Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 72 New Business Logic

Although the rapid growth in sales of Fast and Furious is extremely gratifying, after the first full quarterly report of United Group was released on April 7, Contini and others still felt severe pressure.

According to the first quarter report, the United Group had extraordinary economic activities in the short three months from January to March 1923. The overall cash outflow was as high as more than 46 million lire, while the operating income was less than 10 million. The difference in the middle It is entirely maintained by free funds and bank loans.

Leo has fully entered the role of assistant to the general manager and systematically explained the meaning of each number to Contini: "Of the more than 46 million lire in expenditures, the capital expenditure converted into fixed assets or other assets is approximately more than 28 million lire. , mainly involves the one-time placement and engineering construction of relevant equipment and land for United Airlines, and also includes the factory construction, equipment and raw material procurement of United Motorcycle. The other more than 18 million is operating expenses, including maintaining Youth Daily, United Express, United Printing For the operation of industries such as Airline Services and United Airlines, most of it is capitation fee, and part of it is marketing fee.”

In fact, most of the so-called marketing expenses are the expenses for lubricating things here and there. Serious marketing is probably only involved once Milan models are invited to do a catwalk. This part of the expenses is not big. Contini's accounting is also a mess, but the accountant We are not stupid, they understand.

"As for the operating income." Leo smiled bitterly, "Excluding the parts that offset each other within the group, if you hadn't launched the subscription radio, the rest would not have exceeded 5 million. So far, a total of more than 4,700 have been achieved through this activity. New subscribers received a one-time income of nearly 5 million. At the same time, normal newspaper distribution, aviation school training, postal transportation, and the sale of the first batch of motorcycles provided some income. But we all know that subscribing to newspaper radios is completely a loss-making activity. , it’s just equivalent to spending the subsequent income in advance.”

"The profit and loss statement of the first quarter report is very ugly overall. The loss is expected to exceed 25 million. Among them, I think the biggest loss is at United Airlines and the supporting Roman Samurai Club." Leo thought about it and said, "They caused at least more than 10 million lire. losses, and their contribution was nothing more than a dramatic, gripping performance.”

Antonio said with a sad face: "Master, don't underestimate the loss of 25 million. It will only increase in the second quarter and not shrink. I have a very pessimistic estimate of the loss for the whole year, which may exceed 100 million lire." . Also, I haven’t included hiring a lawyer to litigate. Is this considered your personal expense?”

"My personal expenses?" Contini jumped up, "How can this be okay? Of course these are United Group's expenses. The trouble I caused for Matteotti was obviously not something I took out on myself!"

"Okay, then let's set aside another 2 million."

"No, add another 10 million." Contini shook his head. "Under the pressure of the Socialist Party, the Supreme Court accepted the complaint. I have asked a team of lawyers to draft a legal complaint and prepare to accuse the Socialist Party of violating the constitution to the Constitutional Court. Newspapers and radio stations The attack firepower needs to be fully upgraded!”

"Accuse the Socialist Party?" Leo was dumbfounded, "Is this... is this necessary?"

"It is necessary. I have planned to meet with the Pope later this month. The Vatican is also very concerned about this matter. I must show the proper attitude. By the way, I am ready to donate 1 million to the Pope. Please note it if you trouble. On the United Group’s account.”

"This financial statement can't be done." Leo put down the water glass heavily, "Then we will lose at least 115 million!"

Contini nodded, but what he said was surprising: "Is 115 million enough? Uncle Antonio, you didn't tell the accountant and include the training funds for the leadership guard, the 15 million preferred stock dividends, and the newly increased loan interest. ?”

Leo was full of surprise: "What does the Leader Guard have to do with you? This is a government act."

"The leader took a fancy to our black paratroopers and asked him to also help him train a group of about 200 people..." Contini showed off his cards with a wry smile. "What's more important is that we have to bear the cost."

"Damn it, how could this be possible? Isn't this a naked embezzlement of corporate interests?" Leo shouted, "Why didn't you refuse? This time you agreed to him, what if there are more needs next time? Don't say that the leader of the United Group didn't Investing one lira of resources, even if he invests something, he cannot treat a company as a cash machine and do whatever he wants.”

