Medical road

Chapter 857: Ouyang Will Never Lose

In the meeting room with hundreds of people, the people who attended the lectures were crowded with doctors who had just graduated a year or two or three years.

Practicing physician examination is the threshold, and many people stop it!

Even though they are in the hospital without a medical practitioner certificate, to be honest, they will never be able to touch and understand the sidewalks inside.

At best, they can only see a superficial phenomenon.This is because not only doctors do not accept them, but even nurses and drug dealers do not treat them as doctors.

"Which subject are you transferring now? How good is the teacher who teaches, will you take care of your meals? Does your director give you bonuses?"

There are few frontier medical schools, so almost everyone is classmates, and they may or may not be in contact on weekdays, but now it has become a big gathering of classmates.

"Hey, I take turns in internal medicine, and I can't wait for me to take care of the food for her, where can I take care of the food for me.

She is too stingy, she is a strictly supervised student!The milk was brought home in boxes and boxes, and I was brazenly asked to carry two boxes last time.

I wonder if she can finish it!Why don't you give me a box!

Where are the bonuses in the rotation now? Just a little bit of living expenses. I can't even use skin care products now.Do you have bonuses?"

In fact, there is a saying in the medical industry, where you want to make money early, go to internal medicine, or go to surgery if you want to make a lot of money in the future.

What kind of milk, what kind of eight-treasure porridge, are actually the things that can be seen, and the things they can't see are the big heads of the doctor.

Two young female doctors who graduated just a year ago were chatting, and they were not from the city hospital.

"Hehe, I'm in surgery. As long as I'm on duty, the teacher will either take me to eat a large plate of chicken or the patient's family will invite me to dinner. You see, I'm fat!

Our director is very good. Although the bonus is not paid, he still gives us one thousand hard expenses from the small vault of the department."

"What? I'm going, your teacher is so single, and your director divorced! How does he look like, isn't he greedy for your body! Is your head bald, how old is your father!"

"Hate, my teacher is not married!"

"Oh my god, it's true, tell me!"

It's really envy, jealousy and hate. This kind of doctor who can be a teacher definitely has a place in the department.

If this is really taken down, the car, the house, the deposit, these material things can be said to be less struggling or directly not struggling. Although they are a little older, they can barely use them.

Then the voice lowered a lot, head to head together, whispering quietly.

In fact, the medical industry is just like that. It’s not as good as a dog after graduating, and it’s really not as good as a dog. Some people with poor family conditions are reluctant to eat ham.

Just a little bit of living expenses, food and drink, friendships, and want to be accepted by others, what is this little money for!

Only after passing the certificate, setting the subject, and standing firm in the department, can you think about personal issues.Of course, the family is rich, except for beautiful women.

For example, many surgeons, if they are not potential stocks, and are not taken down early, then they can only wait for school girls or new nurses!

The chattering at the venue was mostly complaining, low income, attendance on duty, unreasonable sickness, and mentoring as harsh as a landlord.

Anyway, a group of young people who have not touched the threshold have been inexplicably disappointed in this industry.

Of course, there are also those who are not disappointed in this industry. Such people are generally academic masters.

In the medical industry, when new doctors enter the department, weighing is routine.Because everyone has to choose future colleagues.

A colleague of Xueba can enter the role early and enter the state, not only will not drag other people, but also help other doctors, so weighing is very common in medical treatment.

For example, in the daily rounds of internal medicine or the big rounds on Monday, the director or superior doctor will ask the new doctor to answer various questions, and you can answer them or you can’t answer them.

It seems that no one praises or criticizes, but people already have a small book in their hearts, one by one, they are classified as being able to work together or resolutely not.

Surgery is often during the operation. When the operation starts or is about to end, the teacher will suddenly ask you, "What blood vessel is this, what muscle is this, and what bone is this!"

At this time, there is a clear distinction between Xueba and Xuejing.Of course, the face of the teacher is also different. Although he won't give a penny more to Xueba, he will definitely speak well. After all, he may be a colleague for a lifetime.

For the scumbag, the temper is better. Although you are not mean in language, you are definitely like the air.

If you encounter a harsh teaching and a life of scumbag, you really don’t know where you are right or not.

