Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 67: A new era of catching up with England and France (2)

As the flood of applause rang out, Mussolini also started to applaud, but his smile and applause today were a bit reluctant. In his heart, he was actually not willing to let Contini serve as the president of this committee. He still hoped that he could Continue to maintain the same situation as before: Contini came to work for him and was responsible for paying for the government. He even did not want to give Contini the position of Minister of Transport because the latter owned the United Group and the Ministry of Transport. Then The impact on the economy is too great.

After failing to install Contini as Minister of Education, he wanted Contini to be Minister of Foreign Affairs. Unfortunately, his idea was resisted. Not only did Contini delay his stay in the United States, he also mobilized internal personnel organizations, causing trouble. In the end, all the leading figures in the economic circles and the heads of industry unions believed that this position was indispensable to Contini - without the support of the boss of Italy's largest conglomerate, wouldn't the so-called revival and crisis response be empty talk? In the business world, not everyone is used to Contini, but at least everyone can't get around the United Group. Now that the United Group is silent, facing the intensifying crisis, everyone feels at a loss and can only save their lives first.

Within Fascist, although not everyone agrees with giving Contini such a high status, others are even less convinced, and everyone has seen Mussolini's level of economic management - it is very bad, so after thinking about it , it would be better for Contini to be the president. Anyway, he is also controlled by the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, and the Minister of Agriculture, so that he will not act randomly.

Mussolini's current mood is very complicated and contradictory: the slogan "catch up with the Premier League and France" suits him very much, and he is eager to achieve this goal - if there is anyone in the top management who is a confidant of Contini, then it is The only one left was Mussolini himself. You must know that even the old Ciano believed that this goal was too radical and too difficult to achieve. He repeatedly advised Contini to set a milder tone, but Contini rejected this persuasion. , said, "If I set a goal that can be easily achieved, someone will definitely come to compete with me for this position. As long as I raise the goal and put all my wealth on it, others will not dare to come. If they plan to secretly resist and oppose me, Then I have a legitimate reason to kill you! Only when I have no way out can I find a way out!"

Of course, Mussolini also deeply doubted whether this goal could be achieved, and even wanted others, such as Finance Minister Volpi, to oppose it. However, after Contini used his political future and all his wealth to pressure him, he No one dares to say anything. If you object again, you are not convincing people with reason but suppressing them with force. I have even made this promise, but you still don’t believe it. Well, you are not doubting, you are looking down on me, Contini. , in this situation, who dares to look down on Contini. So in the end, it was unanimously approved. No one competed with Contini for the position of president, but instead became a committee member - they did not dare to lose their wealth and lives!

Therefore, when Mussolini thought about this matter, he had an unspeakable feeling. Even his interest in "doing things" with his lover in the office was reduced a bit. The thing softened and foamed at the mouth after just a few clicks. The perseverance of the past is not due to lack of physical strength but to pretending.

But the lover's comfort quickly cheered up the cigar under his crotch: "Leader, he is your son-in-law...after all, he is under your leadership - this...can't be considered one of your own? If you don't even have him, You can't trust me. Who will be willing to work for you wholeheartedly in the future? I often hear other people say that bosses are not afraid of their subordinates being disobedient, but they are afraid that their subordinates are incompetent..."

Mussolini, who "suddenly realized it", thought this was very important: this sharp-edged and aggressive young man was after all his favorite son-in-law. It didn't matter if he had ambitions. Who doesn't have ambitions? Just keep an eye on it! It’s scary to be incapable. Who will you leave your career to in the future? I always get older.

He never dreamed that Contini, who he thought was a secret affair, knew all about it. Not only did he know about it, but he also asked Agnes to come forward and talk about it - he gave a bunch of New York souvenirs, jewelry, and French luxury goods, which he needed. Everything has been arranged, and the only requirement is to speak well to the president in front of the leader.

Mussolini also believed that he was very law-abiding and very enlightened - a supporter was a supporter, at most he would give some money, but he never used his public power to do anything for his lovers. How did he know that these lovers did not need to ask him to do anything? , they definitely have more convenient sources and places to serve!

After delivering his inaugural speech, Contini immediately went to the Ministry of Transport to take office, and then released a five-year industrial revitalization plan with lightning speed, known as Italy's First Five-Year Plan, which once again shocked the entire capital market! At that time, the Soviet Union also proposed its first Five-Year Plan, but even the Soviet Union's plan did not seem as crazy as Italy's. After the plan was promulgated, all media, scholars, and industrial and commercial people were discussing the plan, and most of them Most people think this is simply unimaginable and unachievable, but frightened by the president's past prestige and fascist control, they can only express it tactfully.

But foreign newspapers are not so tolerant. The mainstream media in France used "Joke" as a headline, believing that Contini's so-called "catching up with the Premier League" was a complete dream. Of course, the French are very lovely. Dreams are dreams, but they still don't forget to buy United Group bonds; the title of the British "Times" is very interesting - "A Young Man's Ambition", which tells the outline of Italy's development plan. Instead of evaluating whether it can be achieved, it pretends to be profound and says: "It is of course a good thing for a person to have a dream, but treating dreams as reality and as goals to be achieved immediately is not more vain than chasing mirages?"

This kind of ridicule is so fierce that many diplomats stationed in Italy were telling jokes without restraint within a week. Against this background, Italy Italian media can only change their stance to defend themselves. As a mouthpiece, Youth Daily fought back and published an editorial: "In this world, only we can criticize the president, you can't! Whether the president's goal can be achieved is still uncertain. In the past 7 years, Italy's heavy industry has indeed doubled. We have the United Group, this is not fake! We were able to do it before, and I believe we can do it in the future!"

Other newspapers did not speak so strongly, but implicitly said: "It may be a bit exaggerated to catch up with the Premier League and France, but if we can achieve 90% or even 80%, we can still say victory - a well-deserved victory!"

The newspaper said that after me, it was the radio station, and IBC, which has always been Contini's private domain, took the lead. In recent days, it has commented, discussed, and analyzed this goal and feasibility in various forms...

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