Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 280 Patriarch Competition and Casualties

As a strange object given by the Lord Zeus, the warehouse itself is the foundation of the Church of All Souls. It is normal to have some precautionary measures to deal with extreme situations!

"A-class warehouse?" After listening to Ms. Medina's words, Levi frowned slightly. There are only 5 warehouses left in total. Is it necessary to rank them?

"The levels between warehouses take into account the quantity and quality of the rare objects contained in the warehouse, the strength of the guardians, and most importantly, the outstanding members trained by the church where the warehouse is located!" Ms. Medina explained.

"And our warehouse No. 13, perhaps because it has the shortest development time, is basically ranked at the bottom, which is the E-class warehouse!"

Li Wei nodded when he heard this. He knew this. After the gods discovered that there was orichalcum on the earth, they included the earth that originally belonged to the dragon clan into the category of the gods.

At that time, it coincided with the war between gods and evil. The gods did not pay much attention to the earth. They only arranged for the heroic spirits to be responsible for the mining of orichalcum. No god even officially spread the faith on the earth!

Faith is very important to the gods, so in the pantheon, each god attaches great importance to preaching in order to gain faith, and the gods also pay great attention to regional divisions in preaching. Generally, all intelligent life on the entire planet has faith. with the same specific god.

Even the main god Zeus will not compete with the new level 6 gods for faith. This is a rule that all gods must abide by! Otherwise, there will be infighting within the pantheon due to competition for faith, which may even lead to the disintegration of the pantheon!

Therefore, a hodgepodge of beliefs like Earth’s is extremely rare!

Levi speculated that this may also be because the only feature on the earth is orichalcum, and this resource will one day be mined completely, so it is not worthy of the gods' attention.

It has a special status but low development potential. This is probably the tragedy of a resource-based planet!

"And every three to four hundred years, our five warehouses need to select their own qualified contenders for the Patriarch, and confirm the candidate for the next Patriarch through competition!" Ms. Medina said solemnly, " The requirements for the Patriarch’s contenders are few but as difficult as climbing to the sky. On the one hand, they must reach level 4 life form, and on the other hand, they must obtain the inheritance of heroic spirits!”

"Through time accumulation and even full support from the church, reaching level 4 life forms is often not a big problem! But with the inheritance of heroic spirits, this cannot be affected by external forces!"

"Especially compared to the other four planets, it is particularly difficult for humans on Earth to obtain the inheritance of heroic spirits! I don't know why!" Ms. Medina's eyes showed a trace of confusion, "Is it true that we humans on Earth are Not as good as other intelligent races created by gods?"

But when Levi heard this, his heart suddenly moved. He secretly thought that compared with the life races on other planets, the people on earth may really have major flaws, that is, the souls of people on earth are not perfect and complete!

Levi discovered through the leather book a long time ago that the soul strength of humans on earth is only about half of the normal standard! Li Wei guessed that the original position and purpose of human beings created by the gods was to be miners who collected orichalcum, as long as their life souls were strong enough!

Although people can continue to improve and even complete their soul strength as their life levels continue to improve, the stage where it is easiest to obtain the inheritance of heroic spirits happens to be when they are level 1 or 2 life forms, and humans on earth at that time definitely It’s not qualified!

Originally, it was impossible for Levi to obtain the inheritance of heroic spirits, but at that time, he not only had a variety of powerful talents, but the most important thing was that Levi had a magical leather book in his soul!

"Therefore, in these five thousand years, our earth has only cultivated two qualified contenders for the Patriarch. One of them is the Guardian of Warehouse No. 2, and the other one fell into the competition for the Patriarch. !" Ms. Medina sighed, feeling extremely regretful.

If a successor of the heroic spirit can appear in the church, even if the patriarch is not competed for, it can still bring huge benefits to the church. At least when he becomes the guardian of the warehouse, he can exert the power of the warehouse far beyond Medina, ordinary guardians!

The price required to borrow the power of the warehouse is much smaller than that of ordinary guardians. They can live at least three hundred more years, and can also protect the church for three hundred more years!

"What? Will there be casualties when competing for the Patriarch? It shouldn't be!"

"Yes! And in every competition, the one who ranks last will often fall!" Ms. Medina sighed.

Li Wei frowned. Those who can participate in the patriarchal competition are the top beings on each planet. They are also the pillars and hopes of the churches on each planet. Every casualty is a common loss for all churches!

Could it be said that someone had tampered with it? But now that the All Souls Church has lost the support of God, if there is still this level of internal friction, it will be over sooner or later!

"It's not what you think. Our remaining five warehouses have always upheld the attitude of helping each other and sharing weal and woe!" Seemingly seeing Li Wei's doubts, Ms. Medina shook her head, "This It’s because the Patriarch’s playing field and competition methods are determined by that A-level warehouse!”

"The A-class warehouse that provides the divine base?" Levi's doubts deepened, "Isn't the warehouse a strange object? How can it be so subjective?"

Not only Li Wei, the guardians of the five warehouses also had huge doubts about that warehouse, fearing whether the Class A warehouse had become intelligent or even distorted!

Later, the guardians gathered the power of four other warehouses and conducted a comprehensive scan and inspection of warehouse A, and no problems were found!

The guardian of Class B Warehouse even consumed the extremely precious divine power once given by a god to test the Class A Warehouse and the guardian. The divine power showed that there was no problem with both. Only then did everyone begin to accept Class A Warehouse. arrangement, and speculate on its intention to do so!

"In fact, our main point now is that the instructions issued by warehouse A are most likely reserved by the gods!" Ms. Medina explained, "After all, it is a test of the gods, and it is normal for dangers and opportunities to coexist! And Every competitor who survives will gain huge benefits from the competition, and some even directly comprehend the power of the soul that only demigods can transform!"

Even from the perspective of Ms. Medina, who is increasingly aware of the indifference of the gods, the mortality rate is only about 20%, which is enough to shout twice about the mercy of the gods!

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