Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 95 Invasion (Seek Everything)

free market.

Energy coins: 360,000.

Fang Che has no intention of continuing to use it. After the small-scale quantum transport is installed, he will open a free trading market at that time, and he can buy and sell whenever he wants!

There is no rush at all.

But the ones sold above are all basic body modules.

Like these Engineering Airframe Mods!

It's just that the silicon-based life that wants to transform into this type of body, scans the internal structure, weapon modules, power systems, etc. A series of transformations are the same as the beast-type body.

The beast-like body module is called the original body module!

And this kind of modern automobile products are called by the corresponding scientific and technological civilization.

For example, the engineering body modules in front of us are called first-level civilized body modules!

I don't know how long the mechanical world has existed, and it has already divided everything in detail.

Put the module in your backpack and take it away.

After the base is set up, the ten soul fires distributed in the first month can give them silicon-based life!

One out of the free market.

The zebra crossing on the road on the ground seems to tell the story of the mechanical world. It used to be the same as the 620 Earth, but the weapons are arranged on the metal wall, aiming at all directions of the city.

And those roads extending from the city in all directions.

Buildings are interspersed with spiral roads, and flying bodies are flying wantonly among the buildings in the city.


Fang Che is still under the leadership of j01, planning to watch Xingyue City before leaving.

what is interesting

The roads in the city also have rules. The road on the far left and the inside is for mechanical warriors with high power.

Generally speaking, the slower the speed, the more the road on the right.

Of course, Fang Che's power is still the old-fashioned one, which is equivalent to walking on the sidewalk...

Under the shadow of various huge buildings, walk slowly to the Department of Medicine! Maintenance of the body and module repairs are all here. Various battles, many huge wounds, and modules with serious wear and tear can only be repaired in the back.

It's the same thing after all, and it's definitely cheaper to fix than to buy new.

However, all departments in Xingyue City are serving the war of the Fighting Faction!

Spy department? Sniper department? Explosion, not even a chance to visit. (cbfh) When approaching the gate, there will be a light screen prompt.

【You are not qualified to enter the blasting department! Please leave, please leave! Dear Academy of Sciences!】

Dear Fellow of the Academy of Sciences!

That's right!

Fang Che has accepted this new identity brazenly, and he also feels the respect from the mechanical world for academicians of science.

Because it's still the same sentence!

The explosion of science and technology will create a technology that spans the ages among all academicians of science, and trigger a new revolution in the mechanical world!

It's almost the adage of the mechanical world.


After Fang Che came to the gate of the blasting department, when j01 couldn't see his eyes, he received a text prompt and left angrily.

At this moment, a fight is taking place outside the blasting department, and this kind of fight will happen as usual. It can be seen that two mechanical warriors in human form are destroying each other.

Instantly attracted the attention of many people.

[Drip! Warning, stop fighting in the city, the third-level robot model is about to arrive! 】

The third-level robot model, this is a robot that maintains peaceful disputes within the city! It does not belong to silicon-based life.

Belongs to the product of the discipline of machine science!

Just when Fang Che didn't take it seriously, he didn't warn himself anyway, when he closed

【Your database is being violently invaded!】

[Progress 10%...]

【Progress 16%...】


thirty eight....…




Fang Che's head was full of doubts!

I saw a sonic boom suddenly sounded around.


This sound burst instantly made the two animal-shaped dog-shaped mechanical fighters who were fighting not far away turn their heads to look at it.

For a moment, Fang Che and his men became the protagonists here!

The power of j01 seems to explode to the point of breaking the watch.

It broke through the speed of sound!

What kind of power is this? The power on j01 is the power that can break through the speed of sound.

That sound was obviously a sonic boom.

With a light grip on the long sword floating in the air, J01 calmly drew it out.

That thread on Fang Che's body!

The end of the line is three thin fingers like a hand.


The long sword was cut out, cutting off the thing that was about the same size as the wire.

Then the owner of the thread grew out again, a hand like a linear claw.

at the same time.

Received by Fang Che,

【The other party stops the invasion!】

【Your database is back to normal!】

"S-level phantom faction, third-level spy fighter?"

The j01 model stepped down, Charming Extraordinary walked over slowly, and said.

next second.

Fang Che also turned his head at this time.

On the ground, there was a small machine, a mechanical warrior in the form of a spider about one decimeter in size, with several snake-like claw-like lines protruding from its body.

"War faction, third-level assault fighters?"

"Sure enough, I was not wrong. This dinosaur-shaped body? The body made of alloy materials, it seems that it is really a third-level academician!"

The silicon-based life form in the form of a spider on the ground changed into a human form while speaking, and immediately turned into a mechanical warrior with spider characteristics.

The most obvious feature is the eight sharp spider limbs on his back!

"With you here, I'm sure. Academicians of science are always dedicated to research and don't care about their own bodies? But they seem to forget that this is in the mechanical world! It's a pity that they almost broke through his database and stole technological data!"

This third-level spy soldier of the phantom sect felt depressed for a while.

After all, a third-level academician like Fang Che represents the research of technology that has at least a third-level civilization.

Once the intrusion is successful, the copied data can be stolen, and he can also get Pitu rewards himself.

What's more, Fang Che is as fragile as a piece of iron with no defense in the eyes of this fantasy school third-level spy mechanical warrior.

so below!

Who can't resist not being motivated.

Even if there is a risk of exposing yourself, I will definitely give it a try!

But the phantom spies in front of him are probably delusional again, obviously misunderstood that Fang Che is a scientific academician who is dedicated to research, and he has no time to transform his own body to improve his experience.

Such a great and honorable academician of science.

And Fang Che has 10,000 fucks in his heart!

The phantom spies in front of me, the brain compensation coefficient is absolutely 100% of tmd, why not go to heaven!

ps: Another comment is satisfied, the content of the database.

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