"Bang!" Levi exerted a little force on his heels and easily carried the ogre over the five-meter-high steel wall.

I saw that in the garden where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, there were now more than a dozen corpses lying down, including patients, caregivers, doctors and nurses. Most of the corpses still had a look of astonishment on them.

Moreover, these corpses were not killed by aberrations, but had bullet holes in fatal parts such as the chest and head. They were obviously shot by the FBI emergency response team!

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a violent explosion in the clinic building in front of Li Wei, and a piece of broken limbs flew down among the broken walls.

"Pap! Pap!" Among the flesh and blood limbs that fell from the attic, there was a humanoid monster with only half of its body left. Just like a dehydrated fish, it was still struggling gently in the debris. , showing strong vitality!

Levi looked down at the humanoid monster. The skin all over his body was a bloodless pale color, making the blue-black blood vessels quite conspicuous!

The monster's figure is extremely thin. The only remaining left arm and half of the chest seem to be only bones. There is almost no muscle. However, the monster is very powerful. When struggling on the ground, his left hand directly smashes around the body. The masonry fragments are crushed!

The monster's body was wearing a broken hospital gown, and there was a metal bracelet on his left wrist with the number 47 written on it. It should be the monster transformed from the test subject!

Moreover, this monster has extremely strong vitality, and most of its body is mutilated. Even half of its head was cut off by the explosion, revealing its pale brain. However, this monster is still jumping around, with no sign of imminent death!

"Roar!" The upper half of the monster's head was blown off, so its eyes could not see Levi standing in front of it. After letting out a low roar, its nose twitched, and then it devoured the broken limbs beside it. The arm looks like a zombie in the movie!

It’s just that this monster has disappeared from the chest down. After the flesh and blood is swallowed by the opponent, it completely falls out of the stomach. The monster grabs the flesh and blood that has been eaten once and continues to circulate it to the mouth. IQ Extremely low, leaving only the most primitive desire to eat.

"Boom!" Levi took out the Samaria and shot the monster in the heart, directly shattering the remaining half of its body, leaving only a head that was still chewing flesh and blood!

"Huh?" Levi shot the monster's head to pieces again. Only half of the opponent's left arm was still intact on the ground. However, this half of the left arm was still quite active, and it could slowly move slowly with three fingers. move!

"What the hell?" Levi frowned as he looked at the severed arm that had crawled out more than ten centimeters. Until now, Levi has not obtained the special energy of this monster, which means that even if this monster only has one arm left, It’s not even a complete death!

"Boom!" Levi waved his hand gently, and then a black-red flame exploded on the ground. The high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees directly burned the piles of bricks and stones mixed with the monster's flesh and blood, and melted them into a pool of magma!

"Just a little bit of special energy?" As the monster was completely burned to ashes, the book indicated that it had gained a little bit of special energy. This value was obviously low, which was beyond Levi's expectation, because it meant that the monster was only counted as 1. Level aberration!

Moreover, Levi did not gain any talent from this aberrant body, which shows that the terrifying vitality displayed by this monster is not its own, but related to other external factors!

"Bang! Bang!" At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the stairway of the outpatient building, and then three people were fully armed and wore special gas masks on their faces, but they were covered in injuries and looked The soldiers who went up in extremely embarrassed formation formed a formation and carefully walked out of the stairs.

"Huh?" The three soldiers tried their best and sacrificed two teammates before destroying the monster. Just as they were about to come down to replenish their guns, they saw a pool of lava suddenly appearing at the door, as well as two tall men. man.

"Da da da!" Although they didn't know what happened, the three soldiers raised their guns without hesitation, pointed at Levi and the ogre, and pulled the trigger. The order they received was to kill all the living people in the hospital. Anything, even a mouse, can be released!

"Ding, ding, ding, ding!" The bullets hit the two men and bounced away. The ogre raised the shotgun in his hand and blasted the three soldiers away!

Levi had no intention of surviving for questioning. These soldiers belonging to the FBI emergency response team probably only knew how to act according to the instructions of their superiors.

And at this time, gunshots were still heard from all over the hospital, indicating that there were other aberrations in the hospital!

Walking up the stairs, Levi found a large number of devoured patients and mutilated corpses of medical technicians, including many corpses of soldiers. It was obvious that he had suffered heavy losses!

"According to the final surveillance route, Ms. Tribis is located in the innermost compartment of the outpatient operating room on the fourth floor!" Although the hospital was installed by the FBI with a super-powerful signal jammer, the impact on the White Queen was almost non-existent. Because it can directly control the shielding device and reserve network signals for its own use.

And after entering, the White Queen had complete control over the use of all intact cameras in the hospital, and quickly found the surveillance footage of Tribis holding her daughter and escaping into the operating room.

At the same time, the White Queen also controlled the camera and found the cause of the turmoil in the hospital.

"Master, on the third underground floor of the inpatient building, there is a secret place for CAL experiments!" The White Queen quickly grasped the ins and outs of the matter. In a surveillance video, she marked and circled a man, "And this man suddenly Transformed into a mutant, broke into the laboratory, massacred the researchers, and released all the experimental mutants inside, which was the direct cause of the turmoil in the hospital! "

In this surveillance video at the door of the hospital ward, an old man about 70 years old, wearing a denim jumpsuit, walked to the door expressionlessly, then lay down at the door with a painful expression, and transformed in front of everyone. A ferocious-looking aberration appeared!

This aberrant body looks like a large lizard with a body length of more than three meters, but it has no skin at all on the outside. Instead, it has a pale exoskeleton and large scarlet muscles!

After transforming into a deformed body, the opponent seemed to still retain his consciousness. Instead of massacring the ordinary people who were running away wildly, he went straight to the morgue on the second floor, and then tore open the exhaust system. Entering a deeper laboratory!

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