Melody Of A Massacre

Chapter 1 - 1: aftermath

one morning in Rosin city the news reporter is talking about the destruction at the city hall that happened ten years ago "even though it's been ten years the city of rosin is still affected from what happened at the city hall that day when a woman went on a rampage after the loss of her husband due to execution". The twins Yadara and Narimo Kusake were listening to the news while going to their class. Yadara started to get angered by what the news was saying "can you believe that! it's been ten years and there still going on about this crap!" Narimo was slightly frustrated by what the news was saying but she knew she had to reassure her brother some how "yeah well just ignore the news they just want to keep stories going to ruin peoples lives". As soon as the twins start walking down the hallway and before they get into their classroom the principle calls for both of the twins to come to his office "Yadara and Narimo Kusake to my office". Yadara still slightly frustrated by what the news said "I wonder what he wants it's not like were already being attacked for what mom done". Narimo knows Yadara is right but she has to reassure Yadara that they'll get over it some how "yeah well we have to get over will always hang over our heads". Yadara agrees but realizes they got off track and have to go to the principles office "yeah well let's go see what the principle wants". Narimo agrees and the twins start walking down the hallway to the principles office while being made fun of for being called to the principles office. "wow that's a first you two never get called to the office" replied one of the kids and another one of the kids replied with the statement "yeah maybe if their mom wasn't so dumb maybe they wouldn't have to deal with all of this". Yadara tries to ignore them but they start to make him even more frustrated about the situation "you two done yet...if so shut your mouth!". one of the bully's that was standing on the stairs replied to Yadara with "oh wow Yadara's actually standing up for himself". Yadara looks up the stairs while the bully is walking down the stairs then the bully walks behind Narimo and puts his hands on her shoulders and tells Yadara "oh wow Yadara you never told me how beautiful your sister was". Yadara gives the bully a death glare then asks "what do you want". The bully sarcastically replies with "oh me a favor...never". then the bully moves his hands from narimo's shoulders then slowly moves his hands down to Narimos hɨps. Yadara then started to get angered at the bully and ask "I'm not going to ask again what do you want with us". the bully looks at Narimo then looks at Yadara and replies with "I want you to give me your sister". Narimo gives Yadara a nervous look and tells Yadara "Y..adara p..please help me". Yadara see's that Narimo is scared for what was going to happen then the bully grabs Narimos hɨps tighter and tells yadara mockingly "yeah Yadara help your sister". Which angered Yadara even more than what the news reporter said and yadara gives the bully another death glare and says "get your hands off her". The bully looks at Yadara and mockingly says " who's gonna stop me". Yadara looks at Narimo and nods his head to tell her to move her head out of the way. The bully mocks Yadara with "well I'm waiting" while the bully was still talking Yadara plants his fist in the bully's face knocking him to the ground. Yadara then replied to what the bully had said with "I think I stopped you didn't I ?" then kicked the bully in the stomach making the bully beg for Yadara to stop. "s..stop" Yadara then laughed and asked the bully "who's gonna stop me ?". The bully then tries to make a come back while trying to recover from the kick Yadara planted in his stomach. "d..don't worry [cough] I..I have multiple people who can stop trash like you [cough]". Yadara laughs then looks around and asks the bully "tell me were they are now" the bully tries to make an excuse for why there is no one else around "y..yeah so what I came alone this time [cough]". Yadara then laughs at the terrible excuse the bully gives him and tells the bully "no it looks like you don't want to admit that they wouldn't help you out". Yadara then looks around then looks the bully in the eye the bully now nervous asks "w..what are you going to do ?". Yadara then looks at his backpack then looks back at the bully. The bully then tells Yadara " you cant do something like this" Yadara then grabs his backpack and slings it hitting the bully in the face knocking him out. Yadara then looks at Narimo and asks "are you ok ?" Narimo still nervous from what happened but is trying her best not to show it "y..yeah I'm ok but we should get going to the principle's office". Yadara agrees then the twins start walking down the hallway to the principle's office. The twins then enter the principle's office together and ask "yes sir you needed us for something ?" the principle then turns around in his chair and tells Yadara and Narimo "yes I needed to speak with you two". Yadara and Narimo now more nervous then before ask the principle "did we do anything wrong sir ?" Narimo even more nervous than Yadara tells the principle "I..if we did we didn't mean to do it won't happen again". The principle looks at narimo and tells her "oh I know it wont happen again" Yadara and Narimo both nervous ask the principle "w..what do you mean sir". The principle looks at Yadara and Narimo and gives a sarcastic response "well if you can't tell the city is still being fixed from what your mother has done so the student council decided to kick the two of you out since your kin to her". Yadara in shock looks at the principle and asks "w..wait you're not serious are you ? ..were your top students in the whole school". the principle agrees with what Yadara is saying but he has to go by the rules and responds to Yadaras statement "yes but the school council has made there decision". Narimo trying to find a way to keep both her and Yadara in school asks the principle "w..wait that was ten years ago and the student council is now deciding ?". The principle gives a sigh and response to Narimos question "sadly yes but we wanted to observe both of your behaviors before we made a decision". Yadara and Narimo both look at each other and head for the office door to be stopped by the principle wanting to tell them "but wait I need to tell you two something". Yadara and Narimo turn around and respond "yes sir?" the principle looks at both Yadara and Narimo and tells them "I hope you two become better than what your family became". Yadara and Narimo give the principle a look and walk out of the office while walking down the hallway Yadara gets frustrated about the situation there in "I..I can't believe this". Narimo agrees but for a whole other reason "I know now we can't go to school" Yadara looks at Narimo confused and responds "no not that ..there basically forcing us out because of what mom done". Narimo tries to find a way to comfort Yadara but has to ask "I know but aren't you worried about school?" Yadara gives Narimo a surprised look and gives a smirk "what ? no I could care less about school". Narimo surprised looks at Yadara and asks "wait then what made you want to become top student ?" Yadara trying to hold back his emotions responds "mom...but forget that now she got us kicked out of school". Narimo realizes that school was Yadaras way of proving to their mother that he was good for something after all. Yadara and Narimo walk down the hallway leaving school. Yadara realizes that they don't have school anymore so he tells Narimo "wait I have to do something really quick" Narimo asks "what is it ?" while Yadara kicks over one of the school trash cans. Narimo gives Yadara a look and asks "really ?" Yadara looks at Narimo and responds with a smile "yeah if there gonna force us out they can deal with a little mess". Narimo looks at Yadara and sighs "ok then" Yadara and Narimo laugh while walking out of the school gates.

chapter 2 may 21st

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