
Chapter 232

The process of going through the stalks can be different. But the source does not change. The stalks return to their original state and eventually return to one large flow. You will not believe this idea. But now that I think about it, it seemed that when I first twisted my future.

Anyway, the situation I’m facing now is that I do not have much time left, and I can not afford to watch anymore. This was obvious. I’ve waited long enough so now it’s time to move in with the flow. However, there must be room for foot removal at any time between the movements.

As we entered the 13th week, the confrontation between the two clans was so intense that it was difficult to call them simply conflicts. After the Eastern Clan began to respond, the Southern Clan immediately supported their position. Of course, it did not end with simple support.

They joined forces with the Eastern Clan to constantly criticize the passing of the Golden Lion Clan, and secretly contacted the remaining clan members with the clan members who had already withdrawn. And as soon as the new quitters came out, they were writing a golden lion in their jurisdiction and shaking the public opinion.

Though he denied Shin Dae Seung’s corruption as a front, the Golden Lion showed a lukewarm attitude to the people who withdrew. It was all about putting emphasis on the victim’s cosplay and taking care of it. Most of the sub-clan members were in the state when I looked at the number of people who quit, but it seemed that some people who had to quit would have to let them leave.

Instead, the Golden Lion focused on driving the first mass murder of the pope into the southeastern clan. At the same time, he also proceeded to gradually recover the dominance that had been taken away. At the center was the user academy, and as the days went on, the southeastern clan officers were often held on hold. As a result, new vacancies were naturally filled in by the members of the northwestern clan.

When I saw the defense of each other and the attack only, I felt like watching a mud fight. Suddenly, it seemed to be possible to know why the performance was going to leave Barbara. I will not go out of my life without seeing the sadness of killing the godmother’s soul, but only taking their rice bowl.

Interestingly enough, this fight began to flow gradually to the Southeast Clan with a single incident. The case was one of the female users who withdrew from the golden lion and exposed it to the public. And the woman, I know, had the name Seo Ji Yoon.

To be more precise, it was one of the five who received an offer of the Golden Lion Clan as one of the Academy graduates who I had previously attended. Seo Ji-yoon made a forced sexual intercourse with the scout force after joining, and he revealed that he continued to suffer in a cowardly way afterwards.

This case turned into a light-headed one. No matter how open the hall planes about sexuality, it is only when the mind is right to each other. Rape and rape are not allowed. Moreover, the golden lion clans leading the way in maintaining the strictest standards so far, rather than the internal users, the impact that the general users were shocked.

The Golden Lion also announced its official position once again that it was difficult to remain silent. Seo Ji-yoon and the scout were related to each other, and the situation was difficult. However, the public opinion that prevailed on the golden lion was getting parallel to the tearful appeal of Seo Ji-yoon.

Since then, however, it has begun to show a gradual increase in the number of people who withdraw from the golden lion, although they are subclauses. Starting out with 17 withdrawals in the early days, the total number of people was just over 40 people. It was a tenth of the total number of remaining golden lions.

Of course, there will be some people who felt the meeting of the future of the Golden Lion due to the failure of the Iron Mountain Expedition, the absence of the Clan Road, and the killing of the godmother. However, considering that more than half of them are women, I can see that this is a case that shows how much the inside of the clan has been rotten.

The day outside changed so differently, but the user academy was quiet. No, I was pretending to be quiet. As time passed day by day, it was concluded that there was no suspicion to the northwestern clan who had completed the internal audit, and the return to the academy was going on. However, the southeastern clan that still refused to give thanks was kept on hold and was being disposed of in succession.

The southeastern clan seemed to be well tolerated in the early stages of the suspension, but eventually Kim Deok-pil rushed into a rage. He exploded in the high-handed attitude of the golden lion, protesting why they should receive internal gratitude. The reverse clan was not the city’s representative clan, but it was included in the audit because of the usual denunciations of the gold lion.

However, Kim Duk – Pil was also unable to avoid the hang – up of a gold lion that repeatedly repeats the same words, and he eventually led the whole of the reverse clan to the academy with the curse and left the user academy.

The golden lion did not catch them heading for Warp Gate. But at this time I want to “I’m stuck.” Or “a user who was not an instructor in the first place.” The denomination of the reverse clan, such as named, was denounced and criticized extensively.

Despite this, the Golden Lion did not stop holding down, and only three of the Southeast Clan teaching officers, who previously occupied almost 70%Two of the 10 players, Seo Jin-woo, Yeon-hee-rim and Han (khan), were the only remaining members. But there were rumors that three people would soon be put on hold. And in fact, they were getting less and less educated.

While the situation was running in a hurry, I felt the need to secure one hundred top priority. I have talked about joining the Military in the previous day, but it is because the relationship between Park Hwan Hee and Kyle was not neatly arranged yet. And since he is a thin ears, there was no possibility that he would be shaken by his girlfriend while I was gone.

Honestly, I was thinking about it for a while, but it was a fact that I did not care about the surroundings as it was noisy. I was able to meet with the help of control during the training held on the same day, so I decided to talk to him after class.

