
Chapter 335

Like Ann Hyeon, the preparations for the party and the unity meeting were already over and everyone was waiting for me. Everyone’s neck is long and pulled out, and the tide of the tide seems to be glad.

Soon, as soon as we walked to the place where the clan members gathered, Jung Hae – yeon gently handed out a glass of wine. The cup was a rounded semicircular form, filled with a mysterious watery clear liquid. I was able to recognize its identity.

The watery liquid was called ‘tears of mermaid’, and it was a premium beverage with a sweetness and a soft refreshing sensation that melted all over the tongue. The tinnitus also means ‘prosperity, glory, and endless development.’

All preparations are over. I could not ignore the gaze of the clan members staring in a hot eye from now on, so I opened my mouth slowly.

“I originally intended to talk a little bit before the start, but I can not bear to look any further. So I’ll finish it short. ”

I just threw a word with jest, but I see clan members who are relieved everywhere. Their faces were clearly showing a sense of luck. I was feeling hungry and speaking.

“Even though it’s been less than a year since it was founded, it’s been a long time since I’ve been there. And it is also true that I have neglected the inside of the clan because of my busy activities recently. Today, this is a special festival for you, due to the suggestion of Jeon, Yoon Yeon. It is the only thing that you are instructing now. At this moment, put down all the complicated things. I just hope everyone will eat, drink, and enjoy this party. That is all.

After I finished the encouragement, I lifted the wine glass I held up. And with a stronger voice than before, I vigorously shouted the beginning of the festival.

“For Mercenary.”


The clan members came to say this, and they were waiting for the unhappy. And the moment I brought the cup to my mouth, the clan members started drinking the tears of the mermaid at the same time.

Yes. it is.

At that time, as I poured the cup all the time, I felt a bit of a kick in my mouth. Originally, ‘Mermaid’s Tears’ was a soft, soft drink, but it felt sweet and refreshing. But as soon as I saw the feeling slightly uplifting, I could see that I had added something more. It was a part where we could get a glimpse of Jeong Hae-yeon’s meticulous consideration to enjoy the unity society appropriately.

“Great! Delicious

“After … ! What are you doing … ? ”

The face of the clan members who drank the tears of the mermaid was more reminiscent than before. Some of them seemed to be spreading the effect from already being able to flush slightly on the ball. When I was laughing with a smile like that, I heard someone shouting lightly.

It’s a shame.

“character. So you do not have to eat any more food now? As far as I know, some people are starving for the day. Squeaky. ”

“sister! That’s me! meat! meat!”

The voice of playing. All of her horses became appetiteful faces, and within seconds they heard voices swallowing saliva. In the center of the garden there were tables spread out in the dining room. And there is an enormous amount of food and liquor on it. I felt like she was on the right side of the street.

Soon after we moved to the table, we took one plate stacked on one side and were scattered all over the table with food to suit each of them.

“Play sister! I want to eat this meat. ”

Really? So wait a minute. I’ll cook it delicious. Ah. How would you like it? ”

“Please cook on the outside. Afterwards. ”

“I know how to eat anyway.”

I saw Ahn Hyun pointing at the big, thick meat with a spit, and I started to move slowly to get food. The performance was definitely a woman with a good taste in food. We looked around the table and saw that there were all kinds of fish, from meat to fresh vegetables. I told him not to spare the gold coins for this unity meeting, but it seemed that I did not really care.

Anyway, I thought I would definitely enjoy enjoying it, so I sat down on an empty table after I had eaten an adequate amount of food. The clan members also began to sit at the table one by one with a smiley face as they greedily filled the food.

Finally, Ahn Hyun, who played a satisfying face with the grilled meat he wanted to eat, and Koh played late at the table. And I informed the departure of the meal time to enjoy the spoon.

“And the food of Mr. Gojong is really delicious. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Ho Ho. You can expect it. Shin Sang Yong. ”

“I will enjoy this food!”

“There’s a lot left, do not worry, eat a lot.”

The clan members also started to eat food while blooming flowers.

When I followed the vegetables for a simple mouthpiece, suddenly my hands clutched in front of my mouth. I looked at something and saw the wrapping under the hand that was slightly twisted. I had a little meat and a lot of vegetables in it, and it was really tasty to make colorful colors.

When I opened my glance, I could see the guitarist twisting his head and glancing at the guitarist. She immediately opened her mouth.

Soo-hyun He has been really suffering for a while. You said you neglected yourself, but I know you were busier than anyone else for Mercenary. This is my little castle to comfort my hard work. ”

Ah… Thank you. But I’ll just eat it. ”

Child Are you going to keep me from shaking my head? ”

As I stretched out my hand, I tried to shake my head with a smile on my face. Then she was speaking with her distinctive, languid voice.

“character. Oh~.”

I could feel the gaze all around. At first, I had a severe dislike. However, Gohaku played the smoke of her own, and she thought that she was a bit burdened to reject it. Anyway, I thought this was not going to be a big deal, so I ate openly my mouth.

