
Chapter 231

One day, it was going down. The light stones embedded in the ceiling were turned off and the darkness was glaring in the room. But there was still a space of light coming through the window on the left wall, where the darkness still could not reach. It is a dark noon. And it seemed that the light was illuminating, for a single person, there was a woman on a slightly broad bed.

The face of the woman was rather tempting and fascinating rather than innocent. Even though there were scattered hair on the bed, hair that had been scattered and occasional hair hanging over the face, it did not look dirty, but rather it made women’s sexiness more prominent.

The body of the woman was seen as dry as a whole. Though the breasts rose so well, they did not dry up enough to not want to see them. The identity of the woman was Sung Yu Bin.

Sung Yong-bin made a breathing sound and frowned over his face, raising his upper body. Then he shook his body once or twice to take off the robe covering his body, and with both hands he lowered his lower body and opened his thigh. Soon afterwards, she bowed her head and looked closely at her nationality.

“Fuck you. It was swollen again. Do your thing a little crazy. ”

Sung Yubin stroked his precious spot and rummaged through his familiar hands. Soon she pulled out a glass bottle from the robe and poured it quickly into the red, swollen cap.

“Ahhh. I’m really sick and hurt. Because of the dog fuck. Ahhh.”

Every time a transparent liquid soaked the local, Sung Yubin twisted and twisted his body and shed a tender moaning pain. However, the efficacy was obvious, as the liquid in the vial decreased, the swelling gradually began to sink. After pouring all the liquid it contained, she hit the bottle with her fingers and threw it back. Soon, I heard the sound of the bottle crashing with Chenggang, the sound.

“Ha. I’m going to live a little bit now. ”

Sung Yubin, who brought the bottom back to Jusum Island again, spread his arms wide and fell back into the back. And as I was about to close my eyes, brilliantly, I heard someone knocking at the door. She spoke reflexively again and again.

-Which is?

“It is clan member Kim Han-suk. I heard you called. ”

“Kim Han Hyeon? “Oh, yes.”

“…I’ll go in. ”

Kim Han-hee appeared in the open door carefully. She walked into the room two steps inside, and she did not say anything. It took a while. Soon, Sung Yu Bin was lying on the bed without looking at Kim Han-bum and opened his mouth.

“Why did I call you?”

“…….””there is no answer. You do not even know what to say now, do you? I do not know how many times you ask me already. How is it going anyway? ”

“…….””I still do not see progress.”

Kim did not answer. No, I could not. Actually, the command that came down from above was not proceeding at all. She closed her eyes to the idea that she might soon be heard or cheeked. However, Sung Yu – bin ‘s words that I heard later deviated from Kim’ s expectation.

“Hey. You just stop it. don’t.

“…You can speak Korean

“If you do not want to quit.”

Kim Han – seok questioned his ears. The face of her face, which opened her eyes shortly afterwards, appeared to be unbelievable. Sung yin breathed a sigh and raised her body again. At the same time, he was speaking in a voice with a twisted twisted leg.

“I got an order from the top. You do not have to stick to this method. ”

“Ah yes. Then did Mercenary Road decide to give up? ”

“Are you crazy? On the contrary. You do not have to stick to the method, you can use any method. Doo Young Rock asked me to make an unconditional performance this week. Anyway, if you want to hear from the top soon, you need to try a variety of ways. ”

Sung Yu Bin made a painful expression during the conversation. The light of relief struck the face of Kim Han-bum for a moment when she felt that she was genuine. At that moment, however, Kim Han – tewe ‘s head flashed into the head, and the pupil came out bigger.

“How do you change the way?”

