The innermost compartment of the operating room is the surgical supply room used to store surgical instruments such as dressing packs. It is full of shelves, and the space for a person to stand is less than ten square meters.

And because of the special environment required for preservation, this room is fully enclosed, and the door is also a relatively heavy security door.

At this time, Tribis was holding a listless little girl, crowded in the surgical supply room with three nurses, looking nervous, not even daring to breathe, for fear of making any noise and attracting those outside. monster!

Just now, a terrifying aberration that looked like a zombie in the movie, but whose strength and speed were close to the level 1 limit, crashed directly through the door of the operating room, killing seven or eight medical staff in the blink of an eye!

The monster was attracted by flesh and blood, and was feasting outside. Tribis, her daughter, and three nurses with relatively strong psychological qualities quietly hid in the supply room.

And those patients who were lying unconscious on the operating table were swallowed by the monster without any feeling. At least they did not have to bear the fear and physical pain, which was the cruelest luck!

"Mom!" The little girl looked pale and seemed very uncomfortable. She was about to say something, but Tribis gently covered her mouth and made a silent movement.

"Shh!" Tribis shook her head gently, looking at the painful look on her daughter's arms, her eyes filled with distress.

Tribis never expected that she would be attacked and massacred by aberrations during a hospital stay as usual!

What puzzled Tribis the most was that the unknown number of these aberrations seemed to suddenly appear inside the hospital. It was like an organized and premeditated terrorist attack!

Especially when Tribis took advantage of the panic and planned to escape from the hospital with her daughter, she discovered that the steel wall was slowly rising around the hospital, and several heavily armed elite teams rushed in, killing everyone on sight. Don't let anyone escape!

Upon seeing this, Tribis immediately took out her mobile phone and planned to contact Bill and ask him to fly a helicopter to assist him in the escape. However, as soon as the call was connected, Tribis found that the mobile phone signal had been lost, and all communication equipment in the hospital was completely blocked!

This made Tribis smell a conspiracy, and she was almost convinced that terrible experiments on aberrations were being carried out in St. Mary's Hospital!

The All Souls Church strictly prohibits research and experiments on aberrations, and has also issued warnings to governments of various countries, because aberrations are a disordered and irregular existence, and a trivial experiment may be able to create one. Terrifying aberrations that are enough to cause a crisis of destruction to mankind!

However, various human organizations, especially the governments of various countries, are naturally submissive. Countries cannot put all their hopes on the Church of All Souls. They must master their own methods to fight against aberrations, and even completely master the power of aberrations through research and experiments. !

Therefore, many governments and financial groups around the world are privately studying the power of radiation, aberrations and even strange objects.

Of course, there have been countless accidents caused by this, and there have even been several terrible disasters that required the use of nuclear bombs to eliminate them!

"Who are these people! They are so audacious!" Tribis gritted her teeth, feeling resentful in her heart. Research laboratories for such aberrations are often established in inaccessible wilderness, such as deserts or small islands in the sea, to prevent dangers Problems can also be isolated and eliminated.

But these people actually built the laboratory in a hospital, which is a large hospital that can accommodate hundreds of people. It is simply crazy!

"Damn it!" Tribis subconsciously touched her waist and realized that because she was in a public place like the hospital, she did not carry a firearm!

"Wow!" Tribis gently took down a surgical instrument package from the shelf on the side, opened it, and took out a sharp scalpel from it.

Although Tribis's physical fitness was close to the level 1 limit at this time, she also knew very well that without thermal weapons, she could kill one or two level 1 aberrations even if she tried her best.

But any noise that comes out will either attract those armed soldiers or attract more and more powerful aberrations, and the result will be death!

At this moment, as all the flesh and blood outside was devoured by the aberrant body, the opponent's belly was almost bursting, and it looked very weird hanging on his thin body.

Moreover, the belly was stretched until it became almost transparent, and you could faintly see the pieces of blood and flesh that were being digested in the intestines and stomach!

The aberration twitched its nose with only two bone holes left, and soon discovered the smell of fresh flesh and blood behind the door of the supply room!

"Tsk!" The aberrant body dragged its huge belly and staggered to the supply room. Its sharp claws scratched across the door, immediately making deep cracks in the metal security door!

"Ah!" The three nurses behind the door couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice when they looked at the traces on the iron door. This security door couldn't stop the monster at all!

"Huh!" Tribis took a deep breath and handed the pale daughter in her hand to a middle-aged nurse in her forties next to her. "I will entangle that monster later. You guys take me with you." "My daughter ran away immediately and found a place with as few people as possible. If you see soldiers with guns, don't believe them. I will meet you later!"

In just a few words, the door to the supply room was scratched open, and the monster could already reach in and claw at will!

"Boom!" Tribis unlocked the door, and then kicked it hard on the door. More than two hundred kilograms of force suddenly exploded, knocking the door and the aberrations outside the door away!

"Run!" Tribis held the scalpel in both hands, rolled over, and cut into the aberration's belly. After all, the monster's belly was almost bigger than a curled-up adult at this time. break!

"Huh?" But to Tribis's surprise, the sharp scalpel cut on the aberration's belly, as if cutting on hard wood, leaving only a shallow cut!

"Bang!" Moreover, these monsters move very fast and are very powerful. If they hit the wall with their hands, they will directly crack the hard brick wall!

Tribis rolled awkwardly. The physical gap between the two sides was too great. Especially in close combat, Tribis found that she might not be able to hold on for ten seconds!

"Plop!" And the next moment, Tribis was slapped away by the aberrant body, blood was flowing from her mouth and nose, and at least half of her ribs were broken. She could only watch helplessly as the aberrant body rushed towards her!

"Buzz!" But just when Tribis opened her eyes wide to welcome death, she found that the monster broke through and stopped in front of her. Many random thoughts suddenly appeared in Tribis's mind, "I heard that before people die, they will Recall your life in an instant! ”

"Boom!" But the next moment, the aberrant body seemed to be crushed by an invisible huge force and exploded into a pool of blood!

"Huh? Someone saved me!" Looking at the blood floating in front of her, Tribis reacted immediately.

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