Melody Of A Massacre

Chapter 2 - 2: cruelty of a world

Yadara and Narimo getting ready to visit their mother at the prison "honestly I'm glad to see mom and tell her what happened". Narimo looks at Yadara confused but knows what he's talking about "what do you mean?" Yadara looks at Narimo and laughs but can tell she wants to forget about it "don't you remember when I protected you from that guy?". Narimo remembers what happened but is trying to forget about it "o..oh yeah I remember.. Also Yadara" Yadara looks at Narimo and can tell something is on her mind "yeah?". Narimo thanks Yadara for protecting her and admits it was scary Yadara realizes that she feels guilty for putting her problems on him "it's ok that's what a brother is meant to do is to protect his sister". Narimo looks at Yadara surprised "maybe one day ill be able to protect you" Yadara smiles at Narimo but can tell she's serious about it "yeah maybe...if not I'll protect you for as long as you need me too". Narimo looks at Yadara surprised and can tell he's serious so she thanks him for protecting her all these times and that he's a great brother. Yadara notices that they're late for their train "oh crap were late.. come on Narimo we'll be late for the train" Narimo looks at the clock but is surprised time went by that fast "wait really.. I didn't think it was already time to go". Yadara and Narimo both grab their things and head for the train station "come on Narimo you walk too slow" Narimo looks at Yadara and decides to tease him "come on you know I'm faster than you.. I'm just tired". Yadara laughs "ok whatever you say" Yadara and Narimo both start laughing but then Narimo starts to think about how their mom will react to them getting kicked out of school "hey Yadara do you think mom will get mad at us for getting kicked out of school". Yadara looks at Narimo and can tell she's worried about how their mom will react to them getting kicked out of school "no.. hopefully she'll understand that her actions were the reason we were kicked out" Narimo agrees with Yadara but knows that their mom will end up saying something about it. "yeah but you know how she was.. she always wanted us to do our best" Yadara deep down is worried about what their mom will say about them getting kicked out of school but he has to act strong for Narimo "I know but she has to realize that it was her actions that got us kicked out". Narimo agrees with Yadara but tries to change the mood "yeah well besides all that I'm just excited to see her again" Yadara agrees with Narimo and they arrive at the train station. Yadara starts to get worried about their mom "I wonder how moms doing" Narimo looks at yadara and can tell he's worried about their mom so she tries to cheer him up "she's probably doing fine.. you just have to not worry about it as much as you do". Yadara agrees with Narimo but tries to explain it to her "yeah I try but every time I try not to worry about it I end up worrying about it more" Narimo can tell Yadara is holding back his feelings so she decides to hug him "everything is going to be ok I know you try to put on this tough act for me but you don't have to.. I'm here for you whenever you need me". Yadara realizes what Narimo is saying is true and begins to cry so Narimo tries to comfort him the best she can "it's ok I miss her too" Yadara notices that Narimo feels the same way as him about their mom "I just want mom to come back to us" Narimo agrees and tries to comfort Yadara more "I'm sure she's fine" Yadara agrees and the train arrives. Yadara and Narimo get on the train and head for the prison Yadara looks out the train window and realizes that it been a while since they've been on a train and asks Narimo "hey do you still remember that day?". Narimo looks at Yadara confused "what do you mean?" Yadara tries to get Narimo to remember the day that their mom took them on a family outing and Narimo starts to remember it "oh yeah I remember when mom got me that flower hat". Yadara remembers the flower hat and begins to laugh "oh yeah I remember that flower hat" Narimo starts to remember when Yadara would tease her for wearing the flower hat "yeah I remember when you told me I looked stupid wearing it" Yadara and Narimo both begin to laugh. Narimo mentions something Yadara would do as a kid "yeah I still remember when you would always wear that tie and say your going to be a businessman just like dad". Yadara remembers those moments and a random stranger sits down beside Narimo "hey cutie" Narimo tries to ignore the stranger but he gets closer to her "hey you know it's disrespectful to ignore someone.. right?". Yadara try's to hold back his anger while seeing what the stranger is doing to Narimo then the stranger asks "hey how much would it have to be for you to show me around town.. I'm not from here". Yadara realizes what the stranger is asking "hey she's not interested" the stranger looks over at Yadara and gives him a smirk "how do you know are you