
Chapter 1036

“Kill me!”

Riris’ throat cry, which suddenly burst into the wilderness, broke the heavy silence.
It was a terrible cry, even though it was hard to cry out in terrible pressures, but it was almost evil.
Because the voice that resonates is full of fear that can not be hidden.
In other words, it is a rebellion that arises in fear that can not be repelled.

Soon after the Lilith, as well as the devil monarch, of course, more than the mid-level asm began to collect power quickly.
Fear is every one thing, but as a creature, it can not rebel against the command of the Creator.

It is a strange fact, but the loyalty of the Asmodians to the Seven Demons is mouth-breaking.
No reason whatsoever.
Even if I die without any guts, I am blind enough to die.

But now, the behavior of the Asiatic followers of Liris is deeply embroiled.
Kim Soo-hyun’s supremacy has surpassed the loyalty of the Asmodians.
Actually, it was the most definite evidence that the usual movements were sunny and the order was opened by Junggu heating.
As if to survive somehow.

However, attack is attacked anyway even if it is random.
The magic of the devil, who counts hundreds, maybe even the gigantic, fills the air.
By covering the sky, it covers a huge shade that covers the entire wall.

Back and forth.
The feast of magical power poured into a point with a straight line and a curved line seems to be a shower of rain that rushes out on a dark day.

So the flagship wizards and priests hastened to open their shields.
Kim Soo-hyun moved.

If you tried to move it was not a big deal.
I just lifted a sword in my right hand slowly. It was when the edge of the sword was set up vertically to pierce the sky.

Throne, throne!

“What, what?”
“Oh, Uh-huh. ”

There was a rustling noise everywhere, and the walls suddenly became disturbed.
Of course he was in the hands of the black, of course, all the knives that were plugged into the sheath were taken out by themselves.

The swords that flowed through the water were erected vertically and straightly.

The truly amazing thing happened just after.

When Kim Soo-hyun wiggles his hand lightly, hundreds of swords swing at once.
And as the fish swam, the sky swept softly and spread out fan-wide.

Heart sword.
The god of the sword.
And ‘Apud Migra Eego Gladium’.
The automatic intercept system is activated.
The pouring magic power and the swords that shoot like an arrow were mixed together.

The results came quickly.
The fireworks burst into the air.

After a while, the sky was filled with black holes, and it started to show up slowly.
No matter how much you push it, it is impossible to penetrate the power of Kim Soo-hyun, who is already a god-like person.

Gradually under the sky where darkness is falling.
The sight of the various swords pushing the horsepower and rising to the sky at once was overwhelming, almost close to spectacular.

Next time Kim Soo-hyun shakes hands one more time.
Like a maestro who leads an orchestra.
When the tip of the whipped sword is aimed at exactly below, the swords which are not known at the end stop and turn 180 degrees.

Lilith ‘s eyes were devastatingly growing, tearing up.
The bat wings are wide spread and the carpet bombing of the knife is poured out in the same place.
It was a job without any errors.

I’m soaked deeply!

From the head to the toe, eight knives stuck.
The appearance of Lilith in the puddle puddle with the forcefully stuffed on the ground was truly a terrible and culminating disaster.


However, the lyrical scream was quickly buried by the sound of metal penetrating the flesh from other parts of the earth and the masses that the Asmodians used to make.

Bloodthese Sea Blood.
It was a perfect match for the scenery where the frenzy was sinking and exposed.

After the smoldering smoke had disappeared, none of the Asmets standing on the ground of Liris were visible.
Only the fragments of the Asmodian body and the blood of the waters are spreading widely. With only two beckons, three-thirds of the forces of the devil were killed.

The problem is that this is not the end.

Rather, it was the beginning.


Suddenly a big banging sound was heard.
Tanatos, who turned around the source in a reflexive manner, sprang to the shock wave which rushed to his nose without sound rumor, and it bloomed and fell out.
Lucifer, who saw her trampling on the ground helplessly, saw Kim Soo-hyun, who jumped down the castle, and opened her mouth.

“Ka Aaa!”

