Medical road

Chapter 858

"Because vitamins are divided into water-soluble and non-water-soluble, such as vitamin C and vitamin B6 and other liquid commonly used vitamins are water-soluble!

It is not water-soluble and cannot be dissolved in liquids, and of course it cannot be used for intravenous infusion to supplement patients!"

When Zhang Fan called the name, Chi Qiannan didn't hesitate, but stood up quickly and spoke the answer in standard Mandarin.

The other young doctors who didn't want to understand seem to have realized it, oh!It turned out to be that simple for me to go, how come I didn't expect it

In fact, this is the difference between reading and learning.There is such a sentence in the book, but no one said how to use it.

For example, in daily life, the iodophor you use has broken a little, so quickly take out iodophor and apply a little.

In fact, the correct usage of iodophor is called wiping, wiping can take away the bacteria, and smearing is useless!

Therefore, if you have read the book thoroughly, it does not mean that you have broken a few textbooks, but if you understand the meaning inside, can you draw inferences about it?

When Zhang Fan heard it, she looked towards Ouyang unconsciously, and the old lady nodded towards Zhang Fan, and then the old lady looked at the crisp girl from the side.

"Well, it looks like Zhou Zheng, with an aura of reluctance!"

Ouyang nodded secretly in his heart, probably throwing his temper, and met Ouyang's triangular eyes.

"Okay, please sit down. It seems that you are still serious and solid in studying pharmacology."

Zhang Fan smiled and nodded, then began to talk about his surgical foundation.

During the three-day tutoring class, the Tea Su Hospital dispatched all the experts and scholars.

For example, Lao Ju, director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Director Jumabek, was stunned by his English in frontier accents, which frightened a group of young doctors.

If you don't understand or don't understand, let's not talk about it. There is no slightest stumbling in what people say, even nonsense is not so smooth.

Moreover, in the lectures on respiratory science, from the latest research findings and then combined with the basics, it is called thorough.

Ren Li in her heart is even more powerful. Don't let it go. She was originally an expert from the Frontier Senior Official Hospital, and she was able to bring a trace of the elegance of a professor and scholar, and it made a group of young doctors envious and admired.

And Naduo, Xu Xian, and Xue Xiaoqiao, a group of young scholars, embodies the strong reserve force of the Tea Hospital.

Even Chi Qiannan, a student with a higher eye than the top, began to get serious without consciously.

In clinical medicine, there are two parts: basic and operation. You know and know are two different things.

For example, for the simplest catheterization, you know the steps clearly, but when you get started, it breaks. The painful face of the male patient who got it turned into a rag, and the buttocks kept moving back, which would not work. This is not treatment, it is called punishment!

During the on-site operation, the surgical operation Zhang Fan personally took care of everything from catheterization to traumatic suture. Zhang Fan demonstrated to the students what a serious aseptic operation is.

Zhang Fan's operations thoroughly let the young doctors see the gap, and being able to do it is nothing but skills.

Looking at Zhang Fan’s technique, Chi Qiannan was almost adored in her heart. The girl worked hard in this area, not herself. Even if the teacher at the affiliated hospital compares with this black brother, the gap is very different. Obviously, too professional.

After Zhang Fan demonstrated it again, he asked the young doctors who had performed well in the past few days to come out for the operation.

After examining the knowledge base, of course, we must also examine the hands-on operation.

Among these young doctors in non-municipal hospitals, Zhang Fan and the others found several good seedlings.

Especially Cheng Yongcun and Chi Qiannan are the best among this group of young doctors.

Cheng Yongcun is outstanding in a stable and solid state. Although he seems to lack confidence in answering questions and operating, as long as he gives a little affirmation, the young man's performance is still very good.

In the clinic of primary hospitals, doctors like him are the best doctors. Although they don't look smart, a perseverance is the best quality of a backbone doctor in a hospital.

Chi Qiannan is better than a spirit, by analogy, having her own ideas, and being able to ask questions, as long as the girl can keep on and change the temper of the little princess, it will be the seed of a leader in the discipline.

After a few days of counseling, a group of young doctors from non-city hospitals were both excited and depressed.

What I am excited about is that I have learned a lot and the probability of passing the exam has improved a lot.

The frustration is that when I think about my own hospital and then look at other people's hospitals, I feel sad that I want to tear off my white lab coat.

After the last day of counseling, Ouyang didn't need to speak. The director of the medical department personally led some people to keep some of Miao's contact information.

Ouyang has always been in turmoil, and he is definitely not a procrastinator.

After confirming the candidates, they called directly, and these seedlings were called to the conference room of the Chasu City People's Hospital, confused.

"It's not about training fees!"

One of the young guys looked at the dozens of doctors who were also young doctors, and whispered to the people around him.

"Here, does the hospital with the biggest and the best tea and vegetarian food deserve any money from you? I saw that it was a good thing for you to study well in the past and have a solid internship!"