“Huh. I do not want you to think about it. What do you think


“I do not think it would be too bad to have to poke a few times with the guy. I honestly admit that I adhere to my face and my body is fine. And he also seems to have a crush on me, so we have to do good things for good relations in the future. You’re not wrong, are you? I am an officer of the Golden Lion, and he is the 0th year user in the future. ”

“Ha, but there is no guarantee that it will work out. And if you suddenly come in this situation, would not you rather look strange? ”

“right. That’s the problem. But thanks to who, we do not have much time left. Now that the academy is over, at least we should finish our work this week. I’m not sure yet, but I’m thinking of many ways. If you do not mind, you have to use the last method, but that should literally save you the last one. ”

Kim Han-bum became a blank face when he said that it was the last way Sung Yu-bin had spoken. I did not say it clearly, but I could feel the instinctively dangerous smell coming from the horse. And the moment I felt it, the head of Kim Han-byeong looked white like white paper. As usual, the head that was spinning rapidly stopped, and the worries about someone started to rise in my heart.

When I saw Sung Yu Bin, who was still worried in front of his eyes, Kim Han-hee spoke out words that he could not be responsible for.

“I will do it!”

“Aw, surprise. Tell me quietly! I do not think I’ll get hurt … . But what? ”

In the cry of Kim Han-bum, Sung-bin’s ministry was narrowed to the utmost. But as soon as she felt something in her words, she lifted her face and asked.

“My, I’ll do it. Let me do it. Please.”

“What?” No, wait. Was not that what you wanted to do? But why suddenly? ”

“I just hesitated a little. If you wait a little longer, you can make a positive result. ”

“Wait for him. Do you know how many times it is already? What if I do something like this? Will you be responsible? ”

Sung Yu Bin’s skeptical voice was heard, and the head of Kim Han-bum who stopped, started to turn back fiercely. Then she opened her mouth with a swaying mind.

“Mercenary Road is attracting the attention of many clans. At this time, if the executive makes sexual contact or uses other tough methods, is there a possibility that something bad will come out? You do not need to catch a pod. ”

“There is a point. But is not that you too? ”

no Me and Marionery Road have been together with us since the rite of passage. Of course, I can not say that this is perfect, but I still think that it will look better than yours or other methods. Anyway, there is a hole to escape. ”

“right. If you touch that part well, you’ll get a couple of excuses. No, I mean. That’s what we wanted in the first place. Why did you suddenly change your mind? ”

Sung Yu Bin tilted his head with a strange saying. Kim Han-bum asked for a moment. But within a short time, she was able to listen to her thoughts and speak with a low voice.

“I can see that the executives are suffering a lot these days … . I’ve been helping a lot … . I also want to be a contribution to the clan as a reserve officer … ”

“…Hungry. ”

“My, I think I’ve been thinking the wrong way. I’m sorry. Honestly, I was stressed for a while, but now I want to be free from that too. ”


I had a strange eyeball when I talked to him, but at the end of the conversation, Sung Yong-Bin burst into laughter. She stared at Kim Han – bum, who bowed her head for a while. Soon, Sung Yu Bin ‘s expression dripped slowly, and she slowly got up from her seat.

She walked around Kim Han – seung, standing still, and lifted her hand and stared at her shoulder.

“I like to say a little bit for the first time.”

“…….”Really? That’s it. The wrong thing is to acknowledge and do something for the clan. You’re still a preliminary officer, are not you an executive? ”

“Yeah. You’re right. ”

When he heard Kim Han-hee’s words, he smiled deeply. Her hands then descended from her shoulders, flowed in her chest, and descended on the boat. Kim Han-hee flashed in the face of shame and shuddering, but licked his lips.

“Can I really trust you?”

“I hope you’ll give me another chance.”

“Kick. Yes. Now, I am a reserve officer, but I am going to be a senior officer who is not in the forefront, and I must have one achievement. Agreed. Maybe we should just finish this one … . know?”

“Yeah. I am confident that I will not let you down. ”

“I am grateful. I am very pleased. My noble princess would beg you to open your own crotch, but can not I refuse? Good! Then I’ll leave it to you. ”

Sung – Bin ‘s pointy speech once again struck Kim Han – seung. But she closed her eyes, biting it hard. A woman with such a doubt, she will now be tempted to try herself. Kim Han – soo, who thought so, showed his intention to bow down and bow.

Soon, Sung Yu Bin showed up with a delightful face when he thought that Kim Han Sang was sincerely succumbing to him. She laughed and laughed for a while, then wrapped her shoulders around her, and whispered to her that she should look after her.

