Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 94: Engineering Body Modules (Fifth Watch)

Killed the Ankylosaurus mechanical warrior before.

The solar power generation tower technology developed is actually worth 30,000 energy coins in the free market.

But Fang Che does not intend to sell, this is a base electric energy technology.

"In this way, it saves a lot of money."

Fang Che was overjoyed, the territory of five mu of land would not require much energy at this stage.

at the same time.

The trading market shows the number of his energy coins: 1.36 million.

In the free trade market, whether each type of commodity is a material or not, the one with the lowest price will be listed on the first page.

for example--

"Small quantum transport device!"

Fang Che looked at the equipment that almost filled half of his backpack, and searched for the price.

Quantum transportation equipment, small in size, one in quantity, priced at 9.9 million energy coins. The seller's s-level faction, phantom faction!

Quantum transportation equipment, small in size, one in quantity, priced at 10 million energy coins. Seller level 5 faction, empty faction!

The price of the small quantum transport equipment was quickly searched out, about 10 million energy coins.

"I didn't expect it to be so valuable. The space folding technology is really profitable."

With this, you can trade in the wild, buy and sell at any time!

"In the future, you don't have to worry about the backpack being full of materials and wasting resources."

One million modified bodies can also buy a lot of modules to carry them, which can almost transform a body into a technological appearance in the late stage of level 1 civilization and the early stage of level 2 civilization.

And it is so simple for mechanical warriors to evaluate their strength!

Use the level of technology to divide the strength of a mechanical warrior.

Very straightforward and clear!


Fang Che began to search for products of his own space folding technology.

Ammunition stacking module with triple space folding: quantity 30, price 500,000 energy coins. Seller B-level faction Yuanpai!

Ammunition stacking module folded in secondary space: quantity 1000, price 300,000 energy coins. The seller's b-level faction, Yupai!

Ammunition stacking module that can be folded once in space: quantity 9999, price 100,000 energy coins. The seller's s-level faction, empty faction!

After looking at the value of the ammo stacking technique.

Fang Che finally understands how much he has contributed to the martial arts faction, "Ammunition accumulation technology is a module that every mechanical warrior of the Rewu ship needs, and it can be said that it is a must-have for manpower."

~. "

"I produce and sell it, but I don't know if it is feasible! If it is feasible, there will be a source of continuous energy currency income. But the production equipment needs gravity equipment, gravity equipment gravity...

Thinking of this, it makes people feel difficult, "But buying a level 2 civilization's gravity equipment is a bit worse, but as long as the space can be folded, it will be produced, and I believe it will pay back soon."

Click on the trading market panel.


Soon, Fang Che found the worst price of gravity equipment.

Even if the market lowers the price, he cannot afford a gravity device.

Sure enough, no matter what world it is, factories sell the most profitable equipment!

At this moment.

"Fang Che, I suggest you buy engineering body modules and build city defenses in the territory. Basic thermal weapon defense to prevent harassment by wild species outside.

"It makes sense."

Thermal weapons module.

He only developed and analyzed the machine gun and the flame storm module, these two products of the early and middle stages of the first-level civilization.

In fact, the damage is limited to the steel and iron body of the mechanical warrior.

After all, he didn't use ammunition above level III.

And the price of ili level ammunition is very expensive.

Let's put it this way! One million energy coins are only enough to buy about a thousand level III bullets.

Only this kind of bullet can directly penetrate the alloy body.

As for nanomaterials, let’s not even mention it! V-level ammunition will directly make people experience the feeling of a shuttle of bullets flying out, and the money in their pockets is flying.

Machine gun modules are easy to come by, but bullets are a big expense.

But a thermal weapon module without ammunition will become a decoration.


It's really like what j01 said, you can't buy anything!

Use the 1.3 million energy coins you earned to buy the technology of a first-level civilization?

"Engineering body module!"

Fang Che accepted j01's opinion, if he hadn't accepted j01 to become a faction member, he would have really forgotten that there are engineering mechanical soldiers.

For a faction to build a base, it must have engineering model mechanical warriors.

Otherwise, the base cannot be built by itself!

With construction machinery warriors, it becomes completely different.




Fang Che looked at these first-level civilized body modules, but felt a kind of kindness, the feeling of seeing his hometown...

There is even a cartoon and a series of movies on the earth that have this kind of silicon-based life.

All of this seems to be guided by something in the dark, allowing them to understand the existence of silicon-based life through TV.

The modules of a first-level civilization are not very expensive in the free trade market.

The products of science and technology from the second-level civilization to the higher civilization, unfortunately, now I have no money and can only hope for plums to quench my thirst.

After buying.

Fang Che received the message instantly.

【Your body transformation has unlocked the body, the excavator body module!】

【Your body transformation has unlocked the body, the forklift body module!】

【Your body modification unlocked the body, the tanker body module!】

【Your body transformation has unlocked the body, the heavy truck body module!】

[Your body modification unlocked the body, (okay) the blender body module!】

These are the products of modern engineering that we have heard of on the earth, and of course they can be changed into silicon-based life organisms!

Without a doubt West.

I understand everything!

And such a body is also very handsome.

It is a body that is different from the original species!

This type of body, between these two large types of bodies, who is suitable for modification is really not clear about the advantages between the two!

But 30,000 energy coins per body module.

Of course, Fang Che, the plane car, also took a look. The body module that looks like a sports car costs 70,000 energy coins;

For fighter jets, jet fighters, sonic fighter body modules, etc., the prices are different!

However, after buying those engineering body modules above, Fang Che has already consumed his energy coins to——

There are 360,000 energy coins left. .

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