After Zhang Fan came onto the stage, the voices of those whispering below not only remained undiminished, but also developed towards an expansion.

"Look, look, this is the legendary Zhang Fan, oh my god, so handsome!~"

A female doctor from a secondary hospital said to people around her like a idiot.

In fact, Zhang Fan's facial features, if they were to be commented on separately, although they are not good-looking, they are not ugly.

The eyes are neither big nor small, the nose is neither high nor collapsed, and the mouth is not super-windy.

But once they are put together, they are extraordinarily ordinary. At first glance, people can't find a very obvious advantage.

However, Zhang Fan's slightly darker skin suddenly changed from ordinary to a bit unusual.

Especially in a group of people who don't see the sun all day long and wear white coats all the year round, it is particularly conspicuous.

Then, after the current bonus support of Zhang Fan's reputation, status, and technology, it seems to be really so special and handsome.

If these conditions were tossed out and walking on the street, this girl would definitely not be idiotic and call handsome, perhaps she would say that the second black brother came from that village!

People are so strange, really!

Zhang Fan's current status, for ordinary people, may be a doctor, a little familiar might say that Zhang Fan is also a vice president.

However, in government agencies, especially those with higher official positions, it is clear that Zhang Fan is very powerful. Everyone knows that Zhang Fan is awesome, and the details are awesome.

Others are hard to say. Marriage is like having a gastrointestinal meeting, so those with higher official positions will indirectly or directly want to know Zhang Fan.

However, among these non-municipal hospital doctors who have just graduated and have not yet reached the threshold for practicing, and cannot truly be called doctors, Zhang Fan's reputation is too great, like an idol.

After all, he is still young, has not tasted the benefits of the industry, and has not yet experienced the slap in the face of the industry.

Therefore, if they talk about their own business, the remote big city or the legendary flying knife expert, they don't know or understand.

But Zhang Fan, who is not a few years older than himself, is the topic of everyone's chat.

After graduating from the same bachelor degree, he became the executive dean of the local most cattle hospital in less than three years.

What's more inspirational is that his starting point is lower or the same as his own. He came up step by step from the county hospital.

As an out-of-towner, the development of tea without relatives and no reason is so powerful, even if everyone is not angry, they will unconsciously regard Zhang Fan as their idol or target.

It is understandable, who has not been young, who has not had a dream yet.

So when Zhang Fan got on the rostrum, even if there were no flowers in the eyes of the female doctors, they were still very eager.

Zhang Fan is like their classmates. Can't he copy his path?

Most male doctors are more or less disdainful, but after seeing Zhang Fan, the dissatisfaction will always be there.

"It's nothing special. If I become the dean, I'm probably better than him, and I'm more handsome than him!"

Only the young doctors of the city hospital can truly appreciate what it means to be more dead than a person, and to shop around.

In less than three years, in two years, there were almost no operations that they would not be able to perform.

Even experts from far away in the capital, far away in Jade Bird, and far away in Bird City can be drawn to the establishment of a tea laboratory.

Every time a critical operation in the hospital, no matter who it is, the first thing that comes to mind is Zhang Fan and Dean Zhang.

What kind of existence is this? Let me listen to other people's efforts, eating and drinking in the operating room for months, what kind of abnormal existence is this.

Therefore, although the young doctors in other hospitals around him were either excited or disdainful, they were the only ones who looked at this group of former classmates with the eyes of a city person!

They didn't bother to explain to this group of students, it seemed that they were Zhang Fan's colleagues at the city hospital, and they had drawn a line of demarcation from their previous classmates.

"Okay, let's go to class now! My name is Zhang Fan, and I will study the key points of the surgical examination with you today. I hope this study can help everyone!"

After Zhang Fan came on stage, he smiled lightly. This smile was subconscious, just like breathing, it was difficult to quit.

In the audience, Ouyang saw Zhang Fan's smile with white teeth, and Bai Yanren rolled.

Because from her smile, she could see the shadow of Lao Gao on Zhang Fan, so the old lady was very unhappy!

"Wow, the sound is really magnetic!"

Haha, if a person is a cow, everything is good. Really, subjective things are really uncountable.

