
Chapter 1004

A small town in the southern part of the North Continent, the Koran.
Representative Clan, who administers the Koran, the Southern Freedom Union.

An organization made up of two or more clans joined together is called a coalition.
And the Southern Freedom Union is a gigantic alliance formed by eight clans.

The martial arts that are dedicated to the battle are the South, the Serengeti, and the Artemis.
Association of Merchants managing the top, Hundred Flowers.
The secretary of the intelligence, the moss.

Force, money, information.
The influence of the coalition, which was born out of harmony with the three peoples, is enormous even if it is indeed powerless.
It is not an exaggeration to say that even if the power grows day by day and it is difficult to afford it as a small city. But what is going on today? The headquarters of the United Headquarters is surrounded by a majestic appearance and an unexpected tension.


After the rain -.

In a conference room with a large round table, a man in the foreground spit the smoke long.
It is funny to pick a stone at the round table that symbolizes equivalence, but in any case it is a set of eight clans, so there is a strict sequence.
And now the united sequence is sitting on the northern seat and the secret class owner, Park Tae Jin.

“There are thirty people who are prepared by us. There are eighty people who picked up and picked up on the streets of the night. …But failed? ”

It’s so cool.
Park Tae – jin who waved the tobacco sticking to the index finger and stopping pounded and killed him.

“It was also the target, the brain was not attacked and was destroyed. The supreme alliance of the United Nations was murdered, and only one man survived the nightlife. Is this the result? ”
“So I told you not to! What is this Lost a lot of power, disgrace is ashamed! ”

A woman who sat on the second left in the north was strongly dissatisfied.
It is a rare class user and Artemis Klan Rod Woo Sul-hee.
It was natural to complain about the fact that we were putting the greatest number of people into this raid incident, and also because we failed so badly.

But then, Park Tae-jin did not stop chuckling.

“Well, is not there anything to be disgraced? Do you think you’ve done everything to prepare your tail? ”
“do not be angry. I just … ”
“Are you laughing at this situation?”

The harsh voice separated between Park Tae – jin and Woo Sul – hee.
Park Tae – jin, holding his hand, glanced up.
On the other hand, a man is facing the beginning of the year.
The laughter sank at once.

What? Shinhyeok. ”

Shin Hyeok.
A member of the Kalan clan, who has a similar size to the number of the koran, and the union sequence is the above user.
It is a competitor of Park Tae-jin.

Of the two men who had been facing each other for a while, Shin-hyeok pulled up his mouth.

“No, I’m laughing.”

She pulls out the tobacco in her mouth and begins to wiggle deliberately like she did before.

“Who … . Did you? Anyway, it’s just as funny as the case you had confessed to Monica’s flower. ”

It was a nonsense, a laughing laugh.
Park ‘s eyes were cold.

“Come on, now. Why? There is no problem. Let’s fall into Samcheonpo moderately. ”

As the tension soared through the ceiling, a middle – aged man quickly intervened.
Merchant union combination.
It was the big-money holding the money flowing in the Koran in one hand and it was the confidence that formed the coalition.

As Park Tae-jin and Shin-hye became silent, he sighed a long sigh and stroked a gentle beard.

“The situation is grim … . It was wiped out in two days when the secret unit we secretly sent started. Listening to a man who barely came back to life, Hamil Clan said he would not know that he had been attacked. ”
“I heard that. So who knows our plan, and you’ve ruined it before? ”

Woo Sul-hee nervously received.
I have tried to sharpen Park Tae – jin ‘

“I do not know. There is a traitor who prayed for failure inside. ”
“Two years? You’re a lousy bitch! ”


The round table shook with a strong shock.
Sitting on the other side, Serengeti Road Mt. Paektu stood up with eyes open.

“What?” Year Woman Did you say that? ”

Woo Sul-hee did not stay still.
I pull the dagger of the waist dance and catch the posture.
Seo Ji – hyeun pressed his forehead and shook his head.

“The killer said he used a shadow.”

As soon as it came out, the intestines became silent in a moment.
Park Tae-jin heads toward Mt. Paektu and Shinhyeok beckons toward Woo Sul-hee.
Both men and women watched each other and sat carefully in their seats.

Among the awkward silence, Park Tae-jin was the one who spoke at first.

“There is nothing more to see in the shadow. She is a shadow queen and she plays only her. ”
“I think so.”
“But why the shadow queen? Is not she a Mercenary clan? The reason we are hostile to us is … ”
“I did not know that the goal, Hamilton Road, was a friend of Mercenary Road.”

Park Tae-jin passed away without knowing himself.
It was because they did not know the relationship between the two.
Also, if it is simultaneous position, it is seldom that one brother is summoned to the hall plane differently each time.

“Anyway, it’s the same thing you did in Meconery.”

Woo Sul-hee, who was listening quietly, grumbled.

“It’s so blurred. As a result, the two clans are now alliances. ”

Seo Ji-hwan speaks clearly, and Woo Sul-hee is distorted as if there is no word to say.
It was funny to ask for justification because I did things that were not clear in the first place.

I went back to the place as if I had been resigned.

“Actually, I think it’s better to fold this thing around here.”
“The … . still?”
“I can not help it. It has already failed. It’s not a formal protest … . Also, I think the shadow queen warned me. ”

Park Jae – hwan nodded his head at the door of Park Tae – jin.

“look. You’ve only come back from one of those many guys. And I did not hide shadow usage either. Why? ”

Park touched this.
No, not only that.
There are not enough people here to say that much, but I do not know.

How much time has passed?