“Ah ha ha! Oh ha ha! ”

Soon after Kim Han-bum departed from the hostel of Seung-yong, he heard a chuckling laugh. And Kim Han – bum was able to barely let go of the jaw that was giving a lot of strength. But there was a thin stream of blood flowing out between the teeth marks clearly on the lower lip and the still holding hands.

* Going left Barbara immediately according to my words. She could not erase the eyes that worried me until the end, but now my heart was so comfortable. Now I want to know why my mind is so calm without reason. In order to understand why, I slowly began to concentrate on things I had done so far.

The biggest issue at the moment is the death of the godmother. Among them, the hot potatoes were focused on who killed the godmother. The case can be divided into two. In the case of internal or non-internal conduct.

If it was decided that it was an internal act, I could divide the road again. The golden lion and the friendly clan have committed, or the non-participating clan has done it. Judging from an objective point of view, both had enough reasons to kill the godmother. There was a definite benefit they could gain by killing her.

But It seemed like something was catching up, but I felt like I missed one. I have been thinking back in those two directions for a long time, but I can not feel the mood. So, this time I decided to try the road in the third direction.

‘If you do not think it’s an internal act?’

Then the answer was one. The boomers killed the godmother for some purpose. Of course, there are some things that are not good in the process, but I decided to think about the results only.

So why did the bums kill the godmother? For what purpose? It’s because they planned to get rid of the tram … .


It was a crazy moment to think so far. In one memory of my head gleaming, I raised my body up. Suddenly, I feel like one of my heart is getting scared. I did not intentionally refer to the first memory of this work because I thought that the future was twisted. But in the first episode, the vagrants definitely came to the North. They wanted to revenge on the golden lion, and their revenge on the back of the continent was just watching the southeastern clan.

okay . . . I did not have to put those three cases apart. Including them all in one, if you think the answer is correct … . ‘

It engages. It is not strange at all. When I realized that, I felt the whispering bitterness of the whole body. At the same time I was able to realize why I was so comfortable.

In the meantime, I could not understand the future and I was always worried. But it was not anymore. The present situation is just different from the internal situation, but it follows the same time as the first tea time. if so… .

It was then. At a moment when I was about to set a puzzle in my head, a voiceless voice awoke my thoughts.

“there… . brother.”

“……?””Do not you sleep?”

“Ah. I can not sleep much. Do you? ”

When I turn my head, I can see that Han – soo nods his head with his face on his pillow. There was a quiet silence between us for a while. However, I could see her lips slowly open.

“brother. Do you have time this weekend? ”

Once Did you get a meal promise again? ”

“Oh, no.”

“Then why?”

just… it’s nothing.”


It was a bit annoying because I was disturbed by important thoughts in the middle, but I did not express it on the surface. Soon, her words flowed into my ear once more.

“He will, though …What? ”

When I gazed at her with a gentle face, Han-gul blurred her gaze. I said, “Probably not. I have to sleep. ” And then closed his eyes. She did not even talk to me about this strange thing.

It was early in the morning, and there was a kind of air in the middle of the house. I pulled up the futon more and I recalled what I thought before.

One wants to take back the initiative. The other wants to take the initiative. A situation in which a celestial conflict can only happen. And there are those who want the conflict to happen. if so… .

‘The future has changed. But it did not change. ‘

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Thanks to your notes and comments, I was able to gain great strength. Many people gave advice and many people were worried. Those who are bored in the current Academy chapter! ends soon We finished one big presentation project that we have been preparing since April. I will be ready for the exam next week, but fortunately for this weekend I think I will be able to spend some time.

I will finish the user academy chapter by this week, whether I am a chancellor or not, so please be patient and wait a little longer. 🙂 PS. For college students or prospective college students. No matter what grouping you do, do not take the initiative. PS2. A broken fan has given me a new image of Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Han-hee in my yard. I will put the image together when I raise the characters’ stats in the future work setting. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the broken fan!
PS3. I will try the Lilipes again next time. Thank you. _(__)_

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