When Zhang Fan began to lecture, everyone slowly calmed down. A young doctor from the Second City Hospital took out the notebook nailed up with the waste medical records, took out the pen, and wrote in the notebook with the beginning of the City Second Hospital. To: Basic Surgery, Teacher Zhang Fan speaks!

The young man named Cheng Yongcun, graduated from the Frontier Medical University, has a solid study, but the conditions at home are not good, and he really struggled out in school.

Others spent the past few months, he took steamed buns in the library to fight against hunger, because he had no money and was a little inferior, so he hardly participated in school activities other than learning.

So after five years, he didn't have a place for graduate school, but he didn't think about going to graduate school. After graduation, he returned to his hometown to work and earn money.

Originally wanted to come to the city hospital, but now the city hospital is so powerful. Almost all the people they want are graduate students. Do you have undergraduates?

In fact, there are, but, in the current situation of the city hospital, almost all undergraduates who can enter the hospital have the skills of the Eight Immortals, so he went to the second-level hospital, the second-level hospital if he had no money and nowhere.

Today, I heard that the city hospital was going to train. He didn't even eat any food. He rushed over after work. Everyone worked hard for the exam and wanted to pass the test, but Cheng Yongcun must pass the test.

Because the exam is passed, the salary will be high, the bonus will be available, the department will be assigned, and the rebate will be available!

He wants to enter the cardiology department with all his heart now. Isn't surgery good for him?Fragrant, but money is better!

Five years in university, one year internship, and half a year of results, seven years in junior year, so he is really afraid of being poor, his future and ideals are all fake.

His shadow is almost the shadow of the current Huaguo medical graduates. The difference is whoever is richer and who has a stronger need for money.

At the window not far away from him, a girl in Nike white t-shirt and jeans frowned and gently opened the window beside her. There were too many people, and she felt that the smell was not very good.

The girl is a new doctor from the Third City Hospital, named Chi Qiannan.When the girl was a student at the Frontier Medical University, she was excellent at school and was good at singing and dancing.

There was not a platoon behind her, there was also a class, but the girl was so arrogant that she didn't like these hairy boys.

After graduating from undergraduate studies, I was assigned to the Department of Pediatrics. The girl was furious. This girl reported outside the brain. Even if the outside of the brain is not good, general surgery is always fine. Now I am assigned to the Department of Pediatrics.

This is gender discrimination in the industry.

Therefore, the girl gave up her research in a rage, and looked down on the Frontier Medical College. She was prepared to struggle for a year, and at least had to take the capital of the golden mean.

So after returning to Tea Su, I didn't let the family trust the relationship, so I found a more inconspicuous city third hospital and lurked down. Anyway, there are not many patients in one day, and there are one or two birds, just enough to review the postgraduate entrance examination.

I heard that the Chasu City People’s Hospital is going to hold a training course. Although she is not very relieved about the practice exam, after all, there is a legendary surgeon here who listens to the hospital’s doctors every day, so she came to take a look with curiosity. .

When Zhang Fan came to power, she regretted it a bit. How could she tell that this was a great doctor, young, shy, and not even a little domineering surgical expert, but it was dark!

Disappointed, she wanted to leave, but there were too many people and it was too inconvenient to get in and out. Therefore, the girl put up with it and wanted to leave after class was over.

Zhang Fan began to give lectures, Zhang Fan gave a lecture on surgery, and practicing doctors mainly tested basic and clinical bias.

Therefore, Zhang Fan does not speak in depth, but often Zhang Fan will explain the basics while bringing the actual medical records to give you a more in-depth explanation.

The original boring foundation, brought to Zhang Fan with actual medical records, immediately became vivid, and it was easier for everyone to understand and remember.

Cheng Yongcun listened to Zhang Fan's lecture, the more he listened, the more he became addicted."It turns out that I can understand it like this, my God, Teacher Zhang's ability is really not what everyone has said!"

He was studying hard, and he suddenly heard it as if Zhang Fan had opened a door. It was originally a thick accumulation, but now that Zhang Fan was mentioned so, he was opened with thin hair.

But Chi Qiannan by the window is different, shaking the paper in his hand while fanning in front of the fan, while curling his mouth, "Talking about the basics is like an old lady, talkative, talkative!"

