."

"Eternal life? We used to have a population of tens of billions, how many are left now? It was you who made the decision at the beginning, let our consciousness be connected together, abandon the three-dimensional space to feel the body, and thus evolve into a four-dimensional life! Will life technology help us increase the population of civilization? Let's talk about it after defeating the mechanical civilization!"

"Okay! What happened millions of years ago has already happened, and there is no possibility of any change. Who would have predicted that the immortality thought at the beginning would stop a civilization from advancing, Alfred! I will send you to wipe out the silicon-based life in the Large Major galaxy..."


As soon as the leader of the Gay civilization finished speaking, hundreds of thousands of Gays nodded. Now that they have already made a move, there is no need to hide their existence now.

We must know that although the Great Major galaxy is not the main battlefield of the mechanical civilization at this stage, there are still hundreds of millions of spy fighters active.

Hundreds of millions sounds like a lot.

But to a galaxy, it's no different than dust.

Of course, there are many spy-type mechanical warriors of the third-level civilization level who are active in the Damaizhe galaxy for investigation.

But the Gay civilization only sent a Gay named Alfred, and wanted to clean up these hundreds of millions of mechanical warriors!

It has to be said that Gay civilization is extremely confident in its own civilization!

However, none of the Gays raised any objections to this.

at this time.

In the galaxy outpost of the mechanical world, the large building is inside the death star warship.

"Leader Li Tianya, numbered galaxy No. 5800, we have found the parent star of the fourth-level civilization that we encountered thousands of years ago."

Standing in front of the huge Li Tianya, the Assault leader of the Wudou faction reported on the galaxy, as if some kind of light was flickering in his eyes.

"I see."

Li Tianya stood up, this ancient mechanical warrior was extremely huge.

Exactly like the shock that 237 brought when seeing the steel fist,

The body of Li Tianya is actually nearly 72 meters!

After all, in the first and second eras of mechanical civilization, in the period of cold weapons, mechanical warriors at that time often used their fists and body size to determine their advantages...

Therefore, a radical leader like the Fighting Faction, Tianya, naturally advocates the enlargement of the body.

"Our sub-faction, the Dragon Faction, encountered that fourth-level civilization, and was destroyed a troop, but it also got information that the other party claimed to be the Gay civilization, hiding behind a second-level civilization!"

"Okay, now that I know that the other party's home planet is in the Great Major Galaxy, I will personally solve this problem. Our progress is already much slower than other S-class factions!

Li Tianya said in a low voice.

In this cabin of the Death Starship, all the leaders of the S-class faction's fighting faction lowered their heads.

You must know that other S-level factions have already captured galaxies.

However, since their fighters came out of the Andromeda galaxy, they have been staying in the Milky Way.

The root cause is naturally that they encountered a fourth-level civilization.

After all, the level of danger of a hidden fourth-level civilization depends on everything.

With the strength of the S-level faction, they can only act cautiously.

But now everything is different. .

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