her boyfriend or something" Yadara gives the stranger a smirk and corrects his ȧssumption "no I'm her brother and if you put a hand on her I'll gladly show you who I am ". The stranger laughs and asks Yadara while grabbing Narimos thɨġh "oh.. like this" Yadara trying his best to hold his anger in tells the stranger "you got till the count of three to let her go" the stranger gives Yadara a smirk and grabs Narimos thɨġh tighter but Yadara finally has enough "actually I was gonna give you till the count of three.. but actually never mind". Yadara punches the stranger in the face knocking him out of his seat and the stranger looks at Yadara and asks "is that all you got" Yadara grins at the stranger knowing he doesn't have to hold back this time "oh I'm sorry.. you wanted more?" Yadara kicks the stranger in the face knocking him out. Yadara looks at the stranger unconscious and shrugs his shoulder "you wanted more and you got it" Yadara looks at Narimo and asks "are you ok?" Narimo notices Yadara is still mad from what the stranger had done to her "yeah I'm fine.. also thanks for helping me out there" Yadara notices Narimo is holding how she feels about the situation in and decides to pretend to not notice it "no problem". The trains stops at the platform and Yadara and Narimo head for the prison while walking Yadara is still concerned about the situation him and Narimo were just in "I don't know why guys are so creepy now.. its like they don't have a job or something to do" Narimo agrees with what Yadara is saying "yeah but its fine since I have you to protect me". Yadara looks at Narimo surprised by what she is saying "its not fine no man deserves to just grab up on girls like that" Narimo realizes he's serious about what he means "I know but its ok". Yadara looks at Narimo surprised and snaps "it's not ok.. you've been grabbed like twice now.. like what if I wasn't there to protect you that time" Narimo realizes Yadara takes protecting her seriously "I didn't think you cared about me that much.. you really take this protecting thing seriously". Yadara starts to worry more and hugs Narimo "of course I do your my sister" Narimo notices yadara is really worried about her and tries to cheer him up "well I'm glad to have you as a brother" Yadara and Narimo stop hugging and keep walking to the prison. Narimo starts to wonder how they'll get into the prison "how do we get into the prison again?" Yadara notices heavily armed police officers surrounding the prison "we go to the entrance and say were here to visit and they'll let us in" Yadara starts to question if something might have happened "huh I wonder why the prison is so heavily guarded today" Narimo starts to wonder too "I don't know maybe they're trying to find someone". Yadara and Narimo walk up to the entrance of the prison and a police officer asks them "what can I help you with?" Yadara notices how intimating they look when heavily armed "we're here to visit mazato kusake" the police officer sighs and looks at Yadara and Narimo "we can't let you in right now because she has done several escape attempts". Narimo starts to question why their mom would try to escape out of prison and the police officer asks them "hey are you her children?" Yadara looks concerned at the police officer thinking they're going to put them in prison and asks "yes.. why?". The police officer realizes that its her children so he tells them how she acts in prison "she keeps saying things about you two and she would panic like she's hiding something" Yadara and Narimo start to wonder what she could be hiding and ask the police officer if he can tell them what she's been saying about them the police officer sighs "I can't I'm sorry". Then the police officers radio goes off "701-d has been caught" then the police officer try's to rush Yadara and Narimo home "I best advise you two to leave.. we'll send you a letter next time you're able to visit" Yadara and Narimo thank the police officer and head back to the train station. Narimo still surprised that their mom would try to break out of prison looks at Yadara and can tell he's taken it personal but has to ask him "hey Yadara.. this time when we get on the train can you sit down beside me?" Yadara agrees and Narimo starts to notice that Yadara has started to zone out a lot since they left the prison. "hey are you ok?.. you seem to be zoning out a lot" Yadara snaps out of it "huh.. yeah I'm fine don't worry about it" Narimo looks at Yadara worried that maybe he's not ok "are you sure?.. you don't always have to play this tough guy act you do know that right?". Yadara realizes what Narimos saying is the truth and starts to cry "yeah.. like I said I'm fine don't worry about it" Yadara and Narimo arrive at the train station and while waiting for the train Narimo wonders when the train will come. Yadara looks at the ground wondering what could have went wrong for his and Narimo life to be so messed up and Narimo looks at yadara concerned