The other one vaguely felt that it would be a good thing, but he was afraid to think about it.

When I wanted to go to the city hospital, to be honest, no one at home had no money, and my education was just a bachelor degree. In the end, I could only sigh.

The medical industry, especially the local medical industry, can be said to be mostly local self-breeding.

Because each province has its own medical school, whether you are studying well or not, in fact, you can't tell from the archives.

As long as you get the graduation certificate and degree certificate, what is left is more comprehensive conditions, such as the thickness of colorful tickets.

In many schools, the transcripts before graduation are actually filled out by themselves, and they are all 90 points.

Therefore, at the undergraduate level, the screening of the medical industry is actually a practicing physician exam.

Looking at the school's sign, you can't see it in ordinary cities. For example, in border areas, almost all doctors come from border doctors.

What Sanchuanxihua, the capital of the golden mean, will not come to small cities at all.Only in very large cities are the qualifications and conditions to choose schools first, and then choose people!

Everyone didn't wait too long, and Ouyang appeared in the meeting room with a smile on his face.

"Sit down, don't be restrained. Oh, look at your young faces and think about your medical skills. Really, I'm very happy.

You are all leaders. I can tell you clearly here that your hard work, your hard work, and your hard work have not been in vain.

When choosing a unit for graduation, because of various factors, you did not enter the unit you are happy with.

However, it is gold that always shines, and it is an awl, which becomes sharper as it is worn.Now, you have demonstrated your sharpness."

After speaking, the old lady paused, and then slowly glanced across the faces of the young doctors, without pulling any of them, as if encouraging, she looked at everyone.

Without even thinking about it, Ouyang's agitation and Ouyang's words directly made these young people's blood on the head.

The blood boiled with the enthusiasm that even the veteran in the workplace can instigate. A few young people, after a few words, almost shed tears.

Ouyang was like Bole, instantly admiring such young people uncontrollably.

Think about it at the beginning, because the comprehensive conditions were not up to the standard, he could only stand at the door of the city hospital, cursing the leaders of the city hospital.

But now, I feel that my initial mentality is not correct!

After reading them one by one, Ouyang still smiled and said: "Everyone has been intern for a year, and they are about to face the practice exam and the entry exam.

When I chose a hospital for internship, it was actually a rehearsal, and the practice examination and admission examination were the real beginning.

I think maybe everyone wants to enter the city hospital?"

Ouyang smiled and looked at everyone.

"Ha ha!"


"Think, after graduating, my first goal was the Municipal People's Hospital."

The shy smiled embarrassedly, boldly said his thoughts out loud, and looked directly at Ouyang.

Seeing everyone eagerly or shyly, Ouyang didn't care at all.

"Well, this is a newborn calf. I can tell you now that the door of the city hospital has always been open to you.

Take your files, take your graduation certificate, take your degree certificate, come to the city hospital, and show your excellence in the examination room.

It is Chollima, and the Chasu City People's Hospital will not let you down. Today, you enter the Chasu City Hospital. The Chasu City Hospital is your pride. Tomorrow, the Chasu City People's Hospital will be proud of you.

Director Chen, next you will arrange for everyone to let these doctors enter the department for internship as soon as possible, and to recover the time that has been delayed for one year as soon as possible."

"Good dean." Chen Sheng looked at everyone and said with a smile: "I am the director of the hospital's medical department. From now on, everyone can find me no matter what.

You can come to me when you are tired, you can come to me when you are unhappy, and you can come to me even for family affairs.I am everyone's and logistics veteran!"

Ouyang encourages everyone in the general direction, and Chen Sheng cares for everyone in small details!

After a set of combined punches, these young doctors went crazy, and one of them returned to the original hospital faster than one and resigned.

In fact, there is no talk of resigning or not resigning, a one-year internship, and not even a contract. To be honest, I have my own files in the hands of others.

The family, headed by Cheng Yongcun, was an ordinary doctor who ran to the original unit in a taxi, fearing that there would be an accident late.

Only Chi Qiannan was indifferent in the venue.The girl was struggling. The operations of Zhang Fan and the directors of the city hospital a few days ago, to be honest, made the girl tempted.

But if she went to the hospital to go to internal medicine and pediatrics, she was unwilling. If she really wanted to go to internal medicine and pediatrics, she would be a graduate student in Bird City.

But if you can learn surgical operations with Zhang Fan and the directors in this hospital, will you add some points when you wait for the postgraduate interview?

The girl hesitated, Ouyang looked at it.

"Why? Do you have any doubts?" Ouyang was like an intimate grandma, her smile was too deceptive.

"Dean, I don't want to go to internal medicine or pediatrics, I want to go to surgery."

Chi Qiannan said in a low voice that she didn't have the right and ability to pick and choose, so she was a little lacking in confidence.