But Even though I entered the magic talent education, I could not find a figure of a hundred. I was wondering what the hell was going on. After the training ended, I grabbed a new user who was laughing with friends and out of the classroom. And when I asked about the current status of the one hundred, I could hear the unexpected answer.

Ah… That flake? ”


“Awful. Yes. He is famous for him. Every time I wait in front of a female hostel, my girlfriend does not meet me. What kind of thing is that? ”

“Your girlfriend? What have you two been doing? ”

“Umm . . . And I don’t know. I’ve seen him fight a couple of times because he ‘s not even noticeable in the first place. I honestly have already given up on him. What the hell did you do after the Academy … . 쯧쯧. ”

“…Yes, I know. ”

The new personnel left the classroom immediately after they tongued their tongue. I heard that I was never going to give up. I can instinctively sense what happened while I was not interested.

It was then. Standing idly for a while, I felt someone touching my shoulder.

Wow… Mercenary Load. You gave me control support today. B: Thank you so much. Hahaha

“Ah yes.”

When I turned my gaze around, I saw Jang Yoon-ho smiling and laughing. His face was full of laughter. When I had noticed it before, and the Southeast instructors were being held for a while, I could not see it.

“I ended up in this training for three days. I have not been educated since today. What about Mercenary Road? ”

“There is one more mental training schedule.”

whew! Too bad. I decided to have a drink with the Northern Clan members today. Today is the end of the 13th week of education and the weekend break, so everyone will run all night. ”

“The formal education will be over. But I know that I will be doing additional training on weekends from the 13th. ”

“Ah. Yes. that’s my fault. Hahaha This is OK! The weekend lecture was decided by the golden lion and the Western clan members, so we do not have anything to do. Oh. Do you have a little time on weekends? There are a lot of colleagues wondering about Maseronie Road … . How is it. Have a drink together? ”

Jang Yoon-ho was the idea that I wanted him to participate. But I did not have much of a mind to say, “I got support on the weekend.” It replied with an answer.Actually it was held tightly in the afternoon on Saturday morning.) Jang Yoon-ho pledged the next opportunity with a sad face in my refusal.

‘I think it’s better to go right after weekend support.’

The important thing now was not to be in a meeting. As Jang Yoon-ho says, today’s formal education ends on the 13th. I think it would be better to look back at the hundredths of the afternoon after finishing the weekend afternoon extra training. Perhaps there is a reason why he became a coward. I hope that the reason is right for me, and I walked out of the classroom with a long sigh.

* There was only one thing that all clan members shared in common with user academy, which is that the intensity of education was much lower than before. Of course, it is because they have done it. Who are you to blame? It was an additional education that came as a substitute for special education. The intention was to restore the level of new users, but frankly, my eyes seemed to be only a struggle to meet the educational cycle somehow.

After finishing tightly controlled support in the morning and afternoon, I walked to the male hostel immediately with the pre-dinner dinner. When I arrived at the hostel, I was able to see the inside of the room, all of whom went to have dinner. I followed the memories of being a life instructor and climbed the stairs toward the second floor.

When I arrived at the inn where a hundred people were staying, only quiet silence greeted me. I wonder if he does not have one. When I open the door and look inside, I see a rounded sleeping bag crouching on one corner. I instinctively knew that there was a hundred in the sleeping bag.

“Never mind.”

“…….””What? No more! ”

“…….”I felt heaviness in my hands on the top of the sleeping bag. I took off my sleeping bag with my hands, and I was able to see a hundred people who had fallen with my eyes closed tightly.

‘Freaks. Do you let her be so? ”

After spitting out of my mind, I pulled out of my sleeping bag. I have not been able to eat properly in the meantime, the face has been touched repeatedly touched. Moreover, when I saw the tear marks seen in places, the anger rose more and more. How I found the shield of God … .

Luckily, I hesitated to rest my hand on my nose. I immediately put his hand on his heart and slowly dropped his magic power. I was caught up in a strange feeling as I was feeling weak inside. What the hell did he do to me?

‘Did you really betray your daughter?’

So for a while I trimmed the inside a little bit, but one hundred eyelids began to tremble. I poured my energy into my strength and sparked my energy and constantly called his name from the side. I was able to see that my quick internal measures were effective, and soon after that, I could see that my eyes were lifting my eyelids.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at the air with his confused face. Then I opened my mouth with dry lips if I had confirmed that I was next to it.


Really? It is still. ”

Type Type

“Yes. I’m your brother. I am sorry. I should have been a little more careful … ”

Type Tongue, tongue. ”

At first, a hundred people called me with a hoarse voice. Then, when I blinked once or twice and recognized it, I began crying and crying. There is no cute place that I used to look like before, but a dry cry came out, and the room sounded crazy. I do not know why it looked so sad.

I hugged him immediately and poked his back. And a hundred people were only tearing my face with my face.

============================ Late Works ==================== ==================================================================================================================================NTR scene.) If you do not want the scene, we would appreciate it if you would like to move quickly to the beginning.

I will post it immediately next time. Thank you. _(__)_

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