
Chapter 1035

When Tanatos punched, the energy that pierced the wall was once again rising at a terrifying pace.

However, the intangible force bounced back in the opposite direction as if it had hit something before it hit the wall.
More precisely, with the hand of Kim Soo-hyun, who left his hand in his left pocket.

‘Oh, it’s a bitch, too?’

Though the eye to be laid eyes is disturbing, the force which bounced lightly is enough to praise.
In fact, Kim was a bit hard and unseen face, and I saw a small smile at the mouth of Tanatos.

And also,
It was there that Tanatos could recognize.


Suddenly, the noise that ran hard on the wet leather was echoing around.
The field of vision that Tanagus was watching was forced to the left.
She noticed that when she realized that she was leaning.


In balance, Tanatos did not prevent his mouth from opening.
Her face turns dizzy as she looks back at the reflexively priced direction.
It was because I was facing Kim Soo-hyun at a short distance when I left.


The light of astonishment struck the mug of Tanatos looking up at the wall again.

Because Kim was standing on the wall.
Still in my first standing position, I still have both hands in my pocket.

It was then.


Before accepting the situation, a loud noise was heard again.
The watch and body of the Tanatos are now leaning heavily in the right direction.
Her head suddenly became confused.

How did this happen?
You did not take your eyes off for a second?

Mate, mate!

The sound of blowing the slap bursts twice in a row.
Tanatos, who stumbled back and forth, seemed to fall down.
Then I shuddered to see if there was a warm and strong air.

It happened in a very short time.
It did not take this initial until the destitute Tanatos collapsed with his devastating face.
I was once a god of death, so I caught the first act of Kim Soo-hyun once, and the average user was not even able to see what was happening.
Kim Soo-hyun stood still in his place, but Tanathos had fallen out of style. It was the proof that the power that watched was blinking only in the eyes.


At that time, Kim Soo-hyun, who had always put his hand in his pocket, admired.
Soon, I put my arms around and nodded my head a little.

“I tried to kill myself … . Four times. I’ll praise you. ”

I really like the way you feel.

Xxxxx Woo, wow! In addition to ou … ! ”

Tanatos, who was trying to get rid of it, suddenly broke his loins and stomped.
And he burst into the sound of breathing the irony pouring smoke in his mouth.

I just hit my cheek four times.
The sculpture of life that I had in my body was damaged.
If one more hit, it was a massive blow that might have really vanished.

In this ridiculous situation, Tanatus sat still and hesitant.
I thought I had to get up, but I had to stop doing anything.


I do not know why I would die if I moved a little bit.
In the end, it just makes you feel like you do not know what to do. After receiving reports that Tanatos had moved freely, it was also the time that Lucifer, who led the entire army, showed up.

The army of the devil, which could not be counted, was poured out like water, and the wall was again noisy.
On the other hand, Lucifer ‘s speed was noisy.

The first user to stand on the wall.
Thanatos, whose face has been lost, almost collapsed into a face.
In her predecessor, the black smoke is in full mooning.
The brain of clever Lucifer was aware of the circumstances of this situation alone.

The demon squad’s strongest secret weapon is broken. Lucifer poured into his mouth.
Though the worst imagination I ever had came to reality, I rolled my head without giving up.

“Ohh. Lilith, to Baal … ”

Kim Soo-hyun’s complexion is the same as before.
Even though the devil had brought the whole army, he looked calm and calm.

“…Yes. it is.

At the forefront, I identified the devil and narrowed the gap.
Lucchie felt the gaze had reached her knees on one knee.

“I will refrain from you.”

There was a breathing sound everywhere.
Not only the northern continental camps, but also the aftermath of the aftermath were all one thing.
A prideful seventh-time demon honors first?
If it was usual, it could never happen.

Kim Su-hyun was surprised at this time as well.


After a short interval, I asked quietly.

“Lucifer is in charge of the work of the Seven Demons.”

When the opponent peeped his head and revealed his identity, Kim Seo-hyun made a face expression.

“Lucifer … . Lucifer? ”
Lucifer It is also called. ”

Kim Soo-hyun puts his forehead in one hand with his fine beauty.

Ha… What is this world … ”

I did not miss the word ‘this world’ that I had been talking to myself but focused on my nerves.
He opened his mouth carefully watching Kim Soo-hyun, who was pounding his head.

“If you do not mind … . Is it true that you have crossed over from another world? ”
“if so?”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was sweeping his head off, replied with a low voice.
Half of his face was covered by his hand, but the moment he faced the left eye, which was exposed through the fingers, Lucifer felt a creepy appetite.

Lucifer has some knowledge of the multiverse world.
The man on the wall is likely to be the symmetry of Kim Su – yeon next to him.

From the beginning, it is different.

The naked eye of the blood is very cruel and glows absolute confidence.
I do not know if I’ve been through a huge deal. He thought that his opponents were symmetrical demons, so he swallowed the terrible imagination that was associated with Lucifer.

“That’s a surprise … . If you are thinking of going back to the original world … ? ”
“That’s right.”

Lucifer flashed his head.
In a situation that was just desperate, the straw fell.

