Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 281 Alien Competition

"Ms. Medina, there are only four to five hundred years between each competition for the Patriarch. Could it be that the Patriarch who integrates the divine base through the warehouse has power comparable to that of a demigod, but as a price for gaining power, his lifespan is only So short?"

"Yes! After all, the warehouse is a gift from the Lord Zeus. This kind of divine object allows us level 4 life forms to borrow its power. Naturally, we need to pay some negligible price!" After listening to Levi's question, Medina The lady said without caring.

The theoretical lifespan of a Level 4 life form can already reach 1,200 years, and for the guardian trapped in a small warehouse, there is no difference between living for 1,000 years and living for 500 years.

Guardians who have experienced too many things are trapped on their own small planets. There are few things that can make them desire, and they have naturally given up on the length of their lifespan!

"Moreover, our Patriarch, Shillong, the guardian of Class A warehouse, is almost at the end of his life! But as of now, there are only Class D warehouses and our Class E warehouse, two thousand-year-old cranes. There are no qualified candidates yet, and the other top three warehouses are also complaining! ”

"Because only after all the candidates from the five warehouses are gathered, the warehouse will open the competition field, so the most perfect situation is naturally a seamless connection! All five warehouses have suitable candidates in advance, and then when the life of the Patriarch is about to end At that time, the A-level warehouse will start the competition field, and when the candidate for the next Patriarch is chosen, the divine base can be integrated immediately! "

"After all, the current situation of our church can even be considered to be on thin ice. There must be a demigod sitting in charge!" Ms. Medina shook her head, but the reality is that in the past five thousand years, the church has only had two patriarchs. One can imagine the pressure All Souls Church faces!

"Levi, your talent is so high that I have never seen it before!" Even Ms. Medina's powerful soul power cannot penetrate Levi's body to detect the energy intensity in his body, but Maddie Na could vaguely sense that the radiation energy in Levi's body was extremely huge, even approaching that of a fourth-level life form!

Moreover, when Levi came in just now, Ms. Medina used a strange object to explore Levi's situation, but the strange object actually sent an early warning to Ms. Medina, reminding her that Levi possessed something that was at least enough to harm her. strength!

This discovery naturally surprised and delighted her, and even a thought suddenly appeared in her mind that shocked her, "Could it be that the next patriarch will appear under my training!"

"Of course, if you are unwilling to run for the Patriarch, I will also respect your choice!" At the end of the conversation, Ms. Medina said seriously to Levi.

Although she has great confidence in Levi, she cannot underestimate the candidates trained by the other four warehouses. After all, the background of the other four warehouses is more or less better than hers, especially the other four warehouses. The warehouses all have thaumaturgy inherited from the gods!

Moreover, competing for the Patriarchate is an uncontrollable risk. No one knows what will happen on the field, and no one can be sure that they will be fine!

Therefore, faced with this kind of thing that carries a considerable risk of death, it is impossible for Medina to force Levi!

And to Medina, Levi is still a child in his thirties. The world of flowers and flowers is so beautiful. Is Levi really willing to give up the free world and choose to waste most of his life to shoulder heavy responsibilities?

Even though Li Wei had already nodded in agreement, Medina asked herself and felt that it was a bit too cruel to Li Wei!

It's a pity that Li Wei is too young. It is said that the candidate for the Patriarch of the A-level warehouse this time meets the requirements, but he is over 700 years old. It is said that he is a figure of the same era as the Patriarch!

Moreover, the candidates for the two BC warehouses are also older and even approaching the limit of their life span!

If you win, you can fuse the divine foundation and gain another five hundred years of life, and everyone will be happy; even if you lose, or even die, you won't feel a loss!

Here we can also see the background between the five warehouses. The strong ones are perfectly connected, and the backup team is full of talents;

"I will naturally not give up if I have this opportunity!" Faced with Ms. Medina's final inquiry, Levi shook his head without hesitation. Although there are still many secrets on the earth, sooner or later, Levi will feel constrained. Now It's not too late for Levi to be happy when he has the opportunity to be exposed to a wider world!

"Madam, can you tell me about the specific matters about the Patriarch Competition?" Levi asked Medina. Although the other party has not participated in the competition, the news about the competition in the church is shared by all the guardians. of.

"Okay!" Medina eliminated the distracting thoughts in her heart and said to Li Wei in a deep voice, "So far, it has only been conducted twice, but the competition process is very simple. It is the A-level warehouse that directly sends the five competitors to Survive on a dark, broken but terrifying planet!"

"Survival?" Levi raised his brows slightly. At first, he thought that the so-called competition was a competition between five people, and the strongest person would win, so he was surprised by the deaths.

However, Levi did not expect that the Patriarch's competition would actually involve him being transported to another alien planet to survive. And according to Ms. Medina, there seemed to be dangers on that planet that could kill a person who had inherited the heroic spirit. Something of a level 4 life form!

"Yes! Survive on that planet for about 30 days, and then the Class A warehouse will score the survivors based on their performance. The one with the highest score will be able to fuse with the God Base and become the next Patriarch!"

"It's just that everyone who participated in the election kept it secret about the situation on that planet and the specific scoring mechanism, as if the warehouse had issued a gag order on them!" Ms. Medina shook her head in confusion, "But everyone One thing everyone admits is that the planet is extremely dangerous and wild, and there seem to be many powerful aberrations and other intelligent races!"

"But opportunities are often accompanied by dangers. It is said that the radiation on that planet is extremely rich, and there are also a lot of strange objects. As long as you can come back alive, your strength will change qualitatively!"

"Huh?" Levi frowned. He was a little confused about the election mechanism in the warehouse, and at the same time he was a little more curious about the planet.

Since there are intelligent races on that planet, we may be able to learn a lot of news about the depths of the universe through them!

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