
Chapter 250

As they squeezed their hair with one hand, the children stepped back with a strange face.

“Did you tell me before? She is a wailing girl. I do not see the real thing for the first time. ”

“Oh, brother!”

“?””It’s … . Uh … ”

Yoo Jung – jeun saw a girl weeping and frowned and gave a sick sound. It was not just the reason. Most of the faces of the clan members had a look that they could not see. Among them, only high performance was maintaining the first coolness. She glanced toward the girl and soon began to walk away toward the body.

‘Is he that scary?’

I looked down on my head. Then he unfastened his left hand holding the hair and brought the sword closer to him. The crying girl had a grotesque look of courtesy. But I do not have such a strong dislike.

Looking backward, I looked at them still in fear. fear. Certainly, any human being will have anxiety about the potential fear in their minds. It was no exception to me. I also have feelings of fear, fear that is human.

However, if I have one thing in common with the kids, the limit line that makes me feel horrified is different. ‘When I fell to the lowest floor of Hell. Then he really killed me. ‘

A hell of a hell with only the most malicious guys in charge, who are responsible for the lowest level of the Palladium Hell. I had to feel all kinds of horror in every sensible way that man could feel there. Personally, it was a terrible place, as I recall that the best luck of my first car-hole-plane activities was back in hell.

To be honest. Compared with the lions of hell who always threatened death, the girl weeping was just a pet rabbit.

The girl, who weighs about half a mile, pulls out her new sword in January and falls down. Immediately after falling to the ground, the remaining upper body began to rot in an instant. Soon, when the lightly turned body completely turned gray, it was almost a piece of crumbs and scattered in the air. It was a shabby exorcism for the grand appearance (?) Appearance.

“Tongue, brother. Are you dead? ”

“I do not know.”


“He said. Do you know anything? ”

He was looking at the body in a squatting position. She stood up herself with her thigh at my questions and sighed deeply.

“There is nothing special about it. I think it’s obvious that she was hit by a crying girl because she was so badly bitten around … ”

“What do you care?”

“It’s a dog. In the first place, the body is very bad. ”


I was licking my molar teeth with my tongue.

“But what are you going to do?”

“What am I doing?”

“I do not even know the girl who wept … . Oh, no, I did not know you would do it that well. Once there was no risk, I do not think he was hit by himself. ”

“Hmm… ”

Certainly, the performance is correct. Unless you’re a crazy user, you can not go out on your own expedition tonight.

I was troubled for a while, and opened my mouth with a loud voice.

“Then I can catch the trail that the girl of the weeping has been here.”

“I can not tell you two.”

“Well, tonight is like sleeping … ”

The children who woke up, as well as the children who slept in the midst of sleeping, were also sleeping faces. It would not be bad to just sleep again, but there was nothing subtle about the situation. Then I thought that it would be better to chase the trail once, and then stop if the trail was long.

‘If you do not know, you can march at night.’

I thought of screaming when the kids listened to it, and I glanced slightly at the camp.

“Let’s organize the camp.”

* After organizing the camp, we went back to the way of the crying girl in front of the performance. Her tracking ability was surely admirable. Even though it was still midnight, I was able to proceed without stopping the march once.

Fortunately, tracking did not take as long as I was concerned. When I thought about giving up at this point, I was able to get a report of the performance saying that I found the campsite.

She took the smell in the air, looked around the ground carefully, and then lifted her finger and pointed to one direction.

“You see that? Where the pool is pushed shorter than elsewhere. I think there is somehow. ”

“Well. Let’s go. ”

Go along the direction of the performance, and then the rugged scene, which does not match the serene plains, has begun to appear gradually. As the distance decreased, the dead bodies and the shattered marine rocks were more visible.



Soon as I approached the campsite, the bloody bombardment struck my nose. A few people lost their say in the horrible sight before their eyes, and a few screamed weakly. In the meantime, he has been well tolerated, and this time he has overcome the road and finally he got down and vomited.

There were a total of three users in the camp. Two men, one female. In other words, it was said that a total of four caravans were in the plains if the previous men were added.

One of the two men was so torn that his throat was severely torn, and the other was so deep that the organs of the abdomen were running out. However, the two bodies were better than the female body. In the case of a woman wearing a white priest uniform, her head was not seen at all. And the breasts that were revealed between the torn priestly bosom were severely bruised. The pieces of debris, such as eyeballs and flesh, scattered around them, could be roughly guessed how they had suffered.

“It’s a little strange. If you look at the dress, it does not look so good. ”

“The plain of the wailing is a field whose recipe is known. I would not have known that I should not stimulate the girl who weeps. ”

“It is difficult to stimulate itself, right? I heard that it did not show up well in the first place. ”

“It will not be that there is very little damage. If you look at the old records in Barbara’s library, there are a few cases that have been damaged. That’s why I was told not to irritate the girl in the weeping. ”

Koh played his head at me. But I refuted, but I did not understand. I felt a sense of discomfort. If you look at the situation now, it was hard to see that they were deliberately provoking the girl in wail.

At that time, Kim Han-hee, who stared at the back of the back, opened his mouth with a cautious voice.

“Are not these users a victim?”

What is it? victim?”