Ouyang heard, "Internal medicine is the basics, in fact, surgery has no technical content, and..."

Ouyang likes this girl's personality, and plans to combine with that Duo after she enters cardiology.

So the old lady was going to start slandering surgery, no matter what, Ouyang was born in internal medicine.

"Dean, I was admitted to the department of pediatrics by the affiliated hospital. I don't like pediatrics, so I gave up."

When I said this, Ouyang's eyes lit up.

"Okay, as long as you have perseverance, you will still have a place on the surgical operating table of the big Chasu People's Hospital."

Wang Yanan and Zhu Yu are in front, and Ouyang is not very opposed to female doctors going to surgery.

As soon as Ouyang said, Chi Qiannan raised her head, her face excited, she was still young after all.

"Go, get the files back, and officially enter the surgical internship tomorrow. You can't cry because you are tired then!"

"Haha, Dean, I will definitely not!"

"Well, it's okay if you have confidence. Go ahead and go through the formalities."

Suddenly, there was a small wave of resignations in several secondary hospitals in Chasu.

Although there are not many people, there are only a dozen people, but these ten weekdays have performed very well, studied hard, and have a solid foundation. They are all planned to be pulled out by the second-level hospital this year.

In fact, the old employees can tell at a glance whether the students enter the unit.

What's more, this kind of technical unit, who can pass the examination of a practicing doctor in the first year, is clear to everyone.

There were only one or two when I first opened, and the hospital didn't take it seriously. They didn't want to leave, but the few doctors who were seen by the teaching doctors all resigned. Even if they were guaranteed to give the turnip exams, they would have to leave.

"What's the matter?" The dean of the Second City Hospital and the former secretary of the Chasu City Hospital listened to him with a report from the director of the personnel department.

"I don't know! Is it because our salary is a little bit lower." The personnel section chief was confused.

"No, if you think that the salary is low, you have been going through it for a year, so what should you do?

You missed the point!These are still a few who left together, and they are all top students.

No, go to find out if there is any action in the city hospital recently."

After all, it is administrative work, and you can understand it after a little thought.

Before long, the director of the Personnel Department inquired about the result, "The city hospital has organized an exam training, and heard other people say that everyone has gone to the class."

"Broken! Ouyang..." He said Ouyang, then stopped. Ouyang was his nightmare, and he didn't dare to slander it until now.

"Quickly, go and put the files in your hands, just saying that you can't leave your job until the internship period."

"I have given it all!" the head of the personnel department said grievously.He really didn't take these people seriously.

After all, the new doctors didn't even have a staff organization, so they didn't like to go, but they left a few. When I heard from the clinical department, they were all top students, which made me anxious.

"Hey!" The former secretary sighed, "Okay, let's go out!" Then he waved to the director of the personnel department!

He doesn't dare to slander Ouyang now, but he still has the courage to do things in private.

"Old Yang, how many new students from your hospital have resigned."

As soon as they left, he picked up the phone and called the dean of the third hospital.

They were both in the same city, and they couldn't even breathe under the pressure of a woman. The two elders were also very uncomfortable.

"Hey, I have gone six, all of which are estimated to pass this year. Tell me what is this.

We are tantamount to giving people a year of training in vain. Not only did they train for nothing, they didn't have any sense of sentiment, and it was a waste of one year's wages and salaries."

Although the salary is not high, the dean of the third house is still very angry.

If these students go to the Bird City or other cities, he probably doesn't care at all, but if they go to the Chasu City People's Hospital, they won't be able to do so, and the throat becomes uncomfortable.

Is our hospital much worse than the city hospital?

"Who said no, the preparation report was all printed on it, and it was taken away at once. We can't be slaughtered like dough, we want to rise!"

The former secretary continued.

All human beings, no fools.The former secretary wanted to instigate, but they said directly.

"You are the chief official who came out of the big hospital. In terms of level, you are higher than me, and you know their actions better.

As long as you take the lead, I resolutely follow you!"

Isn't it just a complaint? Isn't it just going to the higher level to file a complaint? The two were dazzled, and their small ideas went out next to each other.

"Our two hospitals are still joint names. We are both hospitals of the same level, and we didn't say who will lead the other.

It's too immoral to say that the unit has insufficient manpower, and people who have been trained for a year will just leave."

The former secretary originally verbalized three inches of lotus flowers, but the other party was not stupid and vented.

The leaders of the Municipal Health Bureau took the reports from the two hospitals, which can be said to be pleadings, and looked again.

City People's Hospital, he can't control it!

However, he has been the dean of the city hospital for a long time, and now he has a chance.

Before long, the leaders in charge of health in the municipal government listened to the cries of the leaders of the Health Bureau and looked at the reports of the other two hospitals.

"Excessive! Really excessive, you must kill this evil spirit."


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