Now there was nothing in order and nothing.
The creatures came down like a suicide bomber.
The sense of duty and fear to keep the lieutenant collided and paralyzed the accident.
As a result, in a short time, a large sphere filled with layers of asm around the Kim Soo-hyun was formed.

However, the next moment, the whole group of people, who surrounded the Kim Suhyeon with all their strength, bounced all over the place.

As the light is focused on one point, the mirror is placed.
Thus, the reflections of the refracted light flap in front.


The eyes of Kim Soo-hyun, who had been swamped with a bruise, flew the eerie life.
As I waved my arms roughly, more than ten inspectors were picked up from the tip of the invisible sword in an instant.
The half-moon-shaped squadron, which was swung in the lateral direction, left no room for the last time, from the temple to the Asmodian who was pushed out of the camp.
It was a neat blow.

This is the number of asmets that have been trapped or fall down and fall down.
It was the situation that the power to run the extreme of the JINSF emergency situation was.

It is no wonder that the big demon can not make a proper judgment at this time. After all, that’s what you can do.

But Kim did not even allow one.
In the twinkling of an eye, the shadows are approaching one more demon.

Ah… Ah ah ah ah ah … ! ”

Baal sat down and turned his body according to his instincts.

But wait a minute to go forward.
A small body was lifted in a rustling hand that grabbed the brilliant blonde and the back.

Puddled Duddle!

The voice of Baal, with a crushing sound, fell off.
The teddy bear that was holding her in the left hand, the body that remained under her neck, and the face of the young girl fell on the ground in turn.
At the same time the painful face was torn down, all the members of his household were reconciled to a handful of ashes.

As a result, one of the remaining demons is one.
However, Kim Soo-hyun stared at Lucille’s army with eyes that seemed to be unstable.
And it was the moment when I rolled my feet.


The ground is pounding.

Uwo Woong!

The spirited magic sound spreads out in a big area.
Soon, Kim Soo-hyun and something began to materialize in various places accompanied by tremendous tremors.

Kim Soo-hyun If you think of the strongest ability, you can get the worst sword. Of course, you can not use it now because you do not have a lid on your heart.
The important thing is that it is a kind of nickname attached by overlaying a black lid. It means that you can not use the power of deterioration, but you can use the ability itself.
Now it is Kim Hye-hyeon’s original fare that changed into a bowl of God instead of a lantern.

Dodd, Dodd!

The earth and sky are vibrated, and the broken earth rises up into the sky.

Until then, Lucipel was unresponsive and suddenly his arms were stretched out without force.
It felt like the cells of the whole body were stuck in every needle.


Lucifer could certainly feel it.
Now that soon a fearsome, nonsense wave that will not even be comparable will sweep away. In front of the merciless tsunami, no resistance is meaningless. ‘This is not it … . ‘


Kim Soo-yeon, who watched from the wall, felt a sense of power falling out of the body in a different sense.
The face is making an inexpressible look.
Only emotions that can not be read are astounding like everyone else.
And awe.

Kim Soo-yeon was also the user who started this round after finishing one round.
But for the past decade, the war in front of me was the kind of experience I experienced first.

Genocide or massacre?
Or a worker?

No, it is not.
Kim Su – yeon shook his head sharply.
I felt that I could not define this battle even if I put a word or phrase in it.

It is intense and calm.
It is relaxing and relentless.

With only one beckoning, the army was washed away, and the Asmodians burst out with a single blow, and the camp became meaningless with only one knife.

And now I was about to make something unknown.

As a result, all this was done by only one user.
The breathing of one’s heart is always overwhelmed by the devil, without being disturbed.

It was Kim Soo-yeon who longed for and wanted to.

“…….”I dreamed that I wanted to be her.


Suddenly, a flock of bright lights burst.
Exploding glare stretches the thin beam of light and paints the wasteland in brilliant color.

After a while. Gradually, Kim Su-yeon quietly closed his eyes, receiving the light that gradually invaded the castle.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I will start Holy Queen, the final meeting of the Omnibus final meeting from next time.
You can think of it as subtitle.
Oh, just concentrating until the dawn today seems to be liberated to some extent in the assignment.
I will do my best.
Let your readers have a comfortable night. 🙂

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