wondering if he's going to be ok or not "are you sure you're ok?" Yadara still tearing up "yeah.. I'm fine". Narimo looks at yadara and can tell something is wrong so she decides to tell him how she feels about the situation "no Yadara you're not fine you're always trying to play this tough guy act.. like right now you've at least zoned out like ten times since we got here.. honestly I'm not even sure if you've even heard a word I've said to you I'm truly concerned about you like ever since mom got put in prison you've been playing this tough guy act and when you go in your room your always crying". Yadara looks at narimo shocked from what she's saying "wait.. how do you know I cry in my room?" Narimo gets mad because she thinks that all Yadara had heard was her mentioning that Yadara cries in his room "really?.. you cry so loud I can hear it in my room.. you do realize that our rooms are right next to each other or are you so depressed that you don't even realize". Yadara looks at Narimo surprised because he didn't think she cared about him that much to tell him how she feels about him being depressed and the train arrives at the platform "come on Yadara when we get home we'll talk this out" Yadara and Narimo get on the train and head home. Yadara looks out the train window wondering why Narimo said the things she did "I didn't expect you to say anything like that.. like your always so quiet" Narimo looks at Yadara seriously "because I want the old you back so if it takes me telling you how I feel ill do it". Yadara starts to wonder why Narimo always wastes her time with his problems instead about worrying about herself "why do you waste your time just to take care of my problems?" Narimo looks at Yadara seriously and tells him the truth "because I made a promise to mom that I would make sure you were ok because she had a feeling that you would get depressed after she was put in prison". So Yadara ȧssumes that the only reason Narimo cares about him so much is because of a promise she had made to their mom "no Yadara your not getting the point.. mom really cared about you". Yadara try's to hold all of his feeling in while he asks Narimo why their mom would talk down on him so much Narimo looks at Yadara surprised because she had no idea that their mom would do that kind of thing "I..I don't know". Yadara laughs at the fact that Narimo was so blinded from their moms kindness that she didn't ever think that their mom would ever do anything wrong "exactly she didn't care about me it's why she said all of those things and its also why she said I was a good for nothing before we went to school.. its why I tried my hardest to get to the top so I could prove her wrong". Narimo realizes Yadaras pain and tries to comfort him "well we had top of the class" Yadara agrees but he wanted to show it off to their mom and Narimo reminds Yadara that it wasnt their fault for getting kicked out of school. Yadara realizes that he needs to stop worrying about what their mom thinks and Narimo agrees with him on his decision to not worry about how their mom thinks of him. The train stops at the platform and Yadara and Narimo head home while walking home Narimo wonders if they have gotten any mail Yadara laughs telling Narimo she acts like an old person. Then Narimo asks yadara if he ever missed the places they would go with their mom when they were little "yeah I miss going to those places.. but every time I think about going I just wish mom was with us so we can experience it together as a family again". while they're walking Narimo notices a folder on their door step so they go to the entrance of their house to see what it is and Narimo notices it has confidential written on it so Narimo starts to wonder why someone would leave a confidential document on their door step. So Yadara and Narimo go inside to see what the folder has in it once they open the folder they realize that its a bunch of their moms charges from attempting to escape the prison so Yadara and Narimo start to wonder why the folder was still heavy from taking out the charges and they begin to realizes there's more pages in the folder but its not about their mom its about them. Then they begin to notice that its a bunch of hospital test about them but Yadara and Narimo haven't been to the hospital lately so they start to wonder how they got samples to even take the tests. Then Narimo notices a note that says "do not reveal this to your children" so Yadara and Narimo begin to wonder what their mom could have been hiding from them so Narimo begins to read the tests and gets shocked from what it says. "hey Yadara.. you know that thing mom did that we couldn't believe she was able to do" so yadara asks if it was the thing she done at the city hall and Narimo agrees and says that they have the same thing she does. Then Yadara and Narimo hear a knock on the door so Narimo goes to answer it "hello?".

chapter 3 June 25th

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