
Chapter 1003

The sky was painted in gray all over, and the weather was as bad as rain.

“You go.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who is going to attend the Central Management Organization on this day, smiled as he watched the seraf from the entrance.

“I have to talk to Lee Hyo – ree. He asked me to come early today. ”
“In the early hours … . Is the situation not good? ”
“The thought of the golden lion and Korye … . Well, it’s much better than the first. I can not seem to get tired of it forever. ”

The depth (愁 心) was a strong voice.
Kim Soo-hyun laughed without realizing whether he was willing to worry.

It is a scene that a person who does not know the situation thinks that it is a lovely wife who cares about the husband who is suffering from work.
But in reality, it was not necessarily the case.

A couple of days ago, the two men on the rooftop designation of the first snow, and then go on to explore the day and night fell in love.
Seraf also was not much of a specification.
It was like being compensated for the time I had been watching for fifteen years.
Also, unlike the classical appearance, there is also a temperamental temperament that frees a man in bed, so it is common for Kim Soo-hyun to get out of his mind.
Thanks to you, I could not get out of the angelic innermost part of the angel at dawn today, so I could not keep my eye on him.

“Did not you have a meal?”
Yes. it is.
“The day is cold. It warms me up with warm food. I feel comfortable in my mind. ”
Ah… What is your name?

A voice that dissolves the lingerie.
And who is able to refuse to pull his arm around his left arm?

After a while, the two men and women stuck together and disappeared into the restaurant.
Soon after he heard the sound of the door being closed, Yoo Jeong, who had watched the hilarious appearance, opened the door.

“I really only eat rice, but one spare battery.”
“Do not tell me. I’m going to have a meal when my brother eats Seraf. ”

Kim Han-hee, whose eyes were swarming, received a speech.
The two of them alternately hearing and listening to the restaurant.

Soo-hyun What would you like to eat?
– Delicious. – Delicious … ?
– I wish my body would get warm.

Soo-jung raised his hand and stretched out his hand.
Kim Han – suk turned his appetite and poked his pocket.

– There’s no one anyway … . Seraph. Suddenly on the table is why … . Why are you lying down? Is it a table?
– so why… .
– Suhyun wants to have a delicious one … .
What is it?
– Did not you tell me in the bathroom yesterday? My body is so delicious … . So

Yi Jung-jung’s eyebrows were pulled all the way.
As soon as he heard a groaning moan, Kim Han-hee, who had been listening to his chin with his left hand, fancied himself as if he knew it.
Of course, I did not forget to give out my hand.

“Mr. Ai!”

Soo-jung nervously threw a reserve battery, but Kim picked it up nicely and bowed his head graciously.

“Thank you for your time. YOU
“Child … . Hey, can you give it back? I do not have a few. Yes. it is.
No. I have only two hundred now. ”
“A lot!”
“It’s impossible here. And it’s a sister’s fault that Seraf had not been aware of that since he had been so far away. ”
“Oh really too!”

Although he cried out, he did not mind.
I do not think I’m mad at you.
It was a testimony that he was staring at the restaurant with his red eyes.

“Looks crazy. No matter how old you are, how much sex do you have? If you have very eyes, you have sex! ”
“Iknow, right. Seraf does not seem to know that he is fit. ”

Han So – young agreed with the ship.
But suddenly, I began to look around as if I was like that, because there was a glance at me from everywhere.
Even the reason for the reason was stark.
Han So – young had a headache.

What in the world……
“I think I’ve already forgotten what he did in the modern world. There is no conscience. ”
“At that time my brother was sorry. I got stuck in a hospital and gotten a whole lot of protein … ”

Numerous criticisms were flooded.
Han Sang-young, who had been guilty of the crime, had no words to say, and the surrounding area was noisy in a moment.
The anger toward Kim Soo-hyun was turned to Han So-young.

“?”At that time, he smiled at the eyes of Jeong Hae-yeon, who laughed and covered his mouth.

It is quiet enough that one of them is strangely ridiculous.
He was sitting on a rocking chair and gazing at the outside as if it were raining.
The smashed expressionlessness is a feeling of being alone.
If it was usual, I would have led the conversation.
Is it a thought?

At the moment of thinking, the arm of the performance played.
I took my elongated hand holding it in my mouth.

“Play Mr.!”

When Jung Hae-yon screamed hurriedly, he was surprised and stopped acting.
I blinked my eyes for a long time and watched the electronic cigarette in my hand.

Ah… Sorry. I did not know.”

The air that was messing up quickly became heavy.
I was surprised to say sorry.
Of course you can make mistakes, but your opponent is a shadow queen.
I do not make a situation to apologize at first because I am a character of performance.