“Then do we need to face each other?”
“?””Of course, you are coming down here … . This is a different world. ”
“Umm . . .

It was not wrong.
Do not you know if it’s exactly the same?
It’s not just about sex.
There was so much difference between this world and the world that Kim Soo – hyun originally existed.

“I do not know what was happening in the world you were originally in.”

When the opponent showed his attitude that he would listen to him once, Lucifer was speechless and felt a sense of hope.

“Dare to say, the multiverse has a unique flow in each world.”
“I do not intend to interfere with the flow, let it flow to the original flow, it would not be so easy … ”
“I admit it.”

Kim Soo-hyun immediately agreed.

“Even if you are second to none, it will definitely have a bad influence on the world.”

Then, the color of Lucifer ‘s complexion blurred out of her face.

“If you come!”

Kim smiled and laughed.

“I want to make a proposal.”
“I will listen.”
“It’s simple. You can now lay down your power weapons and step away from this place. Go further back to the line where you must be. ”

It is an impossible demand.
The reason the devil ran so far was to hinder the northern continent’s entry into Atlanta as much as possible.
It’s no use asking you to give up.
No matter what number I had to get a zero code, I was forced to refuse.

“…It is difficult to I want to hear from you. ”

It was a word to leave room.
So much for the intention to find another way.

“There is no such thing as my superiority.”

However, Kim Soo-hyun cut the ground in the fingers.
Lucipel banged his lips gently.
It was a crazy demand, but the reality is cold.

Do you obey and withdraw and preserve your power?
Whether it is a killing or a meal, do you bump into life?
Whichever way you choose, it is clear that you will be shaking hands.

How much time has passed?

While long silence continued, someone suddenly rumbled.
Lilith has gone past Lucifer.

“Do not be ridiculous.”

The power of Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes went in.


Lucifer, the flagship, shouted, but immediately shut up.
It is because I have read the determination of mortal who appeared on the face of Liris.

“Ha, but … … … … . “…Actually, Lucifer was also aware of it.
It was actually some kind of message that was conveyed from the time I met my eyes.
It feels like he will never let go, no matter what he chooses.

“We will not touch either, so why do not you just go back to the original world quietly? Do not let it come to the world of others. ”
“Could it be accepted in the sense of rejection?”
“Yes, refuse. Why do we have to follow your orders at first? What do you deserve? ”

Kim smiled briefly.

She stared at her for a moment, then thrust her hand to the side.
And he said.


Suddenly, as his hand reached out, Kim Soo – yeon, who was staring at him, was amazed.


But the man does not open his mouth anymore.
I just stand there with my eyes fixed down. Suddenly, a cool, cold wind blew.

“…….”When the bangs swept over the wind, Kim Soo-hyun closed his eyes.

How come?
How did it happen again?

I thought that I had changed since I had been to Hyundai.
Maybe when I saw him, when I killed him in the bloom, I could not help but notice that the thing that I had been hiding and hitting was hitting slightly.

I did not want to pay much attention to it anyway.
The feelings that hate the devil have not changed.

After all, the obvious thing is that here and there, the devil is ‘enemy’. Yes.
The devil is the enemy.

That fact alone is enough.

At the conclusion of the conclusion, Kim stopped the meaningless accident.

Kim Su – yeon hesitated, but slowly extended a sword.
The hilt was squeezed into Kim’s hands.

After a while. The two pupils shimmering blew a moldy light.


At that moment, all around power felt suddenly the atmosphere surrounding it suddenly became heavy.

The pain that the eyeballs will burst will be severe, and the bell-shaped bones will flow down the sweat.

I just heard the sword.

Just as it is, the momentum of the company is deepening and widening like a river overflowing from a bursting dam.

The world has calmed down as if it were breathing.
Just as time has come to stop.
Is this the feeling of being thrown naked in the bloody sea where the herds of sharks are in full bloom?

In fact, Lirith was in a state of pressure that could not lift his head.
I would like to take a step backwards, but I am not even allowed to move.
It was an aura beyond imagination, although I had expected it since the fall of Tanatos.
A mortal decision is enough to break down like a pagoda.

And Kim Soo-yeon looked at the back of Kim Soo-hyun.


I only hold one sword at a time.
The outfits of white t-shirts and pants are still funny.

But why do they look like overlapping black armor and red light cape?

He stepped forward one step slowly.

“Qualifications … ”

Faint voice.
But the voice ranged widely on the wind.

The power of the monarch, which leads to the obedience of all men, ‘Lord, be merciful.’

Kim Soo-hyun

It is the user who has led all battlefields to victory.
It’s a user who has never lost.
Other continents, demons, and angels too.
It was a never-ending user who even subdued God.


Five years ago. The legend of the Army God who held the summit with the unbreakable myth is resurrected in this world.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I was not comfortable reading the previous comments.
cut… .
When I think of it as a downer, I feel guilty about how irritated you are. .
The serialization cycle is also one of two days, but it does not have much … .
I will refrain from the statement that it was the moment when I conclude one meeting in the future.
Our apologies. _(__)_

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