Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 103 Nurse and Lizard Abnormality

"Huh?" Tribis looked at the aberrant body suspended in front of her eyes in shock, squeezed into a ball of flesh and blood. While she was horrified, she also felt the surprise of being saved.

"Tribis?" Levi walked in from the operating room aisle, followed by the three nurses holding the children. However, although they stood quietly behind Levi at this time, their faces were expressionless and their eyes were dull.

Li Wei met these three nurses at the door just now, but when they saw him, their expressions suddenly changed, mistaking Li Wei and the ogres for the soldiers who were massacring innocent people, and they immediately scattered and fled. In desperation, Li Wei could only Controlled three people with mental force field hypnosis.

"Boom!" Levi threw the meat paste that had been crushed by the mental force field outside the operating room. A ball of fear fire appeared on the flesh and blood, burning it into ashes.

On the way to find Tribis, Levi had discovered two almost identical aberrations. Through some experiments, Levi discovered that only by completely destroying the bodies of these aberrations could they be completely killed.

Otherwise, even if only a slightly larger piece of flesh and blood or stumps is left, the aberrant body will still remain active. The flesh and blood can also secrete a corrosive substance that erodes the flesh and blood of other creatures, and then returns to its original state!

The flesh-and-blood characteristics of this monster shocked even Levi. It was completely unlike what a level 1 aberration should have!

Levi became more and more curious, what exactly did the laboratory use to create these very strange and terrifying aberrations?

Therefore, in order to completely destroy the flesh and blood of these aberrations, and to prevent the flesh and blood of the aberrations from causing new aberrations, Levi chose to use the mental force field to crush the aberrations into meat paste, and then use the fire of fear to burn them Fly ash.

"I'm Tribis, who is your Excellency?" Tribis struggled to get up from the ground, her broken ribs felt a burst of pain, but she looked at three nurses with dull expressions, holding her daughter and standing quietly in Li's arms. After Wei's death, Cuibisi's heart sank slightly, wondering whether the other party was a friend or an enemy.

"I am Pastor Levi, and I am also Bill's friend. I came to the hospital to save you at his request!" Levi thought in his mind and withdrew the mental power that controlled the nurse behind him. The other three people suddenly woke up from a dream and ran to the hospital with nervous expressions. Behind Tribis.

"Pastor Levi? Bill?" Although she felt that the name Levi was familiar, and she did not think that she would be worthy of the church sending out a level 2 priest to rescue her, Tribis saw that the other party seemed to be Bill's friend, and she finally felt... He breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have hacked into the shielding system here, and the outpatient building is safe for the time being. You can just leave through the gate. Bill will meet you outside." Levi picked up a rifle from the soldier downstairs. , and threw it to Tribis.

The White Queen has completely taken over the electrical security system inside the hospital and the underground research room. When Tribis and others leave, the wall will be lowered for them to let them through.

"Thank you, Pastor!" Tribis took the rifle, gratefully performed a church salute, and immediately ran out of the hospital with her daughter in her arms.

According to the White Queen's video surveillance, there were no living creatures alive in the outpatient building at this time, so Levi walked towards the inpatient building where the battle was still fierce.

"Boom!" Just when Levi had just reached the corner, there was an explosion and a blood-red figure flew dozens of meters out of the hospital building, hitting several big trees on the side. Break!

Levi looked around and saw that the blood-red figure flying out was the lizard-like aberration transformed by the 70-year-old man in the surveillance camera.

But the opponent looked quite miserable at this time. Most of his tough exoskeleton was broken into pieces, and his body was covered with countless dense wounds. His tail and two leg claws also disappeared. The broken parts were extremely smooth and flat, as if they had been cut by someone. A very sharp blade cuts directly.

"Pap! Pap!" There was a sound of footsteps from the cracked door, and then two figures, one tall and one short, came out of the dust in the sky.

"Huh?" Levi frowned slightly at the corner, because one of the two figures was a human wearing a set of rather sci-fi armor. This armor was more like a set of semi-covered exoskeleton armor, with arms Several large-caliber howitzers were mounted on the and shoulders.

But the other one is a strange-looking aberration, and one person and one monster are working together to deal with the old man!

According to the information provided by the White Queen just now, the elderly human who transformed into a lizard-like aberration, named Enriquez, is the 49th test subject of the CAL-17 project. He is also the only three remaining test subjects with the longest survival time. The longest one!

"Master, the human in technological armor is named Figueiredo. He is the direct person in charge of the FBI field team. He also has a very close connection with FBI Deputy Director Josep!" After the White Queen scanned it, she immediately got Information about Figueiredo.

"Huh? Is he Figueiredo?" After Levi killed the pig-headed puppet, Zeke called and told him that everything at the scene had been taken over by Figueiredo.

Moreover, Figueiredo and his immediate boss Josep are all members of Pelosi's line of personnel.

With Figueiredo's appearance, it was indeed verified that the relevant experimental research at St. Mary's Hospital was behind the intervention of the FBI. Even if the FBI is not the mastermind, it must play an escort role in the research!

The aberrant body standing next to Figueiredo was a tall, fiery woman wearing a sexy nurse outfit and holding a scalpel more than ten centimeters long. However, the eyes and nostrils on the other person's face were covered. It was dug out and sewn up with needles and threads, leaving only a mouth full of sharp teeth, which looked terrifying and ferocious!

"Huh? They are actually two level 2 aberrations." The radiation energy emitted by the two aberrations in front of him was at the level of level 2 life forms, which surprised Levi.

"Crash!" The lizard aberration that was smashed into the broken tree crawled out from inside. The wounds on its body cut by the scalpel healed rapidly, including the two broken limbs that disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wow! Such a powerful self-healing ability! Nurse No. 9, our experiment is considered a success, isn't it?" Figueiredo looked so excited when he saw Enriquez's self-healing ability that he looked at the nurse beside him. The body shouted.

"It can only be regarded as half of the success!" Nurse No. 9 said in a cold and hoarse voice, "I didn't expect that he could still retain his consciousness!"

"Damn it!" Encris' lizard claws hit the ground hard. Looking at the excited Figueiredo, sparks appeared in his mouth and nose because of his extreme anger. "Why do you FBI want to be on us?" , conduct this illegal and evil experiment!”

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