“Yeah. I do not know the exact situation, but I think that it will fall right … ”

“Victim … ”

If so, it was said that somebody who agitated the girl of the weeping turned Agro into a part of them. It was a sound. So is it the user’s ability to do such a thing?

The thoughts of arrogant mind come to mind. The information was scarce and there were so many open directions. I decided to be satisfied at this point. I did not seem to be able to get additional information even if I stayed longer here. I had no need to waste my time any more.

I’m sorry to go back, but I looked around to see if I could get anything, but unfortunately it was dog hair. Most of the equipment was severely damaged and almost garbage when attempting to remove the wearing equipment.

I was saddened by the sadness and turned away.

* The dim daybreak shone out of the darkness slowly over the whole plains. It was a little limited in sight due to the fog that was caught in the day, but it was not enough to disturb the march.

After I left the camp with the bodies, I finally decided to march at night. As soon as this happened, I was going to get out of the plains of wailing as soon as possible.

The face of the clan members was full of fatigue, and the atmosphere was heavy. I was looking for a body that had been horribly murdered a few hours ago, and everyone was silent and quiet about following me.

“So I’ll take a break at this point.”

The nighttime march, which was just a walk, was very difficult and boring, and as soon as I was falling, Ansol sat down and sat down. It was too hard for me to be like before, but I was going to whine to follow it, but this time.

“Well, there. Klan Rod. Have some water. ”

“uh. Anyway? Are you okay? ”

“Yes Yes. It’s okay. I’m trying to get used to it. You do not have to worry. Hehe.

“큭. Yes. Thank you for the water. ”

One hundred people were clearly aware of his current situation. Even if it is a good secret class God shield, it seems to realize that his ability is the lowest now. So it might be, but it did not help fighting, so it seemed to be looking for a way to help others.

“It’s hard for me.”

Ahn, who was handed a bottle of water to a hundred people, made a sound of death and put a hip next to me. When I turned over the water, I suddenly came up with words that I shared with Ahn Hyun at the campfire.

“Ahn Hyun.”


“And then you said you had something to ask me. In front of the bonfire. ”

Ah… That was not a big deal. I was just wondering if there really was a relic in the hallucinatory canyon. ”

Ahn Hyun laughed soberly that he was not really a star. Looking around, the clan members sat silently everywhere. There were dark shadows on the faces of the children. I decided to give a story that I would like to renew the moody atmosphere and to have a break time.

“So I have a funny story about the hallucinatory canyon. Will you listen? ”

“Of course you should listen. It becomes blood and becomes flesh. What’s the story? ”

“Hall Plane Ancient Record.”

“Ancient records? Are you talking about myths or legends? ”

I turned my gaze, I could see the eyes that gathered toward me, and the ears that moved with me. I started talking slowly with a slight smile.

The first half was a story without anything else. Just like any fairy tale or novel, there was a crisis on the continent of the ancient Hall Plane and warriors assembled to resolve the crisis. Human Test, Human Priest, Human Wizard, Fairy Archer, Balaur Wizard, and many others.

They endured many hardships and hardships and eventually confronted the forces of evil, the last gate, and finally won the victory. And finally, the continent of Hall plane was restored peace.

At first, he listened to his earnest face. However, when Hall Plane regained peace, the queen, who was the captain of the warriors and the archer of the human scouts, heard that he had made an engagement.

Ew, What is it. It’s very common. ”

“Not so far. But what’s really funny is that the story is not ending here. Do you remember the human wizard I told you before? ”

“Well. In the final battle, most of the warriors were dead and one of the survivors? ”

“right. Hero, Queen of Fairies, Great Mage, and Saints. So four people survived. However, the record shows that the Great Wizard adored the Queen fairy a few times. ”

Hyun had not yet sip a drink of water. I ran again with my hand to open the water lid, and I stopped again at my end.

“Ee. Did not you tell me you were very old? Ah. Are elders too old? I think the difference in appearance is serious though … . Anyway, what’s the story after that? ”

“After the two of them are done. I invite hero and fairy queen as their home base in celebration. It was a canyon city in a canyon of hallucinations. ”

“Ohh. like that. And what? ”

“That’s it.”


“Excuse me?”

The answer did not come from only one person. Everyone was so excited about my story, and when I came to my conclusion, it seemed that Mac was missing.

“The hero and fairy queen are willing to accept the invitation of the wizard. And into the canyon of hallucination. That’s the end. There is no more story. Now you know why this is not myth or legend? I can not tell what happened after that, and the record stopped there. ”

“brother. Then the three of them are still missing? ”

“Heing. Nonsense. Well, then you can go find other folks who have disappeared into your home. Oh … ”

“that… ”

As I was about to answer Ansol’s anthem, I instantly stopped and turned my head forward. And at the moment when the subtlety felt at the end of the detection was caught, I frowned for the first time after the expedition.

Kenichi Momoyama Your footsteps? ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

As a matter of fact, I unzipped Jacques later today and asked, “Can you believe me if I take off my pants?” I wanted to say. Some people have guessed, or “ah.” That is what you will feel. But you know he did. Then the readers really did say, “Yeah. Take it off. Then I’ll believe it. ” What would you say? It is. … … .

Yes. So I decided to quit. I will be quiet until the situation is quiet. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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