
Chapter 249

‘Will it wait or move?’

Three wail echoed. This meant that someone was murdered somewhere in the plains of wailing.

Crying sounds after the incident. Once we were safe, the problem was that it was hard to figure out where the incident happened. No one knew that the place of the event was near or far from the campsite.

“Ansol … . One hundred … . The reason … . Get up early … ”

Whether or not he felt that the situation was seriously reversing, Ahn Hyun quietly awoke the children without making a disturbance. I listened to my surroundings for a while, and I turned my gaze toward the performance. However, it does not seem to take anything special. Looking around for a while, she soon shook her head in the darkness.

“It does not seem to be around once.”

“Do not worry. If she showed up, the presence of the street would not make much sense. ”


“A girl weeping.”

I answered shortly and then touched the handle of the new sword of January. When Han came out, he was wearing a jewel on his left finger. Soon she came to my side and opened her mouth with a loud voice.

“brother. A girl who wept? Could you please explain the situation a little? ”

“Do you understand what happened now?”

“Yeah. Someone died before … ”

“right. Then the killings can be divided into three situations. First The user is killed by the same user. Second When a user is killed by a monster. Third It is similar to the second case in some ways. If you are attacked by a ghost who wanders through the plains of wailing, a girl of wailing. Do you understand what I’m talking about? ”

I wanted to be able to understand it because I answered it faster than usual. Fortunately, he nodded his head.

A little time was passed in the state of being only the periphery, and the son-in-law became silent forever. Going back to the same position as observing everywhere, he asked, reducing the distance toward me.

“But I know that the crying girl is rarely seen directly in front of people. I will not suffer a great deal unless I intentionally stimulate … ”

“indeed. On the contrary, she says that if you make her angry, you have to back it up. ”

“So did somebody intentionally upset you with the crying girl? How?

“It’s just one of the possibilities. And there’s a lot of ways. ”


As soon as the performance was about to make a horse, somebody felt a sudden jump from side to side. I wanted to wake up the kids.

Bro! It’s been a bad day! ”

“What a big deal. And speak quietly. ”

“Ah yes. It is not anything else, but now I am strange. ”

“The soli … ? Have not you woken up yet? ”

“Afraid not.” As soon as I woke up, I just broke the bull … ”

As soon as I heard them, I turned my attention to the direction the children were sleeping. As a result, he was getting upset with his equipment, and it was getting worse. However, Ansol had not happened yet. I went into the sleeping bag and was only staring at the empty eyes with only the upper body. I immediately walked toward her.

“Do not you?”

“…….””Ansol. Answer. ”


It was literally unbearable, with no bottom or end. As soon as he heard Ansol, however, a struggling energy glanced down his spine. And also, At the same time, I felt a strange feeling of dignity in my whole body.

Kenichi Momoyama

The aura I once felt when I went to the Academy to find a hundred. I had complex feelings in my mind, but I quickly refined those feelings. Ansol’s anxiety-provoking effects have already been proven. If so, it was first of all to solve the problem.

“What is the sound of late?”


“Tell me a bit more.”

“Waiting or moving. I do not know what to do. ”


Ansol’s words were almost similar to the ideas I had just given. As soon as I was about to get tired of the surprise of being pushed into the inside, a breeze blazed around the camp.

It was then.

Susususususu … .

The sound of the bushes in the dark plains rang the night sky. The sound is so weak that it may sound like a wind at first glance, but I have been making my hearing sensitive since then. The epicenter of the sound was out of the way of the camp. One thing is certain, however, is that the sound is getting closer to here.


Brock Sibling

Now that the fever has fallen, Ansol looked up at me with a faint eye. I put my hand on Ansol ‘s armpit and pulled her out and moved straight to where the clan members were. She was dragging her lower body, but her face was obscene with her face that she did not know English.

Soo-hyun Something’s coming. ”

“I have heard. All in dust proof. Battle preparation

I spoke quietly, but the clan members steadfastly followed my instructions. The cold sound of each weapon was drawn into my ear. In the meantime, he asked me if he would prepare the light magic, but he just replied that he was ready. And…

Susususususususu us!

The distance that the first sound was far away from us was sharply reduced so quickly as to say that it was an instant. And as the ambiguous sound came closer, the clan’s ears began to get harder, and everyone’s ears were getting stuck. It was when Kim Han – hee and Ansol quietly heard the sound of memorizing the order, and a little more time passed from him.

“Oh, my God.”

Steam, Steam! Steam, Steam! Steam, Steam! Steam, Steam!

The streets still remained. But now it was a visible distance. And at the same time we looked at it, the perpetrator was slowly showing up. It was a person who was not just another person.

But it was a person. It was not like standing up and walking. With the body attached to the earth, it was running like a slippery posture.

“Well, what is that? People 꺅! ”

He went forward one step closer to seeing more detail, then screamed at the moment and stepped back. It is because the person who rushed straight to us twisted momentarily ahead of the camp. The side part bent into a curved line, and the chest and the abdomen waved with it. I observe the movement of the clan members as they embarrassed.

‘I am attracted to someone.’

I was able to find some strange points in order to look at the figure with a lot of effort. First, the body condition of the user was not normal. Everywhere in the body was severely damaged, and in his mouth sword and blood were pouring out. It seemed as if he had already been alerted by the fact that his narrow eyes did not close.

Steam, Steam! Steam, Steam! Steam, Steam! Steam, Steam!