And many other ordinary doctors listened very carefully at this time. Knowledge that they didn't understand before could not be found in the textbooks, so Zhang Fan was puzzled.

Zhang Fan gave lectures and asked questions at the same time. This was Ouyang's account, and Ouyang never made a loss-making business.For free things, don’t even think about it. Wouldn’t your doctor take a break at this time?

This group of doctors has almost arrived for a year of internship. As long as they are admitted as a practicing doctor, they can work alone on duty.

There is a huge talent gap in municipal hospitals, and graduate students are still difficult to recruit.Except for some related households that she can't stand up to, the old lady still wants to choose outstanding talents.

Now in class, the question is weighing. As long as the seedlings are found, she is going to send someone to contact in private. If she wants to work in the tea medicine industry, Ouyang feels that no one in this group can resist her olive branch.

Moreover, the benefits of this are also obvious. Not only can talents be selected, but there is no need to pay a year's salary in vain. The old lady is too fine.

Therefore, before the class, Ouyang explained that she must ask all the doctors below, she must find Hetian jade in the gravel!

"Do you know why not all vitamins in energy liquids can be imported into the human body as body fluids?"

Zhang Fan's first lesson is about body rehydration.

Medicine is also wonderful. Many people think that rehydration should be a matter of internal medicine. Isn't surgery all done?

In fact, rehydration is one of the basic skills of general surgery.

For example, the patient needs to fast for water without eating a day, how much liquid he has to input, and how the salt and sugar should be compatible are the most basic in general.

High-end, such as the patient's gluttonous stomach, and had a diarrhea for three days.

It's almost an adult. How to give him fluids, how much, and how to balance the acid-base, all of which have to be estimated.

So Zhang Fan interspersed with questions while talking. Ouyang explained at the time that the lectures should be explained in a simple way and the questions should be gradual.

The old lady had a lot of things, Zhang Fan didn't prepare lessons, but there was no problem asking questions.

What he asked was for everyone to use on weekdays, and it can be said to be commonly called an agreement, but why in the end, few people think about it like this.

This is the difference between a craftsman and a scholar. If you want to be a craftsman doctor, you can be a simple, skilled worker. There are only a few kinds of diseases in a department. You can do anything if you are skilled.

But if you want to be a doctor or scholar, you have to think about why.

When Zhang Fan asked, he smiled and looked at the doctor below.

The scumbags can't wait to put their heads into the legs of the bench in front, and hope that Zhang Fan can't see them with their heads down.

After all, I’m all at work now, if I’m really picked up and left here, how can I find someone in the future!

The study is average. Although he didn't hide his head down, his face was thinking hard. Why is it? The book doesn't seem to say.

In Cheng Yongcun's brain, the pharmacology at this time was like playing a movie, but after thinking about it for a long time, there was no answer.

He knew it shouldn't be mentioned in the book, otherwise he would know.

Chi Qiannan curled his lips and said in a low voice: Pediatrics.Then the white paper kept flashing, as if it could fan the smell in front of the nose.

Looking at the manners of everyone in the venue, Zhang Fan did not say that he was happy, but he still felt refreshed.

"Hehe, it's good to be a teacher!"

Condescendingly, he looked around and found that there seemed to be no one eager to try. He was prepared not to ask someone to answer. After all, the first question was to knock people down, which was not good!

At this moment, he saw a girl in a white t-shirt shook a white paper fan as if she was disdainful, and the big red tick on her chest moved with her hand, which was particularly conspicuous.

Nike and Adi are particularly conspicuous among a group of newcomers. In small cities, this thing can be considered a luxury.

In a thin suit who came forward several hundred, their monthly salary was only eight or nine hundred.

"Hey, I'm not afraid of making bean buns as dry food!"

Zhang Fan wasn't angry either. He wasn't that strong, but at any rate he was giving you a lecture. It's okay if you don't listen, but you can't be so blatant and persistent.

"Which colleague who is holding a fan can give you an answer, let us study together."

Zhang Fan's politeness sounds like ridicule, but he is really polite. There is no way. The shadow left over in order to survive in the past is estimated to be unchangeable in a short time.

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