“Do not worry. Since then, I just put a lot of nicotine, liquid. ”

The performer shook the electronic cigarette as if it were trying to evoke the atmosphere.
Jung Hae-yeon was carelessly speaking.

“It ‘s just not good for you. Especially during pregnancy … ”
“Well, that ‘s the way it is. Anyway, keep it secret. ”

The cigarette was broken by breaking the electronic cigarette.
She woke up from the chair and smiled, knocking her back on the waist.

“Then I’ll get up first. I do not feel good. ”

* The day when it was cloudy all day, it was not until evening that it began to drip raindrops.

Jeong Hae Yeon, who had a leisurely morning afternoon as usual, was just out of the lab.
But the pace that went to the room did not make sense and stopped at the stairs.
The gaze around the first floor lounge still found a performance that looked out the window.
Jung Hae-yeon, who was staring at the punch, came back with a cup of Kim in the dining room.

What are you doing?

I sneak up and drink a cup of tea, but did I already know?
He shrugged his shoulders with his naked eyes.
I was feeling annoyed, but I got a car.
Jung Hae-yeon, who confirmed that he was turning on the sip, slowly took the next place.

“Have you been doing this all morning?”
“…….””You do not like it. Did you get better? ”
“…….”No answer, no response.
But I kept talking in a bright voice.

“It seems that Yu-jung’s gotten very different from the one-on-one bet. It’s because of my brother, and when I went back to five years ago, I would not have met my brother. ”

This time it worked.
It is because the performance of the high performance which laughs at all times has been laughing at all times.
The eyes did not move, though.

“I will meet, I will not meet. We have a bit of an opinion, but what about Mr. Kong? ”
you speak Korean well
Well… I do not want to meet much. ”

At last, Koji played the mouth but it was quite unexpected.
I did not know what to say.

“Umm . . . Why

In a careful question, Goo played late one time.

“…I’m scared. ”

It was a saying that doubts your ears.

Shoot -.

As the unstoppable stills descended, the rain that hit the earth slowly began to become rough.
I have a cold face, but the expression is still hard to read.

I do not want to meet.
I’m scared.

It was surprising if you were surprised.
The former does not mean much, but the latter does not understand.
I do not think the user who has been playing and playing has fallen into manners.
It is more convincing to explain that the hormone secreted during pregnancy has caused the emotional ups and downs.

Jung Hae Yeon, who arranged his thoughts, opened his mouth.

“Did you happen to have something? Tell me. If you leave it, it’ll be easier to cheat. ”

He denied the performance as if it were no good.

“Just sometimes, sometimes very awkward.”
“Are you awkward?”
“Just, everything that surrounds me. So I lay in the clan, the kid hunger, I live as a man’s wife, and … ”
and also

As the words of the weekly festivals suddenly clouded, Jeong Hae-yeon did not miss him.

“That person has changed that much.”

There was a slight gap between the voices.

That person
It is not hard to know who you are referring to. Has it been sentimental since it’s raining? Jeong, who was trying to laugh, corrected his thoughts and corrected his words.

“I understand. You never imagined it before? ”
“No, not that much. Maybe she does not know. ”

His voice suddenly became sharp.
The throat burns, and the performance rushes in the car.

“I know myself, Kim Suhyeon, who is not known to anyone else. Because we have shared so many secrets over the past five years. ”

I was never proud of it, nor was it a fascination.

“I mean. I’ve seen it once. ”

Rather, it was a voice that was wet with slight emotion and a slight trembling.

“Sometimes when that memory comes up … . I am very unfamiliar with the present. I can not stand it. ”

The performance that I said so far closed my mouth.
Jung Hoon – yeon remained silent rather than speak.

It was a long time since the speech was reopened.

“You know what? The rain on the hall plane does not come down often. ”

It was a nonsense word, but clever Jung Hae-yeon immediately noticed the intention of the opponent.

“It must have been rainy that day.”

Kohaku nodded his head.
And he said with a lowered voice.

“Do you remember that event? Ahn Hyun was an accused. ”
“If the prefecture is an accident … ”

It was not one or two, but there was something that came to mind.

“The dragon sleeps in the mountains?”
No. Not that. ”
“The dragon was asleep before the mountains. There was one. ”

Was there before?
Jung Hae-yeon, who had been murmuring at his own private conversation, suddenly flickered.

Ahh! If that is … ”

Time flies, the story goes back four years ago.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I actually tried to write it down during the main part of the series, but this is the serial.
As I mentioned earlier, the omnibus gok-play story is going to be in a different atmosphere and 180 different atmosphere.
Depending on the content, some readers may be frowned or uncomfortable.
I would like to ask you for your understanding, Queen Of Silhouette. _ (__) _ PS. The ticket is still being sent. 🙂

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