“Ho Ho. Be glad. Soo-hyun Do you have a taste? ”

“Yes. It’s delicious. ”

Let’s just say the straightforward feeling that spreads from the mouth, and the face of the performance plays a bright laughing flower.

“So one more cheaper … ? ”

It was then. At the same time, as soon as the performance of the performance was about to continue, the same sachet came out. When I turn my head, I can see that Jung Hae-yeon is lifting his eyes very lightly and holding a soft smile.

“I am also for the Clan Road. Please do not refuse. ”

“Hahaha. User definite. ”


“…I eat this. ”

Jung ‘s eyes were shaking. If I refused something, it seemed like I was going to get a big wound, so I thought I could not help it. After swallowing what she had chewed, she took her pussy, and Jeong Hae-yun intervened with her performance and gaze. The two of them were gazing at the air with their mouths taut.

I scrolled around because I wondered if the clan members would think strange.

“This is it. Clan Road. The popularity really strikes the sky? I envy you Haha

“Holholt. Hot, hot. cancer. Young is good. ”

But my worries were tilted and it seemed like everyone thought it was not a big deal. As I was sweeping my breast so gently, I could feel my hand rattling around here and there. Soo-ji and Kim Han-seok began to chew the sachet.

For a moment, I was about to fall into deep distress. But luckily, I noticed that the hand of the female clan members turned to the men who had just envied me, not me.

“I am true. I envy every single thing. I was not originally a woman like this, but I wrote it once. Now, my brother is commercial. Ah…

“Yu, Yu Jung? This, if you … ”

Grandparent Please try this one. I’m cheap. ”

Yes. it is. What’s up? ”

Shin Sang Yong and the inspirer giggled in the middle of the night, but the situation was over, and I felt a sense of embarrassment and hesitancy. When I saw it, I suddenly felt complacent. Anyway, the two of them ate the cigarettes carefully. Each face was rashly reddish, but it is a good shape to lick your lips.

I wondered if it would be awkward, but thanks to Lee and Kim Han-gul, the atmosphere got even better. In the first place, the purpose of the unity meeting was to make friendship among the clan members and to deepen the relationship.

“Ohh. Is this a weird mood? So I can not stay still. ”

It was then. Ahn Hyun smiled at each other as if he was willing to take this situation. Before long, he held a piece of herbal medicine with his palms, and made an atrocity to put a whole bunch of meat on it. And then, as if by chance, she squeezed herbal medicine and squeezed the palm of her hand.

how was it? Is it delicious? People to eat, hands! I am not a man like this originally, but I’ll feed it myself as a special service! ”

The meat is dripping with tight hands. Ahn shouted with a confident voice, but of course he did not have one. Rather, everyone was dodging the gaze with the impression that they were hurt. The guy also felt that it was scratching his head for a while, and eventually he began to reach out directly.

“Play sister! I… ”

“Get out.”

“Hahaha. You’re bouncing again. That’s charming. Anyway. That, then, is your sister? ”

“Get rid of it.”

“Well, then … . Vivien!”

What is it? Ya! I’m enjoying it all the time! Remove it! It’s getting worse! ”

Vivien was unaware of this situation and was in full swing. However, she seemed to be angry at Ahn Hyun, who hurt her self-esteem.

Ahn Hyun hesitated and stepped down. Then I looked up at someone who was looking for the last bolt or something, and turned his head to his face. Then he heard an angry voice from the side, without knowing why.

Hehe. Everybody refuses. ”

“…….””Well, then I should eat! I did not actually think of it from the beginning. Hahaha

“…….””It’ll be delicious. It’s really good. Check this out. Eat. Your right! ”

I do not know if I know that it gets worse. As soon as Ahn Hyun swallowed a mouthful in one mouth, he began chewing the ball with a big blow. However, “Well ~.”I took a gentle occasionally delicious gesture, but the listeners had already noticed that his throat was already there.

Anyway it was Ahn Hyun’s personal affairs and I was about to turn my head to eat again. Suddenly I looked into Ansol looking at me with a poor expression. She was amazed as soon as she met her gaze, and her fingers squealed. In the hands of such ansol, there was a tang of wrapping.

Ansol hesitated for a while, and he bowed his head. Then I took a sachet into his mouth and watched him silently, and I sighed.

“Black Darkness … ”

Suddenly, the sound of a gentle chorus, somewhere in the middle of nowhere, flowed into my ear.

* After the meal, we started to set up the equipment immediately. But for now, I did not make much sense. It was just a matter of checking what equipment was there. There were so many, but it was because there was a possibility that conflict would arise if we start distributing to atmosphere now. Now, in order to maintain this ripened mood, I was put on hold to think of the equipment I wanted to own.

I also enjoyed the meal and finished the equipment settlement. It was a long time since the beginning of the unity meeting. The evening turned into a deep night, but the festival did not show any sign of ending yet. Rather, I was enjoying the mainstream gathered together by three people who seemed to have exceeded the mid-level.