Looking at the innocent Leo, Antonio sighed: "Some things cannot be measured by common sense. The young master wants to get land in major cities, get government orders, have guards and weapons, and even get loans. What can he do without government support?" Okay? Also, the Prime Minister and five ministers went to Milan to attend the opening and launch ceremony of United Motorcycles. His Excellency the Minister of Transport’s face is not enough; in addition, it is unthinkable to have an arm-wrestling with the Socialist Party without the support of the government and leaders. "

Leo was simply speechless: Calculating this, the loss would be at least 130 or even 140 million!

"Calais, we can't continue to develop like this. The losses alone have reached this amount. The total funds for the whole year are not 250 million, which is impossible to survive. And your own funds are only 70 million lire, and you have borrowed another 70 million, which is only 1.4 100 million, it can’t be sustained at all…”

"I have reached an agreement with the Ministry of War and leaders in the past two days, and they have come forward to support us in obtaining a loan of 100 million liras with an annual interest of 7%."

"This is only 240 million!"

"We will borrow another 60 million through other business channels and then we can collect 300 million." Contini said cruelly, "Now that United Motorcycle's sales are good, I don't think there is much pressure to obtain loans from the banking sector."

"Even if we can keep the accounts stable this year, what will happen next year?" Leo was worried. "The loss next year may be less than this year, but I estimate it will be hundreds of millions. Do I need another loan?"

"The money will be there next year...I still have money in the United States, and then Bank of America agrees to release some of the loan to us."

"I don't understand this business logic." Leo analyzed. "Now Youth Daily can barely sustain its own profits and losses. United Motorcycle can achieve profitability next year. As for United Printing and United Express, which are not large in size, I think they can both Maintain, although United Radio is expected to lose money next year, at least the national radio station still has some media value and advertising expenses that can be offset. However, United Airlines and Roma Club must control costs. I can't spend tens of millions of lire every year and keep it. We can’t afford to send many practical aircraft and guards to survive. Calais, we are a business, not a government. Why do you support the Second Air Force and guards?”

This is not the first time that someone has strongly opposed Contini’s business logic. The general managers of the companies in the United Group have more or less expressed similar opinions to themselves. Of course, they have different identities from Contini. What he said was much more tactful. Leo was not only the backbone of the Youth League and Youth Daily, but also an old classmate and friend, so he could point out bluntly that if United Motorcycles had not become an instant hit and had extraordinary effects, at this time The criticism at this moment is probably even harsher.

"Leo, your criticism is right, but you really don't understand my business logic yet." Contini couldn't possibly tell the other party about his political ambitions and ideals. He thought the time was not ripe yet—— Antonio was the only exception.

"So, what's your logic?"

"Simultaneous development of multiple industries, symbiosis of multiple business formats, internal collaboration, and external consistency will jointly shape the joint brand image and allow consumers to immerse themselves in the new life system provided by the joint group - this mainstream middle-class lifestyle does not occur naturally, but It is through the efforts of the United Group to guide them that they will appear to be losing money in isolation, but when brought together, they will undergo an unstoppable chemical fusion reaction and burst out with powerful energy."

"Whose business theory is this? Forgive me for being ignorant, I have never heard of it."

"Mine." Contini pretended lightly, "Theoretical logic is that demand is not only endogenous, but can also be guided and shaped by the outside."

"I don't understand." Leo smiled bitterly, "Without strong actual and realistic needs, how can there be illusory needs?"

"Because many times you don't know what you need..." Contini looked at Leo who was still anxious to defend, and smiled, "I will give you an example and you will understand. Do you think the figures of fashion models are... Are they particularly thin? Are their proportions very low among the population? Even lower than those who are fat?”

"That's right."

"From the perspective of normal distribution, being too thin and too fat are abnormal deviations from the mainstream. But now our media and fashion vision define the model's body as the standard and the ideal state. Please tell me, what will happen next? What?"

"What is it?" Leo was a little confused.

"This kind of forced shaping guidance will form the concept that most girls feel that they are fat and need to lose weight after comparison, so a series of industries such as weight loss, exercise, beauty, and slimming have emerged... In fact, if the middle Judging from the level, most people don’t need to lose weight,” Contini said with a smile, “Do you think the need to lose weight is endogenous or is it externally guided and ultimately shaped or even imposed?”

Leo rolled his eyes and was finally speechless...

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