“Yes. I think it’s a good idea to think about Halo-related issues in a different direction. ”

Park Tae-jin gently agreed.
It was said to turn round, but in fact to turn it into blank.
On the other hand, it was a word that made me wonder why I planned the attack.
Because Hamil will be the strongest competitive clie in the next Halo selection, with the East fully supported.

Seo Ji-hwan tapped the fat belly with his big silken face.

Really? I thought well. The shadow queen is over the front … ”

It was then.

“awhile. Do you sleep like this? Dress

Seven pairs of eyes were pointed at the same time.

“…Any opinions? ”

When Park Tae – jin asked, Shin – hyeok made a fuss.

“Are you kidding me? Let’s leave the marmory as usual. Of course you have to revenge, right? ”

Then he puts his toe in his mouth and puts himself in his chair.

Wow… Why? What are you afraid of? How long has Mercenary Clan been created? Have you been a little over a year to get sick? ”
“…….””We are nine years this year. It’s ten years since the nesting in the Koran. But what about the union with this much history, just because I’m afraid of a newborn clan? ”
“…….”The pride of the union was a haughty voice.
But Park Tae Jin did not deny whether he had a similar idea.

“Then you tell me. I want to do it. ”
“The shadow queen, who has nothing to do with us, moved because she was ordered by Mercenary Rod, her younger brother?”
Learn So
“Need to say more. He personally blew the bread, and we have to pay him back. ”

Is not Shinhek? I looked around the round table to ask for my consent.

Hum… Well come. Brother Ryu. I do not need to work on the mansion clan … ”
Jeni Doosan. If you look at it, it’s a competitive clan. I have played a lot in the war. Is the representative clandestine coming out without sound? Would not it be better to touch a minority now before the time has passed? Rather, it can be easier than Hamil. ”

That is to say, turning the goal first and then bringing up the Mercenary clan.
It was not a very wrong statement, and Mt.

“I understand, but the shadow queen is holding on. In addition, our power to fail this day … ”
“That’s true. The Shadow Queen, The Shadow Queen! What’s so scary … . Anyway, I can solve the problem. ”

Seo Ji-hwan tried to cheer me up but Shinhyeok sniffed and pulled something out of his arms.
The hand in his hand was a fancy crystal ball.

“What is this?”

I shake it playfully and put it down on a table to see it all.
And he said.

“Communication beads. To be more precise, it is linked to the god of death. ”

As soon as the word “SALMON” came out, the intestines began to falter.
It is natural that there is a relationship between the main activity stage and the stage of the inquiry.
But it is absolutely amazing that you have a bead that you can communicate with right away.
Even so, Park Tae-jin, who was in a hurry, could not hide the surprised light.

Shinhyeon, enjoying his gaze from everywhere, spoke with a confident voice.

“Not to mention our ability, we do not have to worry about power? Well, I might get some money, but … ”

The atmosphere quickly became heavy.
Nobody opens their mouth openly.
Because Shinhyeok ‘s claim was really plausible.

The gates.
The North Continent is the best, the strongest, the worst watering clan.
The cruelty and the brutality are so fearsome that there is no doubt.

If you ask Shinhyeok for outsiders, you do not have to worry about power loss.
Speaking of skill, it hurts.
Now, are not they the same group that raised the Queen of the Shadows, who separated from each other?
Also, during the times of one-time (Kim Soo-hyun only knows), did Murder Brigade, the best elite of the bum, escape from the murder?

Well Do you think it will move? I’ve contacted three or four times, but the money does not move with money. ”

I was tongue-tied as if Ji-ji-hwan did not want to be young.
However, Shinhyuk shook the index finger from side to side.

“I will move. They have fun and grudge. ”
“I know you two split. But it’s been a few years already. ”
“There is another.”
What is it? “Yes?”
Ah… It is hard to say that this happened to me by chance. I thought the parties would hate it. Anyway, how about you? ”

The time of distress was not long.
Seo Ji-hwan suddenly pulled the punch at the round table.

Agreed. If the gates move, I’ll try it once. ”

Finally, the permission of the elder fell.
What’s left is … .

What about you?”

Shinhyeok ‘s splendid eyes turned to the front.
Park Tae-jin, who had been pondering the thought, listened to his eyes.

Soon he pinched his chin and nodded his head.

“Nothing can be done.”

Binggrae smile was built.

“Let’s try.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== What happened to the Koran and Koran Union since then … . ^^; PS. Memorials Visual Nobel Hidden Stories I have some comments about the opening of the story, I’ll let you know by borrowing the latter. Then we go!

Seraph Choice Middle – No. 2: Well … .
Ansol Choice Medium – No. 2: Chocolate bars are not given.
Yu Jeong-min, Seung Yu-chul Choe – 1st: Give it to Seonyu Yun.

If you choose to do this, you will meet the conditions and open the hidden story.
Hidden story is fun too!

seta1ef / ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ I laughed at the report. Hyun is also … ㅋ ㅋㅋ creacture / It is really good. I am an engineer major, too. (?) Chatien / dragon is much less than a sleeping mountain!
Velos / Because the performance is also like Kim Soo-hyun, I regained my feelings as human. 🙂 kurosx13 / I am actually worried. This story is so cruel and offensive. ㅜ. ㅠ 카 카 카 카 카!!.
Thank you, Sachien, Sogong Dong Count / Coupon. I will work harder in February. darktree / Well, in fact I do not understand their comments. It is true that the abduction has proceeded in a light and funny story, and the readers who liked the dark atmosphere in the meantime probably could not have been disappointed. I can not live up to my expectations and I am just sorry.

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