I stared at the clowns who had a story flower, and found Ahn Hyun.

Sanai watering Do not blame me for being weak ~. ”

He had already been drunk and was singing while holding a bottle in his hand. And beside him, Shin Jae-ryong, who keeps his tongue in line, has been sweating.

“Jae Ryong’s brother. We are comrades. Midwinter

Haha That’s right. ”

“Crossing the inner circle! One more! ”

“Cros, cross. But you. I think I’m too drunk. ”

‘Now that’s … . ‘

Actually, I kept watching Ahn Hyun from before. I had to take the time to figure out when to bring the story.

I was troubled for a while, then moved to where the mainstream was gathering. Maybe Ahn Hyun should have enjoyed it this way, and now that the nerves of the clan members are dispersed, they thought it was the smallest.

As he pushed his hand deep into a pile of liquor piled up like a mountain, he could find two bottles of wine with a green light around him. This was something I especially asked for Jung Hae-yeon, a liquid close to a potion that had the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind.

I bent my body as far as possible, grabbed a bottle in both hands, and turned back and looked back at Ahn Hyun. Then, I could see an unexpected situation.

“What should I do? I have fed you, is not you a comrade now? Shin Jae-ryong. Leave this fool alone and play with us. We should get close to this opportunity. ”

“Oh, no! behave shamefully!”

Until just before, it was Ahn Hyun and Shin Jae Ryong who were brother ‘s older brother, and Ahn hesitated about what happened. Then, Shin Jae-ryong was caught in the hand of Yoo Jung-jeong and was being dragged away. As the balls of Shin Shin-yong are bulging and her mouth is slightly protruding, she could probably guess that she had fed the ssam and broke the comradeship relationship.

I thought it was very sad, but it was a good timing personally. I showed a slight appreciation to Yu-jung, and I moved on to Ahn Hyun, who was frustrated. He fell asleep as if I might come, and sighed greatly.

Until now, the face of Ahn Hyun was unexpectedly very pleasant. Do you think I look happy?

I could not figure out what the hell I was thinking, but I did not stop walking. And soon I could reach him. Hyun was still singing songs.

Sanai watering It’s weak. ”

“Ahn Hyun.”

“What?” Huh… Tongue, brother? whew! What kind of thing is popular here? ”

Knowing that it was my voice, Ahn Hyun looked up at me with a flash of his head.

I lifted the bottle I was holding and opened my mouth slowly.

“Let’s have a drink with my brother. Two. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== It was a lot of days to think about today. Originally Friday is the day I go to school the earliest on weekdays and return home the latest. But I am so disappointed with the school today that I am very confused.

What in the world…… It was the first time I went to school that I thought it was a waste of time. Not different. After the lecture, all the kids were grumbling. Did the professors I met in the first semester were so passionate? The quality of the lecture is not simply a matter, but the attitude is real … .

40 minutes without saying anything The crust is on the base. Data Writing Service Accounts. I read the book once and spent 20 minutes thinking about it. I read the book once again and it has been 20 minutes. I read the book once again and rest for 20 minutes. There are so many jargon, first major courses, you know that? All the while walking over. I was not even sure how to study. The only thing I liked is that you lectured for 40 minutes and lectured for 40 minutes.

As soon as I came home at home with an unpleasant heart, I grumbled to my brother, and my brother’s words hurt me down.

“I know what you mean. I have such a thing. But in the end, that’s what you have to do with the professor. ”
“After the test, look at it. What are your kids’ scores? There are also children who follow along like this. Do not complain, you try. ”

^ _ ㅠ I have to prepare for the exam.

P.S. I do not know what the sanctuary will be. I talked to my dad today and talked to him at home, but he has not come yet.
PS2. Where is she now?

“Lilipple” 1. Usain Bolt: Congratulations on Haha 1st. Hmm. Please be curious. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ And he is a real poor person. Next to Seraph.

2. Renea: Thank you for the coupon! _ (__) _ 3. Reina: Trauma If you remove the priest of the brilliance. I do not think so. Hahaha

4. Opium-Turf 19: By Eugene By Eugene By Eugene By Eugene By Eugene By Eugene By Eugene By Eugene By Eugene By Eugene.

5. Cheonan Boeun: Cheonan Boeun! Do not It is misunderstood. Please misunderstand. 🙂 6. Mr. Woong Ryong a: Mr. Woong Ryong a teacher! The problem seems to be wrong! There is no answer!

7. CemeteryGates: Thank you for the coupon. The mental problem is when I first set the anosol, I have noticed that. However, I am worried about the lack of expertise. Haha Even if it is a little short, please look beautiful.

8. namdab: hahaha. Thank you. I did not forget. But the ripple is just random. Whining. ㅜ. ㅠ 9. The Angels: If I give you one keyword, what is the zero code in the future, so are the angels and demons conflicting? : D 10. hohokoya1: I do not know if tomorrow’s series will be possible, but if it does, I will try my best to write! Thank you for always commenting!

Thank you for always reading. I want you to always read with ease.

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