He did not come right away. As if looking at the liver, I moved around the campsite in an S shape and wandered around. In the meantime, one of the hanging arms is torn, and the ankles roll. It was a grotesque sight.

“Hey, hey! You’re a mage! Do something like that! ”

“Yes Yes?”

I was astonished at the end of Ahn Hyun, I stared at Kim Han-bum, looked at me, and looked at me for permission. I opened my mouth quietly.

“Can you match it?”


“Could it fit 100%? For reference, she does not have the guidance magic. If it is a low degree of maneuver, it will go out if it is not a coordinate calculation. ”

“Well, then … ”

Whether you are confident that you can match it, the face of Kim Han-bum has a heavy light on it. I sighed lightly and stepped forward. Now the move is so fast, I would not have been confident even if there were.

I will come forward and go back “Suhyon. Should I? ” I heard the voice of the performance. But I shook my head jerky. And he rewrote the pitching of the valor and extended his left hand to Ahn Hyun, who moved only the stretched neck.

“Give me a window.”


“Let me borrow a window.”

“Ah yes.”

He was still moving. However, if you see only a small amount of banging around the campsite, you will run straight away. I handed the window I received with my left hand with my right hand and then extended my left foot forward.

For reference, one of the things I hate most.

‘When you blow up a nobody in front of you.’

As he leaned slightly back his right arm with the window, he naturally curved his body along the right direction. As soon as I reached the ground and my left foot reached the ground, I pulled my arms wide toward the pre-calculated point.


The right hand and arm stretched straight, and the spear of blackness sprung straight into the darkness. I did not put a lot of emphasis on the hit, but because of the high strenght, I could not ignore the torn air that tore the air.

Soon the moment I stopped the man’s maneuvers while I was turning in my expected path.


The black window pierced through the user’s body. In the aftermath, the remaining arms and legs swooped into the air, and at the same time, the motion of the man was stopped like a lie.

“Oh, hit! Bro! You caught it? ”

“No, it’s still alive.”


“It’s a bit of a blow. Now I have to make it come out directly. ”

Since then, the third eye and magical power have been activated. I instructed the clan members to stay still and walked as far as I could.

The body of the laying person who stopped moving seemed to be slightly larger. When I pull out the new sword which I put in the left waist dancing, the dazzling light with the cool sound wets the surroundings. As the moon is full now, there will be nothing to deal with those who have been bitten by sin.

Despite the close proximity, the user’s body was still fine. I was worried about what to do for a while but soon I could think of a good idea. I decided to give him a bunch of light reflected in the moonlight around the place where he fell.

“Let’s go!”

The effect was certain. The moonlight reflected by the new sword of January brightens the user’s body all over the place, and the signal is coming soon that it can not stand it. Soon after the fallen user’s body, something black protruded out, and I gave him a left foot in the direction of coming.

Soon after, both hands clashed with the sound of a sudden rushing of the land, confirming that he came in with his mouth wide open and aimed at his left foot. I slowly pulled my foot back. And when he came after me for my ankle, I immediately dropped the knife down.



There was no light taste, but rotten logs could get a feeling of punching. I look down on her head and see a long girl with a knife stuck in her neck.

One unusual thing is that the bones are visible, and the lower body did not exist at all. In other words, it was said that the speed with which the earth was struck by both arms.

As we lifted the sword as if we were plowing fish trapped in an aquarium, we could observe more closely how we clapped the pussy with the sword.


“Turn it off, it’s terrible … ”

The voices in the eyes of the clan members and the lamentations burst out at the same time.

‘He is a wailing girl. It’s the first time I’ve actually seen it. ‘

I only heard the name on the first car, never met in person. But it was just as terrible as the reputation of the first car. There was only a small eyeball where the pupil went, and the nose was crushed so that the shape could not be recognized. The dark, discolored gums were open to the naked eye, and the dark and red liquids and flesh scraps were shining around them. It was the moment when I tried to check the stem hanging down the waist down the head.

“Tongue, brother! Be careful!

Yes. it is.

When I raised my head to the warning of Ahn Hyun, I saw a girl with a weeping bump that ran down her sword and came down and hit her teeth.


In the meantime, even if the accumulated fraud or divorce is pretty, the condition of being laid open by a new sword in January seems to be actively moving. I was not embarrassed, but gave me a hand between the open mouths. Then the ghost was wretched and bitten my hand.


The sound of teeth and gloves bumping. I liked the breakout, but it was not enough to penetrate the endurance and TOPG in the first place.

I shook my hand and gave it a little strength.

Beep! Pug!

The texture of the teeth is broken, and the gloves come in. After completely blowing out the mouth, tear off your hands, and the pieces of teeth will fall off. I did not stop there. Soon, I wrapped my hand around the air in the air and gave it to me.

‘Is this all right?’

He smashed his teeth and scratched both hands, so even if he was alive, he had the same means of attack. I turned my sword handle back and forth with more peace of mind. I looked up to see if there was any other danger, and I lifted the hair of the girl weeping with my left hand.

And with a blank face, I pointed out to the clan members who saw me, and I opened my mouth with a proud touch.

“I got it.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Yes. I heard a strange rumor these days. My name is Roy Yumi, and the rumor that sex is a woman. after Readers. My real name is not Yumi, and sex is not a woman. It is a gross male. I believed that you would not be deceived by the aircraft carrier class, but I felt a lot of sadness when I saw the comments.

Do you really believe in lower body authentication? .

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